William Kennett | Author
William Kennett
Phone: +61 412 192 127
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25.01.2022 Earths Numerology for November 2017. This year November is in the rhythm of the number 3. Therefore can be the bringer of much administration and drama. It's a time to have fun and to travel. Be wary of lies and deception. In this year 2017 which adds down to a 1 year = New beginnings. It represents lots of endings now we are at the end of the year. ... We all could be surprised at government changes as many new positions are to be placed... Many tyrants are to lose positions as more positivity wants to take the reins. Have many of you felt the results of energy as it's been effecting us all in body soreness. Anxiety worry stress relationship concerns and career concerns... Since 1999 we have been getting effected by photon energy... (Google the photon belt) much can be read to give one some ideas of what is going on... We have a span of 2000 years in the now Age of Aquarius...... Energy is different now and is sorting us out.... Our body is supposed to have a balance internally and if too acid it can burn inside causing inflammation... Alcohol Acid foods Anxiety Anger Frustration among many other things can make our bodies very acid.... How many folk are leaving this planet as a result of disease (Dis Ease). Care for your body for it is the temple to your soul Much love to you all on your Earthly Journey..
25.01.2022 Pondering the book
25.01.2022 Hi good people Numerology January 2018.. 2018 adds down to a 2.... So this year has a lot to do with feelings emotions couples caring sharing and communications... This can bring career mergers, relationship awareness even expand the current communication systems on our planet such as Internet radio TV etc. The 8 represents Justice so we will see corruption being dealt with... Much can happen with financial matters and currencies... These can be for the better in the end. Financially volatile times... January is a bringing in the 3 and the 3 represents fun travel administration. It can also bring drama. Be wary of Liars for they will be active through this month. In all 2018 is a feminine energy so therefor more favourable to the women of our planet. Moon and Venus the softer energies... For Mars in the 8 can also give the Masculine side a better run for their money.... Balance harmony and Justice.... Be kind allow your sensitivity to shine in love awareness... Trust instincts for you will have more sixth sense than last year.... Last year brought initiations aloness solitude. The months of concern for struggle and war (4) are Dec 2017 and Feb 2018....these are only 4 week periods... Until next month when I bring up February please have a Happy New Year. William Numerologist Chiromist Tarot Reader Clinical Hypnotist
25.01.2022 Hi my friends, I'm back with the, 2020 May Earth Vibrational frequencies Numerology ... Here we go Earth 4 year can bring Struggle, breaking down, rebuilding, war, material demands and physical hardships, yes that includes sicknesses. Now we just got through March a month ago and that was an earth month 7 Seven reaps birth, death, marriage and divorcing energies. So those matters were amplified big time. April was represented by the number 8. It despises corruption and wrong doing. This wants to bring harmony, balance ,good management and financial changes. May ? Well this is represented by closures endings changes and tidying up loose ends. It will feel frustrating to us all, as it's like driving down a street with too many speed bumps, so expect delays as things are slowly being put in place. This is a huge time for humanitarian planning and executions of matters in hand. May in this year represents the number 9 and this is a Mars representation. Mars is the planet of passion, anger, war, assertion, and separation, and its placement in your birth chart indicates how you pursue your goals, assert yourself, attack and defend, and cut people or circumstances off (think breakups). ... It's also the planet that symbolizes your sex life! I have no doubt that through the last 3 month's great things have been happening while we have all been occupied by coronavirus. There will be times that frustrations will be experienced in May. Please take time for life as it is not a race. From April 25th the planet Pluto is in 5 months of retrograde. Pluto shows the area of life where you'll personally face the intense powers of creation and destruction. ... The Ego holds to its defenses, but Pluto tries to urge you to let go, and surrender to become a new person. Pluto rules Scorpio with its province being death and rebirth. I'm visualising better life to come for all on planet earth. I feel much is being done out of our sight on this planet to make it a better place, a lot of information about these hidden processes can be revealed to us in the coming month. June is about a new beginning as it will be then an earth 1 month Patience and Tolerance is needed. Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Mobile 0412192127
23.01.2022 Wow. 2019 Earth Numerology Vibrations. What can this year bring? Knowing the 2 represents Love Couples Caring Sharing and Communication. Will be paramount until year 3000.... Next the 0 as you see is an unbroken number. This can represent the universal force which is ever present and continuous. The Number 1 is about initiation. New beginnings for this last year before 2020. The Number 9 represents closures, endings and tidying up loose ends. 2019 adds down to a 3.. The whole of this year can bring us fun, drama, travel, parties, socialising and grouping. No doubt many new plans will hit the table. Let's imagine then politics? No doubt new rules and regulations will be brought forward to change old ideals. A year 3 can bring us lies and litigation. Corruption has no place on this earth so let us watch a lot of familiar faces cop court orders... These I feel will come to justice nearer to May 2019. January 2019. Lets add 2019 to January (1) This adds down to a 4.. 4 shows us. Integrity, loyalty, honesty and reality. 4 can bring struggle, war, breaking down and rebuilding. February (2) will give us 5 which represents liberation freedom expansion. Note.... Mr Trump pulling troops from the East last month December 2018 = 5 liberation, freedom and expansion... January 2019 may bring us back to being grounded. We will view life in a very logical way. No doubt many will feel physical concern such as tiredness, muscle and body stiffness. A good month to take that needed cat nap once in a while to rejuvenate. Why not try a massage to loosen those tensions. This is a time to clear the clutter to change what is not physically working for you. Shares and financial matters may slow down. Earth may show her physical strength in various ways... Definitely a month to plod and not race... If you race you will wreck.... Don't be clumsy... Use finesse.... Rebuild your life. Rebuild your body.. Make sure your mineral levels are balanced. To you all. A happy festive season. Let's look forward to an amazing 2019 Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Inbox William
23.01.2022 Numerology Earth Vibrations for April 2020. I'm feeling good now after the dark and dismal March we have had to endure.... What a challenging month with a 4 year 2020 adding March into a 7 month. Birth, death, marriage, divorcing, sickness and water issues. Yes a time where Neptune rocked your boat .. Far out ...how depressing. Neptune's Effects on you... Romantic, light-headed, all-consuming love and Intense feelings of loneliness. Alienation and apathy. A desiring of drugs and alcohol. (Wanting to be buzzed or drunk to dull the pain.) Well now April is coming around the bend, watch out because we have power, balance, harmony and justice coming. So heads may roll as indictments get rolled out. Time to take charge and to watch justice prevail. As April and 2020 add to become the 8 month......the number 8 despises corruption. This is a very interesting time. There could be a lot of currency changes around the world. 8 is gold. Planet Saturn is the ruler of number 8 and person born on 8,17 and 26 comes under the leadership of planet Saturn. Saturn is considered to be the most important planet in both the fields of astrology and numerology. Saturn is the god of agriculture, founder of civilizations and of social order and conformity. Times of depression are now abating. The legal begals are going to be busy and sickness comes to a halt. April will gladden your heart and I must say the next 3 months of April May and June will create massive changes all around Earth. I feel these changes are being instigated through a higher accord over and above the negative human elements I will talk about May in 4 weeks time March was the lowest ebb . Remember Julius Caesar. Beware the Ides of March" I must say I for one am glad its closing. Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Inbox me for an appointment
21.01.2022 February 2020 Numerology Vibrations. 2020 plus 2 (February) = 6.... 6 represents family, healing and home. The number 6 itself is regarded as a perfect number as it is the sum of all of its divisors. As a perfect number, 6 is associated with harmony and balance. The number 6 is all about responsibility, security and living a harmonious life within the home. There could be many homes now broken down in readiness to rebuild. During this month cures could be found for ailments . Shoulders could be sore too as 6 carries responsibility. I have no doubt that we this month will have a lot to do with communication, feelings and sensitivity. Watch the emotions as they may run riot. February the second month in 2020 . We are surrounded by the number 2. As the most feminine among all numbers, the 2 is also the most underestimated. At least, when it comes to power and strength. After all, she is almost always gentle, tactful, diplomatic, forgiving and understanding. Certainly, she likes to keep the peace and will avoid confrontations as much as possible. Communication Computers. Windows 7. I'm personally upgrading to 10 now as Microsoft have dumped 7. Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Mobile 0412192127
20.01.2022 December 2017 Earth Numerology. December 12th month added to this 2017 = 1 year (represented new beginnings... So this year has brought many new changes and Still more to come under the pressure of this closing year...) December 12th month added to the 1 year totals down to the number 4....4 represents breaking down rebuilding. War and struggle, being grounded, brings up integrity loyalty and honesty. Many may feel physically weary especially when experiencing the silly seaso...n, rush rush rush... Take it slow, Be kind to self and to others.... Hold back from retaliations. Sleep more or cat nap.... According to Astrology Mercury commenced retrograde 3rd Dec for about 3 weeks so be sure of clarity in your communications with others and realise much may happen to computer's phones and other electronic devices. In all I feel a lot of us will earth out and be grounded. As we enter into the new year we will all no doubt feel a shift in who we are... Feed the body with good healthy food and rest up for next year which brings us the vibration of the 2... 2 meaning love couples communication emotions... Enjoy the festive season Much love William
20.01.2022 Here we go The 2020 Numerology Vibrations for the month of August. 2020 Sure has been a challenge with Coronavirus, with tensions between some countries and many folk having personal battles.... 2020 added down becomes a 4. 4 is a number that can bring physical struggles, war, breaking down and rebuilding. It can effect physical health in a big way. 2021 adds down to 5. 5 brings expansion, changes, liberation, freedom and travel. In fact we should feel this as of October 2020. This month of July now passed brought us . July 7th month plus 4 adds to 11 then to 2. 2 represents love ,couples ,caring ,sharing, sensitivity, the feminine energy and relationships. August represents a 3 month. 3 is about travel, fun, wit, charm and playtime... When negativity is around it can bring lies, deception, propaganda and nasty words. Usually nasty words end up as fights.... September will be a 4 month in a 4 year, this will be a pinnacle for war and struggle before liberation starts to take form in October trending to next year a 5 year (2021). Pluto is going to help us to penetrate to the truth, Saturn is teaching us to be realistic and to be wary of deceptions. There are a lot of inequalities but once Saturn is fully in Aquarius starting in January 2021, we will make important changes for all walks of life, all cultures, races and religions. In general I am feeling better things coming and we need to wade through these times of dense propaganda. Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Mobile 0412192127
19.01.2022 Earths Numerology Vibes August 2019. Hi you Awesome Bunch. Back again with again ... August adding down 8 and 2019 = 11 = 2. 2 represents love, communication, couples, caring and sharing. 2 is a feminine number, therefor is softer than last month. It represents Venus. Through Venus's power, we are able to learn and explore our pleasures, tastes, inclinations and all things that make us happy. We manifest Venus's influence in our aesthetic preferences, material desires, fashion sense and even how we choose our lovers. These may seem like materialistic pursuits, but keep in mind that they also remind us of the abundant beauty of the world. Be aware of our abilities to control. If we don't get what we want we may tend to lose the plot. Life is a river, let some flow happen and don't dam things up emotionally. Last month had some bravado, however this month we may cross our arms and see how life goes. Money may be better shared around as we will all seem to get on top of accounts. I'm seeing scales (weighing) as I write this and the message is re law, legal and justice matters may be seen in the media this month. Many may be pulling away from sickness now as July would have brought touches of depression in health, wealth and well being. Like Earth we all have a biorythmic life of ups and downs. For your own personal Biorythem, contact me for your private session In all am getting good feelings for this month in general. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
19.01.2022 Hi Folks, Here are the May 2019 Numerology Earth Vibrations.... Well! After the depressed energies of last month we humans can expect an uplift. Earth has now shifted to its 8 vibrational month. (May the 5th month added to 2019 reduces down to digit 8). 8 is Power, balance, harmony and justice. Expect legal matters to be persued, especially over the next 3 better months. Money could start to flow and spread a little more. Many businesses have folded over the last few months in Old Money areas, this was concerning. To me people were not spending owing to lack of funds. This in turn means bigger businesses are not able to cover wages and rents. If money does not move, then government loses taxes on the movement of the $. Those who have been corrupt are about to meet the maker. Courts will no doubt be busy in this Month of May June and July. We could all be better at handling our finances this month. A sensibility to pay off outstanding accounts instead of wasting money on frivolous matters. Those of you born this month will generally have a flirtatious nature. Many of you can be heart space folk who tend to socialise easily. The middle section of your lives may be very changeable and eratic. What do your personal years, months and days bring you? In a nutshell. I feel most of you will have better months ahead as the very low vibration of earth 7 month of April slides away Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
18.01.2022 Hi Folks Here we have it! Earth Numerology June 2018 Most would have found last month challenging.... No doubt, Financially, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically. The month of June may change these doldrums back into harmony power strength and better abundance. As you have no doubt seen much corruption being brought to justice this year, then this month can bring some acceleration to those who need sorting out for their bad behaviours. Last month 2018 + 5 for May was a 7 earth month. No doubt it brought much of, birth, death, marriage and divorce to the front..... Now the legal 8 of this current month will seal the deals.... We have a group of numbers this month and year. These numbers are 1,2,6 and 8. The zero of the year represents the universal force. So this year will no doubt bring us a lot of stigma, around hospitality, healing, family and homes. Homes meaning cleaning additions and changes. Even removals to New abodes. This last month of May no doubt brought sleeplessness, tiredness and soreness to our bodies.. Let's bear in mind we are individuals, however as our physical body returns to earth when our soul leaves.... We are connected to Earth. We also have our own personal biorythem that sets us apart from other humans. What is your biorythem? Inbox me for a consultation. William Kennett Numerogist Palmistry Tarot Psychic Clinical Hypnosis
17.01.2022 November 2019 Earth Numerology Vibrations. 2+0+1+9 + (November 11) 1+1 = 14 1+4 = 5... November can bring liberation, freedom, expansion and change. It can represent travel and modes of travel. This means personally we could service our car or maybe change it. Last month the 4 (October) was war, struggle, breaking down and rebuilding. War may be slowed down, stopped or placed aside until 2020. Many of us may become better after sickness, problems with relationships and stiffness of the body. There maybe new types of vehicles presented. For sure much happenings with aircraft, boats, trucks, cars and other ways of transport. Number 5 symbolizes curiosity, freedom, change and represents the five senses of humanity. 5 is the pivotal point between the numbers 1 to 9 and represents a variety of experiences through its developed senses and offers many opportunities for choices and decisions for the future. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
17.01.2022 Let's do it ! Numerology Earth vibrations for June 2020.... Well May was representing closures and endings for matters on earth... June is a 1 vibration meaning instigations, initiations,new beginnings and leadership. No doubt we will see some positive changes coming our way. When we move into a 1 personal Vibration ourselves we experience positive and better things that propel our lives... I have no doubt the pandemic will come to a close the closer we get to Mid June.... Change is inevitable so nothing generally remains the same... We have had many crisis on earth, there has always been a balance.... September and December may give us some stress and strain, however, once the year is over much liberation is to come. Much will be relaxed very soon for I sense the virus has run its course....thanks to those who were mindful of the possibilities of its spread... Much stress has been experienced by most and I feel these stresses relaxing as we speak..... The experiences we have had from the pandemic have surely made many of us rethink our lives for the better. Let's look forward to the lifting of the veil. Wishing you all much better times ahead Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. For a consultation please inbox
17.01.2022 Hello Good People I'm Back. With the 2019 February Earth Numerology Vibrations.... February can make us all super sensitive so take some time to assess your feelings. Are they warrented? Love will be paramount now as the energy of Valentine month may merge a lot of relationships, its about romance. Be wary of frenetic energies and chops and changes for the directions and plans can go haywire. Appointments most definatly will be altered so keep the whiteout beside the diary. No doubt driving for most could be erratic so please be vigilant when behind the wheel.... No doubt many will make late decisions when driving... Change of thought, change of heart. Many may decide its time to upgrade their mode of transport. Those who are low on libido may get a boost in confidence, much flirting can happen as the body feels more vibrant. As this month is a 5 vibration it could bring liberation from the the struggle and war of January just passed. Those who wouldn't venture far will venture more now... It's about having more energy to do the things we want to do. Its a liberating month so enjoy the buzz. Less of a struggle now... Freedom, expansion, and more energy. Be wary of those who maybe vindictive towards you. No doubt Facebook users may discard unwanted associates and key board warriors. Have fun this month for it can bring travel, excitement, fun and socialising. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
17.01.2022 Wow. Our personalities can be linked in our birth numbers. What makes us tick? Those with multiple 9s are folk who are humanitarian.... Yes they do care. Yes they can compromise themselves. When confronted they can fly off the handle. They have inherent wisdom. They need to learn to say no! I'll save you " they need to burn these words. They will carry others loads too. Physically emotionally and spiritually. This will make the lower back ache. Self love please Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
16.01.2022 Here we go again folks. 2019 December Numerology Vibrations. 2019 Added down = 3.... So we are ending a year of new ideas, creations and acting. All the propaganda, lies and deceit are being sifted through before we meet next year, the 4. 4 is the truth. Its about breaking down and rebuilding. Yes, war can be included in 2020. This December = 6 is about Healing, homes, families and even unconditional love. From this I feel a lot of folk will be involved in family Xmas functions more than normal. Naturally at the end of the year there are many home changes and this can be upstaged by the December energies. I feel most will spend time at home this month and not venture out as they have done in the past, so more garden care may be an option to fill in the gap. They, the media spruke how house prices are rising in Australia..... I Don't feel this is so. Reason being 2020 is a 4 showing conflict throughout the year. I feel people around the world this coming 2020, will fight for their rights, so conflict in many countries will endure throughout the year till 2021 = 5 which means Liberation and freedom. Typical of the 2000s many will feel sensitive and this month will feel the need to say it how it is. Many will feel frustration and a lack of trust. In closing I wish you all a happy festive season Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities.
16.01.2022 Well Hello. Earth Numerology. 2017 adds down to 10 then to 1. Earth is in a 1 year delivering new beginnings and new changes for most areas of our planet. There is no doubt all of you are being effected as your physical being returns to earth on termination.... We are now in October and 10 adds down to 1.. When 1 and 1 are added together they come to 2. So. Earth is in a 2 month meaning love couples communication.... Therefor there will be an amalgamation of good relationships and the endings of bad ones... This can be in love and in work issues. 2017 gives us the number 7 energies and the 7 is brave. It's related to neptune which deals with water emotions and life's experiences. It can bring quick action through trust and faith... Be brave and live life Love to you all See more
14.01.2022 Earth Numerology. 2017 added down = 10 then 1+0 = 1 Earth is in a year one which is now wanting to create new life new things and big changes. last year 2016 was a 9 year meaning closures and endings, tucking in loose ends ready for the new energies of 2017...... This month June the 6th month adds down to a 7 month when added to this year.... 7 represents, Birth Death Marriage Divorce. Not a strong time for finances on a whole for its about retrospect deep thought and anticipation of life (the Holy Grail). There can be matters to do with water happen in a 7 month as its Neptunes chance to push issues re boats ships Seas creeks chanels rivers dams and more... Possible Tsunami action. It is our time to release and to let go of the fears and childhood pains that bring us anger frustration stress resentment and more....we must move on or carry our past into a future that will be blocked if we dont.... Much can happen to relationships and careers at this time so be ready for changes...Next month July is to be an 8 month and this brings Justice balance and harmony. Job promotions will happen as others not doing their task will be held accountable. Corrupt folk will go to jail. Home prices and other material items could sink a little further prior to a rise from mid July, A buyers time and not the sellers. Those who have been patient and have suffered whilst attempting to find work may soon get that job / career... We now also have a full moon near the 9th of June 2017. This moon calls for us to wake up to our silly childhood issues taught to us by toxic parenting. Issues we must delete from our lives now ... The moon is furtherest from earth so these issues date back a long time. Its time to grow and not to wilt... Blessings to you all ! William Numerologist Palmistry Psychic Tarot and Clinical Hypnosis.
14.01.2022 Hey Good Folk. 2018 September Numerology Vibrations for the month. 2018 as stated before is a 2 year on earth. 2 represents love couples communication feeling sensing merger marriage and relationships.... So we will continue to deal with these sensitive things until we grow to embrace them. Our psychic has become greater. Dreams no doubt more colourful and stronger. The universe is trying to get in touch with you. This Month September (9th month) added to the 2 year of 2018 becomes 11 which has the basics of the 2 and is a master number. Be ready for more power to feelings and sensitivity. Be ready for relationship issues in love and work. The world is attempting to shift from masculine to feminine energies. It's important we maintain a balance with our emotions, or what you have may just exit your building . You may find that throughout this month that you can sense what another is about to do. You may guess well, what they are about to say. Its a very sensitive month so be wary during the full moon. August was about new beginnings. Remember Ozzies what we just got. Please observe your emotions. And enjoy this wonderful month. As we trend to Autumn in the North Spring in the South. This was for earth... You are of earth so in a suttle or stronger way you will be effected... Your own personal year will be something else. I'm here to let you know that. For consultation inbox me. William
13.01.2022 Hi you awesome bunch. Here we go ! With The....... March 2020 Numerology Vibrations.... These are not personal vibrational energies for each individual, however a general across the board effect for Earth and those who reside on this earth. 2020 over this whole year will be the effect of war, breaking down and rebuilding. A general feeling of tiredness, physical challenges and working hard . Dealings with honesty, integrity and loyalty will come into the light. The body can be effected by weakness and therefore be prone to illness's. Please get some rest when you can. Now we are into March. The 3rd month, added to the energies of 2020 can in an overall fashion bring us very inner spiritual matters . Combining this month, plus this year and we have possible turmoil on this earth .. There will be strong Neptune energies around. Neptune is to do with water, depression, death, birth, marriage and divorce. Dams can burst and tsunamis can happen. Problems with the seas, ships, sea animals, water on land and in houses. Where roofs can leak, hot water systems can leak and taps may hammer or drip. I feel dentists will have a rash of emergencies during this month . Look after your teeth. Many of you are probably wondering when do we get a breather? Financially this could be the lowest ebb before a rise in energy. Next month April can give alterations to financial situations. This is the month that Earth's vibrational energies can rise. In fact April, May and June will push financials and many changes for the better. For March be aware of depressive feelings. Get active and create small projects and get involved with positive thinkers. Drink good clean water and get out walking. I have a good feeling in my gut that once we get through this month of March our energies will start to feel better, with that we all could benefit better financially. There has been much in the media about companies underpaying their staff. This could be ratified over the next 3 months. 2020 is 4 when added down. This in conjunction with April adds to 8. Eight represents law, justice, balance, harmony and money. We may start to get a lift in economy. If people are broke they have nothing to spend. The government won't be able to tax the dollar. So for this month of March let's roll up our sleeves and get on with it. Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Mobile 0412192127
13.01.2022 Earth's Numerology Vibrations Time to chat about the month of October 2020. Before we do however wasn't September a Korker...?... Struggle, hardships, tiredness, sleepless nights and no doubt many spats. October will lift the vibrational energy and bring Liberation, freedom and expansion. It will show us a taste of 2021.. Many who have been trapped may now get home. Airport actions can be a buzz. Car yards for sure will become busier, travel business may get a Boost. We may see Coronavirus hype dissipate from our tv screens. If you are able to move states in October and November, best not leave it till December. This December could bring more hardships as it wants to clear dross for 2021 which will be a much better year than this 2020 March 2021 will no doubt sort a lot of corruption as it brings Justice to the courts. I for one am looking forward to October. This month will trend towards more social occasions. I'm feeling good for all of you Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. William 0412192127
12.01.2022 October 2019 Earth Numerology Vibrations. Yes we are in an Earth 3 year which can bring a lot of lies, deceit and propaganda.... New ideas can also be born. Artistic flare and creativity. Especially last month September. October! This month will bring truth and could also slam lies and deception. This month October will draw on the very real, most will be made to be truthful, loyal, honest and have more integrity. There could be conflict this month that can bring breaking down and rebuilding. A month of war may happen. As we move closer to 2020 we move into a time of integrity, loyalty and honesty. Also 2020 adds down to a 4.. In 1939 =4 war was instigated by the sinking of a ship between 2 countries. Propaganda set off a war... 1940 to 1945 WW2. You see how 4 sets up war and struggle. Bombing down and rebuilding... 4 is hard work... Yet can be security and solidarity. I have no doubt many folk will feel tired this month, as the 4 is gut level energy and being physical I get sleep will play an important part in our lives. No doubt many will actually get physical this month. Now. Let's have some fun on a personal basis? We've been speaking of Earth Numerology Vibrations yes? Then let's have fun with you and your timing? If i add my birthday number To my month number, then add this current year 2019. I will get my personal year this year. So 25th/08/2019 totals down to (2+5+0+8+2+0+1+9) = 27 / 9 = 9 So I'm in a 9 year. This is a time of closure and endings. A time for life renewal and massive adjustment. What personal year are you in? Better still if we add 10 for October what personal month are you in? Those Born 1st of October in any year. This year will want to bring you liberation, freedom, many changes and maybe a vehicle change. Flirtation and socialising can also happen this year for you.. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
11.01.2022 Back Again. Now with 2019 June Earth Vibrations. The 2000's These years represent the feminine. They are about feelings, love, communication, couples, caring and sharing.... This year 2019 adds down to a 3. Travel, fun, wit, party and play. This year plus June adds to a 9. Humanitarian, closures, endings, caring and preparing for new times on this planet. So much about money, law and corruption. Last month as loose ends could be tied up now. We may feel a little frustrated this month, reason being that July is initiations. So it may take a little time for you to get the changes sorted. The number 9 can bring anticipation. Remember patience, patience and more patience. Its interesting at this time how much is going on in politics. Many changes happening around the world, as if a new awakening is emerging. The people need change. Tension seeks resolution like an over compressed spring. This 3 year can bring drama, lies, deceit, propaganda and sarcasm, so be alert Let's not choose to be effected by media too much and read between the lines. Seek truth When I do a personality grid on this month I see a lot to do with the games of hospitality, no doubt much to go on in the industries of healing, doctoring, nursing, hospitality and families in general. It appears as a month that has much to do with homes and places of living, maybe upgrading, downgrading or even moving house. Hoping this finds you well and happy. May you all be abundant in health, happiness, wealth and love Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
11.01.2022 Hi Folks May Numerology Earth vibration. To start with 2018 = 11 = 2 broken down.... 2 and its relevance to words as you may recall are. Love couples caring sharing and communications. So 2018 can have a powerful effect on your marriage, career, relationships with others and emotions getting in the road of communication. Be wary of matters of the heart for this year may well disrupt the harmony of your marriages to partners and careers. Now we have May = 5 So 5 plus 2 is 7. 7 is May therefor the words, Birth Death Marriage Divorce are very relevant. 7 is depression 7 can reduce finance. I feel May is the big dipper before the month of June where life and finances and power and balance can return. This could be the time to buy if you are cashed up... The 7 month of May will push us to go within. We will reflect on life and perhaps make better decisions on how to deal with life in better ways. Is living this way working well for me or do I need to take a new direction. No doubt people will be forced to make better changes by life itself. 2018 also is bearing the number 8. So throughout this year there is a continuance of Balance Harmony and Justice. Therefor I have no doubt many are going through legal tangles. This is all integral with Earths energies. You also have your personal vibration that mingles with earths vibes. For private Consults Inbox me. Numeroligist Palmistry Tarot Psychic Readings. William
10.01.2022 Here we are again folks. Numerology Earth Vibrations for April 2019 April the 4th month plus 2019 adds down to a 7.... The 7 represents words like Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce and Neptune. Neptune is of the water, seas, emotion, depression. Its a representation of inner child work, self, soul. There can be situations with water such as leaks, mould, cloudyness (Even of the mind) This can be a time that we go within and think about what we really want after the dramas of March. Rest the body, sleep well, if one is tired of a relationship with work, partnership, place of living, business then one may decide to love and let go of the situation. Earth wise I feel a fall financially this month before June. Shares may drop. Definately housing as shown on media. Money may be slow to pass hands as its a time of tight budgeting. With this in mind business may be slower. The next 3 months hold higher vibrations for us all so we must plod through this month. Don't over do it. Check on Body requirements such as minerals and water intake. Beware a time where bugs can get to you. Take prevention and wash the hands Of course we all each have our own biorythem, like those born today April 1st are in a personal 8 year which brings better things such as career boosts, better finances, justice, balance and harmony. September 2019 will certainly give you a bigger boost. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
09.01.2022 Hi good People It's time for me to bring you the July 2018 Earth Numerology Vibrations.... No doubt watching the media you have seen much going on with banks and matters of money and greed. This will continue throughout this year. I'm feeling we have way much more to come to level the playground and sort through the draconic ways of Governments and major banking Cartels. Relationships haven't missed out either as logic and heart go to war with reality. 2018 adds down to a 2 so all this year we are dealing with feelings sensitivity and communication. Now. Lets add July 7 month to earth 2018 This will give us an Earth month 9. 9 is the humanitarian. Those who are givers, beware as takers will try to con you, don't be gullable. A time of endings, closures and preparing for initiations in August. So get into those unfinished projects, paperwork and dealings with past. No doubt this month will make us feel frustrated as we wait for the better changes to come. Many would want those changes now. Look after your stomachs and lower backs. Eat right and don't lift objects too heavy for you. Anybody taking a holiday through this month could actually enjoy it because the 9 Earth month is a humanitarian one. Its very possible for much public and parliamentary changes to occur now. A lot of wisdom may come from many folk, especially to do with the caring industries. I wish you all an amazing month. Even though you are effected by earths Numerology vibrations you too have your own personal timings. I am available to you for readings. Inbox me for a session. William Numerology Tarot Psychic Palmistry Clinical Hypnosis
08.01.2022 What's in Store for July 2020 Numerology Earth Vibrations. The 4 (2020) is referring to struggle and hardship, tiredness, war and the physical.... Imagine next year 2021 = 5. 5 brings liberation, freedom, expansion, many changes, energy and travel. So will October of this year. July 7th month plus 4 adds to 11 then to 2. 2 represents love ,couples ,caring ,sharing, sensitivity, the feminine energy and relationships. So those relationships that were smashed from the month of March may have some resurrection, as March was the time of testing... 25th of April was the day Pluto went into 5 months of retrograde. A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to move backwards in its orbit. Pluto is a planet of transformation; when it starts to backtrack, it creates space for reflection. ... On a more personal level, Pluto's retrograde may give us an opportunity to free ourselves from unhealthy dependencies on the material world. In actual fact many planets have gone retrograde through this difficult time.... retrograde slows down many life situations. So much has stopped during Covid times. Because of a Mercury retrograde in the first half of this month it would be wise to communicate very clearly and to listen intently, reason being there will be destructive miscommunication. Be wary of signing papers of legal matters. At least until the middle of this Month of July 2020. Another thing is to hold back on making purchases of electronic communication devices. This is going to be the month that many will rehash their lives. I feel definite changes in relationships and work commitments coming, for many. It's quite an awakening time, a time where reality will snap us out of our imaginary lives. We can't pretend any more, it's time to get real. Over all we need to watch our emotions don't get in the road of our future lives. Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Mobile 0412192127
06.01.2022 September 2019 Numerology Vibrations. 2019 add 9 comes down in digits to the number 3 3 represents fun, travel, excitement, play and we need to keep and eye out for deception, lies, propaganda and drama... Depending on your own personal vibration many could actually enjoy this month. In government I see lies and deception leading to inner wars, meaning October may show war threats and or violence on the streets due to treason. Many may find their minds more active than the dosile energies of the past August. We have 2020 on our doorstep. Recall 1939 1940 to 45 2001 into 2002 The number 4 meaning war and struggle. Let's all generate peace in our thoughts for the sake of our own Tidy up and tuck in loose ends in this Virgoen time... Think humanely... Spread love... Be kind You may find you'll be putting things to plan now, thinking of future careers or even holidays. We may see much going on with land, sea and road travel. Newer modalities of movement being tabled. This month a general lightness and much entertainment indoors and outdoors. People maybe generally happier. Remember not to lie or kid yourself let alone others. Be honest. In the Southern hemisphere Spring has Sprung. In the Northern hemisphere Autumn will drop those golden leaves. Lovely seasons indeed to enjoy the outdoors. We are here in this lifetime to expand our souls, please enjoy your life as you do so. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
06.01.2022 Here We are again. Another month has passed. Numerology Earth Vibrations for September 2020 has arrived.... Well August was a blast and as a 3 month it brought us much attention to Media, drama, lies and deception. Now September is near we have a 4 month in a 4 year. 4 represents breaking down and rebuilding, war, struggle, tiredness along with honesty, integrity, loyalty and reality... This month will dispel the propaganda of last month. Many of us will feel physically weary so much rest and sleep will be necessary to recuperate our energies.... Watch out for clumsiness. Love your bodies, eat good food and drink lots of good clean water. As we go through September please keep your vision towards October the 5 month which will bring Liberation, freedom and expansion.... I feel much disputing will go on in September to bring forward the truth of what has been going on this year. Many truths can be revealed in this month.... There has been way to much propaganda spread on what is supposed to be happening around our earth. Hang in there, love and nurture self as much as you can and support your loved ones as much as you possibly can To summarise we still have a challenging month left on Earth. October will show us more vibrant energy and could open many boarders... Blessings to you all. Let's all keep the faith in a better future and ride this month of September out the best way we can Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. Mobile 0412192127
04.01.2022 Will The Wizard. Clinical Hypnotherapist. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities.
04.01.2022 Let's go!!! Earth Numerology vibes For July 2019 The personality for this month can bring bravado.... You may find yourself stepping out and creating or starting something new. Ho Hum!!! Let's take a leap of faith... A load of initiations are coming now allowing the frustrations of last month to leave now. The waiting is over. So many hesitant people have been sitting on the fence and now it's time to make a move. The pickets are prodding your butt. Move it. Near 2 decades ago we left the 1900s. The Independence of the number 1 has left the building. 2 is here for near a thousand years. Everything is changing. 2020 next year... Time flies! The number 2 heightens our perception . Its all now about communication, love, feeling and sensing. We are all awakening to the heart space. Hedonism in the number 1 is dissipating. You will run on your intuition more. For this month July 2019 brave initiations will want to take place. I Feel many have moves to make to remove themselves from binding situations that no longer serve them. As you well know we are talking about generalised projections for many. If you need a personalised projection, then make a booking with William for your own personal Quantum Physics... Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
03.01.2022 March 2019 Earth Numerology Vibrations. Hi good folk. The month of March is on us.... 2019 added down with March (3rd month) Brings us the vibration of 6. 6 meaning healing, home, family, love, protection, responsibility and a mind remembering better than the scrambled energy of February just passed. Expect family issues to rise and heal. Expect much ado around the home like shifting, enhancing and new ideas of building. Expect new health regimes and even new medicines. This month could be strong for mergers of business and love... Committed people will stick. Non committed! Time to move on. Autumn in Southern Hemisphere Spring in Northern Hemisphere Awesome times. I can imagine how many will feel tension in the shoulders and spines.. Many may need to see there upper body specialists. This month is strong in planning and will have your mind functioning at a peak. It can bring socialising, wit, charm and a smile. Will The Wizard. Numeroligist, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic. William is a lecturer, Author and teacher of Numerology and Palmistry. As a reader he seeks to open your life into new realms. Helps you to discover your possibilities. He is also qualified and holds a diploma in advanced Clinical Hypnosis. For personal appointments. Contact William on 0412192127.
03.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/consciousheartconnections/videos/240123143019010/
02.01.2022 Wow! Has our sun been performing some solar activity that has played with our souls n bodies this month of September.. This September of 2017 according to Numerology is a 1 Month and its in a 1 earth year.... This means instigation of new changes for earth and its occupants. lets stay open to what may happen, maybe more government changes, maybe financial activities may be changed on earth as we sure need something to help us all away from slavery and mortgages...( mortgage meaning angaged until death) We are all going through some very intense feelings, headaches sorenes of joints and outbursts, anger resentment and general awakening ! We are in the 2000,s now and the 2 represents love couples caring sharing and communication, I get a lot of you good folk will have been sensing more these days then you were in the 1900,s. This was a time of change 2k which was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. this is to last for aprox. 2160 years... I have no doubt that earth is seeking peace now, and I get to clear a boil of infestation it needs to burst, Earth spirals around our Sun...Our sun also has its orbit around the galaxy. Its reputed that our sun has a 26000 year orbit which passes through a photon belt 2 times, midpoints being aprox 13000 years. We are now in 2000 years of photon light which will make drastic changes to our bodies and souls, yes we are changing, and we can feel it, magnetic flux is working us and our planet over. 2017 is new beginnings, next is 2018 = a 2 earth year, so love couples caring and sharing along with communications can flourish, much will be going on with us all about relationships to humans work and other modes of our lives, no doubt more coming in better connections with computors phones and other electronic items... I feel it is necessary for us all to stay grounded and also well hydrated as we go through these intense solar flares our sun is purging
02.01.2022 April it is. Looking at Numerology. Its an Earth Year 2. Brings in the words. Love, couples, caring, sharing, communication throughout this year.... Now the months will have a varying effect on this year. If this is a 2 year on Earth then let's add 4 for April to the 2 Earth year and we get 6. April has a 6 vibration that has an effect on earth and earthlings. Key words are. Home, family, healing, food, love, nurturing, looking into finer details, detective work, medicines, After last month of March and the frenetic energy it gave us all we may settle a bit now. The Super moon on the tail end and Mercury in retrograde could have spun a lot of you out. No doubt some anger and frustration as the fleet footed Mercury stuffed up communications. Let's Calm the Farm this month with the unconditional love of the 6 month April. Many may do Spring cleaning in the Northern hemisphere. Autumn cleaning in the Southern Hemisphere. Get those homes cleaned out. Get sorted with family. Let go of silly disputes. It's time to heal. To eat right. To clean out the body and stop putting poison in your system... Health is your picture now. Leave toxic people behind to pull their own cart. This is a time for unconditional love. Work on your soul... Shift negative consciousness for if you don't, the universe is going to kick butt in the month of May. Its time to count our blessings. Its time to have an Attitude of Gratitude. Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained. Get the shoes off and connect to Earth. Love to you all. William Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic Readings. Clinical Hypnosis
01.01.2022 Hi Earthlings Lets discuss earth Numerology today for the month of February. 2018 broken down = 11 then down to last digit =2 11 is a master number and is a very intuitive number.... It is a number that can represent Lawyers love communication feeling merger marriage. So we are all looking at our contracts in life and asking self is this a fair deal in work and in love. this year may bring us a lot of info through the internet. Computers may even be re examined and become quicker with more power, simplicity. We as people may open up more to use our feelings and therefor get answers through the psychic the sixth sense. The 8 in 2018 will continue to bring justice and legal actions as we know the number 8 dislikes corruption. So corruption may be found out because of our higher senses of intuition. This month of February the second month 2 when added to the 2 year 2018 comes to a 4..... 4 represents grounding, breaking down, rebuilding, honesty , integrity , loyalty. Therefor this month is sorting the lies and deception....Work issues will be altered... It is also about War and Struggle, so we are all going to be working on our feuds... This is important time for all of us to sleep when tired, be wary not to overwork your soul body mind, its a time to take stock of body health minerals and water. Being a master number 11 this year can bring real connections to spirit guidance, extra sensitivity adding to anxiety. love is excentuated in these times. Its very important this year to watch over the emotions, a time to check we dont get over emotional.... This month of Feb. can bring out our physicality so therefor we may use our hands and bodies to get practical things done. lets enjoy this month as it will certainly help to keep us grounded.. Love and happiness to you All Will Numerology Tarot psychic Palmistry And Clinical Hypnosis