Willo Where There's A Will Ltd | Public figure
Willo Where There's A Will Ltd
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24.01.2022 Thank you Source Kids magazine for the recent story on Will and the Charity he inspired, Where There’s A Will. Thanks Rachel Williams for the words
23.01.2022 We were reminded today of the launch of Willo and how the idea gained traction of using cricket bats and art and disability as a way to create awareness of the ability in the disability. We knew at that moment that anything was possible with love determination and an idea. We also knew that we had the capacity to affect change and understanding for the 4 million Australians who live with a disability, or around 18% of the population. Just like our Will, people with disabili...ty are diversethey have different types and severities of disability, come from all demographic and socioeconomic groups, and have varying needs for assistance. 1 in 5 (22%) have a mental or behavioural disorder as their main condition, including 6.3% with intellectual or developmental disorders. We live in every community. It is for this reason our mission is to help and encourage every rural community in Australia to create more choice for work, training, friendship and belonging for people living with intellectual disabilities. Inclusion is a mindset. It is not a way of thinking and behaving. It is not a program or a favour we do for people. We must strive to be inclusive communities.
23.01.2022 Where There’s a Will Board of Directors minus our anchor and disability champion Robyn. A weekend of planning for our Charity in Robertson NSW The past 6 months has presented challenges which I thought would bring us to our knees if it weren’t for the unwavering professionalism commitment and passion of these people Their belief in the work of Willo, the unique way of connecting to community and the determination to ensure all people like Will, DO NOT feel isolated We ...assessed our work to date and it’s affects, as well as the broad affects of COVID and realised unreservedly, that Willo is essential for all communities who do not have inclusion as an integral part of their community development Willo requires communities to understand the affects of exclusion, to learn how to get to know disability, to take responsibility together, to connect the groups and to create the necessary changes. We know it takes a strong united community to embrace and build resilience and care for all its people. Only then will they know the strength of diversity
22.01.2022 Being Will The beauty of Will is that he doesn’t know how unprecedented he is every day. He is unashamedly, fearlessly and utterly himself and to be this requires vulnerability, transparency and integrity. He doesn’t seek approval nor does he have an ego. He does not go into his day thinking how he can create pain or injustice. ... People living with intellectual disabilities are in fact our teachers. Will does not know how to be anything other than real and present to the moment. Its like being naked and proud to show the world all your bits and pieces that are likely to bring scrutiny. I cannot think of any other representation of beautiful than to not be afraid to be yourself. Why can’t we allow them to feel seen, heard and valued without judgement when they are being so authentic. To honour that integrity. Perhaps and only when we as society start to see the world in the same way, as a place to be totally authentic and to live in a real and honest way.. will we accept inclusion as the way forward. True belonging means we do not change who we are .. it means we be who we are. We can learn from Will and all those like Will that live in every community across Australia and the world. Let’s show up every day and be the change .. anything less than acceptance and inclusion is ignorance. We, I am sure, will be surprised at the joy that comes in the ordinary moments of being compassionate and cultivating relationships with all people.
21.01.2022 Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren't any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn't be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. ... So be that one person. R. Buckminster Fuller
19.01.2022 It’s not something I would normally do .. trumpet my own birthday but I feel so incredibly grateful today. To parent these two beauties and to have the life we have together is beyond joy
18.01.2022 Today in Robbo we walked to celebrate World Kindness Day and Stay Kind We met new neighbours, we talked and we laughed and we reflected on how much a simple act of kindness can change someone’s life or impact their day. So in a world where we can be anything .. choose kindness and be the change ... #staykind See more
18.01.2022 Hayrunners Cricket Bat by Belinda Eckermann This bat has been painted to acknowledge the outstanding work of all those who have been helping deliver hay to farmers across Australia. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this bat will go to our community of Rainbow to help with the Rainbow Innovation Centre; Supporting All Abilities Incorporated
15.01.2022 Today we had the absolute pleasure of meeting Dave and Liz. When the show went to air with A Current Affair we received a message from them which touched us very deeply. We live in Mittagong and our son played cricket and hockey in the Highland and for the Highlands, with cricket being his first love and passion.... We lost Tim, when he was killed in a bus accident returning from winning the Hockey State Championship in Lismore over 22 years ago. One of the most touching messages we received was from a young boy from Bowral High who had a learning difficulty and he said every day Tim would walk past him and say G’day mate and it made his day and after seeing your story I know Tim would love you to have some of his bats. Simon Bouda
14.01.2022 We think we’ve received the best gift to end the year. Willo was connected with the Governor General of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia Our A Current Affair story was sent as a personal offering through a mutual friend and our stunning cricket bat painted by the up and coming indigenous artist Jordan Roser, was accepted to go into Government House (Yarralumla), Canberra... Our Charity’s message of inclusion has found its place with the 27th Governor General of Australia. Hopefully this little cricket bat will be a reminder to all who walk through the hallways of the leadership we require to have truly inclusive communities. That every single person living with an intellectual disability in our amazing country will be seen heard and acknowledged and included in all aspects of their community. Simon Bouda
14.01.2022 Invitation from The Robertson Community Garden Inc Community Consultation Robertson Common 21 November 2020 2 - 4 pm ... The Management Team would like to invite you to a presentation and BBQ to share the concept of the newly formed Not For Profit - The Robertson Community Garden. The Robertson Community Garden project is a result of the Willo Charity work in Robertson in 2019. The exhibition which helped create awareness around disability, inclusion and community. Our Charity aims to engage communities across Australia to understand intellectual disability and to encourage new programs that create more choice for learning, mentoring, connectedness and pathways to belonging. It aims to create more awareness around inclusion that benefits the whole community. The Community Garden is ultimately targeted toward all people in our community who are happy to come together in an environment that is free from any prejudice. The Garden will provide a space for interaction for all residents, facilitating a sharing of knowledge and strengthening community cohesion as well as acknowledging the physical and mental health benefits associated with such a project. Paul Hannigan Geoff Woodham Ballara Art & Lifestyle Retreat Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons The Funding Network Australia Robertson Public School Robertson Rural Fire Brigade Robertson Men's Shed IncHancock Creative
13.01.2022 Holding Will today as he was prepared for surgery. Surgery to remove a tumour on his right shoulder. His Dad on one side and our amazing friend and support team Mary on the other. All hands on and holding him until he was handed over to the surgical team led by Professor Robyn Saw Every single moment of our time at the RPA Day Surgery was about care, compassion, professionalism and kindness. He could not have been in a better place. ... Thank you to the beautiful Molly for the hugs and love Will was a champ and the surgery went very well. He wore his whites just in case!! The Bradman Museum & International Cricket Hall of Fame Bowral Cricket Club Cricket Mums United Robertson Public House Pat Cummins Whitaker, Gary
12.01.2022 Remembering our amazing exhibition in Robertson 12 months ago.
10.01.2022 Our great friend, cricket bat artist and Head of the newly created Rainbow Innovation Centre for All Abilities Belinda Adrian Eckermann has become a celebrity for another of her talents. Tree art... check these out!!
08.01.2022 We have been sharing Wills Last Over at cricket on Saturdays because its such a beautiful moment of mate ship and inclusion. Its been happening with our clubs Bowral and Robertson for many years and we all look forward to seeing the game end in such a positive way. But one day it was shared by Ralph from the Stay Kind Foundation with Simon from A Current Affair. Little did we realise how this connection would unfold for us and the tens of thousands of people across the wor...ld who would see this story. Simon immersed himself into our life for 2 days with his crew of Ollie and Dave. They were committed to filming without doctoring or adding any layers or elements that were not real or authentic. I feel from the start they knew that if they simply allowed Will to be himself a magnificent story would come to life. I think Will also knew this was a moment to show the world what he was capable of and how simply by being himself .. people would see his affect on life and community. The moments that we witnessed of friendship with Ben, the craftsmanship displayed by Will and the banter with Simon in the car bloody kiwis and the love on the cricket field. It moved me and I know Wills abilities only too well. Simon captured something so special. He saw Will and knew how important our message of inclusion would be to an audience that needs to be reminded of the incredible joy of cultivating relationships with all people. It was shared over 550 times, viewed close to 93,000 times and liked almost 1000 times. It was talked about by Ben Fordham on 2GB and uploaded onto their website and many said it was the best ACA story in 20 years. Why? Perhaps we needed to be reminded of our ability to be compassionate. Perhaps we saw Will in each of us.. vulnerable, fearless, unashamedly ourselves and wanting true belonging. Perhaps we were reminded of how we would like to live.. to be in a community that cares, is kind and accepts. If it created a sense of purpose to be more accepting of all people. To strengthen our capacity as human beings. To have a shared vision that is embraced by all of community .. ... then this story has more than exceeded expectations. Simon Bouda
07.01.2022 EVERYONE WANTS TO BELONG We value being a part of families, a group of peers at school, a group of colleagues at work, clubs and sports teams. We want and need friends and neighbours who care and look out for us. People with intellectual and physical disabilities constitute a group at risk of exclusion of all the above. They are often denied the opportunities of full participation in the activities of their communities which they are part of simply because they are different ...and cannot interact, as we deem, normally. This deprivation comes about through physical and social barriers that have evolved from ignorance, indifference and fear. Transforming ignorance, indifference and fear in the mindset of people is about creating solidarity. It is about understanding that though there are differences .... we are all human beings. We are simply just different. So far, efforts tend to focus on empowering those who are marginalized through cultivating confidence and capacity, but not so much on strengthening the capacity of the dominating majority. Our communities. As a young parent of a child who was marginalised and isolated because of his differences, our family was constantly overwhelmed with the lack of awareness and understanding of what communities allowed or in fact chose not to tolerate or see. I realised it was simply a lack of understanding and could I have been that person if Will did not come into our life? It is for this reason that we now choose to teach and share the extraordinary value and contribution of the Wills in our communities. The way Willo, our Charity champions inclusion is to build relations and trust among community leaders, individuals and groups that hold fundamentally different positions, which are grounded in different values, culture, identities or world views. We inspire new thought simply by meeting Will and discussing that being different is not something to be feared. It is to be understood, nurtured and valued. We offer ownership and pathways to change. We cannot tell communities to change. To be kinder or more inclusive. We cannot throw money, incentives or continue to create special programs. They are not sustainable. We must have a unity of purpose which comes from our leaders, a shared vision embraced by the whole of community and then we respond for the long term happiness of all our people.
06.01.2022 Our Willo inspired Robertson Community Garden team with our neighbours ... the Moss Vale Community Garden and Jill today. . Moss Vale have had their garden for over 16 years and continue to provide food friendship and a place to learn for many people. We were so inspired and can’t wait to grow our gardens together.
05.01.2022 If Will lived in a society where having an intellectual disability was no more remarkable than wearing glasses, and if the community was completely accepting and accessible, his disability would be an inconvenience and not much more than that. It is society which isolates him, far more seriously and completely than the fact that he has Autism. The idea that people living with a disability can be more disadvantaged by society’s response to their disability than the disability... itself ... is profound. Be patient, kind and compassionate when it comes to those who live life differently to you.
05.01.2022 Belinda Eckermann your beautiful hayrunners bat arrived today. We took it straight to the The Bradman Museum & International Cricket Hall of Fame and it was opened by ex Rainbow resident and Bradman Shop Manager Paul Millward. It will be on display for all to see. . .... All proceeds from the sale of this bat will go to the Rainbow Innovation Centre; Supporting All Abilities Incorporated See more
03.01.2022 This arrived today from our wonderful friend and artist Julie Hollis JulieHollisArt Julie is a great supporter of Willo and is a constant in helping us to bring more awareness around inclusive communities Thx Julie xxx
02.01.2022 Over the past few weeks our family has been living with the news that Will had a malignant tumour on his right shoulder. After 2 biopsies, 2 ultrasounds and a chest X-ray it was diagnosed as a melanoma . He has since had an MRI and today a PET scan at RPA in Sydney The results have come back and there is NO spread. It has remained local in his shoulder which is great news Will will have an operation on the 21 September to remove the tumour and talk about treatment. We ar...e very confident as he has had the best surgeons on his team from the start Where There’s a Will has never meant as much as it does now. He has proven to be so incredibly strong and resilient. He has stepped up to every test and taken them head on Will has had his team at every moment. Beautiful Caitie and Phoebe thank you for holding him and loving him every step of the way. The strength of his Dad and unwavering support of his friends and family Will is otherwise very healthy and fit and there is no change to his daily life. Our amazing inspiration Will, has shown us time and time again what it means to rise. Thank you to the community of Rainbow for the beautiful bat signed by every one of your artists as well as the flowers Belinda E x
02.01.2022 Thank you to Wills beautiful community for your care and support with the recent news we shared He has received messages from all around the world. Will is so incredibly resilient patient and generous and is no stranger to challenge. His positive attitude to life and it’s limitations has created a strength and determination that we have come to admire and be inspired by daily The news is good and we look forward to more of your encouragement and thoughts over the next f...ew months . #wheretheresawilltheresaway See more
01.01.2022 Remembering our Robbo exhibition
01.01.2022 This is what this amazing Willo inspired Centre is all about. Belinda and the Rainbow community you have succeeded in creating all that we hoped