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24.01.2022 New Moon in Virgo provides a focus on the details and organization of how you move through your life. Take action today on something important as the energy could be restless towards a project or endeavor.
23.01.2022 This can be an overwhelming day. Take one thing at a time and allow for emotions to flow without indulging in them with judgment. Let things be just where they are and just how they are.
22.01.2022 Stay positive no matter what. Focus on balance and acknowledge what you manifest instead of obsessing about what and where you lack. You can accomplish a great deal if you stay present and out of worry and anxiety.
21.01.2022 Blue is the colour to heal bringing peace to our souls Venus in Virgo supports Pluto in Capricorn inviting us to forgive ourselves and others letting go all r...elationships that do not help us to be in charge of our lives, grow, evolve!! Blue is the colour that make our angels sing; Blue is our sky showing that everything is possible. Uranus in opposition with Mercury at the moment shows that Blue is connected to intellectual and spiritual events, which include insights, experiences, and mental processes. When Uranus and Mercury get in contact truth, wisdom and awareness are awaken. Due to both planets are retrograde we have the opportunity to solve problems to see soon the horizon! Visualise blue light to bring our angels releasing who is not good for us any more!! #astrologyposts #healingvibrations #venuspluto #mercuryretrograde #scorpioseason #libraseason #powerfulself #selflove #zodiacinspirationsaustralia @stelliumlight_astrology #bluehealer #southernhemisphere #capricornmoon
21.01.2022 Cure yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the flutteri...ng of birds. Heal yourself with mint, with neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar, and take it looking at the stars. Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it. Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember; You are the medicine." ~ Ale Padilla Art by Carmen Bello Joy App IG: @findjoy_app
21.01.2022 Welcome Spring The Sun changed to the sign of Libra under the crescent Moon of Sag that is showing a beautiful smile in our sky The Sun in Libra m...arks the Equinox!!! The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet. In Australia under the beautiful energy of Spring we must focus our attention to find the balance between the time that we dedicate ourselves and that we offer to our relationships ... The Universe points us to the importance of working shoulder to shoulder to achieve a common end; be fair in our negotiations; relate equitably; to love our home by making aesthetic touches and to spread the love around us. It is a moment of the year that emphasises the key words of this romantic and idealistic Libra sign: "I BALANCE". Level up and harmonize! I take the opportunity to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL PEOPLE BORN UNDER THE SUN IN LIBRA . Venus is the planet associated with beauty and love and is the ruler of the sign of Libra. VENUS is in Leo to love with our heart Have a lovely Spring Season!!! Cecilia #zodiacinspirationsaustralia #libraseason #springequinox2020 #equinox #suninlibra #libra #sunrise #sunset #love @stelliumlight_astrology
19.01.2022 A day of change in perspective, choices, direction and issues. This could get confusing as old attachments dissolve and new ones come about. Be flexible and pay attention as physical reality can get a bit squirrelly. Wait to make any huge decisions.
19.01.2022 If you are in the Northern Hemisphere...
17.01.2022 You take a shower to keep your physical body clean Likewise you need to keep your energy clean: your mind, your heart, your spirit, your soul, your non-vis...ible energy fields that accumulate all sorts of clutter WAYS to KEEP your ENERGY CLEAN: Your breath is your number one purifier. Make it a habit to do 10 deep belly breaths last thing before you go to sleep and first thing when you wake up If you have trouble staying focused on your breath alone, move down your body from head to toes, relaxing each area, all muscles and bones as you go When you have a shower imagine you are washing off you all that no longer serves you and all that doesn’t belong to you Take a bath with Epsom salts Take a break from social media especially comments sections, take a break from the news and immerse in your real life Where possible, take a break from people or environments that don’t make you feel good. If that’s not possible use things on this list to help you deal with those people/environments Spend time outside in nature. Sit in your yard if you have one, go for a bush walk or hike, get to the ocean or mountains, connect with the beauty of the Earth you live on Think about 3 things you are grateful for each day. Be specific. You can also write them in a journal. Stay focused in the present now moment. Appreciate what’s around you, and on what you can do right now. Use affirmations: eg I am filled with love, I am surrounded by love, I am protected by love, I am guided by love Smudge yourself and your home. You can use anything you feel: sage, Copal or other incense, aromatherapy oils, candles Do your inner work. Clear your personal wounds. Address your shadow. Connect with your soul/higher self/highest Source Keeping your energy clean is an inside job. Be intentional about keeping it how you want it #energyclearing
17.01.2022 Stay out of judgement and look to your own truth and where your responsibilities are before judging others. Where can you be flexible and accepting? It takes way less energy to just let people be wherever they are.
17.01.2022 Mercury is now retrograde giving us time and space to slow down. Revisit what needs to be completed, initiated, resolved or thought through. Stay present and pay attention to all details. This is an opportunity for focus and discipline.
14.01.2022 Destiny is not to be mistaken with fate, where one has no influence upon its outcome. Destiny requires us to take steps towards it, to parent its growth, espec...ially in times of doubt and weakness. And if we find the courage to move in its direction despite the absence of grand signs, we are often graced by the small miracles of confirmation and synchronicity that we’d been hoping for all along. Excerpt from Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner (belongingbook.com)
13.01.2022 Keep it simple at this time and stay present in this moment. Let the past go. The future has not yet manifested into form and being. Take one step at a time, on...e single day at a time, and allow each moments unfolding to lead you ever forward into the higher dimensional state. When issues, or old things come up to haunt you, or people push your buttons, or whatever occurs, take deep breaths and allow yourself to go deeply into your heart center and then simply breathe into it, until you have calmed down. You may ask that your heart center be opened more and more and that you now see with the Eyes of Love and your own Higher Soul Self. Now simply ask, whatever is coming up: "What is it this person, or situation triggering within me, that is unhealed, that has not been loved nor owned by me?" "What is this teaching me?" "Where lies the hidden blessing?" From deep within you, the answer will come. It may well come as old childhood memories come up, or past life things, or whatever needs to be released and let go of, and forgiven. So often we find it the hardest to forgive ourselves. Where ever or in what ever way, you hang onto shame, blame and guilt, and add to this fear - these will now pop up, so that you can let go of these, forgive and be freed. There is nothing complicated about letting go. If there is, then it is because you are still hanging onto something there, which is in truth, no longer serving your highest soul growth and good. It is immensely freeing to finally let go. It is immensely empowering to find yourself growing in consiousness and not reacting to life and people and situations anymore the way you used to. When we see, how every person, every encounter, every trigger, and every situations serves us in some way, we are gaining the higher perspective. You are seeing the truth and we see with the eyes of truth. We no longer wish to hide from that is there staring us in the face. We now stand and deal with whatever comes, and release it with love. For indeed, the more open the heart center, the more one sees only love, finds only love, and becomes only Love in loving, living, Being and Seeing. Judith Kusel Art: Tomás Sánchez
08.01.2022 I place on the altar of dawn: The quiet loyalty of breath, The tent of thought where I shelter, Waves of desire I am shore to And all beauty drawn to the eye.... May my mind come alive today To the invisible geography That invites me to new frontiers, To break the dead shell of yesterdays, To risk being disturbed and changed. May I have the courage today To live the life that I would love, To postpone my dream no longer But do at last what I came here for And waste my heart on fear no more. JOHN O'DONOHUE Excerpt from 'A Morning Offering' found in his books, To Bless the Space Between Us (US) / Benedictus(Europe) Ordering Info: https://www.johnodonohue.com/store Killarney National Park, Co Kerry / Ireland Photo: Ann Cahill
06.01.2022 Dear Brave Souls: I am right here with you, one of the ancient bristecone pines ... a bit bedraggled, but still standing. Much weather has passed over with hea...vy ash particulate and smoke clouds right in our lungs and eyes for weeks now. We have had three new fires that combined into one huge one nearby for weeks now. Our beloved Sunrise Ranch people had to evacuate as the enormous orange curtains of fires were right on the ridge above them. They are back now finally, thank you La Señora, and safe but also as you can imagine having literally been passed through the fires, changed in some way that is often mysterious and will take some holy time to sort. Please keep them all, along with all the other displaced in our world -- in your holy thoughts. I thank you for walking with them in solace that way. For many weeks now, new challenges here, making basic matters difficult in several ways. But: Still Standing! Yes! You too! Onward we go. I've come to you tonight just as I am going to go to find my pillow::: to say this to you. I take your little manitas in mine, I take your hands in mine and tilt my head gently, and give you soft eyes. I tell you, be not afraid. Be with me, be with us. Be with us of great heart regardless of slowness or detours or second thoughts. Be with us. Together. You going to be alright baby. You are already made fine by virtue of your making it to Earth my brave astronaut-citos. You and I know that a major ocean of souls [that is us and many many more souls across the entire world] at this time are pulling for us, rooting for the Good, dreaming hard: the dream of utter peace and progression in a New Day very soon. True be told, that New Day is always-- for those with eyes to see and ears to hear-- EVER 1 o' clock on the Cosmic clock: It is ever time to arise anew and go forth and start again, every every moment in time. Remember, Hope, Esperanza is not a thing we have or create. Hope is a living Being who walks with us always, with vision, and guidance for us-- about our unique ways forward, no matter what else. Let no pestilent duende divest you of that Truth. There are Truths in this world that can be assailed but never extinguished. That is one of them. Hope was present at our conceptions. Hope walks with us all our lives long. The bounty we carry is that the great dream is already ours. We are the bearers of Love. We are the bearers of Light. We are single file, but together, traversing the mountain. Together. Lanterns full lit against the dark. Hearts glowing with the Love we brought to earth, the kind that cannot be extinguished. Disheartenment cannot dim this Love, for it is not made by us, but by Greater and set into us as Birthright. We are meant to share this Love. To do so, sometimes we have to 'remember to shed the old self again, and step back into our new skins again.' It is not so much an effort to do so, as it is to remember to do so. With regularity. I know you know what I mean. My father used to say the old Hungarian warriors turned their shields backward on their shoulders and sang the old songs to show they would strive to live in peace even if others were not peaceful. They didn't put down their shields. They would just not carry them as their first statement, out front, for every situation, using the shield and the sword only as/if truly needed. In other words, they took up discernment, differentiation of one thing from another, weighing all justly without wringing themselves to shreds day and night, by hyper-vigilance. There is a time to war. But rest and effective strategies well thought out, carried with love and consciousness, are far more useful than outrage. We can do all those but the point is to Prepare in Peace. Walk in peace. Breathe in Peace and breathe out fears and discontent. Walk in Peace in measured step. Pray not FOR Peace to come, but to BE Peace Personified. Utterly. We accomplish this by calming the flurry of thoughts antithetical to Peace. By replacing mayhem and maelstrom of bodily sensations with disruptive thoughts following... This is done by remembering the most peaceful scents, most calming scenes, bodily sensations, sweet tases, beautiful sounds you've ever experienced, consciously immersing yourself in those, one by one, for these, as you yourself choose what is harmonious, will calm /fine tune you back to harmony again. And this: by synchronizing your heartbeat to near 60-70 beats per minute ---by breathing slowly now Do this: inhaling precious air to count of 7 inwardly, holding for count of 8, exhale your breath for count of 7. Enact this 3 times, as in the fairytales, three times is the charm. Once completed three times with care and attentiveness, anxiousness will be quelled, and your heart and blood pressure will be calm. your breathing deep and peaceful as a untroubled child drowsing near to sleep. No one climbs the mountain holding their breath. It is even more important to breathe evenly and economically at high altitudes, to suffuse the body with oxygen, in other words, to grant yourself consciously, the life nourishment your body, mind, spirit, soul and heart need dearly. And like eating, not just once a day, but also breathing 'calming long-breaths' several times a day. Self calming and peace practices are like good food, the nourishments that sustain us. We cannot be given that nourishment by others. We grow and then give peace and calm to ourselves by taking true time to minister to ourselves. Truly TAKING THE TIME to do so... now on the mountain, under the stars. We are continuing, and I love you. And miss you. And we are here together. And we are roped securely. We will not fail, dear biscochitos. We will not fall. Each of us will bear the other up. Have done so, will continue to do so. We are together, one body of flickering lights climbing Snow Wind mountain, being tested like hell in myriad ways. And here we are. Still here. Together. I wrap you in warm love if you are too cold. I wrap you in cooling love if you are too warm . I send you to your night's sleep with an exhortation then, to make your nest here on the mountain in your little tent, just right for you. To make your pillow just right. And I will pull the covers up just as you wish, and I will say Tuck tuck. And I will kiss you on your keppe, your forehead. And I will say Nite nite. And I will say Dream sweet mi amor. And I will say Rest well my dearlings, and that we will see each other in the new day. May you continue the dream your brought to Earth, for most everything that is good is already set into each of us. We know what we are, for we also know what we are not. We are not dousers of the Light, we are not destroyers of Love, we are not prevaricators who mislead, we are not forked tongue, we are not mad creatures clinging to power, jealousy, hatred nor clawed ambition. We are gentle souls who came to show ourselves above the horizon line as Daughters and Sons of the Light and of Love. Rest and dream accordingly, mis amors. Tomorrow is a new day which we will meet together. Shields turned backward to show we advance with much strength in body, mind, soul, spirit and heart... for it is that combination, awake and aware strengths of body, mind, soul, spirit and heart, that combine to become the main broadcaster of Love, the main caster of Light far and wide. No lack of love... not now, not ever. Be well. Stay well. dr.e
04.01.2022 "In the quiet stillness of your heart you can hear your Grandmother's voice. Listen. Her wisdom shines in the light of the stars." Grace Alvarez Sesma Full Moo...n Candle Lighting and Prayers: Join me from wherever you are, at any time, in lighting a 7-day candle to hold the prayerful intention for love, wisdom, peace, healing, kindness, and justice for all of our communities. As you light it imagine this beautiful light expanding to bless all people, all beings, all of creation, in all directions of time and space. During times like these that one finds challenging it is particularly important to take good spiritual/energetic care of oneself. This includes meditation, mindful breathing, eating, and walks in nature, to help us be centered and rooted. I invite you to mindfully purify and renew yourself with a moonlight limpia. This is a beautiful practice to do either alone or with your entire family. While it is preferable to do this moonlight cleansing meditation outdoors if the weather allows. It also works if you're indoors but you will have to help the process by visualizing the light of grandmother moon shining down and through you. After you have offered your prayers, stand beneath Grandmother Moon so that the moonlight touches your body from head to toe. Ask that her spiritual light flow through you and around you, removing all inner and outer obstacles to your good health, clear mind, healthy and loving relationships, and stable prosperity (use your own words in describing your needs and if children are with you make sure to include their needs too or even better have them say them). Express gratitude for blessings received and those yet to come. This is a good time to mentally or out loud ask that clear guidance be given to you in a way that you will understand regarding personal, work, family, or spiritual matters. Afterwards sit quietly with a receptive and listening mind-heart. You can do this full moon limpia/meditation standing or sitting for as long as you like. If you do this with your family or a small group of intimate friends (observing Covid protocols) it is good to follow it by sharing a nurturing meal and non-alcoholic beverages. May our prayers manifest with ease, gentleness, and grace for our benefit and the benefit of Mother Earth and All Our Relations, including our relations in nature. Ometeotl. Maestra Grace Curanderismo, the Healing Art of Mexico Art by Alejandra H. Lauria.
02.01.2022 "The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live while you are alive, and die only when you are dead. To love, to be loved. To never forget your ow...n insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and vulgar disparity of the life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget" ~ Arundhati Roy Art by Rose Drummond Rose Unfolding www.roseunfoldingart.com
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