Wodonga Little Athletics Centre Inc in Wodonga, Victoria | Sports club
Wodonga Little Athletics Centre Inc
Locality: Wodonga, Victoria
Phone: +61 402 483 597
Address: 83 Victoria Cross Parade 3690 Wodonga, VIC, Australia
Website: linktr.ee/wlac26
Likes: 905
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25.01.2022 Updated compliance measures have just been released by Little Athletics Victoria We have a CSO (COVID safety officer) on duty each week to help us remember these measures so if you're not sure about anything just ask the Chief Marshall and we'll send the CSO out to help. See you all tomorrow!... #COVID19 #teamwlac26 #season2021 #compliance #teamwork #covidsafety
25.01.2022 Anyone heard their full name these holidays? We'll be back at the track soon to practice our escape skills Tag a mate who always has their name called out in class ... #teamwlac26 #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #runlikeaboy #runlikeagirl #runjumpthrow #escape #itwasntme
24.01.2022 Did you grab your copy of the @bordermail yesterday? There were days we weren't sure when or if our season could start in 2020. We are beyond grateful to have been so lucky compared to so many other organised activities for kids and heading into week 4 of our regular competition.... Its never too late to feature in our weekly photo shoot Follow the link in bio to join our family today (2 free trial sessions for all new athletes) #modelpose #modelling #famousforaday #15minutes #teamwlac26 #season2021 #alburywodonga #albury #wodonga #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #littleathletes #littleathleticsvictoria #family #bordermailsport #bordermail #greatful #thisisathletics #supportlocal #supportjuniorsport
24.01.2022 Check-in 8:00am. (Events commence as soon as Duty Roster per event is complete) COVID Reminders: > There are NO spectators so please do not bring chairs and blankets.... > Athletes and Adults: Sanitise between each throw, jump, run and upon arrival at each event > Everyone must use the same entrance gate. Exit via the driveway only. > Everyone must sign in using the COVID QR Code > Please make sure all equipment is sanitised between use. >BYO water bottle and backpack for your gear > Only 10 athletes to a group > All adults must maintain 1.5m social distance and wear a mask unless exempt. > All athletes 12 and over must have a mask when not in the field of play. If you have any concerns or questions chat with the chief marshall on Saturday.
24.01.2022 Highlights from Week 5 This week we started our second rotation of our programs. Our starting team got to hear all about how exciting it is to be at aths. You too can join the conversation, by grabbing a starting duty this week and meeting all of our athletes at the start line ... The weather was fantastic with a slight head wind in the morning which eased by the afternoon. Saturday, we return to Program 2 (all our programs can be found in our handbook) Its never too late to start, register today and we'll see you Saturday. Registration details, our handbook and programs can be found via the link in our bio. #teamwlac26 #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #smileuniversally #athletics #albury #wodonga #alburywodonga #wodongalittleathletics #season2021 #littleathleticsvictoria #littleathsaust #thisistheborder #littleathletes #highlight #highlightreel
22.01.2022 It's not always about winning. It is always about being your best. Why not try it at WLAC26? #whynottryit #personalbest #teamwlac26 #littleathletics #whynot... https://www.news.com.au///7cb35edcf50318915bb0162b96ad7dfa
21.01.2022 Hey #wodonga did you see the news? We are ready to go! Looking forward to seeing you all in October. Stay tuned for the registration portal opening.... Expressions of interest, come and try - https://linktr.ee/wlac26. #teamwlac26 #2021 #alburywodonga #albury #countdown #trackandfield #littleathsaust #fieldandtrack #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #alburylittleathletics #thisistheborder #lavingtonjinderalittleathletics #bordermailsport #NCR #NCRathletics
20.01.2022 Invitation: U13 to U16 athletes are eligible to compete at both Little Athletics and Senior Athletics if you would like more information you can head down to their AGM on the 07th March (restrictions permitting) If you can't make it, check in with the chief marshall on Saturday's for more info. We have multiple athletes who are competing at both juniors and seniors who are enjoying achieving more from their athletics. ... #oneathletics #wodongaathleticclub #wodongalittleathletics #teamwlac26 #season2022 #agm #startsomethingnew #workingtogether #teamgoals #squadgoals #seeyouthere
19.01.2022 This week our 15 minutes of fame recipients are getting ready for our Coles Community Round on Saturday 20th February. It's a dress-up day and there are prizes for best dressed, most unusual, most creative and more! You can wear red wigs, facepaint, coles bags, bananas, anything, to show your love of Coles ... Don't forget to subscribe to The Border Mail for all the latest regional sport news #teamwlac26 #modelpose #modelling #famousforaday #15minutes #season2021 #alburywodonga #ColesCommunityRound #wodonga #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #littleathletes #littleathleticsvictoria #family #bordermailsport #bordermail #thisisathletics #coleslittleathletics #supportlocal #supportjuniorsport #littleathsaust
19.01.2022 Highlights from Week 4 This week we welcomed coach in training Jo. Jo joined forces with Nathan to run our Mini's (U6 and U7's) through on-track and events. Rennae popped in for her final High Jump session this year and we are very grateful for her tips and tricks and look forward to another session or 2 next year, hopefully before the end of our summer season ... The U10s were a little excited to have an extra event this week to ensure they got some high jump in as well. Saturday, we return to regular programming for Program 1 (all our programs can be found in our handbook) Its never too late to start, register today and we'll see you Saturday. Registration details, our handbook and programs can be found via the link in our bio. #teamwlac26 #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #smileuniversally #athletics #albury #wodonga #alburywodonga #wodongalittleathletics #season2021 #littleathleticsvictoria #littleathsaust #thisistheborder #littleathletes
19.01.2022 How good was the news we have moved to Step 3 in regional Victoria?? It was almost as exciting as our merchandise shop officially opening. Head over to https://mortimerapparel.com//wodonga-little-athletics-cent and get yourself kitted out for the season ahead. ... The shop is only open until the 10th of October for orders. Get in quick to be in our first delivery.
18.01.2022 Highlights from Week 12 - 06.02.2021 102 PB's for the centre. Our first Bronze certificates for 15 PB's were handed out. Olivia S received her 200m Hurdle record medal and 2 new records were set! #teamwlac26 #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #smileuniversally #athletics #PB #personalbest #alburywodonga #wodongalittleathletics #season2021 #littleathleticsvictoria #littleathsaust #thisistheborder #littleathletes #highlight #highlightreel #saturdaysmiles #smashingit #healthygoals #bronze #bronzecertificate
18.01.2022 We are very excited to release our 2021 Handbook. Everything you need to know about us in one place. We welcome to the WLAC26 Family.... Follow the link to download your copy today :) https://linktr.ee/wlac26 #whynot #whynottryit #littleathletics #teamwlac26 #personalbest
18.01.2022 Last weekend it was raining records! Congratulations, Zack, a new record in the 200m. Zack loves to sprint and on Saturday he was rewarded in the best way possible. ... Keep those legs moving like the wind Zack #200m #teamwlac26 #newrecord #littleathsvic #littleathleticsvictoria #ColesLittleAthletics #likeaboss #smashinggoals #littleathsaust #thisboycan #allabilities #sprint #alburywodonga #littleathletes #runjumpthrow #track #saturdaysmiles #trackandfield #whirlwind #deadtrack #heavytrack #tassiedevil #coleslaotm
18.01.2022 $200 up for grabs to those who like and share the video from the Little Athletics Australia page. Good Luck!
17.01.2022 Our next generation of 2021 athletes will remember Tokyo! #Tokyo2020 #tokyotogether #Olympics
17.01.2022 Today's reminders: Grab your copy of The Border Mail today. Training starts at 5pm today Program 1, Week 5 this Saturday New competition top thanks to the Australian Sports Foundation and Jane Canavan Foundation... Its never too late to strike a pose on Saturday morning whilst getting in a bit of exercise and making new friends. Come and see for yourself Follow the link in bio to join #teamwlac26 today (2 free trial sessions for all new athletes) #modelpose #modelling #famousforaday #15minutes #teamwlac26 #season2021 #alburywodonga #albury #wodonga #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #littleathletes #littleathleticsvictoria #family #bordermailsport #bordermail #thisisathletics #coleslittleathletics #supportlocal #supportjuniorsport #littleathsaust #australiansportsfoundation
16.01.2022 Barney's Rubble - Supporting junior sport, health and wellbeing in the Albury/Wodonga region and a partner of WLAC26!
15.01.2022 Connie made sure she Slipped, Slopped, Slapped last weekend her hat had other ideas though Its never too late to start, register today and we'll see you Saturday via the link in our bio. #teamwlac26 #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #smileuniversally #athletics #albury #wodonga #alburywodonga #wodongalittleathletics #season2021 #littleathleticsvictoria #littleathsaust #thisistheborder #littleathletes #slipslopslap #sunsmart #cancercouncilvictoria
13.01.2022 14.11.20 Modified Program 4 - High Jump Training We encourage parents to select the High Jump duties this week to gain more knowledge and skill in how to officiate this event and help our athletes achieve their personal best each week. Check-in at 8:00am duties start as soon as duty roster per event is complete.... The newsletter will be in your Inbox tonight See you all tomorrow. #program4 #teamwlac26
11.01.2022 Summer is almost here but its raining PB's. Well done to everyone today for giving their best and having fun. Don't forget to start tagging your favourite photos for our end of season Banana awards. Our categories are #Bestraceface #Bestuseoftongue... #Happiestface #Sleepingonthejob #LittleAthsVic #WodongaLittleAths #Teamwlac #ColesLittleAthletics #TrackandField
11.01.2022 Hey! Lavington Jindera Little Athletics we accept the challenge! Yarrawonga Mulwala Little Athletics Centre we challenge you! #twinning #gobananas #littleathsaust #teamwlac26 #season2021 #ymla #lavingtonjinderalittleaths #challengeaccepted #NCR #littleathsvic #northerncountryregion #pyramid #athletics #athsforeveryone #gymnastics #partyofsix #scalingnewheights
10.01.2022 Return to Athletics Version 1 - 13.09.2020 Your quick-start guide to our return. Can't wait to see you on the Track and Field!! ... (Active links will only work in the PDF document, not in the pictures attached. https://drive.google.com//1bZ4dYMtWrlB7YXs1V7yB5QEoi/view)
09.01.2022 We are another step closer to our registration portal opening this week! Our season will start before you know it. Here are this season's age groups for all our new and returning members. Our handbook can be downloaded here: https://linktr.ee/wlac26... #whynot #whynottryit #LittleAthsVic #littleathleticsvictoria #littleathsaust
09.01.2022 REMINDER: Last chance to print the 2019/2020 Achievement Book Print your own book and present it to your Athlete as a keepsake. All you need to do is log in to Results HQ (https://www.resultshq.com.au/AchievementBook/)... Instructions on how to download the achievement book can be found here:- https://support.timingsolutions.com.au//217202406-Little-A
09.01.2022 Training starts at 5pm today. Come down and practice your favourite event or learn a new one! Coach John will be back working on throws. Is it time for your discus to spin?... Remember to bring a towel, water bottle and a roller if you have one. #teamwlac26 #season2021 #alburywodonga #albury #wodonga #training #trainhard #littleathletes #throws #jumps #run #runjumpthrow #familyfunfitness #practice #personalbest #pbs #pb
07.01.2022 Only 10 days to go to get your Merch order in! Remember, all registered athletes receive a free competition top this season so now is the time to bling up your wardrobe with our merch! Link to merch store in bio ... #teamwlac26 #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #merchandise #alburywodonga #littleathleticsvictoria #mortimerapparelaus #shoplocal #giveaway #freetop
07.01.2022 Hey #wodonga! Sick of being at home? Want to get active again? Come and join #teamwlac26 for the 2021 season! Athletes are getting ready to run, jump and throw their way to find their personal bests for the season. ... Fill out the Expression of Interest form by following the below link if you want to stay informed about all things Little Athletics in Wodonga prior to the opening of the registration portal. We'll keep you updated about our start date, and your next steps to come and try it out for yourself: https://forms.gle/muTyZjhYCsNFu7wx5 #thisistheborder #alburywodonga #lovewodonga #WodongaYouth #wodongalittleathletics
07.01.2022 It was another sunny Saturday and our athletes started on their second rotation of our programs. This week, 13 athletes received 3 PB's Congratulations athletes, your hard work at training and on Saturday morning is paying off! It is great to see you improving week by week. This week we have 2 athletes who received 4 PB's That's 100% event PB's for them this week. Fantastic effort ... You can check your PB count via ResultsHQ - (Link in bio) #teamwlac26 #season2021 #alburywodonga #albury #wodonga #personalbest #pbs #littleathsaust #littleathsvic #trackandfield #littleathleticsvictoria #thisgirlcan #leadership #strength #teamwork #littleathletes #thisboycan #thisisfamily #beingourbest #pb #littleathletics #improvingweekly #beyourbest
06.01.2022 Latest update from LAVic! #weareready #ColesLittleAthletics #cantwait
06.01.2022 Online Information Session is tonight :) See you on Zoom!
06.01.2022 Getting together with friends, hanging out in the open air and smiling through your morning. Who could ask for more? Saturday mornings in Wodonga from 8.00am. Why not try it?... #teamwlac26 #season2021 #alburywodonga #albury #wodonga #littleathletes #littleathleticsvictoria #family #littleathsvic #littleathletics #familyfunfitness #coleslittleathletics #littleathsaust #whynot #whynottryit #fitness #saturday #saturdayfun #bestiesaremadeonsaturdays
05.01.2022 Wow! Our season has run so smoothly thanks to the help of Coles and their Community Fund Grant. We were so very lucky to receive new computers for our centre so that our timing team and results team could ensure that your results were uploaded before you left the track each week! These new computers will ensure our Open Day on the 07th March runs smoothly and all our new memberships are processed with lightning speed by Stacey our registrar.... Thanks, Coles we really are excited by our latest equipment additions and can't wait to see more records and personal bests on the screens #coleslittleathletics #littleathsvic #littleathsaust #teamwlac26 #grantgratitude #thankyou #season2021 #timing #justintime #newtechnology
04.01.2022 Mmmmm coffee! Last week saw the return of another WLAC26 stalwart, Espresso 2U coffee. They're back again this week. Make sure you say Hi to David and Wendy.... #teamwlac26 #coffee #coffeevan #pickmeup #hotchocolate #latte #earlystarts #firstworldproblems #alburywodonga #albury #wodonga #thisistheborder
04.01.2022 Season starts this October... #whynot #whynottryit #littleathsvic #littleathletics #littleathleticsvictoria #teamwlac26 #personalbest #pb
04.01.2022 The first thing you notice about Barney’s Rubble in Albury/Wodonga is the sheer size of their yard. With over 2,000 cubic meters of product on-site, there is always enough stock of everything for your next outdoor project. Take a walk around and see all the best products in typical outdoor settings including Landscaping and Gardening Supplies, Building Supplies, Mulch, Firewood, Sands and Soils, Timber and Concrete Sleepers, Hire Gear and much more. No matter how big or small your project, Barney’s is the place to go when you are ready to stop thinking about work and starting it.
04.01.2022 Who's in our famous for a day gallery this week? Don't forget to grab your copy of The Border Mail tomorrow and check out all the sport in the region has to offer! Sign up anytime via https://linktr.ee/wlac26... #supportlocal #Shoplocal #bordermailsport #bordermail #teamwlac26 #littleathsaust #LittleAthsVic #littleathletes #littleathleticsvictoria #littleathletics
03.01.2022 Another glorious morning for Little A's. Congrats to all who got PB's and thanks to Renee from Wangaratta Little Athletics @Wangaratta20 Club for once again coming along and teaching our kids how to do High Jump. Don't forget to start tagging your favourite photos for our end of season Banana awards. Our categories are #Bestraceface #Bestuseoftongue... #Happiestface #Sleepingonthejob #LittleAthsVic #WodongaLittleAths #Teamwlac #ColesLittleAthletics #TrackandField
01.01.2022 28.11.2020 - Program 2 Check-in 8:00am. (Events commence as soon as Duty Roster per event is complete)... We are unmasked this week!! Age 12 and up need to carry their mask with them for when you can't social distance. Please make sure you are marked off the duty roster. It is a condition of registration that all families complete a duty on competition day. COVID Reminders: > Athletes and Adults: Sanitise between each throw, jump, run and upon arrival at each event > Please make sure all equipment is sanitised between use. >BYO water bottle and backpack for your gear > All adults must maintain 1.5m social distance If you have any concerns or questions chat with the chief marshall on Saturday.
01.01.2022 #Repost @littleathleticsaust Happy Valentine’s Day #valentinesday
01.01.2022 #gobananas with us on Saturdays from 8:00am :) #letsgo #challenge #teamwork #familyfunfitness #ColesLittleAthletics
01.01.2022 Wow 20 years already?
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