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24.01.2022 Our Wildlife are grateful for the current COVID situation! It means that there are less cars on the road & less injured wildlife! But never the less, we still get calls such as this one. Our hotline got a call from the Queanbeyan Golf Course this week about a poor kangaroo that couldnt get up. When our rescuer arrived on the scene, she noticed a young at-heal joey by her mums side. The joey was captured with help from someone playing a round of golf (thank you!) and safely ...tucked away into a pouch. Poor joey was making a lot of noise and her Aunties and very large Uncles were a little too keen to help her escape! Lucky for our rescuer that they were abiding by safe distancing rules & they kept their distance. Sadly, poor mum had to be euthanized because the two major bones in one of her legs was in multiple pieces It would be very difficult for her to recover from those injuries, so the kindest thing we could do for her was to lay her to rest. Her little female Eastern Grey joey is a 5.5 kg bundle of joy and you can see that she enjoyed a big drink after her stressful rescue. It wont be the same as her biological mum taking care of her, but it will definitely be the next best thing. Huge thanks to Brendan and Leigh from Queanbeyan Golf Course for taking the time to get these two the help they needed. Remember, if you come across any injured or displaced wildlife in the NSW areas surrounding Canberra, please phone us on 6299 1966. See more
24.01.2022 Today is World Migratory Bird Day a UN-led campaign to raise awareness around migratory birds, and highlight the need for their conservation. Pictured is the... critically endangered Eastern Curlew a remarkable bird that breeds in Russia and China, and then makes an epic journey to Australia. The Eastern Curlew is one of 20 birds targeted for recovery under the Australian Governments Threatened Species Strategy. Each year the impressive journeys of our migratory birds connects us with ecosystems, people and cultures around the world. The future of these globetrotting birds depends on coordinated international efforts to protect them. This years theme is Birds Connect Our World, and its fitting that hundreds of virtual talks and events on migratory birds are taking place to mark the day. If youre interested, head over to: https://www.worldmigratorybirdday.org/about : Dan Weller
23.01.2022 I was recently informed of an local colony of an estimated 10-15,000 Grey-headed Flying Foxes out at Cowwarr Weir in regional Victoria, so decided spend some ti...me with and photograph them to gain a better understanding of these misunderstood creatures. The Grey-Headed Flying Fox also known as Fruit Bats, Mega Bats, Sky Puppies or Najan or Ngaian (in traditional local Gunaikurnai language) are Australias largest native bat species endemic to the south-eastern forested areas of Australia, principally east of the Great Dividing Range. They are the only mammal that can achive true flight and the only long distance pollinator of the South East forests. Bats are extremely misunderstood creatures that have received a bad reputation due misinformation that has led to their persecution. When in fact they are a keystone species in the health and biodiversity of our natural ecosystem and provide a crucial services by pollinating and dispersing seeds throughout the native Australian Bush. Each one can pollinate around 60,000 plants every single night. With this vital role, we need every one of these incredible creatures to help regenerate the habitat burned by our devastating bushfires. It is a complete fear based myth that you can catch COVID-19 from these amazing creatures and there is no evidence to support the virus even came from bats in China. The zoonotic viruses that can be carried by bats are Hendra virus, Australian Bat Lyssavirus(ABLV) or Menangle virus, but the chances of being infected by them is extremely slim and the chances of dying from them even less. In fact the only know method Hendra virus is being passed on to humans is through horses when exposured to high levels of body fluids of an infected horse, such as doing an autopsy with out the proper protective equipment. Since 1994 there has only been 7 confirmed cases of humans being infected with only 4 of them proving fatal. ABLV can only be transmitted through a bite or a scratch if the bat is captured and handled, as they are not aggressive creatures and like all animals prefer to be left alone. There has only been 3 fatal reported cases of humans catching ABLV sinces it was first identified in 1996 and no one or their pets in Victoria has contracted or died from it. While similar to rabies (that does not exist in Australia) you have a much higher chance of catching rabies or being harmed or killed by a dog than a bat. The Menangle virus that was limited to a single outbreak in NSW in 1997 that came from black headed flying foxes can only effect the fertility of pigs and is no way fatal to humans. While these deaths are tragic it does confirm the extremely rarity in which humans can die from bat related viruses within Australia and the misconception that these beautiful creatures are in anyway harmful. Flying Fox populations have declined at least 95% in last century and every year we are losing tens of thousands more. The most recent CSIRO national count suggest that approximately 30% of the entire east coast population of Grey headed flying foxes may have died in the past 12 months from drought, starvation, habitat loss through land clearning and deforestation, extreme heat events, bushfires, legal and illegal shooting, and man-made hazards like power lines, barbed wire and backyard fruit tree netting. So much habitat has been burnt and cleared, their future is uncertain. If you look into the eyes of these incredible creatures and sit with them for a while you may gain insight into how beautiful they really are. In the past Flying Foxes didnt need us to survive, now they are in need of protecting so they can continue their imperative work keeping our ecosystems healthy as we need them to ensure we dont lose what little bushland is left for the planet, other wildlife and our very survival.
23.01.2022 Its National Volunteer Week, and Wildcare are extremely lucky to have an amazing team of inspirational & dedicated humans that devote so very much of their time to helping our native Australian wildlife in need. We are 100% volunteers, so without our people, we couldnt do what we do. Thank you to each and every one of you. You are very important to our organization & we are eternally grateful for all that you do
23.01.2022 Today, on World Kangaroo Day, we’d like to remember these amazing creatures! A special tribute goes out to Twiggy, whose life sadly ended this week. Twiggy came into care in October 2002 as a small 2kg joey, after her mum had been shot. Her carer had moved from Sydney to Young and knew nothing about hand raising a joey. Sandra was given the details for a Wildcare member in the area, who kindly hooked her up with supplies & suggested she join Wildcare, so she was covered u...nder licensing. Twiggy was Sandra’s first joey, who successfully went onto release onto her property. Many more followed, but Twiggy was one of few who stayed on the property (even though she was free to go). She never travelled too far from the two front paddocks (an area of approx 40 hectares) & was always back every morning and evening to say hello, and show off her joeys, of which there were approximately 12 over the last 18 years. It’s that time of the year again with the Bucks on the hunt for a female to mate with. Twiggy had a small joey at foot, having just left the pouch about a week ago. Twiggy was chased by the bucks & was horrifically injured in the process. She didn’t return home but her small Joey was hanging with the rest of the mob. Sandra immediately became concerned, so went searching, mainly around the fence line expecting to see her caught up somewhere. But nothing. After hours of searching, Sandra eventually found her with her leg completely broken, hanging on by just a piece of skin. Heart broken, a local euthanaser was called to end poor Twiggys suffering. Thankyou Dennis for attending so quickly. The good news is that Sandra was able to catch Twiggys joey, and he’s now safely in her care also. Please keep loving and respecting these truly wonderful animals, who have hearts of gold, and wish all of them safe and happy lives, just like Twiggys. See more
22.01.2022 Fundraising is at Royalla Country Fair until 4pm today. Here are some pictures of the products we sell. Please come by and say hello.
22.01.2022 GOODWILL WINES OFFER FOR WILDCARE SUPPORTERS Thinking about giving yourself a treat during lockdown? Goodwill Wine has an amazing offer for you. Theyre popping in a roll of Who Gives A Crap toilet paper and a 50ml bottle of hand sanitiser in every order of their Lockdown Mix. Plus with every purchase, Goodwill Wine is also donating a second bottle of hand sanitiser to our frontline heroes. Order at https://goodwillwine.com.au/charities/wildcare... Please always drink responsibly.
22.01.2022 It's not only snakes, birds and bats that get caught in netting! This Cunningham got tangled in some fine green netting which cut into his scales and wrapped around his arms restricting his movement. This entanglement had obviously happened a while ago as the wounds had already healed over. The netting had to be surgically removed by a vet. Huge thank you to Bungendore Veterinary Surgery for fitting him into their tight surgery day. You guys are fantastic to work with and we... are grateful for all that you do to help our precious wildlife. This fellow is now super fiesty and much happier! A perfect opportunity to remind everyone that using an appropriate size netting is essential to the safety of our native wildlife. If it’s greater than 5mm holes, then it’s not safe!!! We would love for everyone to check their nets for size and replace them with the good stuff to reduce the number of animals who suffer horrific fates due to entanglement. Our native species will be very grateful
21.01.2022 Some great info here for snake bites. With the weather warming up, theyll be out an about, so please take care. Remember: If you happen to come across an injured snake, please call Wildcare so we can send a trained handler to rescue & assist.
21.01.2022 A massive thank you to Wildlife Emergency Response for their delivery of liners, hanging pouches, medical supplies and knitted nests. These much needed items were delivered by Moria, to two of our carers, Fleur and Ian. Wildlife Emergency Response is based in Sutherland Shire and are committed to helping us rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned animals by providing much needed items for their care.
21.01.2022 A perfect rescue which turned into a reunite this week! Julie & her husband Geoff are in their 80/90s and called Wildcare about an adult female Brushtail Possum who was found during day time hanging out between the shadecloth and laserlite of their pergola. Mumma Possum was very stressed and had been separated from her 200g joey, who was found under the BBQ - a little cold, hungry and stressed. What may have been a tricky rescue or relocation, turned into a beautiful reunite ...of mum and bub. Our rescuer just climbed the ladder and showed mum her baby and she came straight over to get him! Baby Poss climbed straight into his mums pouch, turned around & then popped his tiny face out - as if to say thank you. Julie was just as happy as Mum & bub Possum were, & even more chuffed when she was asked her to cuddle bub while the rescuer got the ladder ready to climb up to return bub. Its very rare that we can get babies back with their real Mums at all, let alone this easily. A huge thank you to Julie & Geoff for being so vigilant & taking the time to call for help. Were certain your resident possum family are very happy to be together again See more
20.01.2022 Do you remember Ted? He recently stole our hearts after being taken in for rehabilitation by one of the officers at Monaro Police District. While his story has gone global, fame hasnt gone to his little furry head.
20.01.2022 A huge thank you to the staff from Reflections Holiday Park at Burrinjuck Dam. They rescued these two Sugar Gliders from a wheelie bin at the park after the nasty weather late last week. After a few days of R&R, & a thorough check for any injuries, they were cleared & released back to the park today so they could be reunited with their families. Staff were extremely helpful & we were ever so grateful for their help to get a box in the tree for the little cuties to take she...lter in. We love it when the public love & care for our wildlife as much as we do Thank you beautiful people! Truly a perfect spot for our wildlife to live See more
18.01.2022 Its the recovery team again.... Needing Native browse, fruit & veg Wildcare is in need of your support again this week, for wildlife affected by bush fire. Even though we have had wonderful rain, some places in the fire affected areas are still barren & we still need to help supplement feed wildlife. Feed drops will still be going ahead this Sunday. If you want to help our wildlife we are in need of native clippings, apples & sweet potato. This is then sent out in our ...food deliveries to the fire affected areas to feed wildlife. We need..... Apples & sweet potato Pick/cut Natives (no longer than 30-40c branch, consider the tree) string together for easy moving, also not sprayed with chemicals. She oak Wattle no seed but they love blossoms Acacia Apple leaves, flowers, branches Grevillea flowers & new shoots Correa - flowers & new shoots Callistemon - flowers & new shoots Kunzea covered in sap Eucalypt flowers, new shoots & older foliage Bankias flower & foliage Bottle brush flower, seed & foliage Banksia Rose - flower, leave & stem Please deliver to 19 Bedford Rd Queanbeyan ARC Organics sign on the gate Please leave bags & branches 21st March between 9am 5.30pm Much appreciation for your care & support. Thank you Wildcare
18.01.2022 Video from the koala rescue at Bredbo today.
17.01.2022 Meet Tick-Tock! Tick-Tock is a turtle that successfully swallowed a fish hook! Named after the Peter Pan crocodile that always follows Hook and tries to eat him. Tick Tock had surgery on Friday at the West Queanbeyan Veterinary Hospital to remove the fishhook that was stuck about half way down his throat. You can see a small wound on the bottom of his neck where it was removed during surgery. Thanks to the great vets at WQV, he is now happily recovering in Alicias tank for a few weeks before being released back into Lake Jerrabomberra where he was found.
17.01.2022 Tricky rescue today in Queanbeyan for our Wildcare team. A very badly injured male Brushtail Possum was perched high in a tree, being swarmed by about 20 Australian Magpies. Poor Poss just couldnt get himself to safety as he had a very badly broken leg & infected foot & tail. He was in such a bad way that he was even struggling to get himself comfortable between branches. Lucky for our team, Mark from Future Electrical Technologies just happened to be in the right place ...at the right time with his work vehicle which happened to have a ladder. Mark graciously allowed us to use it to get this poor boy the help he needed. Sadly Mr Possums injuries were so extensive that he couldnt be saved, & he was euthanized later by a local Vet. Thank you to the lovely members of the public for your kind words of thanks & general interest in the situation at hand We are very pleased to be of service, even if the outcome is not as favorable as we would have liked today. If you ever happen to see a possum out in the open during the day like this little guy, chances are its either injured or not well & will need rescuing. Please call Wildcare on 6299 1966, should you come across any injured wildlife in our areas of operation. Our hotline is manned 24/7. See more
16.01.2022 Meet AB! AB was lucky to have been scooped up by a lovely lady in Murrumbateman late one night a couple of months ago after she was hit by a car. Her beak was slightly bent, & she had a few broken spines, but otherwise she was in fabulous health. AB was checked over & x-rayed by a Vet & was given the all clear to stay in care until her beak healed completely. The past few days have been exciting for AB. She’s now allowed in the leaf litter & out for 2 hour walks each day and she loves it! She’s already snorkelling and eating little creatures! Ah the simple joys in the life of an echidna! Providing AB continues on this track, & all going well, she will soon be released back home.
16.01.2022 Have you ever come across an "echidna train"? Caitlin was lucky enough to spot these five echidnas a few days ago in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria. Read more: https://ab.co/3fxMApW
16.01.2022 Happy Ducks!!! Last week, Wildcare released 7 ducks that came into care as wee ducklings. 5 Wood Ducks & 2 Black Ducks. ... 3 of the Wood Duck ducklings were rescued from a drain in Bungendore, and 2 were rescued in Wamboin from a tree hollow. One of the Black Duck ducklings was found in paddock in Gundaroo, and the other in garage in Jerrabomberra. Be safe & swim free duckies!
15.01.2022 A huge thank you to Denis from Rivoland Tiles in Queanbeyan who assisted us with the rescue of a mum and bub Grey Headed Flying Fox from the side of a building this week. Sadly mum’s injuries were extensive & she couldn’t be saved, however her baby girl is safely in care and is doing well. Remember, please don’t attempt to touch or go near a bat under any circumstances. They can potentially carry the lyssavirus, which can be fatal if you get scratched or bitten & left un-treated. Please call us if you come across a trapped or injured bat. Saving this vulnerable listed species is vital for the health & regeneration of our native forests & we’d like to do our bit to help them out as best we can
15.01.2022 Wildcare and LAOKO attended a koala in a tree alongside the Monaro Highway at Bredbo today. They were joined by Karen Ford and Murraya Lane from ANU and Lauren Van Dyke from Bredbo Landcare. With the help of Lachie and Mal from Gold Leaf Tree Services, a 9.4kg male koala was successfully brought into care. He will spend tonight at Two Thumbs Wildlife Trust with James Fitzgerald before heading to the vets tomorrow for a checkup. Thank you to everyone involved, including the residents of Bredbo.
14.01.2022 Its so important to stop and check wildlife on the road if they look out of place. (Only if safe to do so of course). Sometimes theyre not dead, and sometimes there is hope. With the right emergency care, little lives can be saved. This poor little 12kg fellow was lucky to have a kind gentleman stop for him a few weeks ago. He was all alone & on the edge of the road, barely moving. He was concussed, barely conscious & bleeding from the mouth. His future didnt look bright at all, but look at him now! This was him only a week after rescue. Give me more grass!!! What a handsome little boy
13.01.2022 Some Friday cuteness... Meet Mack! Mack is a tiny Brush Tail Possum.... He was only a 95g pinky (no fur) when rescued from his deceased mums pouch 6 weeks ago. Hes one of two tiny babies that came into care around the same time. Pinky possums this size are on 3-4 hourly feeds, and gradually progress to less feeds and more volume as they grow. Yes! Our carers get up to feed throughout the night! Mack and his friend Alfie are with separate carers, but are now happy, healthy, furry, 330g bundles of joy. Both babies are thriving in care. See more
13.01.2022 Some weeks ago I was invited to a Wildcare carers property where I had the privilege to film these amazing echidnas. This particular dedicated Wildcare member at the time was jointly caring for five echidnas. The carers spends approximately 4 hours every day making sure these 5 little treasures get their daily exercise. All are on a 45minute time line to have their own personal time in the garden. Some just dug a hole and were content to do a whole lot of nothing. Littl...e Ernie on the other hand was making the most of the personal time in the garden, with all those ants on offer. Little Ernie is the star of the show here, and you will recognize him/her because of the bald area on the left side. Little Ernie was attacked by a dog. It was unclear if Little Ernies injuries and infection would heal well enough to be released, however as you can see he/she is getting on with living life just fine after this setback. The other echidnas are, Rockey Rodger another dog attack. Rockey Rodger had to undergo several operations due to the severity of the injuries inflicted by the dog. Araluen rescued from a swimming pool during the Araluen bush fires was in a moribund state. Not sure why. Eddy (Ellie Smokey) another fire ground victim suffered inhalation burns but after medical treatment has been released home now that the recent rain has brought the insects back. The other was Warri that you will see at the end of the video. He/she is recovering from the bushfires, where a plastic (maybe a plastic feedbag) was melted to the quills. However it was Little Ernie who is full of character, and will to get on with it, won my heart over. Little Ernie allowed me to place a camera in his/her face where the others declined. Thank you Lorraine for inviting me to meet them! And thanks to Diane who has the task of administrating the injections as well as walking them.
13.01.2022 It’s that time of the year again. Baby bird season is well underway. Wildcare is always on the lookout for new recruits to help rescue and rehabilitate injured and orphaned wildlife, but in spring there is a special challenge coping with an influx of orphaned baby birds. They can be great fun in the way they demand our attention to be fed regularly during the day, but then become silent and go to sleep overnight. Baby birds grow amazingly fast to a young adult stage befor...e being readied for release back into the wild. Great care is taken as to where and when a young bird is released, to prevent all the good work being undone and to give the best chance of a successful release. As Wildcare’s Bird Coordinator, Maryanne says: With many Wildcare members working full time, there is a need to find additional volunteers at this time of the year who are available during the day. If you care about our native birds, looking after baby birds can be a very rewarding experience. Full training and support is provided and we may also be able to help with cages and enclosures. Please be aware that not all baby birds on the ground need to be rescued. However, this can be difficult to assess depending on the situation can the baby fly; are the parents around; what species is it; is it injured/unwell; is the location safe; and are there predators around? So, please call Wildcare on 62991966 and one of our experienced bird carers will provide advice. Last year, Wildcare dealt with over 1000 calls about birds, covering 84 different species, from Wedge Tail Eagles to tiny Yellow Rumped Thornbills. And you may remember the story about the White Bellied Storm Petrels and Red Tailed Tropic Bird that blew inland hundreds of kilometres from their normal habitat which were rescued and later returned to their home turf. If you have time to help out with the care of orphaned or injured birds that come into care, please get in touch with Wildcare on 62991966 for more information and see how you can get involved. Or go to our website: www.wildcare.com.au
12.01.2022 Meet Guyais & Penelope! These 2 little Eastern Greys are 2 of 11 joeys that one of our amazing volunteers has in care right now. Wowzaz! Sadly someone found one of these joeys and thought it was a good idea to keep it Luckily for little Guyais he was surrendered to the ACT Ranger & was transferred to Wildcare, where all our volunteers are licensed to care for such little treasures. Guyais was 2kg on rescue, & now weighs 10kg!... Moral of the story: our native wildlife are not pets! It is illegal to keep unless you are a member of a licensed rehabilitation group. Wildlife need specialist care & you need to know what youre doing. You could be doing more harm than good, so please do the right thing & phone Wildcare if you come across any injured, orphaned or displaced wildlife. Our people are well trained & can give those animals the very best chance of survival.
12.01.2022 Its Spring & that means baby bird season! Magpies will potentially be swooping for a few weeks to come, so please take care near their nesting trees. Some great information & tips in this video.
12.01.2022 Wildcare Queanbeyan Inc rescues, raises, rehabilitates and releases native wildlife in the NSW area surrounding the ACT and has been operating for over 25 years. It is a registered charity, run solely by volunteers, and relies heavily on donations and fundraising. Last year the Wildcare 24/7 helpline responded to over 4,500 calls about bats, birds, kangaroos, wombats, possums, lizards, turtles and snakes in our region. Artist, Alison Archbold (www.archbolddesign.com.au) has ...donated prizes for a raffle and will be donating a portion of the profits from her Native Animal Greeting cards sold this financial year. Please please please help us out, and click on the link to purchase tickets. Tickets are priced at $2 each, 5 tickets for $10, 10 tickets for $20, or 25 tickets for $50. Proceeds going to a very worthy cause, and you could win a prize in the process! So far, only a handful of tickets have been sold, so your chances of winning are huge!!!! Raffle closes on 15 December. Go to here for tickets: https://www.rafflelink.com.au/wildcare-qbn-raffle
12.01.2022 Happy Bat Appreciation Day!
11.01.2022 Baby Bird Advice: Every year it’s the same. People see baby magpies on the ground but the advice everywhere is 'leave it where it is, the parents will look after it'. Unfortunately this is not always the case. We’re not sure if this little one is going to make it. Little Bowie has been without food for days and is very weak and emaciated. If someone had called about him earlier, he may not have been in such bad health. Please, if you see a baby magpie on the ground, cal...l the 24/7 Helpline on 62991966 and our phone roster volunteer will arrange for an experienced bird carer to make the assessment. It might be okay to leave it with the parents, but it may also be too young, or injured, or in a dangerous location, or it may have been abandoned. Please don't just assume it will be okay. And please keep your fingers crossed for precious little Bowie See more
11.01.2022 It’s raffle time!!! Win an amazing prize & support Wildcare in the process. See here for details:... https://www.rafflelink.com.au/wildcare-qbn-raffle
11.01.2022 Jasper Update: For those following at home, wee little Jasper, the Greater Glider joey that we posted about weeks ago is doing great! He’s gained a healthy amount of weight since coming into care, and is beginning to get fluffier by the day Jaspers carer is totally in love with him, although she can’t wait for a full nights sleep when those 3am feeds are eventually no longer required. Jasper is a quiet, but very active little fellow, particularly at night. He loves his ...milk, cuddles & massages from his human mum & is beginning to enjoy nibbling on specially sourced native browse. Slow and steady progress, but he’s getting there! Jaspers story is going to be one of enormous dedication & care. A huge thank you to his carer Melissa for her tireless commitment to ensuring the survival of this amazing little vulnerably listed species. See more
09.01.2022 Meet Jasper! Jasper was rescued by a school group of cavers from Wee Jasper. Hed fallen down into a cave on private property and was in a poor state when found. Hed probably been there for some time. Jasper is now with one of our amazing carers in Yass, and is reported to be as bossy and cheeky as you want a wallaroo to be. Denise regrets not introducing him to lettuce before this!
09.01.2022 Spring is in the air, please take care! It is that time of year when we see babies everywhere Wildlife may venture far and wide in search of food and water d...uring the breading and baby caring season. Others will be very protective of their young even out in the open just like this Masked Lapwing mum and chick. Please be aware and take extra care! Following the drought and bushfire season earlier this year, our wildlife needs all the support it can get to help it rebound from the hardships it faced. Here are a few easy things you can do to support our native wildlife this Spring: . Keeping dogs and cats inside at night. . Keeping your dog on a lead when passing breeding or nesting sites. . Do not take dogs into National Parks, fines apply . If you find injured or orphaned wildlife, call your local wildlife rescue group for advice and help! . Join your local wildlife rescue care group or make a donation to help volunteer carers continue their vital work
08.01.2022 Meet Jasper! Little Jasper came into care with us at 90g. He was rescued from an area near Wee Jasper, where some locals witnessed his mum being preyed upon by an owl. Jasper is most likely a Greater Glider glider with a glider membrane (patagium) that connects between his elbows and his ankles. When he grows up, he will be capable of gliding from tree to tree for up to 100 metres! Jasper is in care with one of our extremely competent carers, who is completely in love with ...him. Who could resist that puppy dog face!! Jasper has settled into care and is doing extremely well. He’s now gained weight and is enthusiastic about milk time. He’s beginning to be more curious about the world for very short periods of time, and is sleeping a lot in between feeds. This little boy has more tail than he knows what to do with. Sometimes he sleeps with it wrapped around his head like a tiny halo. Totally adorable! We don’t see these little guys in care very often in our area, so little Jasper is very special. Will keep you updated on his progress. See more
08.01.2022 Our friends at Goodwill Wine have launched a brand new Christmas Mix that will delight the taste buds. As always, they'll donate 50% of the profit from your purchase to us. Grab yourself some delicious wine here: http://goodwillwine.com.au/charities/wildcare
07.01.2022 Watch out watch out: there are turtles about!
07.01.2022 A huge thank you to Adam from Infinity Tree Services for rescuing a magpie dangling 15m from a tree in Karabar this afternoon. We are extremely grateful
06.01.2022 Thank you The Wildcare recovery team would like to thank everyone who contributed to feeding wildlife affected by the bush fire. We would like to thank you for the time it took to pick & cut natives or purchase fruit & veg & then take the time to drive them to the drop off point. It was an important part of the recovery process & very much needed for the wildlife that had nothing. So, 4 months on most properties have made a good recovery, with just a few that we will continue to support. We will no longer need browse or fruit & veg. A big thank you to Claire Stewart at ARC organics for allowing us to use her place to be a drop point & Dan Bedstead for mananging & coordinating the donations of native cuttings. A huge thank you from the recovery team & from the wildlife you helped...
05.01.2022 Notification of Training Courses coming up for Wildcare members, or members from neighbouring wildlife groups. Basic Macropod, Possum & Firearms Safety & Refresher. Numbers are limited to 20 persons per course. Priorities may apply to give current or new Wildcare members first preference, so get it quick if youre interested. All details in the photos. Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]... For anyone wishing to join our Wildcare team, please go to our Website for details: www.wildcare.com.au See more
04.01.2022 We dont get any sea turtles in our area, but this is really cool!
03.01.2022 A huge thank you to Queanbeyan RFS for coming out to help us rescue a wood duck that got her foot stuck in a crack in the tree about 8 metres up! A lot of head scratching, calls to arbourists, more calls to other organisations, and finally an ingenious fireman up a 9 metre ladder was able to push the leg out of the hole using pole. The duck flew off happily to find her partner and was limping a little but seems like shell make it just fine. A job well done to everyone!
02.01.2022 Help us win $2,500, and you can win a years worth of wine! Yes, you read that right. The good folk at Goodwill Wine are giving away a YEARS worth of wine! Theyre also giving away $2,500 to one lucky charity. If you enter via our link below, well get an extra 20 entries into the draw. Enter now! https://upvir.al/ref/Cy45343569/
02.01.2022 This is something everyone can get involved with while enjoying life at home Feel free to post pics in comments here on what you find #Birdingathome
02.01.2022 Informative article on fence hangers for info https://www.goulburnpost.com.au//car-accidents-not-the-on/
01.01.2022 A FUN DAY OUT FOR THE FAMILY AT THE ROYALLA COUNTRY FAIR The Fundraising Team will be at the Royalla Country Fair this Sunday 15th from 9-4pm. So come on out to the lovely rural community of Royalla which is only about 15 minutes from Canberra and Queanbeyan and say hi. We have lots of handmade items plus an extensive range of native animal inspired gift and homewares. We hope to see you there Bec Quinn and Sandra Griffin
01.01.2022 We are extremely grateful to Evan & Bede from EcoTrees tonight, who so very kindly agreed to help rescue a poor little Australian Wood-duck who got herself stuck in an old dead tree. Her foot was wedged tightly in between a slither of loose bark & there was no way she was freeing herself without their help. Thank you guys for an amazing job - we certainly look forward to working with you both in the future Thank you also to the wonderful property owners for allowing us the opportunity to get the help this poor little duck deserved.
01.01.2022 Thank you to the businesses and volunteers who donated food and browse for todays food drops. Thank you also to the volunteers who loaded cars and trailers and headed off to deliver to landowners supporting our native animals. Your ongoing support is truly appreciated. A special bonus today was being able to collect these beautiful crocheted animals from Kelly Kefford and her amazing mum. Thank you for donating these to our fundraising efforts they are gorgeous. Luckily th...ey arent full size because my car really didnt have much space left in it. Anyone wishing to knit, sew or crochet for our fundraising stalls once we are able to get back to doing them please email Bec and Sandra at [email protected] If you wish to assist with a food drop please email Bek at [email protected] Thank you See more
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