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Wild Yoga by Grace

Phone: +61 422 060 820


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25.01.2022 New class - Chill Sunday Vin Yin Flow ... yummy Book via

24.01.2022 For the month of May, we are diving deep into backbends. Rather thinking it’s bending our spines, I like to think it’s opening up our front body, it’s empowering and illuminating. My regulate Rocket yogis, practice drills 1&2 everyday, this will help you to build up strength for our classes. Tag me when you do it, so I can check your form. Rocket yoga, Friday at 4pm, book via the link:

23.01.2022 Back to basics No fancy poses - be patient building up strong foundation. #week6 #yoga #yogadrills #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogaprogress #progressnotperfection

23.01.2022 If you are planing to teach livestream classes via ZOOM, this is how I set up my live classes. Very basic as I am not tech savvy at all Hope it helps, ask me any questions. My weekly live classes:... Wednesday 4pm (Sydney TimeZone) Yin Yoga with Chinese Meridian - all levels Thursday 4pm (Sydney TimeZone) Yin Yoga with Chinese meridian - all levels, this class is led by bilingual (Taiwanese and English) Friday 4pm (Sydney TimeZone) Rocket Yoga - at least 3 months yoga experience is required

22.01.2022 Happy Sunday, my friends I’ve been teaching two live classes a week since the lockdown, and I am thankful beyond words for this community and the way we support each other during this tough time. I am planning to open a new class on Wednesday 4pm or 5pm (let me know the best time suits you) it will be yin style with Chinese meridian. It’s for all levels and all age. You will feel rejuvenated after class I promise. ... The class will only go ahead if I can get 10 people to register before Tuesday noon - so if you are interested, leave me a comment below. Don’t worry if you are not tech savvy like me, it’s very simple. I will send you a link, meeting ID and password before the class, and then you just need to cut and paste the link to whatever search engine you use (ie safari, google, chrome) and type in meeting ID and password. And I will pop up on your screen and then we will have a chat before the class starts The suggested rate is $8 per class, but if you still have a job and want to support the class, you can pay a little more. If you are out of work at this time, you pay less. If you want to practice and the only reason holds you back is the finances, please just message me and I will send you the class link for free without question asked. If you can, I do encourage you to give something to practice the ancient art of DANA for self transcendence. In short, new YIN class Wednesday 22 April, will only go ahead if I can get 10 people to say yes in the comment box. Hope we can connect again xx See more

20.01.2022 New video on YouTube - where is CORE and how to train your core muscle memory without even doing any exercises. Please like and subscribe if you think the video is helpful. Rocket yoga Friday 4pm Yin yoga Sunday 4pm ...

19.01.2022 Recap my first strategy for small business to come out stronger and better after the lockdown - focus on customer list expansion rather than revenue maximisation during this time (read my last post for detail). My second humble strategy for small business owners who want to thrive is STAY IN THE GAME! Studios are forced to close physical trading doors. Some owners chose to sit back until the restriction is lifted. For others, I would say - You’ve got to stay in the game for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There will be greater opposite reaction once we are allowed to leave our homes. But the primary beneficiaries of this greater equal opposite reaction is the businesses that stay in the game. Business that keep innovating, keep communicating, keep calling. When this is over, people will remember that you were there with them through the hard time. You can’t disappear for 6 months and when this is over, you are like, hi, remember me, I am still here! After all, you are building a community! What a community all about is connection and to support each other during good times and bad times. One more strategy to share, turn on your post notification from me, so you don’t miss out. Stay tune I was a principal economist before taking a new path, yoga teacher, so if you need more support, send me a message. Stay strong See more

18.01.2022 Saying goodbye to 2020 - it hasn't been an easy year but it's the year that we were given the life time opportunity to build resilience and to find out who we really are. In the beginning of the year, I moved to where I am now. Little did I know the Covid lockdown was just around the corner! I knew no one and no work too. I also had a spine injury and was awaiting for operation. In life, we always have a choice and the choice we made will determine the outcome of our life. ...Continue reading

18.01.2022 Have you practiced chair yoga with me on YouTube yet? Don’t be fooled by its name chair yoga and think it’s easy! It will get your arms and legs a good work out and heart rates up too. Checked out this beautiful mom following me on YouTube! Send through your photos if you practiced with me too! Tell me if you want me to make more similar videos. And don’t forget to subscribe my YouTube channel for future more free videos

17.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day Why not treat yourself and your mother a nice relaxing Mother’s Day yin yoga at the comfort of your home - the class is for all age and all levels. Join me from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access. Sunday 4pm AEST ... Book in at least one hour before the class and you will receive a code for ZOOM 30 minutes prior. Love Grace x

12.01.2022 Before yoga, I had never done any form of movement/dance/gymnastics. Couldn’t touch my toes or do a push-up and was working looong hours at a desk. My body was as stiff as a post. I have come a really long way! Working on front split Some drills: seated straddle (elongate spine) wiggle forward in pancake position... Build strength, bent knee leg lifts or keep legs straight single leg abduction (try to keep pelvis level) wide legged squats (try to press pelvis to wall) wall straddle with ankle weights. See more

11.01.2022 Posterior pelvis tilt squats - in the Rocket yoga live class, we start working on functional backbend, how to deepen your backbend practice safely. This is drill one - do the drill 10 reps for 3 sets everyday. You can tag me if you post on your IG or message me, for me to check your form. See you in my Rocket live class.

10.01.2022 A disciplined mind and body lead to liberated life, because deep down we know we have power within us to conquer ANYTHING. #yoga #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #progressnotperfection #mindsetiseverything #mindset

09.01.2022 In a state of chaos, how are you treating your yoga business (or any small businesses)? is it just an expensive hobby or you have a very clear vision and you stick to it no matter what? It is very easy to loose focus in a state of uncertainty and crisis, and let the emotions take over, however as we know success is 80% of mindset and 20% of strategy. How to keep your mind positive and focused for as long as it takes is the key. I feel it’s my responsibility to share my econom...ic experience and knowledge to you at this time. Stop reading now if your business is a hobby and you’ve decided to surrendering to this great river of life during this pandemic, it is totally fine. But for some, I’d like to humbly share 3 strategies to guide you through this storm and hopefully you will come out on the other end stronger and better. Because one thing is for sure - THIS WILL END! Here is the first (1) use this time to expand our prospects rather than revenue maximisation. Market share is now up for grab for people want it hard enough. Focus on building on our list, focus on getting our message out there, don’t be afraid to make phone calls asking what service people need. If you need to upskill, don’t wait until this is over. Do it now, so when this is over, you have the skill to run with straightaway. And give, give big, give so much for them to hurt for you. If you are already offering online classes to your members, why not expand to others, they might be your future pay customers Change your mindset from revenue loss to revenue deferral. Focus on customer expansion, the revenue will come. Stay tune for two more tips - turn on the post notification so you don’t miss out Leave me a common or send me a message if you need more support. See more

09.01.2022 There are three types of people (1) dream but never work (2) work but never dream (3) dream big and work hard for it. ... You cannot be all in, if you are scared. Rocket yoga Friday 4pm Yin yoga Sunday 4pm

07.01.2022 We are moving into the 7th week in quarantine! We are all trying our hardest to claim back some sort of normality, but the struggle is real. It seems paradoxical that anyone would feel run down during a lockdown, but if you are feeling tired and unmotivated throughout the day, you are not alone. One of things in Chinese medicine, when we are navigating on an unknown sea, first step we do is we go YIN, we go inside to recognise what is inside, these feelings/emotions inside. M...aybe it’s fear, anxiety, blame; maybe some of us still remain a sense of grounding and calming. There is no judgment, no right or wrong answer. But to acknowledge and be aware of our own feelings. And the next step is to ask ourselves - do we want to orientate ourselves around them? As I always said in my classes, the real work as a yogi is to find the light in the dark. I invite you to find the light in the dark in whatever situation you are in. The light switch is always in you. No one can give that to you. I can guide you, inspire you but you are your own teacher and the internal wisdom is always inside of you. I invite you to go YIN with me for a Sunday afternoon chill VIN YIN flow. Please sign up via the link at least one hour before the class and you will receive a code 30 minutes before the class. Grab all your pillows and a light blanket for the class.

05.01.2022 Self isolation week 5 - when I am not teaching online classes, I wear no bra, no make up, no smiles, and in my PJ. My coffee, chocolate and alcohol intake have increased since beginning of the iso too. But one thing hasn’t changed is I still keep practicing yoga and exercising daily. How is everyone doing so far? Filming my next YouTube video today. Stay tune x

04.01.2022 After one month of hard work, my website is live now, which means I can start taking booking online and have another platform to connect with you all. This week’s livestream classes: Wednesday 4pm Yin Thursday 4pm Yin (for my FB close group members only) ... Friday 4pm Rocket yoga This week’s yin classes, we are going to dive deep into water element with Chinese Meridians. It is appropriate for the time like this. We will come out of the class be more water like. Have the strength to move mountains and carves rocks, and soft like water, if we can’t go through an obstacle, we go around it. The Friday Rocket yoga - it’s a functional backbend Rocket learn how to backbend safely, passive and active backbend makes huge difference! Book classes via the link below. Please make sure you enter the correct email address and I will send you the class detail one hour before it starts! You can pay before or after the class, it’s totally fine by me. Just make sure you register, so I can send you class details.

04.01.2022 If you want it, go for it. Take a risk, don’t play it safe or you’ll die wondering. Friday Rocket at 4pm Sunday Yin at 4pm

03.01.2022 Practice chair yoga with me on YouTube - my first video, not the best as I was so nervous . But I gave it a go, hope you will practice with me and provide me with comments and feedback. Please share the link with your friends, especially elders or people who just came back from injury/surgeries.

01.01.2022 Back to basics. Unlearn what we learnt in order to relearn. #week2 #lsits #yoga#progressnotperfection #yogachallenge #yogamarketing #yogaathome #yogaeverydamnday

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