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Western NSW PHN in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia | Healthcare administrator

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Western NSW PHN

Locality: Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 1300 699 167

Address: First Floor, 187 Brisbane Street 2830 Dubbo, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Have your say about health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales. This will inform NSW Government about general provision & availability of health services. Submissions close 13 December 2020...

24.01.2022 If you have a passion to see improvements in the availability, efficiency and effectiveness of primary health care services in your area, we want to hear from you. Western NSW Primary Health Network is currently recruiting Consumers and Community Members for the Western and Far West Community Advisory Councils. Your involvement in the Community Advisory Councils will assist in developing local strategies to improve the operation of the health care system for health consumers ...across the whole of WNSW PHN region. Go to for more information and to apply.

23.01.2022 October is Mental Health Month. This years theme is "Tune In". Tune In to your communities what’s happening that you can be part of, or that you can help others be part of?

22.01.2022 We will remember them

22.01.2022 This FREE WEBINAR from WNSW PHN will assist General Practices: - Differentiate between privacy and confidentiality - Recognise and comply with the requirement to protect patient confidentiality - Identify different types of confidentiality breaches - Understand the mandatory requirement for General Practices to have a privacy Policy to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.... View online now: See more

22.01.2022 Uluru Statement from the Heart "We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart: Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign Nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs. This our ancestors did, according to the reckoning of our culture, from the Creation, according to the common law from ‘ immemorial’, and according to science more than 60,000 years ago". Read more: #NAIDOC2020

22.01.2022 Wondering, why all the gear? Dr Ngiare Brown explains why health care workers wear PPE, especially when testing for COVID-19. PPE minimises risk to the health ...& safety of both workers & the community. It’s important to remember under all that gear is the friendly face of a health worker doing their best to keep the community safe & healthy. For more info about PPE, See more

22.01.2022 NSW Government wants to hear from you about how NSW can improve prevention, early intervention and specialist responses to children and young people with problematic and harmful sexual behaviours. We are interested in hearing from you if you work directly (as a frontline worker) or indirectly (as a manager or organisational representative) with children and young people, regardless of your prior knowledge or awareness of problematic or harmful sexual behaviours. Please click on this link for more information and to complete the survey.

22.01.2022 You could just what the patient ordered: Millthorpe Medical Practice has an URGENT NEED for a GP for patient consultations. Contact Karen Wheelhouse for more information on 0427 426 746.

21.01.2022 Ahead of National Apology Day tomorrow (February 13), marking 13 years since the Apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples in the Australian Parliament, we're proud to share our Acknowledgement of Country.

20.01.2022 If you need to see or speak to a local GP this long weekend we've got you covered This service is supported through funding from the Western NSW PHN as part of the Australian Government’s PHN program.

18.01.2022 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Western NSW PHN

18.01.2022 Higher levels of health literacy help achieve better health outcomes, better quality and safety of healthcare and lower health costs. What can we do to improve health literacy in our region? Find out here:

17.01.2022 Australia's National Cervical Cancer Awareness Week 2020 takes place from 16 - 20 November 2020.

17.01.2022 Did you know the healthdirect app can help you locate your nearest doctor or general practice that's available now

17.01.2022 How's your head today? "If you’re not feeling like yourself, there are things you can do to feel better, like staying connected, keeping busy and being active"

17.01.2022 **Recruiting Now** Procurement Support Specialist Location: Dubbo, Orange, Bathurst or Broken Hill Full time maximum term contract until 30 June 2021... For more information please go to:

16.01.2022 It's World Mental Health Day! Check in with yourself and others - Here are some great tips from #lookafteryourmentalhealthaustralia

16.01.2022 As part of the federal budget, the number of subsidised psychology sessions you can access through your GP Mental Health Care Plan has doubled.

15.01.2022 WNSW PHN invites eligible organisations to apply for a Contract for Services to deliver a Regional Community Chronic Pain Management Program in either Broken Hill, Dubbo or both towns, including sub-regional outreach to Bourke and other Regional Towns without this program. Requests for Proposals will be accepted until 2pm March 1 2021. Find more details at

15.01.2022 October is Mental Health Month. This years theme is "Tune In". Tune In to stigma how do attitudes and understandings of mental health and wellbeing impact people’s ability to live the lives they want?

15.01.2022 **Recruiting Now** Senior Data Analyst Location: Dubbo, Orange, Broken Hill or Bathurst Full-time maximum term contract until 30 June 2021 For more information please go to:

14.01.2022 We have launched our new Consumer & Community Engagement Framework. This co-designed framework details is our commitment to authentic engagement with our comsumers and community.

14.01.2022 Loneliness isn’t the same as being alone, we can be surrounded by people & still feel lonely. This year we saw our ability to come together & connect despite isolation. Remember to keep connecting with people in a way that works for you. #MakingTime

13.01.2022 Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Pharmacists in General Practice (PiGP) program. This pilot is administered by the Department of Health through the WNSW PHN to improve access to pharmacist care in the community. The components of the program focus on:... - Development of a recognised role across the region for the role of pharmacists working in practices; - Develop a sustainable funding model leveraging off the existing funding streams and innovation seed funding from the PHN; - Develop a collaborative group of pharmacists and practice staff who work together to build the role and enhance team care; - Identify the unique training needs of PiGP and the delivery of education to support both Pharmacists and Practice team in the project; and - Advocate for enhanced funding options to support PiGP. For more information go to

13.01.2022 Everyone’s experience over the past year has been different, so too is what helps us get through. What we are #MakingTime for however, matters greatly and can positively impact our mental wellbeing. What are you making time for this summer? Link:

11.01.2022 10th Oct is World Mental Health Day. 1 in 5 Australians are affected by mental illness annually, yet many don’t seek help because of stigma. During the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritising mental health and wellbeing has been more important than ever. ... #LAYMHA

11.01.2022 It’s Feeding Tube Awareness Week (7-13 February 2021)! The aim of #FTAW2021 is to increase awareness and understanding in the community about tube feeding and to raise some of the challenges faced and highlight the day-to-day impact on individuals, carers and families. This week is about bringing everyone together who has a feeding tube, whatever the reason may be. Please help us to spread the word by: Visiting our FTAW website for resources including colouring in pages, so...cial media images and our FTAW Poster you can print out for your workplace, doctor surgery, pharmacy, school etc: Adding our FTAW Facebook frame by clicking on 'Add Frame' on your Facebook profile photo and searching for 'Feeding Tube Awareness Week 2021’. Liking and sharing our posts on our social media pages this week or share your own tube feeding story using the hashtag #FTAW2021 to help reach more people in the community. See more

11.01.2022 Many are surprised to learn that perinatal anxiety and depression also affects men. One in ten expecting or new dads will be affected. #PANDAWeek2020 #TellSomeoneWhoCares

11.01.2022 Help keep our region COVID-Safe during the Summer! Check your symptoms and find where to get tested near you on the WNSW PHN Website.

09.01.2022 White Ribbon Day - 20 Nov 2020 "Together, we will end men's violence against women and children in our community"

09.01.2022 October is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year’s theme is ‘Tune In’. Karen’s Story was produced in 2018 and unpacks some of the experiences that Karen,... a consumer of our services had a time where she really needed support. The Far West LHD uses a process to collect consumer stories and during that process, uses ‘emotional touch points’. Touch points help the person to connect with their story and remember how they felt at the time of their experience. It takes so much courage for people to share their stories, especially if they feel like it might have a negative impact on their healthcare. That’s why we thank Karen so much for sharing her story; for being so brave and speaking out. Stories like Karen’s help us ‘Tune In’ to experiences of people using our services. If you would like to share your experiences using the Far West LHD, both good and bad, contact 08 8080 1100 and ask to speak to a story collector. This video may contain distressing content if you or someone you know needs immediate mental health help, call the Mental Health Helpline on 1800 011 511 or Emergency Services on 000 or call Lifeline on 13 11 14

08.01.2022 Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Everyone deserves a life free from violence. If you are experiencing domestic or family violence, we encourage you to speak out. If you or your family are in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000).

08.01.2022 How beautiful is this artwork Each year I have studied the theme of National NAIDOC week and learned so much in the journey that has informed my life and wor...k pls share this beautiful artwork pls read the The Uluru Statement from the Heart pls learn about the country you live on and reach out to your local mob pls acknowledge your white privilege and do what you can in your own world so we can move towards a new Australia, one where we all are young and free, one that acknowledges the oldest culture on the planet and our profoundly racist history listen and learn although we are the ONLY commonwealth country that does not have a #treaty, I remain hopeful for #thegladtomorrow #Repost @naidocweek with @get_repost Tyrown Waigana, a Perth based artist and designer, has been named as this year’s winner of the prestigious National NAIDOC Poster Competition. His winning entry - Shape of Land - was judged by the National #NAIDOC Committee to have best illustrated the 2020 NAIDOC theme: Always Was Always Will Be. Waigana, a proud Noongar and Saibai Islander, has previously been named as one of WA’s best new and emerging Indigenous artists. According to the 23-year-old, his winning entry depicts the Rainbow Serpent coming out of the Dreamtime to create this country and how we are strongly connected to it. The Rainbow Serpent is represented by the snake and it forms the shape of Australia, which symbolises how it created our lands. The colour from the Rainbow Serpent is reflected on to the figure to display our connection to the Rainbow Serpent, thus our connection to country. The overlapping colours on the outside is the Dreamtime. The figure inside the shape of Australia is a representation of Indigenous Australians showing that this country - since the dawn of time - always was, and always will be Aboriginal land, Mr Waigana added. To find out more about this year’s artwork and winning artist and to download a digital copy of the 2020 National NAIDOC Poster visit the NAIDOC website. Free printed copies of the 2020 National NAIDOC Poster will be available in coming months. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #Indigenous #Aboriginal #TorresStrait #FirstNations

06.01.2022 The Australian Government has announced an investment of $133.5 million to support child, youth and perinatal mental health programs

06.01.2022 The Productivity Commission report into the financial cost of mental illness and suicide in Australia was released yesterday. The commission's final report suggests changes that could save $20 billion a year.

06.01.2022 Celebrating National Agriculture Day 2020! In a year like no other, this special day highlights the extraordinary efforts of Aussie farmers who have had our bac...k and supported the nation through difficult times. On behalf of NSW Farmers, Aussies across the state and country, we say thank you! #AgDayAU See more

04.01.2022 It's Mental Health Month. This years theme is "Tune In". Tune In to your senses what can you sense right now? What can you feel? Taking a moment to Tune In can help still and focus your mind, helping you understand what’s going on for you and others or find a new perspective.

03.01.2022 It's #MentalHealthMonth and today is the first virtual education session. Come and meet, Jason Crisp, Director of Mental Health Drug and Alcohol and Helen McFa...rlane, Innovation and Performance Manager. The session will start at 2pm (AEST) and everyone is welcome. You can join in by computer or phone and can find the log in details here:

03.01.2022 Be aware of scammers!

01.01.2022 DVA provides Veteran Health Checks for all former-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members. Veteran Health Checks are an opportunity for veterans to access a comprehensive health check with a General Practitioner (GP).

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