Wired 4 Colour | Local service
Wired 4 Colour
Phone: +61 458 203 887
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25.01.2022 Naming ideas wanted It’s been a long time since I registered the name Wired 4 Colour and at the time the business was focused on breeding my beloved Appaloosas It’s been suggested by a few that the business should take a new name something more descriptive of what I’ve been working hard at for the last 6 years so I need some help ... I’m not the best at coming up with names and I figure my clients know me best. So come on does anyone have some suggestions As cool as Vetty’s Pedi’s sounds it just kinda doesn’t have a professional ring to it
24.01.2022 Good morning apologies for the early morning messages to clients of late unfortunately it’s the only time I can spare right now to get in the diary to manage bookings. Hopefully you all have your phones on silent as I do If your waiting to hear back from me right now it’s best to text that way I can see it as pending until I can get time to get back in the diary and confirm your appointment. Have a fab day
23.01.2022 White Choc & Raspberry courtesy of awesome client Annette yesterday while working The best way to any farriers heart I reckon
23.01.2022 Once again Sarah writes so well
22.01.2022 Unfortunately the bizarre weather our southwest is experiencing atm is causing some wall separation to our barefoot friends. As the hoof expands in the wet and retracts in the dry combined with extra leverage due to spring feed the hooves just are not coping as nicely as I would like. There are many topical applications that can assist with this when used religiously however sometimes you may find your horse is best to go a few cycles in a set of shoes depending on the situation. As much as my ideal is bare I’m not against installing a shoe to help maintain soundness while we get this back under control.
22.01.2022 You may have a hoof fetish when....... Huge day today! My trainee trimmer Kirsty and I are tending to the Narrogin District horses she’s been driving coz I sucked after 200kms and now while I stretch my back do my exercises she’s studying hard Massive appreciation to Kirsty
22.01.2022 How many of you get to really enjoy your lunch break? Well I did today a lovely ride out on Horsepowers Bill a young clydey cross. You may remember Bill from some previous posts of him out in the arena learning how to give and stay light with his hooves while I worked on him. #reapingselfemploymentrewards #4thehorses #horsepower #handsomeheavyhorses #w4c #didnteatlunch #lovemyjob
21.01.2022 Scheduling Update - Margaret River Region I have finally managed to complete rolling the horses in this region onto a 4 weekly cycle. It’s not been easy trying to fit 5 into 4 but this will see the horses in this region with much improved hoof health. There is some cramming going on prior to Christmas as I decided that none of the horses in this region would maintain for a 6 week period so that I could have the Christmas break due to the high levels of feed we are still exp...eriencing. Please bear with me while I try to get this new cycle settled there will be a few that go an extended rotation this time as I just can not tend to over 15 a day. I have tried to pick the horses I feel will best hold up to the extension. My workload in the Margaret River area is currently full. I do not have capability at this time to take new horses on in this area. The remainder of the regions are also full at this time so unless someone moves away that’s it I’m at capacity Anyway best I get on texting next weeks clients who have already waited too long for their bookings whilst I figured this out Cheers Vetty
20.01.2022 After reading a horrific post on Facebook last night I thought I would share another of Sarah’s writings. The post I read last night was actually looking for opinions on helping to make a horse comfortable after a trim and it turned into an all out warfare of bad mouthing and just generally making our industry look like shit! I’m pretty sure the trimmer involved is most likely feeling suicidal if they have seen it. And no I do not care to comment an opinion on the work as it’s not my place to. I have a strict Facebook policy. If you ever have questions come to me is how that works. So that I can do my best to help you to help your horse.
20.01.2022 Gambler the Samsung to iPhone is blurry but I’m sure you will all see the success in this video! It’s been a long 6 mths since I saw my black horse with so much cadence and soundness Lani captured this tonight
18.01.2022 Scheduling Update affecting Margaret River region. I will be sitting down over the weekend to crunch some numbers so that I can try fix the mess that the continuing spring feed has made to scheduling. Currently I have some horses on 3 week rotations some on four week rotations and some still at five weeks. ... The result of this is massive days three weeks of the rotation and very minimal work on the other two weeks of the normal 5 week rotation that my business is based on. Unfortunately due to this there has been times when clients have wished their horses tended to earlier due to the feed creating leverage and I have been unable to fit them in which is risky for their horses hoof health. We all know that excess length is highly detrimental to your horses hoof health and can result in all kinds of issues. I have always aimed to take a proactive approach to hoof health and would rather maintain to as create less issues for the horse rather then fix too late in the game after your horse is sore Depending on how the numbers stack up I may look at putting all of the Margaret river region onto a permanent four weekly rotation for their allocated Mondays and Tuesday’s which would allow me to continue servicing the other regions with less feed on their normal five week rotations other days of the week. This can always be changed later on if required but at this point I need to find a way to service the majority appropriately and effectively. I will contact you all after the weekend once I figure out the best way to go forward. Here’s to healthier hooves for this region. And please can the rain stop now Vetty
18.01.2022 So the lameness has been confirmed I have strained muscles in my back. I’m off for the remainder of this week and most likely next week. Shod horses are being referred to two other farriers who have offered to pitch in very grateful Trim clients will be advised and can either skip a rotation or I can refer them on for this round. Long term I need to look after it work in a brace and lower numbers instead of those huge days. ... My first day back at work will be Friday 28th. See more
18.01.2022 Update! Today’s lameness exam was much improved with only a slight limp to the right in canter I am on target to recommence work on Friday 28th with lower daily numbers.... Moving forward and to clear up some confusion. My large week long SW Run is in the process of being handed over to another farrier. I am hopefull that this process will be relatively seemless and that the run clients will continue to receive a high standard of service for the next five years. My West Wheatbelt run will continue however may undergo a shift in timing and also in capability to service on property. I am currently trying to find options to limit my driving to under 200km a day. These clients will be updated as soon as possible. Local Clients This includes places within 200km of my home in Tutunup. Margaret River & Surrounds, Donnybrook, Collie, Dwellingup & Cookernup. Will remain however will be stretched out to cover the week that the run previously took up. I will also be looking to lessen some kms in these days, the days in each area will be fixed and I will be doing my utmost to not be leaving home until 8am and to be home by 4.30pm. 4 weekly scheduling will be available for these clients as needed in the future. So its not all doom and gloom see If I look after myself lower the km’s keep up with the exercises, work outs and body work ill be able to keep working for a lot more years yet Any questions please feel free to ask Vetty
16.01.2022 Continued Education Update... Unfortunately due to Covid-19 it doesn’t look promising for a FITS exam in Australia for some time. I have recently enrolled for the revamped Australian Certificate 4 in Farriery offered by QBVet and Goodlands Farrier School. ... I completed my RPL assessment last week which wasn’t half as scary as I had imagined even though my drawings of anatomy clearly suck! With some units already able to be ticked off I’m looking forward to some on going training with Kim Broad ASF AWCF to help me meet the requirements for the new certificate. Ya just can’t beat the determination out of me no matter how many years it takes!
15.01.2022 The difference is in the mindset Challenging tradition but being mindful of its teachings. Did the previous farrier do a poor job... No! They did what they believed was right and what they where trained to do. Not every hoof is just what you see from the exterior. There are so many factors in hooves including trim/shoeing style, confirmation, environment, work load, cycle length, history and many others. ... Can hooves be improved? Of course they can! Any hoof can be improved even if the improvement is small, a millimetre in the hoof can create 10 millimeters in the upper body! See the hoof and what it is required to support. The old saying. No hoof no horse. #hpa #confirmationaltrim #repairwork See more
14.01.2022 Seedy toe! I’ve been looking at my millions of photos today and wanted to share this beauty with you. Just a small hole in the hoof wall can reveal quite a bit... going on if you investigate. This is a sagittal section of a hoof at the toe area. I never cease to be amazed at the internal damage that this causes. It’s like an iceberg. So much more going on where we can’t see. To see all my videos and hoof photos- http://www.patreon.com/hoofstudies My supporter: Australian Farriers Conference https://www.australianfarriersconference.com.au
14.01.2022 Hmmmmm so somehow I once again got talked into working on a weekend Lucky that Saturday’s come with penalty rates of a six pack and happy horses and I’m celebrating I’m tired as hell sheesh can’t ya see the bags I’m sporting ... Soooooo let’s have some good news stories! I want you all to share your memories as today I had the realisation that it’s officially been 6 years to the day since I made the decision to go into full time into farriery. I would have to look up the date that the hoof fetish started part time but I know it was in 2011! Dam! I’m starting to feel old now. - oops I stand corrected 2009 So come on out with the ugly, the funny, the teary and the amazing memories that I’ve shared with you all along this incredible journey of hoof care and here’s too another 6 and some full time
14.01.2022 Well I’ve been pretty spoilt this Christmas so I musta been a good girl I would like to wish all my clients and their horses a very merry festive season Thank you all for your business your horsey friendships and your smiles. ... Special thanks also to the team behind me Harry Fairclough for being the most supportive man ever! Ginelle Stammers @ Integrated Horse & Rider Services for keeping my body sound enough to work through a very trying injury prone year. Teano Nguyen-Verdenet @ Manna Health Osteopath for not only helping me repair the damage to my back but for helping me maintain it to keep working. John Bath @ Down South Customs for dropping everything and running every time the ranger needs something but for also being pre emptive in your work to keep those wheels rolling smoothly. My multiple farrier friends, mentors and teachers for assisting in my learning in one of my most successful years yet May 2021 bring us all easier times and sound horses Healing my hooves this arvo Because it’s always #4thehorses Vetty
12.01.2022 The very best way to start the working day I was hoping to see photos after being advised of the arrival of this special baby his mummy had some serious complications in her pregnancy and the vet team did well to keep him cooking in there until 2 weeks prem. Arriving to the real deal this morning Artax is just stunning! Congratulations Tracey on your dream pony’s safe arrival
09.01.2022 This little mare made my day yesterday Promise suffers EMS and has been unsound for a long while. 2 x Trims after X-ray and HPA assessment and ongoing critical care from her dedicated owner brings us to today’s video Photos in the comments if your interested in seeing where she came from. We still have a long way to go for her yet. #promise #4thehorses #w4c #laminitis
09.01.2022 Sigh not again! Unfortunately today’s wet weather combined with warm weather for the remainder of the week is most likely to create humidity possibly resulting in another flush of thrush and soft hooves. Better prevention then a cure! Get out your betadine, iodine or hoof hardener products for the next few days to help them dry back out again. For our laminitic friends it will be important to keep those grazing times strict just incase the pastures get another flush from this recent rain. For those on rocky paddocks separation may occur
07.01.2022 When you actually sit down and crunch the numbers on some of the most recent custom shoeing jobs and work out your earning less then if you spent the same hours just trimming ah well I always have only believed in shoeing it if you really need to #smallbusinesshumour #shoeingitforlove #wishthatclientneveraskedcosts #w4c
07.01.2022 Today’s new skill set....... Two Up Nailing When it’s sore and ya just gota get it done. #springflush #p3protection #4thehorses #klfhorsemanship #dowhatittakes
07.01.2022 Out from under the horses today and into the diary This week I am back at work well have been since Friday last week actually and so far so good. As promised I have spread the current work load out and wowsers I actually have some availability for new clients on some days. Incase you didn’t know I only take new clients on by recommendation so please be sure to let me know who reccomended you.... The highlights show availability on my regular five weekly schedule. Yay for pretty tootsies again :P
07.01.2022 Well we didn’t get too many working photos for the August run which may be due to the fact that I got drenched every single day Thank you once again to all of my run clients for another successful run. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the 10 week break due to my holiday had nearly no detrimental effects on the horses and that a high percentage of them had maintained very well. ... I did manage to drag the rain all the way from Tutunup around the entire 1981km run It was fantastic being able to share in the joy that the rain has brought to my farming clients. Not looking forward to cleaning up the anvil and the Ute Massive thanks again to my hosts for hot showers and lovely warm winter meals
06.01.2022 Some improvement in HPA for Joey yesterday Cassy is the latest client to take the plunge into seeking better alignment for her boy we already had a huge diff in both hooves over the past 12 mths in trim style alone. #caudalsupport #glueu #taketheplunge
03.01.2022 HPA is my main focus with every horse to create and build long term soundness. This is a great read for owners and will help explain what your farriers and veterinarians are banging on about and just how important ideal HPA is for your equine mate.
02.01.2022 Visual Mark Ups are just that a visual aid. HPA is my game but it is restricted with visual mark up. The only true way to check alignment is via radiograph no matter how good the eyes are or how good the measuring aps are nothing beats a podiatry radiograph with phalangeal alignment marked up by your vet. I highly recommend you have your horse radiographed annually to help me keep them at their best.
02.01.2022 A great article on cracks and the damage beneath https://thehorse.com//what-goes-on-beneath-horse-hoof-cr/
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