Wisdom Body in South Golden Beach | Medical centre
Wisdom Body
Locality: South Golden Beach
Phone: +61 421 079 644
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24.01.2022 HOW TO ENSURE YOUR SESSIONS ARE DEEPLY EFFECTIVE AND DON’T RE-TRIGGER YOUR CLIENTS (even clients with trauma, resistance, who are stuck in their heads or are highly sensitive) This is for coaches or practitioners of any kind. My method? Moving through these steps:...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Offer to work with me 1:1 ..................... I’ve got a wonderful offer for women working in therapeutic roles who want to create bigger ways to serve but keep overriding their boundaries (despite all their years of self-development), and over-giving at the cost of their own well-being. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 I love it that the women in my practitioner training are coming back after a week saying things like "this feels like my native language, I just never knew how to speak it before." And reporting "magic unravelling in front of my eyes" in their practice sessions with clients (in places where, before, that same session would have been lots of "hard work" stressful talking about problems), And feeling so inspired and enthusiastic about practicing and studying with big visions fo...r taking this work out into communities that don't normally have access to it. I'm touched by how big hearted and generous these women are as they practice together and sink into this work. Look out world. The field is rich and pulsing with right-time, right-livelihood and Lots of fierce love.
23.01.2022 INVITATION TO WORK WITH ME I have a great offer for female practitioners who have done a lot of work on themselves yet experience over-giving and being negatively affected by their sensitivity. They have an urgency to help make the world a more loving, inclusive and caring place, especially for the vulnerable.. They know what change they want to see and how it should look. We work together for 3months 1:1 on the following things:...Continue reading
22.01.2022 love is a verb. It's an active thing. I used to relate love purely with softness, receiving, accepting, allowing. But more and more, I see love is Fierce. Love is active. It doesn't sit by and watch.. it gets up to hold the child or push the bully away or speak the words that need to be heard. Love is FIERCE
22.01.2022 I regularly see female practitioners supporting the clients, men or kids in their life to thrive, but continuing to earn less than they want and missing out on advancing their career or even personal goals in favor of staying in the support role for others. One of the big factors keeping these women in the background (that I see So often) is a judging inner voice telling them You can't do it!, it’s better/safer to stay with what you know, or you don't really know what yo...Continue reading
22.01.2022 I found a new term these last weeks.. TENDER COURAGE It's a term I've walked with, but not named, for years. That ability to move into life.. but especially the "hard" bits, with an open heart... and to Stay.... The willingness to keep breathing, showing up, feeling, digesting and then speaking out, Up and For what is most tender and soft. Tender courage. It does take courage to live with an open heart, AND living this way is constantly touching and exquisite. In these places I find a knowing that "nothing can hurt me". That "I" am un-breakable. But so very very tender., and falling into the tenderness is where "I" dissolve and only love exists Go kindly and softly with each others hearts dear ones. We are all so very precious
21.01.2022 A dive into John Bradshaw's book "Dark Secrets"
19.01.2022 A testimonial from a dear client "Amanda is magical. I have a much deeper ability to connect with my internal experience, integrate my subconscious drives, emotions and blocks, and emerge with epic readiness to thrive in business and relationships. She will help you move through your internal challenges to discover something deeper and more profoundly fulfilling than what you were anticipating. Lot's of Wow moments" - Asher
18.01.2022 My work is getting simpler all the time. And it is this... If you have a pattern of over-riding yourself when you feel scared or out of your depth, If you have a "rev" in your nervous system that pushes you into fast action with "nobody home" (leaving yourself behind in the dust) You're actually on the right path IF you listen in and drop underneath.... Your rev is actually the doorbell chime calling you Home. It's Loud so you notice it! but not to notice it with fast action to make the noise go away. Notice it with a presence that doesn't move. Listen and listen deeper. there will be a fire-like burn in your body and soul and for a moment it will feel intolerable. Dont believe your mind or the squirming. Thats what's kept you rev-ing for the last millennia Stay there. because under the rev is your heart, is something truer that the fast paced avoidance of life. Meeting the rev wont kill you.. In fact, it will actually take you Home.
16.01.2022 Reading to you from my new favourite book by Leonard Jacobson .. "I do not see healing as a psychological process. In true healing, you are being restored to your true nature"
15.01.2022 When you’re an empath and support others for a living (either as a practitioner and/or a parent), it’s very common to become drained and worn out by the roles you play... Even when you Love and are excellent at what you do. I see this partly coming from what I call living from remote control. As a highly sensitive person who can feel what the other is feeling, and who often cares and is very impacted by the feelings and experiences of others.. you quite likely learnt how ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Im aware that most of this Wisdom Body community are white people and it's important to me that I create a space here that is safe for black people and people of colour. That I not only use nice words to express my care, but that I step up and give my actions and my voice and all I can to make it safe for them in the world. You are welcome here. Im sorry for the pain of these intense times and Im sorry for my ignorance and complacency. I want to do better and do more to stan...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Workshop 2 of the Somatic Therapy training is Complete. Gosh.. this is deep and GOOD work. I salute the courageous students who are showing up so willingly and with such heart intelligence. Truly.. learning to work with implicit memory and the nervous system Takes courage but Gives so much back. Resilience, kindness, huge hearted compassion.. and often.. the ability to laugh and make silly when things are heavy in the world. We had a running joke about using the sympathetic... branch of the nervous system to defend against farts that made me lose my teaching thread a few times cause I was laughing too much! (nervous system geeks will get that... maybe? .. maybe you had to be there?!) Yay for courage, yay for breaking new ground, yay for time for rest now! And now.. a fart joke for you.. "Love is like a fart.. if you have to force it, it's probably crap" . . . . And.. someone asked "what is Somatic Therapy"? This was my answer: Somatic therapy listens to the story that the Body is telling (the automatic way you might pull back or lash out or go numb in the face of stress) more than the one the thinking mind is telling. So if you habitually move towards unavailable partners, it would help you to slow down the sequence of impulses, bring presence to the un-felt or unconscious feelings under them, and create the space to find a new action/choice.. in a way that communicates to the part of the brain that holds instructions for your automatic behaviours. So then, the next time you got signals someone you're drawn to is unavailable, you would be more aware of the signals, less likely to over-ride your deeper response to them (like not Actually wanting to be with someone who's not able to meet you and your needs), and have space to communicate your wants and needs, and make new empowering decisions that honour your heart and your needs. This is different, obviously, from a counselling or psychology session where you might talk about the issue, feel your feelings, build more Cognitive awareness, but not necessarily make changes. The difference is that we include the body and the brain stem in the process (ie. process experience via the reptilian and limbic parts of the brain rather than just the cognitive/rational parts)
09.01.2022 When I share my methods here it's a bit like casting jewels into the night sky.. who knows where they land or who reads them!.. so when a friend told me that she'd read my post on Saturday and used the tools to finally have a difficult conversation with an intimate-other.. and how well it went for her in creating grounding, connection and the ability to Stay Present through the process, I felt a YES! These simple tools really do work to make things safer, more embodied, more... relaxed (even if you're more aware of aliveness or fear where before it might've been numb). They're simple and they work because they're working With your body and your Being's intelligence, and your evolutionary design to thrive. We are designed to look for connection (in self or safe other), we're designed to feel grounded and soothed when we can be present to and allow our inner experience and find kind-others to witness and recieve our wants, needs and process. Life when lived like this is warmer, more HERE, more hopeful and way more relaxed. If you want to read the post.. you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/wisdombody1/posts/2854618594790494?__cft__[0]=AZUKuxonbHuvPuzhSFjsA8PJlMBAkR65KUtg2HCyk-P0QSqeNORTV4rHhI5A6V6F_SX08e3ZooF_J-TPYYLo35Oz9XCgurQDnhKoO6U4c9KGyz5MeO99sHhZYLqSngvUbS7JlRDNj0Fphw5aHfKw2YxAHo1HLukfn74ST0CU63oGcg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
08.01.2022 When you're confused and questioning your choices but getting angry at every one around you, it's about reclaiming your KNOWING. You know.. that strong clear voice inside that says Yes or No and doesn't embellish. That internal feeling that lines up your spine, so each vertebra stacks on top of one another. Support and stability rising from the earth and anchoring your feet. Immoveable. If it spoke, this Knowing would do so with tones of mountains and wild-wise animals....Continue reading
08.01.2022 Fear is simply One of the seasons of life .. it has its own gifts for us if we dont push it aside. In terms of nervous system states.. fear and excitement are very similar.. The tightening of the limbs, the tingling or electric feeling in the body, the faster heart rate, wider eyes, and more tension in general so you're ready to respond ... They both prepare us for NOVELTY. The difference in Experience between excitement and fear (if you have trouble with fear) is often foun...d in your willingness to feel (and breathe :)) and get Curious about the presence of the thing. We can tend to interpret fear to mean something's wrong because the sensations are strong and can feel unpleasant at first because it Really wants your attention.. so it's good to slow down and get curious.. "is this moment actually unsafe for me? Is it true in this moment that I'm unsafe or is this a memory of a past time?" If you discover your responses aren't based on something thats happening now, then we can take some time to comfort the part of you that is remembering a time when fear wasn't ok. We can give it space to shake, to tremble, to feel Very alive and alert. We can give it the presence it needs to find safety in the actual safety of the moment. So, have you experienced?.. what happens if you turn towards your fear and say "ok" to it??
06.01.2022 Which one do you like better ... Wisdom Body Institute Wisdom Body Academy... Or Wisdom Body Foundation? (for a business that runs Somatic Therapy and Fierce Love trainings)
06.01.2022 The benefits of pleasure and subtlety for making room for your Wisdom voice
04.01.2022 You’ve been chipping away at this thing called Boundaries for years. With an early family life that was kind of shaky (aka terrible?) at boundaries; you’ve read the books, had lots of counselling, even helped your own clients improve theirs. So by now you’re great at boundaries with strangers, and you know lots of lingo and theory, but when it comes to close family and friends, your boundaries go lah-lah. Suddenly you find yourself saying yes when you’re not so sure, even wh...Continue reading
03.01.2022 OFFER TO WORK WITH ME 1:1 I have a wonderful offer for female practitioners who have a high level of self awareness and sensitivity, and a strong passion to serve; yet they find their relationships and poor boundaries (with clients or family) pull them into overwhelm, exhaustion, mistrusting their own wisdom and playing small. This program teaches you how to work with the intelligence of your body and Being rather than against it. To trust your own inner strength and guidance...Continue reading
02.01.2022 An excerpt from an email to a client about Big Emotions: When we take on the story that emotions are wrong, it can feel like a cap being put on a river. The water of emotion becomes stagnant, trapped, and sometimes, explodes out because there's been so much build up.. which leads to more self-recriminations and "evidence" for emotion being unreasonable, more reason to jam the cap back on.... So, what if we can re-tell that story? What if emotion is a natural movement of energy? What if.. there's good reason to feel deeply about the things you feel deeply about? What if others' perception and story about your emotion is more about them than it is about you? When you get behind yourself and the possibility there's a Good Reason you feel what you feel, that whole dynamic changes. Emotion can move without judgement. And emotion can be what it is.. big, deep, and rich.. and you stop fighting yourself. Sadness becomes depth and sweet tenderness. Rage becomes fire and power. Loud joy becomes a bursting in the heart to be alive. And you start to feel your own goodness and rightness in the map of things, and a protectiveness of your precious heart.
02.01.2022 We're moving into Module 5 of the first level Somatic Therapy training this weekend and my heart is overflowing. I so love this work. This module is all about Soul.. .. the Essence under and in all things. Therapeutic work will take you in circles if it's just about fixing your problems (cause you know you can always make more)... this module, we dive into the presence that forms and animates all of it, and ways to help our clients Choose to anchor their awareness in Essence...Continue reading
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