Wild Artistic Photography Tours And Workshops | Photographer
Wild Artistic Photography Tours And Workshops
Phone: +61 3 6399 3446
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25.01.2022 It's always a good idea to try a new approach.....try new ideas.....get creative....and above all get that photographic brain going. Sometimes it works.....sometimes it doesn't. Take this shot for example, back in the garden, and this time I wanted to try something a little different capturing this tulip. I decided to add some smoke (incense sticks) and once again use my flash to remove the background. Let me know.....Stroke of genius or Brain fart? or ?
25.01.2022 It's amazing what you find when going back through old photos. I'd actually forgotten I had taken these. There they were unprocessed RAW images sitting in a folder....Lost in a sea of folders containing all my images. I really do need to be better organised Anyway these were taken back in 2018 during the lunar eclipse. This is a composite of 7 images taken at different intervals and processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. They were taken with a 400mm lens with a 1.4 ext...ender for a 560mm focal length at f/8 at ISO 800 and shutter speed 0.7sec. Any exposure longer than 1sec would have blurred the moon. The next total lunar eclipse will be 26 May 2021 and the best place to view it will be right here in OZ (and Kiwi Land) The partial eclipse will start at around 19:40 and total lunar eclipse will be at roughly 21:12 eastern australia time. See more
25.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago, I posted a challenge to the 52 Week Challenge Group, to do their homework...referring to the need to sometimes actively create the shot you are seeking. I didn't quite get what I wanted from these - but it was a great day out at Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary, with really helpful staff. It was almost 3 hours of waiting until just 2 of these chaps finally came down to a level where I could get some shots, but by then the light was almost gone - I had to bump the ISO right up. I guess that's the beauty of photography - even if you don't always get the shot you are seeking, you usually have a pretty good day trying!
25.01.2022 Good read to start the year from Fstoppers :)
24.01.2022 Oh-hum....another post on Oxley Falls.... True, but also different. My first post was all about isolating a specific part of the waterfall, in this case, it was sunbeams filtering through the trees onto the waterfall. The message of that post...Fill the frame with what's important, exclude the rest. The second post was all about the compositional technique of a frame within a frame, drawing the viewer into the scene. This post is about 'Point of View' or angle of view (... and I suppose leading lines too ). All too often we see something we want to photograph, quickly set up our cameras on our tripods, dial in our exposure values and click...that's it. Next time, try something a little different... Take the time to breathe. Relax. Before you even take your camera out of the bag take the time to walk around a bit. In other words, change your point of view. Make a mental note of what would make for an interesting shot. Think about composition, focal length, shutter speed etc for each shot. Take your time, it's not a race. Then once done, now go get your tripod and camera and get to work......And remember if you didn't capture all the shots you envisaged, you can always go back another day. See more
24.01.2022 Often the 'macro' world is a lot more interesting than wide expansive shots. It was high tide when we visited the painted cliffs on Maria Island so it was impo...ssible to get the shots that I initially wanted.....Instead, with a little mountaineering, I was able to climb down some of the cliffs to get a couple of close up shots.... Maria Island, Tasmania Tasmania Discover Tasmania Australia.com See more
22.01.2022 Back in July, I wanted to capture some decent shots of Green Rosellas. We went out to Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary where these little fellas are guaranteed...Sure enough, after a while two, of these colourful little birds came for a feed. I managed to snap a few shots but wasn't entirely happy with the background elements. This prompted us to strategically erect our own backyard feeder where I could better control the environment and composition. Although there's always room for improvement, I think I'm getting there......
21.01.2022 Back in January, I posted a photo I took at Honeymoon Bay. I have to admit I really wasn't happy with it. It felt 'clumsy'. The entire editing process felt unbalanced, colours didn't feel right. It lacked mood.....It was in my opinion simply just crap. I remember I wasn't happy about posting it on FB at the time. Anyway, it's been bugging me ever since, festering in the back of my mind. So I decided to redo the whole panorama, starting from scratch, but still using t...he same six original photos (believe it or not). I can safely say that order has been restored in the universe....I am a lot happier with this version. I have reposted the January version for comparison along with the updated version. Sadly the Jan version is no longer with us....ousted from my hard drive....and banished to the recycle bin...... Let me know what you think..........The second photo is the new version. See more
19.01.2022 Wanted to capture some images of Cradle Mountain on Friday. Unfortunately, no shuttle buses and complete road and track closure made it impossible to make it any further than the interpretation center. Same applied for Saturday.....more snow! Had a workshop on Sunday so had to come back to Launceston and could only make it back up on Tuesday. Much to my disappointment, only patches of snow remained. Who would of thought considering this was the scene on Friday at the Visitor's centre.....
16.01.2022 Another before and after shot. This time my subject was the common Garlic, which for some unknown reason has mysteriously popped up in one of the paddocks.....It's a lot easier to make a grand vista spectacular with some minor Lightroom and Photoshop adjustments, but trying to reinvent and elevate the beauty of the common garlic plant is a little tougher. Let me know your thoughts and views.
14.01.2022 February specials :) I've reduced the maximum number of people in a group to 3 - I've found that this gives me the chance to really 'dive deep' into questions and issues and give very personalised instruction. AND I've dropped the price of workshops this month to $197. Prefer personal coaching? If you're in the Launceston area, price dropped to $57 per hour, with a minimum 2 hour session. Both specials available on the website, if booking 1:1 shoot me an email first to make sure we can find a mutually agreeable day and time :) [email protected] OR send me a PM on Facebook.
14.01.2022 Creativity is fickle and neither right nor wrong. I often look at old photographs and wonder why I chose to process and edit them in a particular way. Furthermore, if I were to reprocess them, would I make the same decisions? The answer is always a resounding no. Why is that? Well, it brings me back to my original point, creativity is fickle. It's forever changing depending on how we feel. What mood we are in. What emotional or development stage we are at a particular ...point in our lives. Or perhaps it may even be as trivial as to the song we were listening to at the time....For this reason, I think it's sometimes a good idea to revisit old photographs and see where creativity takes us. In this case, a shot I took back in 2017 at Just Cats.... The sepia looking image is the 2017 processed version, the other, yesterday's version. I know which one I prefer, but I'd like to know what you think.... See more
13.01.2022 This is pretty special :) Any great wombat photos out there?
11.01.2022 Decided to take a bit of a gamble and go up to Cradle Mountain yesterday. Not too cold, a little windy at times, drizzled the entire day so very very wet and gray. The low clouds made it impossible to get any decent views of the surrounding mountains. Great for hiking but not exactly ideal for photography. I have never done the Cradle Boardwalk, so after waiting patiently for the clouds to break (with no luck) I decided to tackle the 8.5 km hike back to the visitor centre.... I took two photographs at Dove Lake....that was it. One exposed for the sky...the other exposed for the land. Blended the two shots together, cropped it a bit, and managed to get a half-interesting shot. The power of shooting in Raw. Incidently, the clouds did finally lift at around 5pm, four hours later than predicted. Maybe one day the weatherman will get it right A good walk though, plenty of wombats around. See more
10.01.2022 In my previous post, I isolated a specific part of the waterfall. For this shot my aim was to use the vegetation to frame the entire waterfall (a frame within a frame so to speak). My reason for doing this was to essentially frame the waterfall in its surroundings and hopefully create a sense of depth and hopefully draw the viewer into the scene. Oxley Falls has to rate as one of Tassies top ten most picturesque waterfalls and definitely one of my favourites. I'd love to hear what your favourite waterfall is.....and even better, pop a photo in comments
06.01.2022 Just a reminder - I've got a workshop scheduled in Hobart next Saturday, today's Launceston one was fully booked (even had to turn someone away ) but so far I don't have anyone next week - so if you're keen to join me here's your chance! Latitude Pay available ...https://wildartistic.com/camera-confidence-photography-wor/
06.01.2022 How to adjust colours in Photoshop - tutorial starts at the 5 minute mark :)
04.01.2022 Back in 2000, Carolyn and I did a private 'adventure' tour in Mystery Creek Caves, with a chap by the name of Andy ... busy Googling, as I'm keen to go back one day, but can't find anyone offering this anymore...anyone know anyone?
03.01.2022 As most of you know I was at Cradle Mountain last week hoping to capture a sunset shot with what little snow remained on the mountains.....Sat at Ronnie Creek waiting patiently for a break in the weather....didn't happen (see photo). I did meet a gentleman from Launceston though who tried to educate me about Wagner's The Ring Cycle (a 16 hour opera apparently....) Eventually, I threw in the towel...I was determined to at least salvage something from my two days away from home. Decided to stop at Low head for sunset on the way home. This is the result. Five frames exposed for the sky panorama and five frames exposed for the foreground panorama and one final shot for the Lighthouse light. Initial processing done in Lightroom. Panorama stitching done using Ptgui and final blending and processing done in Photoshop.
02.01.2022 Last week Wednesday at around 14:00 a flock of Yellow-tailed Black Cockies decided to visit our pine trees close to the house. Conditions were perfect...Sunny with lovely clear blue skies without a cloud in sight. Perfect opportunity to try a grab a shot or two of these awesome birds in flight.....And, as it turned out, unbeknown to me at the time (until I snapped this shot) a Waxing Gibbous moon, perfectly visible in the middle of the afternoon. I'd like to take credit an...d say I researched and planned for the shot meticulously, but that would just be poppycocks. I got plenty of shots of the cockies but this was the only shot I managed to nab with both bird and moon in the frame, and not through lack of trying I might add. I tried on numerous occasions to position myself strategically, trying to anticipate the birds' movements in relation to the position of the moon. Most of the post-processing I did in Photoshop. See more
01.01.2022 On Tuesday I decided to hike to Lees Paddock in the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Claire National Park. The idea was to get to the Devil's Cauldron. However, I didn't quite manage to get there. Although there was quite a bit of snow around the weather was pleasant enough.....At times, patches of intermittent sunlight filtered through the forest creating an almost magical atmosphere. I did spend a bit of time at both Lewis and Oxley Falls trying to capture some of those sunbeams... on parts of the waterfalls. Eventually, I pushed on but shortly before arriving at the Lees Paddock gate the weather became a bit more ominous. Thick heavy clouds were moving in and light snow began to fall. I figured the best option was to turn back. I had a 2.5 hour hike back to the car. Turns out it was the right decision. Wow, didn't Tassie experience some phenomenal weather on Tuesday evening? Road closures everywhere.....Trees all over the roads.....sever snow. Apparently Launceston hasn't experienced this much snow since the 1970's. The good thing though....Carolyn couldn't get to work on Wednesday....so got to spend the day at home in front of the fire. See more
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