Willagee Kardinya Scout Group | Community
Willagee Kardinya Scout Group
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25.01.2022 Cmon down meet the old and new . The reunion has started
24.01.2022 Cubilee has always been fun.. (and there are lots more photos but here is a sample)....
23.01.2022 Scouts started at Willagee in 1955 but we didnt get our own hall until 1964. The grand opening had Baden Powells grandson coming to the ceremony and presenting us with a photo of his famous grandfather.. Recognise anyone ??
23.01.2022 In 1992, following the Chernobyl disaster, Western Australia scouts hosted a group of about 40 children and adults from Chernobyl. Willagee Kardinya was one of the main groups involved. The kids came from a poor region, not privileged tourists and they had never ever seen so much food before. The kids were billetted out and then got to come along on camp at Manjedal for a week of activities..
21.01.2022 For those who have moved house since they were with the group and as such didnt get the official invitation . Please see below...
21.01.2022 This weekend is group camp and we are heading down to Eaton. The group has been to lot of places for group camp over the years - Point Peron, Woodmans Point, Wattle Grove to name a few.. Cant wait to see what mischief the leaders will get up to this year....
20.01.2022 Its been a while coming but finally got the Queen scout Honour board back. Big congratulations go to Tanika Callister on her Queen Scout award. Brought back some other memories.. Anyone else have photos of their Queen Scout awards ??
19.01.2022 Our cubs have held camps at a lot of places.. Here is 1st Pack at Point Peron - which is always a good place to go ..
17.01.2022 Vasse - the scout camp site on the Miracle Mile (between Busselton and Dunsborough). The scouts moved to Vasse for their week long camp when Myalup Caravan Park was redeveloped.. Always a fun camp with lots of activites - skiing, canoeing, orienteering, archery, shops at Dunsborough.. Who remembers making the haybox stew ?
17.01.2022 in 1995, the 1st Willagee / Kardinya Scout Group won the Burswood Quality Award for being the best Scout Group in Western Australia with a prize of $3000. At that time, the Group had members in all sections Joeys, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and fellowship with a membership nearing 150. (Unfortunately no photos of the rovers :()
16.01.2022 Camps have always been high on the scout troops agenda.. The troop log book from 1972-1974 shows the annual camp (7 day camp) being held at Garden Island from 1963 up until it was closed off to the public.
14.01.2022 One of the most important "elements" of our group are the leaders. They are volunteers. They give their time freely and its not just once a week. Its planning of the week night activities, the weekends, the meetings they go to find out whats happening, training so they can teach, without them there is no Willagee Kardinya Scout Group. A huge thanks goes to all those who have led us in the past and for those who are leading us into the future.... If you are interested in scouts, enjoy the outdoors, want to be a kid again and have some fun, consider being a leader - we are always looking for new / old volunteers to keep out group going. We havent got pictures of every leader that has been a part of Willagee Kardinya - but for those that we do - lets see how many can be named....
14.01.2022 Manjedal - One of our home away from home.. Always good for a troop or cub camp..
14.01.2022 Rebuilding of the new hall commenced in 1989 and was officially opened in 1992 by the Chief Commissioner of WA (Mr Derek Martin), our ex scout leader. All building works were carried out by the leaders and parents of the group - with the group raising all of the money to cover building expenses.. Anyone else remember spending all their weekends at the hall ??
14.01.2022 Cmon down today to Bunnings OConnor and support those fundraising for the venture / jamboree
13.01.2022 Did you know that 1st Willagee Kardinya has had 3 scarves since we started in 1955... Willagee started with a black scarf with a gold band but in 1962 adopted the mauve scarf with the green braid.. Around 1972 the group split into 2 groups with the 2nd Willagee Kardinya group adopting a mauve scarf with a gold braid.. We still operated under the one group leader. The group amalgamated back in the 1990s.... But why mauve and green ?.. Well even though the netball team was mauve and green (as Akela tells us) - apparently it was because the leaders liked it... But it makes us one of only 2 in the state that have purple scarves... Finally a big thanks to all those who have made them in the past ..... We have had over 1000 members since we started..
12.01.2022 ANZAC Day.. Always an important date in our scout group with attending the Dawn Service at Bicton RSL . Cubs always have a sleepover at the hall to make sure we can get them there, and its great to see so many past cubs and scouts returning each year. Its also a special day to be invested after the wreath laying at Point Walter.
11.01.2022 Joeys started in Western Australia with the official launch at the zoo In 1991. Our mob was one of the first and starred in the promotional brochures.. Our first leader was Julie
09.01.2022 Bunnings OConnor is having a family fun day tomorrow with bouncy castle, petting zoo, magician, fairies, Freo Dockers and Tennis WA starting from 10am. Our scouts and venturers fundraising for Jamboree / Venture are also lucky enough to be running the sausage sizzle so if you are feeling a bit hungry, need to visit Bunnings to get those vital supplies, or just need to get the kids out of the house please come down to Bunnings OConnor (cnr Yarrick & South St) and come and get a sausage sizzle We hope to see you down there.
08.01.2022 Found this screen print when cleaning up the hall. It used to be on all of our group shirts many moons before.. How our group shirts have changed . But I do like them now - especially being so visible when at scout activities
05.01.2022 As the scouts and venturers attending next years Jamboree / Venture begin their fundraising campaign.. I started thinking about how previously the group fundraised for the hall and othe rcamps and activities - Phonebook delieveries, cake stalls, bottle collections to name just a few.. The venturers even had buy a brick to help build the hall.. Can you remember anything else ??
05.01.2022 Its Official !!!
04.01.2022 Jamborees have always been an exciting thing. Held every 3 years - I went to my first one at Ballarat in 1992 - along with quite a few Willagee Kardinya kids.. Im still waiting on some photos but here are some for now from Ballarat
04.01.2022 It was great to see so many past and current members down at the hall. Faces we may not remember but the names we do (especially all those cubs and scouts who have grown up and have their own kids now). We will post some photos in the next day or so.. Big thanks to Bullcreek Leeming Scout Group for the rope bridge and to Bunnings for painting the hall in the days before hand..
02.01.2022 For those who have moved house since they were with the group and as such didn't get the official invitation . Please see below...
01.01.2022 Do you remember these canoes ? Whilst they have been updated a few times - i still think they are a "few years old", but everyone still enjoys them. whether at Waylen Bay, Eaton or down at Myalup on scout camp.. Cant wait use them at group camp in October .
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