William Demas | Sport & recreation
William Demas
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25.01.2022 Who’s been feeling unmotivated today? When I’m like this though I know it’s a call to action. And I try taking as much of it as possible. Because it’s times like these that build resilience. And that’s absolutely imperative to achieving our goals So here’s a call to action if you’re not feeling like exercising today. ... Get into this 28 min do-it-at-home HIIT workout. It’s guaranteed to keep you going forward, get you stronger and on your way to getting your fitness goals Warm Up: Light Jog: 30 secs Trunk Twists: 10 rotations each side Round 1: Jumping Jacks (30 secs on, 10 secs rest) Burpees ( ) Fast Feet ( ) Bear Crawls ( ) Standard Shuffles ( ) Repeat circuit 3 times. 2 min break. Then move onto Round 2. Round 2: Mountain Climbers Knee Highs Lateral Shuffles Toe Taps Static Lunges Repeat circuit 3 times. 2 min break. Then move onto Cool Down. Cool Down: Standing Quads Stretch: 20 secs hold each leg Hurdler Hamstring Strech: 20 secs hold each leg Child’s Pose: 20 sec hold
24.01.2022 Yeah summer’s around the corner but there’s more to training abs than a 6 Pack. Some of the other benefits are: reduces back pain. Ab strength improves endurance in your back muscles, which reduces fatigue and therefore the risk of injury ... supports good posture. Powerful abs help to bolster your spine, so it feels more natural to stand up straight and walk like a boss helps with everyday life. Abs are used when you lift, bend, twist and reach. So the stronger they are the easier doing these things can become creates better balance. Strong abs stabilise the body, which makes your every move more efficient and also reduces the risk of falls improves sports performance. Ab strength lets you transfer more power to your limbs which makes you a better athlete in just about any endurance, strength or speed sport. Including ones in bed So whatever your fitness goals and your progress towards them - you’ll be winning by including this 10 min ab workout into your routine Warm Up: Inchworms: As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) for 30 secs Rounds 1 and 2: Russian Twists: AMRAP for 20 secs, no rest Glute Bridges: ( ) Plank ( ) Bicycle Crunches ( ) Alternating Bird Dog ( ) Sit Ups ( ) Left Side Plank ( ) Right Side Plank ( ) Hip Raises ( ) Heal Touches ( ) Rest for 1 min. Then repeat once and rest for another min. Then move onto Cool Down. Cool Down: Cobra Stretch: Hold for 30 secs
22.01.2022 A bit of a deep message but a true and necessary one I feel The keys to long term happiness and motivation are: 1 Knowing your life purpose and;... 2 Setting and hitting goals that will propel you towards realising it In my experience moving towards realising our purpose brings about positive emotions and energy. While moving away from it does the opposite. If you don’t know your purpose, take the time to find it, then set and nail goals to bring it to life It ain’t an easy and will take infinite time and patience. But the person you will become of it is worth the ride
21.01.2022 If this post helps one person to prioritise their health and wellness, I'm happy It wasn't all too long ago that I very unhealthy. I was "stuck" in corporate roles which had become monotonous and unfulfilling. But my fear of the unknown and failure meant taking no meaningful action forward. Instead I abused alcohol and other stuff to mask my growing unhappiness and insecurities ... This toxic concoction went on for years and subsequently contributed to a tragic event which changed my life forever. I caused an accident in which someone died. In the years that followed this event, my guilt and shame meant my alcohol and substance abuse progressively got to the point where I felt I was going to succumb early. I knew I had to start prioritising my health and wellness or face the consequences. So with whatever inner strength I had left, I did Day by day, month by month I increasingly noticed my mental and physical health improving. Each time I set and hit a health goal, my courage and confidence grew exponentially For the first time in years, I started to believe that I could achieve anything I wanted to So I began setting and nailing goals in other areas of life like personal development, relationships, career/business and spirituality - and I haven't looked back since You see when I resolved to try and get healthy I was just hoping to feel better mentally (less stressed/anxious, happier) and physically. But in hindsight I was actually doing much more than that. I was also training my mind and body to: build discipline and have more control over myself break through barriers face fear and adversity take risks All of which are key ingredients to building the courage and confidence to tackle life in general And if it worked for me, it can for you too Prioritise your health and wellness, do the inner work and overtime you will live the amazing life you were born to have
20.01.2022 This combo usually makes it to my dinner table at least once a week. Because apart from their nutrients - I’ve been trying to balance my ‘alkaline’ vs. ‘acidic’ food intake for 8 months now. I’d read some theory that highly acidic diets (meat, poultry, fish, dairy, grains, alcohol, sugar) can:... make us lethargic cloud our thinking make us vulnerable to illnesses including serious ones like heart disease and cancer And my diet was pretty acidic (around 80% vs. 20% alkaline). The same theory said that eating high alkaline foods (fruits, nuts, legumes, veggies) 80% of the time and only 20% acidic - can have the opposite effect So in the 8 months I’ve tried sticking to around 45% alkaline and 55% acidic (I love meat too much to do anymore ). And I really feel a difference. I’ve had: higher energy levels more consistently not the slightest illness (). I used to get sick every few months clearer thought processes and better decision making - more consistently Are these a result of the diet really workingIs it placeboOr a combination of healthier habits I can’t give you a straight answer and the scientific evidence on ‘alkaline’ diets is still very limited. So consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. But I feel it’s definitely had a positive effect on me so I wanted to share some food for thought with you Here’s a link to an alkaline vs. acidic food chart. How’s your diet currently shaping up? https://www.precisionnutrition.com//acid-base-foods-pral.p
19.01.2022 Challenges have been coming in especially thick and quick in my business and life lately. For a while there I was caught procrastinating with some big ones, and shooting from the hip with others And was increasingly feeling unmotivated, anxious and stressed ... I came to realise a few weeks back that I'd let some daily routines slip. And knew it was a big part of what was going on. So I reset them and along with my energy, courage and calmness steadily coming back - so too did some good habits. Fast forward to writing this I'm in a total state of readiness, peace and optimism as I reflect on what might be ahead So if you're struggling in any areas of life right now, I encourage you to work on daily routines for them too. Start small. REALLY small if need be. And if you're stuck PM me. I'll help you for free - it's R U OK Day after all . Because: Routines can rescue us when we don't have motivation to "just muscle on". They also give us some predictability - which can reduce anxiety and stress The small wins we get from them create a positive feedback loop. That gives us courage to keep pushing towards our small goals - which reduces fear and doubt Overtime routines become habits. And we're less likely to rely on internal things (motivation, courage, confidence) to take the actions needed to nail longer term goals. Habits can come back quicker once broken too as I experienced here That leads to discipline. Possibly the highest attribute for lasting success and overcoming adversity. We all have it in us. It's contagious too (no pun). And since we're all in this together I can't think of a better gift for one another
19.01.2022 Peak performance on our fitness journey is similar to our life one. If we manage to gain balance and harmony across its various parts, we relentlessly progress towards our goals with relative ease And when we drill that all the way down to our training plans, it means working our muscles in a structured and evened way.... One method of doing that is mixing single leg/arm exercises (unilateral movements) into our routines. With leg workouts, that includes lunges since they can Enhance muscle growth: Weight on the one leg means those muscles can activate powerfully. It allows us to really focus on them too, which in itself can stimulate gains Promote weight loss: They work large muscles (glutes, hams, quads) which takes lots of energy and thereby burns good calories. This also may increase our metabolism which blasts even more calories Improve aesthetics and balance: Lunges force us to sort out any weaker/less developed sides, that can result in more symmetry and better coordination Enhance posture and everyday life: They also work out our back and core muscles, which help us stand taller. A strong core also gets us moving better which helps us on our daily grind Increase injury resilience: Many of these (weight loss, balance, symmetry, posture) compound to help protect us from injury. Lunges can also reduce any back pain as unlike some other exercises - they don’t pressure the spine too much Here’s a lunge variation you could include in your routines, with guidance on how to program for your muscle gain and fat loss goals
18.01.2022 Our fears when taking the uncomfortable steps needed to move us closer to our goals, will either contract or expand depending on whether or not we take action in that moment. If we consistently choose to take action in the face of fear, however small, it'll continue to propel us towards our grandest goals and dreams It's easier said than done oftentimes, but if we take the time to learn and regularly execute the strategies that help - I know we'll get there
17.01.2022 If you’re struggling with having the energy, motivation and even confidence to crush your life and health goals - I know first hand how disheartening that can be For some time though, I’ve been using a customised approach to transform my health and wellness On top of a physique I’m happy with, I feel I’ve got all of these things (energy, motivation, confidence) on a more consistent basis - which has had amazing flow on effects to other areas of my life ... And now I’m on a highly personal mission to help others create and execute their own customised approach So if you think you could do with some help transforming the way you look and feel, I’m keen to have a chat with you. PM me or write ‘transformation’ in the comment box and I’ll be in touch soon
16.01.2022 Finding yourself battling to keep the fat off, while also getting sh**ty easily and not being able to think and remember things clearly A lack of carbs (or quality ones) in your diet might have something to do with it. Yep evidence says low-carb food intake can blast away fat relatively quickly at the start of a fitness mission, but it also suggests those results fizzle after around 6 months ... And other studies have it that people on low (or poor) carb diets to do worse on thinking and memory based tests, and get agitated easier compared to those on higher-carb ones These are all negative experiences I definitely had more consistently before I got serious about slamming more brown rice and broccoli than beer a while back But not as much any more. Amongst other reasons possibly because it's been shown that eating dietary carbs like grains, legumes, fruit, veggies and dairy: Can increase serotonin: A chemical that regulates mood, memory and sleep amid other things like sex drive Promotes glucose production: A main source of fuel. So optimal amounts help keep our body strong and brains sharp Are mostly high in fibre and 'slow-burning': Making us less hungry and likely to eat less, which can help manage our weight and fat loss So as you can see here carbs are a major part of my diet. And my guidance to clients is generally to make it theirs. Because it works and it probably would for you too Our bodies are all different but, so still consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet just to be safe
16.01.2022 If only I’d the courage to follow my heart and intuition years ago, I’d have been miles ahead on my journey For years I knew deep down that drastic changes were needed for my life to go better. But when it actually came to taking action - I would come up with bulls**t stories about why I couldn’t. ... So back in my comfort zone I went and while it felt good in the moment - my fear, frustration and unhappiness only kept festering I’ve made some progress now. And here’s some of my lessons which might help those of you who know that change is needed to have the life you want and deserve: know your only option is to change. Because while change is painful it’s nothing compared to how you’ll feel later in life if you don’t find and write down clear and emotionally compelling reasons to do it (a purpose). Without it you’ll give up when times get tough accept that fear is a necessary emotion. PUSH AHEAD ANYWAY. It’s just your mind and body getting comfortable with discomfort break down what needs to be done to fulfil your purpose into small tasks. Aim for a little progress each day. Because repetition is the mother of skill. And we become what we do consistently when things aren’t going right - take it as feedback not failure. Every day is a new day. Adjust your approach and have another run tomorrow I truly believe that each and every one of us is capable of our own kind of brilliance. So stand up and take that first step onto a thousand mile journey that you’ll be proud of
15.01.2022 I wish I’d told my younger self this quote . In dark days I’d abuse my body so I wouldn’t have to deal with whatever was going on. But my life would only spiral more out of control. And so the destructive cycle went on. More recently I’ve realised that lengthy struggles often come from:... failure to accept the reality of tough situations failure to feel negative emotions that come with them and failure to take meaningful action to move forward For those of you struggling right now I urge you not to make the same mistakes as me . Instead: accept the reality of the situation you’re in allow yourself to feel those emotions. And intensely. For as long as it takes. If you need to shout or cry or whatever for an hour, day, week, month(s). Do it but when the intensity subsides TAKE ACTION towards your desired state (happy, peace etc) and situation. Because inaction breeds fear and doubt. And action breeds courage and confidence - both of which have compounding effects so the more action you take, the quicker the dark days will pass and you will see the light Look after yourselves and have an awesome coming week everyone
15.01.2022 How changing your body, can change your mind Right now are you slumped over your phone or computer with your shoulders and back rounded forward. Or is your spine upright with your shoulders back Studies say it'd be the former for many of us. And that there's a good chance it's a reflection of negative emotions (sadness, fear, doubt, stress) we might be experiencing in this moment, or throughout the day.... But when we shift our posture so that we're standing up straight with our shoulders back, they claim it releases more happiness, confidence, risk and action-taking hormones (Serotonin, Testosterone). And less of the stress one (Cortisol) As a by-product people perceive us as having higher social value and tend to respond more positively towards us - which compounds those good vibes. I'm not a doctor or scientist to confirm these technicalities. But those are feelings I notice more often when adopting good posture . So when needed I include them in mine and my clients mindfulness and training routines. Easier said then done habitually, I know. But doing these 3 exercises in the link below will get you going (minus the guy talking ). They'll help prevent injuries too. Aim for 3 sets, 5 - 15 reps, 2 - 3 days a week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqTtScFQ5-c&t=91s
14.01.2022 You wouldn't have to worry about whether you've got all the nutritional info, tools and support you need to smash your fitness and wellness goals, on my Transformation Program. I know first-hand how to achieve sustainable results while conquering the feelings of tiredness, hunger, frustration and doubt - that can often come when forming new eating habits on a fitness journey Basically it comes down to these principles... Understanding which foods you like will hit your goals the healthiest and fastest. And which ones wont Knowing how many calories/macros you need to eat each day.Then tracking them through tools Accepting that progress isn't linear. And using strategies to help develop the patience, persistence and resilience to overcome setbacks Knowing you can eat 'bad' foods, and even when you want to. Within limits of course! Surrounding yourself with people who truly believe in you. And who've got your back every step of the way So I've built them into my solution. And with your commitment, all you'd have to do is allow me to guide you through applying them, along with other mindset and training strategies and plans Then watch your physique and overall wellness, progressively morph into the one you were born to have So if you're interested, PM me and I'll be in touch with you soon to see if I can help
12.01.2022 Sample of my diet plan (around 2400 cal, 240g carbs, 200g pro, 60g fat) I’ve been on for 2 months now. I try sticking to it during the week and eat 2 sometimes 3 () cheeky meals on the weekend (80/20 rule). I’ve lost 3% body fat in 2 months and I’m on target for my summer goal - so it’s working. And the right plan will for you too. So set a goal, eat relatively right, get exercising and get the results you deserve this summer
11.01.2022 To do the all but forgotten LISS (steady-state) cardio or not to do Don’t get me wrong HIIT workouts play a big part in my exercise routine but I say YES. In my experience and research here’s some of what LISS has over HIIT: ... awesome way for anyone to burn a good amount of fat if done properly while reducing the risk of injury builds endurance. Slower and longer exercise strengthens the heart and muscles in the long-term faster recovery. It puts less stress on the body’s systems which mine are currently thanking me for after running the day after doing legs can be more enjoyable. Especially if done near greenery or water. The slower exercise allows us to take in the scenery which improves mental health I usually do LISS once a week (but it’s more twice right now) and aim for around 60-70% Max Heart Rate for 5.5 kms. HIIT is getting done twice a week.
11.01.2022 In times of adversity its easier for us to make poor life and work decisions, leading us to even more pain further down the track. I urge you to exercise regularly and eat healthily especially now, to help put you in the best mental and physical state possible to make choices that will result in better long term outcomes.
08.01.2022 Anyone else given core workouts the ass lately Statistically forearms is right up there in terms of muscles that get neglected Even though that one got flipped on its head during the lockdowns, if you know what I mean ... But I digress... Earlier in COVID aspects of my life and business were shifting and changing so quickly I tried to get laser focused on the goals and actions I felt were good for then And regimented training let alone specifically working out my core wasn't one of them But different times call for different measures. And with some normality coming back, including gym life from next weekend () Some different strategies, tactics and targets are needed for me now, especially fitness ones So in the past few days, I've locked in my new training goals for the next 2 months, and the specific strategies and plans to nail them And somewhere in between, I brought my ass back to the core with this 11 min workout too So with only 5 days to go until gyms re-open, I encourage you to do the same Set specific and measurable goals. Then work backwards from that to create plans and actions you'll need training and nutrition wise. While mentally preparing to executing on them Sit Ups (25 secs on, 5 secs rest) Left Side Plank (" ") Right Side Plank (" ") Alternating Bird Dog (" ") Marching Planks (" ") Alternate Heal Touches (" ") Left Single Glute Bridge (" ") Right Single Glute Bridge (" ") Alternate Knee Taps (" ") Horizontal Scissor Kicks (" ") 2 rounds. 30 - 60 secs break in between
08.01.2022 I was rattled a few weeks back when COVID shut down gyms, and thereby my main way of helping people and earning a living. The negative feelings and emotions (fear, anxiety, lethargy) were pretty intense. In the following days, I did some inner work and started training at home - with workouts not unlike the one in this post ... As cheesy as it might sound, I progressively came to see this difficult time as a real opportunity to work on parts of my business and self, that I’ve wanted to for a while now. And thus help put some of those around me along with myself - in a position to prosper, if not now, then when this f**ked situation is all said and done with Don’t get me wrong, I’m still experiencing moments of pessimism. But I’ve come to realise that my heightened negative state at back then, was prolonged by me not managing to emotionally detach from my situation before COVID, as to make space for the possibilities of now Because our minds and bodies are MADE to adapt and overcome the obstacles and challenges life throws at us - not resist them as I was Just look at everything you’ve achieved and conquered over the years, and you’ll know what I mean So if you’re ready for it, here’s your next physical challenge that’ll help with your mental well-being right now too Give this at-home lower body workout a go today. And be on your way to continuing to adapt, overcome and grow Workout (look out for my gang throw ups for more of a hussle ): Sumo Squats (30 secs on, 10 secs rest) Box Step Ups ( ) Reverse Lunges ( ) Glute Bridges ( ) Lateral Walks ( ) Walking Lunges ( ) Wall Sit ( ) Aim for at least 3 rounds with a max of 6. Have a 1 - 2 min break after round 3. Let’s go
08.01.2022 It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. One strategy I try to execute on the daily is focus on those actions that’ll bring me the closest to hitting my goals and realising my purpose - being to help transform people’s health and wellness in a profound way And lately for me that’s meant working with people in a more private setting, mainly out of Snap Fitness Zetland. ... One of those people is this legend in the photo, Alex. And while our purposes are not identical he’s proving that being on a mission and taking correct and repeated actions towards accomplishing it - are key elements to success Alex says that ever since we started training together I’ve not only felt better physically but also felt a lot better and stronger mentally. In such a small amount of time, I’ve never felt as good as I do now and it’s all because of your help and dedication to making me the best version of myself. It’s only the beginning of the road but it’s already been a good journey to the end goal. Thanks for believing in me mate. Thanks so much again for the feedback and words brotherAs I said though I can only help and it’s your purpose along with your traits like unwavering determination, courage and resilience - that are the main reasons for your success so far You’re an inspiration and it’s been an absolute pleasure guiding you on your journey over the past 2 or so months. I look forward to seeing you smash many more goals mate
07.01.2022 If we want to lose fat, we need to eat less than what we're burning Be in a 'calorie deficit' in other words And when we strip all of these popular diets back, this is what they'll have you doing. Often by too much leading you to possibly get quick results but give up overtime too Unless a doctor's told you otherwise cause of some condition, eating regular meals each day across the 5 food groups (veggies, fruit, grains, lean meat and dairy), can have you in a calorie defi...cit And while you're at it be much more likely to get long term results. Minus the hunger, tiredness, weakness, irritability and loss of focus that studies say can come with popular diets
05.01.2022 "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; That only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like" - Lao Tzu It took me years to let go of the false belief that the only way to regain the happiness and success I once had, was to behave and act in ways that used to work for me And to understand that major keys to fulfillment (as opposed to happiness which can't be sustained) and long term s...uccess are to: accept the reality of everything that's happening in our lives at a given point in time make plans that consider these realities and move forward with them at a pace we're comfortable with behave and take actions that are in harmony with our beliefs and values recognise that they (fulfillment and success) can't be attained and maintained in a short timeframe While these are principles I've incorporated into my health and wellness programs, they're not things this amazing human you see in this photo, Rayan - has needed my help with I feel And part of accepting my reality is knowing that I'm not always going to be great at walking my talk, so I want to say thanks to you Rayan, for indirectly reminding me of these principles on occasions through your journey so far I also want to congratulate you once again for what you've achieved in the past 6 or so weeks we've been working together Your 3.1 kg weight loss with simultaneous gains in body strength are a testament to your commitment, determination and courage to take action within the parametres you've set for yourself and the challenges you've had (your reality) I've really enjoyed helping you on your journey mate and I'm buzzing to see you continuing to accept your reality and flowing naturally forward in whatever way you like
04.01.2022 Who’s got so many things to do in work and life but can’t seem to find the energy and focus to make it all happen I’ve suffered from this countless times over the years, more recently during Xmas and New Years. Yeah part of it was getting caught up in the ‘holiday’ vibe but I feel a major thing was backing off my usual exercise regime. And all the mental and physical side effects that go with that ... I’ve been progressively getting back on the horse for about 2 weeks now and I’ve already noticed being happy, focused and energised on a more regular basis Sometimes it’s hard for us to articulate why we feel the way we do in a given moment though. So I’m half writing the below points on how exercise boosts our mood and energy levels - for my own future reference if needed increases endorphin levels: These are hormones that make us perform. They also contribute to feelings of euphoria, thereby giving us a more positive outlook on life better heart health: Exercise leads to more endurance. So daily activities become easier, resulting in us having more left over energy improves sleep: Apart from being physically exhausted exercise creates more of a chemical called ‘Adenosine’, which makes us sleepy sharper focus: Since the endorphin hormone boosts our energy levels, we feel more ready to to tackle challenges in life I’m literally in an amazing state of mind as I write this post and I’m super pumped to annihilate my goals So here’s me hoping that you get on your own exercise plan, get feeling awesome and get achieving everything you want and deserve in work and life
02.01.2022 A new business and other goings on right now means I’ve had to cut back on workout time in the last month. Currently training 2 muscle groups in most weight sessions which gives me 1 less day a week in the gym to focus on life. I’m also training opposing muscle groups (chest and biceps, back and triceps) which lets me have little or no breaks between sets and exercises - so my workouts are getting done in about 50 mins Life experience has taught me its quality over quantit...y more often times than not. And exercise is no different. Plan your workouts in advance, make them specific to your goal, set a hard time to get them done by and execute with absolute meaning and purpose. You’ll thank me for it later Here’s a chest and biceps workout. I alternate between training light one week (60-70% Max Power, 10-15 reps) and heavier the next (70-80% Max Power, 6-10 reps). Keeps me from getting injuries. I’ve learnt this the hard way
01.01.2022 A natural and imperative process that happens as we transform our body, is one called 'adaption'. It refers to our bodies moving through a phase of soreness and tiredness on exerting it when first starting out, to increasingly not only handling that same intensity but wanting and needing higher levels of it, to take things to the next level The same analogy applies to changing the mindset. ... Consistently practicing preferred ways of thinking about people and situations lose their complexity and become more automated over time, replacing impulsive and undesirable behaviours with balanced and favourable ones more often - thereby taking your overall game up a notch or a few
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