Wildwood Wildlife Shelter | Businesses
Wildwood Wildlife Shelter
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25.01.2022 Blotched Blue-tongued Lizard
25.01.2022 I put a call out for roo pouches and had lots of offers but only three followed through. Many thanks to Soo, Vicki and Coral. XXXI put a call out for roo pouches and had lots of offers but only three followed through. Many thanks to Soo, Vicki and Coral. XXX
23.01.2022 I have just spent half an hour searching for Winter. Found him!
23.01.2022 Rick (L) and Roopert standing up for the first time to have their bottle.
22.01.2022 A fledgling Crested Pigeon arrived uninjured but very weak and unable to stand. He has perked up quite a bit after being warmed and fed. Had he not been rescued he would most certainly have perished.
22.01.2022 Emma gave birth this afternoon to her 2nd joey. This means that Emilio has been permanently evicted from her pouch and will now have to keep up with the mob. At... least he knows where home is, if he gets separated. How AMAZING is this video???? I can't believe how lucky I was to walk outside at this moment in time to capture most of it on video. Finally, after 18 years, and witnessing at least 8 births, I got it on film. See more
21.01.2022 Talk about impatient, and stubborn! I sat the bucket down while I washed out the bowl. Cassandra is too little to reach in so she just jumped right in!
21.01.2022 I am in desperate need of 500ml and 1 ltr bags of Hartmann's Solution and the same with bags of Sodium Chloride. I go through quite a lot so I am needing 1 box of each. Is there someone here who can source them, pay for them and post them to me PLEASE. I am down to my 2nd last bag so I really need them asap. Can you please help?
21.01.2022 By golly they grow fast.
20.01.2022 Doreen Ready for release....
20.01.2022 Monday evening was the perfect time to release the 4 Grey Teal and 2 Pacific Black Ducks. Raised from a few days old, it has been an absolute pleasure to watch them grow and to see them taste their freedom. They were in no rush, taking their time to explore their surroundings.
19.01.2022 A huge THANK YOU to those of you who have already donated. We are getting there, slowly. I feel awkward about self promotion but it's all for the kangaroos, and I'll do anything for them....even if it means pleading. This fundraiser has now closed but if anyone would still like to donate to Wildwood, my bank details are... Pam Turner BSB 063513 Acc. 10349018... Please help if you can, and please share. Make sure you copy and paste this when you share otherwise it wont have my bank details. Thank you. See more
19.01.2022 After their big swim and flight around the lake, they came up to where we were sitting and waddled around us, totally at peace with their new surrounds. Fare well my little ducks, be safe and avoid other humans.
18.01.2022 Fiona: It wasn't me, honest! It was like this when I got here... Me: I don't think so, girly!!
18.01.2022 I introduced Dave to Phillippa today. In less than 10 seconds she was leaning over to kiss him, which he did not mind at all. Instant friends. Dave is in the pink and Phillippa in the blue.
18.01.2022 This is the Wood Duck who had a broken leg, and the Chestnut Teal who I put in with him in the hope they would enjoy each other's company. After careful monitoring for a few days it soon became apparent that they had become friends. They are inseparable! It wont be long before they are released, the Teal needs another week or so until he is flying.
17.01.2022 Wildwood would not be able to function as well as it does without support. There are way too many people to thank individually but there are some who I really need to name. Firstly, thank you to Alison from Grampians Wildlife. Without the financial support of this group, I could not take in the volume of animals that I do. Last head count was 54 animals! That's a lot of mouths to feed. Thank you to my four fantastic volunteers. Thanks to Nadine who not only rakes and cleans..., she also collects my online grocery shopping, picks up my mail, transports wildlife, and she sews! Thanks to Shannon, he is my Mr Handyman! He rakes and cleans, does lots of odd jobs, transports wildlife, and buys me little treats. Thanks to Chris, who has really stepped up while Nadine has been away. He rakes and cleans and picks up supplies in town. Thanks to Gayle who cleans and folds all the laundry, falls in water bowls...i mean fills the water bowls (in joke!), and she cooks! Then there are my $5 pledgers! You guys are wonderful. And thank you to the regulat monthly donors. Thank you all so much for your ongoing support. You all make a difference and I appreciate it. Thanks to Shelly who is always buying me stuff for the wildlife. Id also like to mention locals Susan Ross and Fred & Vicki Onnen who did fund raisers for me, and Abby G who has been a big financial supporter over the years. There are so many people who have donated, from $20 to $500. Thank you to you all. Thank you to Andy Meddick who secured a $20,000 grant on my behalf! Amazing! And then there are the donations from the big organisations, who also rely on the generosity of their supporters so that they can support the 'little people', the individual carers who struggle financially. A huge thank you to... Wildlife Victoria Wires Animals Australia ARC Thanks also to the Vets who help out. Special thanks to Amy who, I hope, has not regretted giving me her mobile number. Im often sending pics and seeking her input. And last, but certaily not least, thank you to Tam and Robin for taking a leap of faith in me, and giving me the opportunity of a life time. As I said, without you all, I could not do what I do. I am sincerely grateful. Hugs to you all. (God I hope I havent forgotten anyone major!!) Good Lordy Miss Maudie... Gary, how could I forget you? Thank you for all your help. Rae, your generosity blew me away. Claire, Kat, Krysti and Charlotte...thank you! Ian, another person I rely on, who always helps out with rescues and transporting. Libby's Koala & Wildlife Crusade Inc., thank you Libby and Bec. Thanks to Coral, Vicki and Soo for the pouches. Watch this space...there may be more.... See more
17.01.2022 Another little duckling arrived...
16.01.2022 Oh Kellie, you crack me up! You really are a character with all your funny little ways. You sleep in the most uncomfortable looking positions but obviously you are comfortable. Thank you for always making me smile. And it wasn't me who woke her up, it was Polly the Pigeon who fluttered past!
15.01.2022 Moved to the big aviary yesterday because we were flapping our wings for the first time since coming into care, and the joeys didn't like it!
15.01.2022 One of the highlights of my life as a carer has been the two hand raised Tawnies mating up and having babies, on my front verandah.
15.01.2022 1.1kg Swamp Wallaby joey, orphaned last night after her mum was hit by vehicle. She only has a slight graze on her leg but her ankle is very swollen. I can't feel any obvious break but she is booked in to see Vet Amy tomorrow afternoon for an xray just to be safe.
14.01.2022 I had a busy day yesterday and now have two more joeys. First call was from Wildlife Vic for a joey in Victoria Valley. Dave had collided and killed the mum but managed to rescue her joey before it had a chance to take off. At 1.3 kgs joey would have been very difficult to catch had it got out of her pouch. He brought him straight here, all wrapped up in his backpack. Next call from WV was for a young roo caught in a fence near Stawell. I couldn't get hold of anyone to help b...ut then I remembered reading a pm the night before from a woman in Stawell asking how she could get involved in wildlife rescue so a quick msg back and a very brief introduction, and she was on her way to rescue her first kangaroo! She did a fantastic job! A call to Vet Morgan and arrangements made to take him to the clinic for assessment. Sadly his injuries were too severe, as is the case in 95% of fence hangers, and he was euthanised. Then later in the afternoon another call from WV for a joey who was trying to get back in her mum's pouch in Halls Gap. Mum had been hit by a vehicle which broke both her legs and so the Police had been called to euthanise her. We needed to rescue her joey first so rescuer Ian made a mad dash there and was successful in catching her before they arrived. She is the same age as Rick and Roopert. I was officially full four joeys ago, now Im overflowing! See more
14.01.2022 Oh to be a duck on a 30 degree day! This may be their last pond swim. Tomorrow is release day, onto a beautiful big lake which is perfect for them.
14.01.2022 What about me???? Oh ok, I'll be a good girl and wait my turn. Ha...don't be fooled. Two seconds later she was on my knee and grabbing bottles!! Connie
14.01.2022 Huge thanks to local MP Andy Meddick for securing this grant. I am over the moon excited!
14.01.2022 The 4 original ducklings have grown so fast!
13.01.2022 Another little Black Duck arrived yesterday but he is way too little to put in with the others.
13.01.2022 EDIT... I AM NO LONGER NEEDING HARTMANS OR SODIUM CHLORIDE. THANKS TO ALL WHO JUMPED IN TO HELP. I am in desperate need of 500ml and 1 ltr bags of Hartmann's Solution and the same with bags of Sodium Chloride. I go through quite a lot so I am needing 1 box of each. Is there someone here who can source them, pay for them and post them to me PLEASE. I am down to my 2nd last bag so I really need them asap. Can you please help?
12.01.2022 This is the 2nd video of the duck release. Here they are spreading their wings and having a ball!
12.01.2022 Two new arrivals! Samantha the Swamp Wallaby joey arrived a few days ago to buddy up with Connie, after spending a month with foster carer Sally. She wasnt impressed with having her photo taken, as you can see! The little Rednecked Wallaby joey arrived today after being rescued from a roadkill mum. He is a little bit bigger than Dave but not enough to worry about. They'll be best friends in no time.
12.01.2022 Sad looking little Brushtail Possum joey, found cold and damp on the ground and taken to Ararat Vet Clinic. He must've fallen off her back overnight. She may go looking for him tonight but he was way too young to leave so he's now in care.
11.01.2022 This is the Corella who was found in a backyard on Jan 24th, unable to fly or stand. He has been slowly improving and is now able to walk and perch. He is a little wobbly but hopefully, with time, he will comtinue to improve.
11.01.2022 Mia was helping with the laundry but decided to take a nap instead!
11.01.2022 Rick, squeezed in at back, and Roopert. Yesterday they hated each other, today they are bedfellows!
10.01.2022 How did you celebrate? I hugged a kangaroo, and another and another and another..... I hugged a whole mob!
10.01.2022 1.5kg approx. 6mth old Eastern Grey Kangaroo joey was rescued from his dead mum's pouch this morning by two women walking past. They saw a little foot poking out and on closer inspection realised the joey was alive. It was a 1.5k walk back home with joey safely tucked down Fiona's top. When she arrived here I had a quick look and didnt see anything too obvious so I settled him into a pouch and left him be for a while. When I got him up to feed and give him a more thorough look over I could see that his toe was broken. Hopefully I'll get him booked in to vets for xray on Monday. In the meantime, Ive splinted it and given him pain relief.
09.01.2022 This is the poor boy who had the misfortune of having a vehicle drive over him at 100 kph. To have survived with only a fractured mandible is nothing short of a miracle! The couple who ran over him could not have avoided him without swerving and risking their own lives. They took responsibilty and sought help. I arranged for them to meet Vet Morgan at Stawell Vet Clinic who took excellent care of him over the weekend. She took xrays, scans, put him on a drip, blended gum leav...es to make a slurry mix to feed him (burnt out her blender in the process!). She sent xrays to Healesville for their expert opinion and between us, we decided he should be given a chance. He was discharged this morning and has gone to koala carer Janet who specialises in koalas at her Blessings of the Bush Wildlife Shelter. His prognosis is guarded but he is in the very best of care. Fingers crossed. Update: He was euthanised. See more
07.01.2022 This is a loooong story.... Yesterday was extremely busy, beginning with a text at 3pm from Wildlife Victoria for an injured Echidna a few ks south of Halls Gap. I had just made up bottles for the joeys so I couldn't go, and Ian is the only WV rescuer in HG but he was in lockdown so he couldnt go either. I remembered Gary, the guy who rescued kangaroo joey Gary, offering to help out if I ever got stuck so I rang and left a message asking if he could help. After 10 mins and no...Continue reading
06.01.2022 My lone duckling has a new friend. Perfect buddies.
05.01.2022 This little 830 gram pinky joey is the latest arrival. Her mum had to be euthanised after a vehicle collision left her with two badly broken legs. When she first arrived there were no cuts or bruises and I thought we were going to be lucky. She drank well for the first few feeds but then was not all that keen. I subcut her to make sure she wouldnt become dehydrated but this morning it became obvious that she hadn't escaped the collision uninjured. Sadly she passed away. RIP
04.01.2022 Four Magpies have come in but only one has made it. The three which were euthanised deteriorated despite all my efforts. All were found beside the road and were not well to start with. The Eastern Rosella chick which was found on the ground beside it's dead sibling died. The little Magpie chick and the Tawny Frogmouth fledgling are so far doing okay and I pray they continue to do so!
04.01.2022 Nine days after their release all six ducks are still together and loving their freedom.
04.01.2022 Hahaha.... Ricky, willing me to turn the heater on!!
02.01.2022 Im not 100% sure if this is appropriate or not, but that's never stopped me before, so here goes... It has been observed that Thor has an exceptionally long penis. I have tried on several occasions to video it but have had no luck. The other evening I was squatting down, camera in hand, ready for action. Out it came. I leaned in but he caught me and Im pretty sure he called me a perv! So no dick pick tonight!
02.01.2022 Four new arrivals, one after the other. Im still settling everyone in so no time tonight to elaborate on what, where from or why! I then have to chop up glider food and make up milk and feed all the joeys. If Im in bed before midnight, it's an early night. It's usually about 2am!
02.01.2022 I am over the moon excited! I received word yesterday that my application for funding a flight aviary through Wildlife Victoria's Infrastructure Grants was successful! This will not only benefit Wildwood, it will also be available to Hamilton Wildlife Shelter and every other carer in our area. I have already met with Graham, the fencing contractor who supplied the quote, and works will begin in November. I was extremely emotional when I took the call. I know 2020 has been the year from hell for a lot of people but, for me and Wildwood, it has, so far, been the best year yet! A HUGE THANK YOU to Dana and everyone at Wildlife Victoria who was involved in making this happen.
02.01.2022 Adult Brushtail Possum with injured eye. Poor girl has obviously been in a fight. Ive flushed it and put eye ointment in. She isnt the easiest of patients!
01.01.2022 Some of the mob
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