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Wittwer Farm Accommodation for birdwatchers in the mid west of WA | Tour agent

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Wittwer Farm Accommodation for birdwatchers in the mid west of WA

Phone: +61 428 674 074


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24.01.2022 Melaleuca schlerophylla located in our bush yesterday. Conservation status 3.

21.01.2022 These cute Echidnas were found along unsealed country roads in Boojerabba Flat, Inering Hills, Western Australia, turning over the fallen timber for ants and in...sects. Their habitat needs protection -Save our Midwestern Wheatbelt country road verges from unnecessary clearing in the name of federal road standards. Please 'like'. These verges are important corridors for our wildlife.

20.01.2022 A small mob of Black Honeyeaters were feeding on a Hakea sp (possibly francisiana) in a remote part of the farm. They seem to come to this same place, same time, every year. And the Crimson Chats are back. They were getting some insects from deep in the crop. What a day!

18.01.2022 Crimson Chats everywhere. Often in a mix flock with White-fronted Chats. Any suggestions as to why they've come this way?

17.01.2022 Black Honeyeaters last week and the Pied Honeyeaters calling and carousing near the farmhouse tonight. Their long four note call, single pitch call - carrying for miles around - birdwatchers heaven.

15.01.2022 A flock of Regent Parrots flew overhead this afternoon and landed in an accessible York gum. I could hear them chattering to one another and moving from branch to branch, their tails splayed like the tails of the Grey Cockatiel.

13.01.2022 Thanks to Michael Morcombe who has put up both the Pied and the Black Honeyeater on the same page.Field Guide to Australian Birds. The image on the left is the Black Honeyeater and therefore the one on the right is the Pied Honeyeater. The Pied H/e is quite a lot larger.

12.01.2022 Late rains and a great show of everlastings this year. White-winged Trillers and Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes hover over them looking for food.

11.01.2022 Banded Stilts have thronged to the ephemeral lakes in the central mid-western wheatbelt after torrential rains in February. They can be seen from the road verge between Carnamah and Three Springs. Look out for the broad chestnut band across the breast, long legs, long beak and white body. Beautiful birds.

09.01.2022 Heard the first Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo for the year on June 28. Earlier than usual by about two weeks.The haunting call seemed to echo around the hills.

05.01.2022 Came across the first mob of Inland Dotterels that we've seen all year. About 10 or so visible though possibly more. Young birds with them so a successful breeding season, one would think. Cryptic birds. Always a thrill to see them.

03.01.2022 The return of the Mistletoebird. Always up in the same spot, chirruping his special call. Within the house yard but high up in a very old palm tree - a relic from the 70s. We doubt that there is any mistletoe in the palm but perhaps they are finding some berries that palms produce? Any ideas, anyone? He's been returning at the same time, mid summer for many years. Or else its his progeny.

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