Wiradjuri Mob | Other
Wiradjuri Mob
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25.01.2022 Ngadhi Mudyi "Mitta Mitta" Mawang ! ( my friend "Blue Wren" come here) As I sat at my camp fire ngadhi mudyi ( my friend ) arrived to sing her song and say Yamandhu Marang Mudyi (are you well friend).... She also sat on a branch to catch the last of the yiray (sun) so she could get some warmth before the yiray (sun) went to sleep. #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #aboriginal #aboriginaltoursnsw #Bundyiculture #LoveNSW #visitnsw #bluewren Copyright Mark Saddler Photos !
25.01.2022 Adelaide Botanic Gardens are in the heart of the city but it feels like another world away. Hope you enjoy a day at the gardens in 3 minutes :) Would be nice to see this park add some more information about the local Aboriginal people and the country that these gardens sit on.... If you like my videos please click the "Subscribe" button on the videos so that you can be kept up to date with what I'm sharing. Copyright Mark Saddler Videos #Aboriginal #Wiradjurimob #Adelaidebotanicgardens #Wiradjurimanmark #Alwayswasalwayswillbe #bushtucker #Bundyiculture www.bundyiculture.com.au https://youtu.be/fL3KmM7xBrU
24.01.2022 Mulaa Wir Wiiny-dya (Night Sky on Fire) Bilabung... (River stop also milky way) Thought I would share with you all something I'm trying to teach myself to do, take photos of Mulaa Wir (night sky) This photo show Bilabung from last night. The Bilabung plays a very important role for Wiradjuri people and country at the moment. Madhu Giilang (many story) Copyright Mark Saddler Photos. #milkyway #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #aboriginaltoursnsw #Bundyiculture #LoveNSW
23.01.2022 Marang Dabaa Malang ! (good mob) Contact this mob if you need help or just want to get into a career that may suit you.... Contact details are on their web page. Tell them Mark from Wiradjuri Mob sent you :) https://www.ungooroo.com.au/aboriginal-careers-employment/
23.01.2022 Wiiny Dunha ! (Fire Stick) If fire is treated with Yindyamarra (respect) it is a mudyi (friend)... Caring for our ngurambang (country) with the use of wiiny (fire) was forcibly taken away from Wiradjuri and Aboriginal nations by people who did not and still do not understand this garray (land) our people and our connection to country. Talk is cheap, so I hope actions will be louder and true so that this gunhi garray (mother land) can once again be loved and cared for as she should be ? #alwayswasalwayswillbe #aboriginal #wiradjurimanmark #wiradjuri #Firestick #Bundyiculture #careforcountry https://www.abc.net.au//aboriginal-voices-added-/12904318
23.01.2022 Mambuwarra ( look) Yalbilinya (learn) Yindyamarra (respect ) Visit NSW have just released their new NSW interactive map that will assist you to find amazing tours and experiences in NSW. ... Click on the below link to go to the map. #LoveNSW #wiradjurimanmark #wiradjurimob #bundyiculture #visitnsw
23.01.2022 What hides behind this walang (stone) Ngarrang (Lizard) is the Wiradjuri word for a lizard. Bearded Dragons are an amazing sun-loving lizard species and it is not uncommon to see them basking on the road side, on fence posts or logs. ... Just another part of our amazing Wiradjuri Ngurambang (country) and also something that you may get to see and learn about on my "Bundyi Cultural Tours" To learn more about my country and tours go to my web page by clicking this link below, https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ Please also "Subscribe" to my You Tube at this link, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqQObJ3e8u_WoV7N9xZ2JzA Copyright Mark Saddler Videos. #Wiradjurimob #Wiradjurimanmark #Bundyiculture #Aboriginal #LoveNSW #Visitnsw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPZdeGOgrfs
22.01.2022 Wiradjuri Mob getting back to country. #wiradjuri #wiradjurimanmark #bundyiculture #telescope #wiradjurimob #Parkesnsw #aboriginal #visitnsw #alwayswasalwayswillbe
22.01.2022 Wiiny Dunha (Fire Stick) Not just about burning country, it is more about connection to country, community and to yourself.... #WiradjuriMob #Firestick #Bundyiculture #aboriginal
20.01.2022 Wiiny Gudyi, Marang Mudyi, Marang Yarra! (Fire Bucket, Good Friends, Good Talk) To see more about ngadhi Wiiny Gudyi ( my fire bucket ) go to my web page at this link,... www.bundyiculture.com.au #wiradjurimanmark #Bundyiculture #aboriginal #visitnsw #WiradjuriMob #firebucket
19.01.2022 Ngadhi Marang Mudyi (my good friend) Hayden Quinn, Master Chef and producer of "Taste Of Australia with Hayden Quinn" dropped in to give Wiradjuri ngurambang (country) a visit just recently. I was very proud to share with Hayden about Wiradjuri culture, people and land. I found Hayden and his film crew to be very respectful of our Wiradjuri culture and country. This short video is just a part of what is Taste of Australia with Hayden Quinn episode six which can be found on ...10 Play and Channel 10. To view the full episode and to follow Hayden in his amazing TV series or to also watch many of your favourite TV shows and stories go to the following link and follow the prompts, https://10play.com.au//e/season-2/episode-6/tpv200909jmucl You can also go to my web page or You Tube Channel to learm more about our amazing Wiradjuri area. https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqQObJ3e8u_WoV7N9xZ2JzA #TasteofAustraliaHaydenQuinn #Wiradjurimob #10play #Channel10 #Aboriginaltoursnsw #Bundyiculture #Haydenquinn #Visitnsw #LoveNSW #VisitWagga #Wiradjurimanmark
19.01.2022 Yamandhu Marang Biyambul Ngadhi Mudyi ? (Are you well all my friends) I started this page some time ago with the hope that I could have a place where all can come to yalbilinya-bu bundyi-bu (learn and share)... I have a simple page focus "Come here respectful, leave respected" I admin this page myself, I see and read every single comment that you all make. I thank you all for coming here. You will sometimes read and see that I do struggle with reading and writing and that I do make many mistakes, that is me and that is how I yalbilinya (learn) I would hope that all of us can better understand each other, our strengths, individual personalities and different ways of doing things ? Today I post my artwork as a way of saying mandaang guwu (thank you) to those who come here in peace and respect. I hope that I help you in some small way to better understand Wiradjuri culture, people, country and yourself ? Ngadhi mirrway Giilang "Madhu Yirawulin" ( My Paint Story, "Many Sunsets" ) Copyright Mark Saddler Artwork To learn more go to my web page or You Tube Channel at these links, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqQObJ3e8u_WoV7N9xZ2JzA https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #aboriginal #aboriginaltoursnsw #Bundyiculture #aboriginalart #alwayswasalwayswillbe #LoveNSW #visitnsw
19.01.2022 Yirawulin Wiradjuri Ngurambang ! (Sunset Wiradjuri Country) Seeing something or feeling something are as far apart as the giwang-bu dhaagun-bu ( moon and earth)... Connection to country is something that must be felt. Caring for this place for over 60,000 years is not just our right, it has been and continues to be our privilege as carers of this country, a place we all now call gunyah (home) Being Aboriginal is not about skin colour it is about our people belonging to a land that has nurtured us for beyond time. Being Aboriginal is not just about throwing a bargan (boomerang) or gama (spear) although knowing and passing on those skills are important. Being Aboriginal is not just a physical thing it is also a wandaang ( spirit) feeling of knowing who you are. Belonging to something or owing it is something that many struggle with as they don’t take time to understand the difference. Mabinya (stop) Wibiyanha (sit) Yalbilinya (learn) Yindyamarra (respect) Copyright Mark Saddler Photos ! #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #Bundyiculture #aboriginal #nswaboriginaltourism
17.01.2022 Galinbundinya Ngurambang-ga ! ( Waterfall on Country) Paddy River Falls, NSW.... We have so many amazing places in Wiradjuri and other Aboriginal nations country that to be able to find them can sometimes be hard. Where can you go, how do you get there, what are these places all about ? Sure you can most likely eventually get to go to some places but without the knowledge and stories from the people who now this land, you are only just looking and not actually connecting. To really get to know about this ancient garray-bu mayiny-bu ngurambang-bu (land and people and country) you need to have a yarn to those mob who have cared and continue to care and connect to this place for over 60,000 years. Aboriginal Tourism is not just about tours, it is also about taste, touch, smell, listen, experiences, stories and most of all connection to country. Now is the time you and your mob should be looking around and starting to book the many amazing Aboriginal tours and experiences that NSW has to offer. To get to know the Riverina, Snowy Mountains and Murray areas check out my web page where you will find out more about my tours, artwork, school programs and heaps more, click on this link to learn more, https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ Copyright Mark Saddler Photos ! Paddy River Falls #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #LoveNSW #Bundyiculture #aboriginaltoursnsw #aboriginal #visitwagga #natoc
17.01.2022 Take time to share,learn and care. If you could please subscribe to my you tube channel it will assist me to continue making videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqQObJ3e8u_WoV7N9xZ2JzA... To learn more about my tours, school programs and more go to my web page at this link, www.bundyiculture.com.au #wiradjurimanmark #Bundyiculture #wiradjuri #aboriginal #LoveNSW #natoc #WiradjuriMob
17.01.2022 Wiradjuri Special Place! Walang (stone/hard) Wollundry Lagoon. ... For over 60,000 years Wiradjuri have come to this place to meet, greet and do business. We still do this today. Our Wiradjuri culture is just as relevant as it was yesterday, as it is today and as it will be tomorrow. Always has been and always will be. Copyright Mark Saddler Photos. #wiradjurimanmark #Bundyiculture #aboriginaltoursnsw #WiradjuriMob #lovensw #visitwagga #aboriginal
16.01.2022 Dharran Yarra Madhu Giilang ! ( Creek talk many story) The connection to places, people and country all revolves around ngaligingu galing murru ( our water paths/journey)... For over 60,000 years my Wiradjuri Mob have travelled to many special places by following waterways, creeks and rivers. We still continue to do this today. NSW Aboriginal tourism is one of the best ways that will help you to better understand and learn about this place we all now call gunyah (home) Now is the time you and your mob should be looking around and starting to book the many amazing Aboriginal tours and experiences that NSW has to offer. To get to know the Riverina, Snowy Mountains and Murray areas check out my web page where you will find out more about my tours, artwork, school programs and heaps more, click on this link to learn more, https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ Copyright Mark Saddler Photos ! Paddy River Falls #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #LoveNSW #Bundyiculture #aboriginaltoursnsw #aboriginal #visitwagga #natoc
14.01.2022 Would be great to see more shopping malls, parks, councils and other areas embrace and yarra giilang (talk story) about local mobs and their connection to local garray ( land) I do not want tokenism of our culture but true steps forward at educating about our amazing ancient living culture. I pay my respects to all those mobs who care for the garray ngadhi murru ( land I travel)... #alwayswasalwayswillbe #Bundyiculture #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #aboriginal www.bundyiculture.com.au
12.01.2022 Wiradjuri Clocks, Playsets, Gift sets, all 3D printed, designed and hand painted by Wiradjuri Artist Mark Saddler Drink Coolers, Scarves, and caps artwork designed by Mark Saddler. To see more go to my web page to see what is available,... https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #wiradjuri #aboriginal #alwayswasalwayswillbe #Bundyiculture
12.01.2022 Giwang Mulaa Wir-ra ! (Moon in Night Sky) Giwang gives us light so we can see at night.... Giwang gives as a point in the night sky so we can find our way home. Giwang gives us hope that another day may arrive. Giwang gives us something that connects us to our old mob. #moon #Wiradjurimanmark #Wiradjurimob #Bundyiculture #Aboriginal #LoveNSW #VisitNSW Copyright Mark Saddler Photos !
12.01.2022 November 20 2020 World Children's Day Yalmambirra Gudha Marang ( Teach Children Well )... November 20th was chosen as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. So I repost my video that I created which is all based around the protection, care and teaching of children. Maybe you could sit with your mob and all learn together :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vciLmWkOTAQ&t #wiradjurimanmark #wiradjuri #WiradjuriMob #aboriginal #childrensday #respect #Bundyiculture
10.01.2022 Ngadhi Marang Mudyi Clarence Bundyi-bu Yalmambirra-bu Birramal Dhal. ( My good friend Clarence share and teach bush food) On behalf of our Wiradjuri Mob page I say congratulations on your well deserved award Clarence Slockee.... #aboriginal #bushtucker #wiradjurimanmark #abcnetwork #WiradjuriMob #alwayswasalwayswillbe
10.01.2022 Mirrway Giilang ( Paint Story) Another step foward that only took 99 years. ... #Archibald #aboriginal #wiradjuri #wiradjurimanmark #Bundyiculture
08.01.2022 Kengal Special Wiradjuri place. I was very proud today to take a guest on one of my private Wiradjuri tours today to explore and discover more about ngaligingu Wiradjuri ngurambang (our Wiradjuri country) Today I shared about our language, culture and people who have and still continue to care and love this place we all now call gunyah (home)... On our way back to Wagaan Wagaan (Wagga Wagga) I grabbed this photo of an amazing sea of yellow canola with Kengal in the background. Every tour I do we all see and learn more about this garray (land) that just never ceases to amaze and talk to me. To learn more about this place, or about my tours drop into my web page or check out my You Tube Channel and "Subscribe" so that you can keep up with what I'm sharing. https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqQObJ3e8u_WoV7N9xZ2JzA Copyright Mark Saddler Photos ! #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #Bundyiculture #nswaboriginaltourism #aboriginal #visitnsw #visitwagga
08.01.2022 Nyngan NAIDOC is on Monday 9th November 2020 Small opening ceremony at Bogan Shire Council Chambers starting at 9.20am All School within the Shire & Nyngan Heal...th Service will all be holding own flag raising ceremonies at 9.30am to coincide with the flag raising at the Opening held at Bogan Shire. Please practice social distancing and remain COVID safe during these events. If you have any flu symptoms please stay at home. All schools are holding events throughout the week, due to COVID restrictions these will be recorded and shared via social media. Community Hub has an art n craft experience on Wednesday, please see Wendy for bookings or give us a call to book. Limited spaces Thanks everyone for dedication and support to celebrating our culture. The oldest living culture ALWAYS WAS ALWAYS WILL BE
08.01.2022 Pod Cast "On Country - Wiradjuri" I was very proud to be asked to yarn to Rod Quinn from ABC Radio recently with regards to Wiradjuri people, land and culture. Mandaang Guwu (thank you) Rod Quinn for wanting to share about our amazing Wiradjuri Mob.... I hope you get something from this yarn up. Click on the below link to hear the Pod Cast. #oncountry #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #Bundyiculture #LoveNSW #visitnsw #natoc #aboriginaltoursnsw #aboriginal
07.01.2022 Aunty Isabel Reid. NSW STATE RECIPIENT SENIOR AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR 2021 I’m very proud to be able to say that I know this amazing and deadly Mudyigaang (Elder)... She has done much to help those who have had their voices silenced by those who thought they could talk louder. Ngadhu ngurrigiilang ngindhu bamali Isabel. ( I proud you Aunty Isabel )
06.01.2022 NAIDOC Week 8-15 November 2020 NAIDOC is an amazing time to be able to showcase the incredible and diverse Aboriginal cultures and people in Australia. The week is all about connecting to country, our Elders and community.... NAIDOC is a time where all people come together to share and learn more about ngaligingu gunhi dhaagun (our mother earth) Take time to make time to get yourself and your mob out to the many events that will happen this week on country. To also learn more about what I share go to my community Facebook page or web page at these links, https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/WiradjuriMob #Aboriginal #Wiradjurimanmark #Wiradjurimob #NAIDOC #Lovensw #Visitnsw #Aboriginaltoursnsw #Bundyiculture Copyright Mark Saddler Videos https://youtu.be/lQ1iPJgHHt4
06.01.2022 Marang giilang bundyi-gu ! ( good story to share) #aboriginal #rabbitprooffence #wiradjuri #WiradjuriMob #wiradjurimanmark #dubbonsw
05.01.2022 Wiradjuri Ngurambang Dhalang! (Wiradjuri Country Today) Another amazing part of Wiradjuri land and one of the many places that I visit on my Bundyi Cultural Tours. ... I was very proud to take some mob on a private tour today on country where we shared stories and information about our ancient land. Was nice to also see some yurung (rain) today as well. To learn more about my tours go to my web page at this link. https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ #WiradjuriMob #wiradjurimanmark #aboriginaltoursnsw #Bundyiculture #LoveNSW #visitnsw #natoc #aboriginal #lockhartnsw Copyright Mark Saddler Videos.
05.01.2022 Yamandhu Marang Biyambul Ngadhi Mudyi ? (are you well all my friends) I was very proud to be able to share and teach Wiradjuri culture at Molong Early Learning Centre, Molong and also as St Joseph's Primary School Manildra. ... Both these amazing learning places are near Orange in NSW and are a part of Wiradjuri Ngurambang (country) I thank Uncle John Riley and Aunty Joyce Williams for allowing me to teach and yarn up in their area recently. Hope you enjoy my short video about what we did during NAIDOC Week this year ? To learn more go to my web page or Facebook page at these links. https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/WiradjuriMob Copyright Mark Saddler Videos/Artwork #Aboriginal #Wiradjurimob #Wiradjurimanmark #Molong #Manildra #Orange #LoveNSW #VisitNSW #Bundyiculture https://youtu.be/WzbITJG4Yds
03.01.2022 Special Place. This place is near Burra which in Wiradjuri tongue means dive/bounce. Some may also know this place as it’s recent given name Paddy River Fall...s Massive fire storms smashed this place recently but if you look close you will see gunhi Ngurambang (mother country) returning the devastation to regeneration. Madhu giilang ngaligingu garray-bu mayiny-bu yarra (Many story our land and people talk) But to be able to hear you need to, Mabinya (stop) Wibiyanha (sit) Wudhagarbinya (listen) Yindyamarra (respect) Aboriginal tourism in NSW is alive,strong and deadly. Why not book an amazing tour or experience with one of our many Aboriginal tourism operators and get connected. To learn more about my Wiradjuri/Aboriginal tours drop into my web page at this link, www.bundyiculture.com.au Copyright Mark Saddler Photos. #WiradjuriMob #lovensw #aboriginal #wiradjurimanmark #bundyiculture
02.01.2022 Buugang Bu-ja Bu-ja Giilang ! (Bogong Moth Story ) Hope you enjoy and can share my video with your mob about an amazing balugan (animal) that visits Wiradjuri Ngurambang (country) for over 60,000 years.... If you can "Subscribe" to my You Tube Channel as well that would be marang (good) #wiradjurimanmark #WiradjuriMob #bogong #aboriginal #lovensw #visitnsw #Bundyiculture Copyright Mark Saddler Video/Artwork
02.01.2022 Always nice to know that when you go "Gunyah" (home/shelter) someone is waiting to have a yarn to you. Gugubarra Wibiyanha Madhan-dha ! ( Kookaburra sit in tree)... #Wiradjurimanmark #Wiradjurimob #Bundyiculture #Kookaburra #Aboriginal #LoveNSW Copyright Mark Saddler Photos !
01.01.2022 Mirrway Giilang (Paint Story) Today I want to yalmambirra (teach) about Aboriginal artwork and their stories and how they entwine and merge into one another.... 60,000 + years of Wiradjuri stories and artwork is something that I'm very proud of. My culture is still alive today as it has always been. Please "subscribe" to my You Tube if you enjoy what I share. You can also go to my web page at this link to see what else I do and share. https://www.bundyiculture.com.au/ #Aboriginalartwork #Aboriginal #Wiradjurimanmark #Wiradjuri #Bundyiculture #Alwayswasalwayswillbe #Visitnsw #LoveNSW Copyright Mark Saddler Video/Artwork https://youtu.be/y4Nh7PIoECo
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