Woman thou art Delivered. | Religious organisation
Woman thou art Delivered.
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25.01.2022 Revelation 3:10-11 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.... THESE ARE DAYS WHEN WE MUST LEARN TO PERSERVERE AS WE WATCH LIFE AS WE KNEW IT DISINTEGRATE BUT THE BEST NEWS IS 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. LET ME ENCOURAGE YOU! Dont put your hope in a system that is crumbling!!! But put and keep your trust IN the LIVING WORD AND BE A BELIEVER WHO ENCOURAGES OTHERS TO TRUST IN THE LORD WITH all THEIR HEART ..... WHAT A PRIVILEGE TO LIVE IN SUCH AN EXCITING TIME ... I dont know about you but im looking up .... for i can sense that my redemption draws near !!!!
21.01.2022 Suddenly the scripture narrow is the way that leads to life (and constricted by pressure )was highlighted to my heart..... Then I was in a room ! (In a vision ) Which appeared to have no doors ! I could see out beyond ,into the cosmos ,into a place beyond that I’d never seen or been before.... ... And I wanted to move out because I knew that if I could get out of that place I would step into a fresh reality..... into NEW LIFE! I understood that the place that I was in (constricted by pressure ) was causing me to search and look to find the door ...the hidden door ... the entry point .... i knew it was in and thru Christ but I understood that once I had gone through into Christ ( for salvation) that HE was the way maker through many doors...... Then I looked and I saw many people seemingly rejoicing ,seemingly excited jumping up and down and I kept calling to them saying look, look theres so much more .,... THEN I SAW THE DOOR HIDDEN IN THE FLOOR..... And as i GOT DOWN and reached For The latch ....it opened .... And suddenly a tsunami wind .... a mighty rushing wind .... filled me and began to engulf me ... and draw me ... into revelation and mysteries and worlds like id never seen before ..... Yet in the background I could hear the sound of the people who were jumping up and down as they shouted to me shut the door .shut the door!!!! SO I DID .... but i was on the other side !!! no longer imprisoned in the confinement of a bubble ! But released to explore the endless Realms and dimensions..... To experience all HE DIED TO GIVE ME ..... So what did this all mean ... ??? as i sat thinking about it i had The sense that the HOLY GHOST wants HIS CHURCH .... HIS BODY ... those who are called by His name ..... to move OUT OF THE CONFINEMENT OF RELIGIOUS FAMILIARITY.... Into a place of experiencing MYSTERIES being revealed ..... ( EPHESIANS 3)...
21.01.2022 As i look around i see that The Lord is trying to get our attention and i understand that its better to give HIM OUR ATTENTION AND AFFECTION rather than Him Moving to get my attention... and yet often we continue to live in a controlled place because its comfortable....... but HE CALLS US TO A PLACE WHERE EVEN tho circumstances change ... HE NEVER DOES ! AND HE MOVES US AND BRINGS US TO A PLACE OF HELPLESSNESS UNTIL WE REALIZE THAT ... ITS ONLY IN HIM THAT we LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE our VERY BEING ! The place of weakness is precious because WHEN IM WEAK HE IS STRONG ..., Its a place of victory ... not that We relish in weakness but We relish in the promises that he’s given us .... And it causes us to look away from flesh ,causes us to look away from Man away from systems and causes us look to Christ and we are drawn closer and closer into his amazing Grace and presence...... And as we do he fills us and strengthens us he anoints us .... and suddenly instead of feeling weary we begin to walk and run as we wait upon him..... He renews our strength.. we begin to Mount up with wings like eagles...... And suddenly we feel the surge of the breath of God permeating our very being ..... and he begins to lift us up..... And HE SAYS you spread your wings you set your affection on ME .. on things above ....and as you do the wind of my SPIRIT will lift you .. stop looking to other people...... For its not by Might nor by power but by my SPIRIT ......says the Lord ...
20.01.2022 As long as i only see my self as i am i will never move into who He has called me to be ... but the Lord wants to take the water within me and turn it into wine ... so that i will be a vessel filled with a life giving flow.... that will be available to be poured out for HIS SAKE! John 1:14... 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Wherever I go I am meant to bring life ! for the Lord has placed within me a river that flows from HIS throne from the very throne of HIS presence! I’m beginning to realise that there is so much more that We have been born to see and to do that to the natural man is inconceivable...... For i am wrapped up in Christ in God ...
19.01.2022 THE WORLD HAS seemingly GONE CRAZY but Let it PROPEL U TO PRAY.....and run into HIS NAME.... Theres no doubt there is a storm on the horizon and we better make sure we are in THE ARK !! Because we have only a small window of time .... HALLELUJAH!!! But The Lord is releasing an anointing to boldly proclaim the GOSPEL ...... and to resist the spirit of fear that has been released upon the earth !!!! But you must resist it for GOD DID NOT GIVE IT TO YOU !! ... Remember that as a believer you are the dwelling place of the HOLY GHOST ..... so draw water from the well that is within you ! For there is an everlasting supply ..... Psalms 85:6-13 6 Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? 7 Show us Your mercy, Lord, And grant us Your salvation. 8 I will hear what God the Lord will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly. 9 Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land. 10 Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. 11 Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven. 12 Yes, the Lord will give what is good; And our land will yield its increase. 13 Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway.
18.01.2022 As I watched this I questioned myself .... am I pursuaded that through any situation The Power of God is able to keep me ....
18.01.2022 We are living in SUCH A STRATEGIC SEASON ... AND I BELIEVE THE LORD WANTS TO RELEASE AND INCREASE AND ACTIVATE WITHIN HIS PEOPLE THE GIFT OF DISCERNING OF SPIRITS so we become sharp as as we navigate these days we find ourselves in ... THERE IS A LOT OF SPIRITUAL ACTIVITY AROUND AND WE NEED THE HOLY GHOST more than ever TO HELP US DISCERN THE SOURCE OF THAT ACTIVITY .... ... TO EVEN DISCERN THE MOTIVES BEHIND THE ACTIVITY WHETHER ANGELIC OR DEMONIC OR HUMAN AS HE ENABLES US TO EVEN DISCERN THE MOTIVES OF PEOPLES hearts ... Remember this could be the churches greatest hour as the cry of the SPIRIT IS COME INTO THE ARK before the door shuts ..., REMEMBER EPHESIANS 6; 10-18 As we fight ,remember that this is not about flesh and blood ... And we better be walking in the Spirit .... FOR OUR VICTORY IS not by might , nor by power but by HIS GLORIOUS VICTORIOUS SPIRIT.... BE ENCOURAGED.... Fear Not for HE IS YOUR VERY PRESENT HELP ! Remember call upon him and he will answer you and he will show you great and mighty things And Keep being filled with the Holy Ghost... Also if there is no one to encourage you Then You encourage yourself in the Lord! and just watch how he watches over you and keeps you and blesses you...IN JESUS NAME
17.01.2022 This is not the time to emphasise how to enjoy your Christian life !! which in many ways has been an emphasis for a long long time !!! But this is a time to know in whom you have believed and be ... persuaded ..... 2 Timothy 1:12 12 For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. There must come a call to come to faith in JESUS CHRIST ...... Its true we have promises that are YES AND AMEN IN CHRIST JESUS But only IN HIM . Its really not about YOUR DESTINY YOUR BLESSINGS YOUR CALL YOUR PLANS But its about having our trust in HIM to the point where we r convinced that he is able to deliver and even if he doesnt he is still Able !!! DANIEL 3:17-18 2 Peter 1:3-4 3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Im so thankful HIS WORD IS SPIRIT AND LIFE!
16.01.2022 I feel like the HOLY GHOST is releasing a blanket of MERCY and drawing US TO Himself in a way that will cause us to fall on our knees and worship IN A FRESH WAY AND AS WE WORSHIP SCALES ARE FALLING OFF! I feel like HE is releasing an anointing to SEE and boldly advance INTO HIM ... AND ITS GLORIOUS ....AND HE CALLS TO US come and step in to a dimension of ME as I release MY spirit of revelation TO AWAKEN YOUR VERY BEING ......and its beginning to be released right n...ow where ever you are in the name of Jesus....when we yield and open up our heart to RECEIVE fresh GLORY LIFE ... I see also the spirit of peace being released a fresh knowing and sensitivity to HEAR HIM SAY THIS IS THE WAY WALK YE IN IT There is such an urgency to stay close to Him ,for in the midst of LIVING there are so many voices....( or no voices ?!?!? ) we must hear HIS VOICE otherwise we are like dead men walking ..... going through the motions with no quickening The HOLY GHOST IS JEALOUS FOR YOU .... and HE Loves you with an everlasting love!
16.01.2022 These are difficult days absolutely.... But thank God we know there’s a God who is alive and exists ... and HE knows the beginning from the end The same God who made and fulfilled every prophecy thus far ... Is the same God who has made promises to you and I! PROMISES Like I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU He said he would be with us until the end of the age He said cast all your care upon me because I care for you And he is watching over his word to perform it and he is watching over you and I...... He Has a plan and a purpose for our life ... It’s true our life is filled with challenges .....we all have things we have to deal with......... But he is watching over us and causing all things to work together for good for them that love God and a called according to his purpose!! Life is not always simple in fact it can be very difficult at times! But the God of the bible has made promises to us and he is faithful to keep his promises! So whatever it is that you are going Thru remember that he has already given you sufficient grace to walk in and through it...... Philippians 1:6 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; So try and encourage someone today as HEBREWS 10 :23-25 Exhorts us too ...
13.01.2022 I hear Acts 3:19 ..... 19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,... REFRESHING::: Its the BLOWING OF WIND OR BREATH OF GOD again INTENSELY!!! I say LORD DO IT AGAIN If we truly repent ..... that mighty rushing wind that came like on the day of Pentecost will come again .... I feel like theres coming another Suddenly .... LIKE ELIJAH SAID I CAN HEAR THE SOUND OF THE ABUNDANCE OF RAIN ... even before he saw the cloud the size of a mans hand .... Sadly much of the church has lost its true passion ..... its not just about Meetings and technology .... ( these are tools) Which Can never replace the authentic passion fervour fire anointing of the HOLY GHOST .... thankGod HES COMING TO MESS UP OUR PROGRAMS BUT HES COMING WITH A PURPOSE .. to set HIS BODY ON FIRE .... So that we will become firelighters THE LORD HAS GIVEN US THE ABILITY TO DREAM .... which is to CREATE.... HES PLACED WITHIN US HIMSELF ...... DONT STOP DREAMING DONT STOP CREATING BE CONSUMED BY HIM ... LET THE PASSION OF CHRIST BE AWAKENED WITHIN U ..... SO THAT WE WILL HUNGER TO ENCOUNTER HIM ENCOUNTER AFTER ENCOUNTER!!! AWAKEN US TO SEE FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE LORD
13.01.2022 Suddenly in the midst of my very ordinary day i saw myself being drawn to look over and peer ... it was like i was contained in a very limited area and i was being drawn to look over into a place of limitless wonder , experiences , revelations ... a place my eyes had never seen before ... It was only a glimpse but within that quick glimpse was an invitation to acknowledge that the HOLY GHOST was very near and that as HIS CHILD I AM A citizen OF another realm that HE HA...S GIVEN ME ACCESS TO IN AND THRU THE NAME OF JESUS ... IT was yet another reminder that tho i am in the world i am not if it ...neither am i bound to this realm ... it was the Lord allowing me to look beyond the veil ... To remind me that I am His . ... and peace flooded my heart and it made me smile because in the midst of my very ordinary day HE SHONE THRU with His extraordinary love See more
12.01.2022 I sense an eerie tension in the atmosphere.... in fact across the whole earth ..... such that we better have our feet planted securely on CHRIST our SOLID ROCK .... because things have shifted .... this is not the time to falter between two opinions But stand and see the salvation of our mighty God....... 1 Kings 18:21 21 And Elijah came to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people answered him not a word. I feel like we are about to see a mighty demonstration of our God ... Beyond our meagre efforts of RELIGIOUS FORM To show Himself AS THE GREAT I AM ! These are DAUNTING days ... but stay encouraged for we are in a season where HIS GLORY will be seen ...
12.01.2022 Its so important ( to me) to eat well because if i dont i dont run on all 4’s ) And as it is in the natural so it is in the SPIRIT.... our natural man needs sustenance... so too our spirit man ! But Have u ever felt like just curling up under a juniper tree .... if you have ... be encouraged because Elijah did too ....( i kings 19:4-9) Sometimes you can be pouring out ... Continually but not refilling ... the needs are so great ... And in reality there are more takers than givers ... So make sure you keep yourself in a place ( position) so the Lord can feed you ... expect God to send an angel or a messenger to pour into you... because He will ..... ( 1 Kings 19:7&8) And determine in your heart that you are going to be a filler ... not a drainer .... So That the Lord can use u to minister life and hope and blessing everywhere you go ... Become a waterer .... And pour genuine encouragement into others ..., Because to find a TRUE ENCOURAGER is like finding a rare and precious gem .... PRICELESS
11.01.2022 I want to always have my senses so alert that I recognise HIM not only in the blessings of life but in the storms .... How can I be made in HIS image and not even recognise HIM when HE walks in the room! How can I even go through the process .....perhaps even go through religious ceremony and not even recognise that HE left the room.... Its so easy to have a form of godliness and because of our insensitivity we really deny the power ... sometimes because we operate ou...t of a gift and quench His Glory ... Teach us Lord ... help us we need you desperately... See more
10.01.2022 I feel very strongly that the HOLY GHOST wants to bring a word of encouragement to someone right now! 2 TIM 1:12 Paul speaks of the suffering he endured because of the call on His life ... the suffering he mentions in this verse is a suffering that happened as a result of outside circumstances... situations out of his control because the enemy wanted to stop him! ... When Paul wrote this he was in prison waiting execution for crimes he never committed! Satan hated the call on Pauls life and he hates it on your life too ... BUT PAUL MADE A DECISION... he decided that no matter what ,he would not give up until he had apprehended all that christ had apprehended for him ! ) phil 3:12 And I believe that the Holy Ghost is releasing an unction , an anointing right now to resist the enemies attacks so that with a fresh determination and zeal you will endure and press on through every attack.... BUT we must have Holy Ghost determination for no one can resist the attacks of the enemy in there own strength.... Know this ... THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS AVAILABLE TO YOU RIGHT NOW GIVING YOU ALL THE POWER YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR RACE ... and remember Philippians 4:4-8 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.
10.01.2022 Last week i had a disturbing dream .. much of which i cannot put into words ... Part of the dream was i saw people sitting down .. relaxed and food was being set before them which they began to nonchalantly eat ... as i looked i saw small portions on plates being distributed and i realised it was small portions of snake .... that was being presented as some kind of delicacy ... quickly i pushed it away screaming , NO ... dont be deceived ... this is a deception this foo...d you are being given will not lead to life but it will slowly poison u until u have no strength ... its given to u to make you weak and sick .... many looked and mocked in the dream as they said ... dont be crazy ... its fine !!! Beware what you hear ... listen .... not everything that glitters is gold ..... the spirit of deception is at work ... we must be filled with the Holy Ghost and allow HIM to lead us into all truth ....
09.01.2022 I feel so strongly that we are emerging ( one webster definition describes emerging as rising from an obscure condition or position ... to become manifest ) Even from this dark place the church of Jesus Christ is emerging, evolving , incubating , coming forth ... On the outside not much is happening but in the hearts and lives of men and women boys and girls God is doing a deep work!!!!! I sense The church age is closing!! ... It is certainly the closing of a season! We might not be there yet but its waning .... and the kingdom age is almost upon us ... we are moving toward the age to come and there is some rocky waters ... but stay steady ... Let God use this time like isaiah 26:20 as we enter into HIM ... as we Hide ourselves in HIM FOR THE LORD IS MAKING A PEOPLE READY FOR HIMSELF I FEEL LIKE WE ARE MOVING INTO A NEW DAY ... And moving forward can only happen as we walk in revelation because we are citizens of another realm ! And if we want to walk in A GRACE THAT IS TANGIBLE with a fresh anointing we must hear from Him ! Currently the Lord is wanting to bring us into greater conformity so that we will begin to be transformed And move with HIM AND IN HIM ... HE IS GOD .... i love Isaiah46:9 Earnestly remember the former things which I did of old for I am God and there is no one else ! I am God and there is none like me declaring the end and the result from the beginning and from ancient times ,the things that are not yet done and I will do all my pleasure and purpose.. Let expectancy fill your spirit !remember that your spirit is the vault of God ...THE HOLY OF HOLIES that is where the Holy Ghost dwells.... THE LORD WILL HAVE HIS WAY ... he is hovering and he will bring to pass that which is perfect concerning us for we were born for this hour... See more
08.01.2022 I HEARD HIM SAY.... BE STILL AND KNOW THAT IM GOD !! Have you ever come to a place where you feel you have nothing to give ... like you’re empty inside ! yet theres something within you deep down that cries ... GOD I NEED YOU !!!! Im seeing that thats a beautiful place ... because its a place God is preparing for you to receive.... when The Lord created Adam He was just a shell untill GOD BREATHED IN HIM ..... The Holy Ghost is looking for some empty vessels to fill ... Being empty is really a sweet place .. Because THEY THAT HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL BE FILLED .... and you cant fill a vessel thats full .... so be encouraged... the void within you is a place the Holy Ghost is allowing for you to be prepared to receive... because when you come to HIM EMPTY... oil begins to flow ... Hes not impressed with OUR education or OUR gift .. or OUR ability.... but our vulnerability.... because when we are weak THEN HE IS STRONG .... So come to HIM even if you have nothing ... Because The Lord loves empty vessels .... And when you seek HIM ( even in your emptiness) you will find him when you search for him with all of your heart... so don’t give up knocking... Because when you knock the door will be open.... and there are some doors that are about to be open And some empty vessels that are being prepared to receive .... When you come empty ... HE WILL FILL YOU !!!! And BRING YOU INTO OVERFLOW ... See more
08.01.2022 I feel like the Lord is calling us back to the narrow way ...For its only in that place where we find perfect rest .... tethered to the lover of our soul ... Being hidden with HIM ..for HE is the source of all life ..... He is our everything ,and in that place we become the carriers of hope and peace to a lost world.... its only in the narrow way where we Became free to be all that He has called us to be ... ... its only in that place where we can endure pain because pain endured without HIM is impossible to truly bare! But with Him ,we learn that HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT... and we we become OVERCOMERS.... For this walk is not devoid of pain and suffering... I feel like HE is calling us into a place of FULLNESS IN HIM only found in the narrow way ( yes constricted by pressure) amp) but pressure that enables us to become overcomers!! True sons and daughters! Away from HIM we Will never overcome..... But with HIM we are overcomers ! In the midst of turmoil ...theres a mercy call ... COME UNTO ME ! Just because we walk the narrow path it does not mean we will not suffer .... but in that place we learn to be overcomers .. I believe Hes calling His body UP into a place of Maturity James 1:2-4 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. ITS only on the narrow path that we find peace , life and rest! we will never find rest outside Him ! God is calling forth a remnant .... These are Daunting days... suddenly things have shifted AND OUR PRAYER MUST BE LORD TEACH US HOW TO navigate this season !! But there is a fresh revelation being released and available as we navigate this transition ... for HE IS BRINGING US INTO GLORIOUS DAYS ( in the midst of the daunting) only as we remain tethered to HIM .. While we learn to submit and yield to His promptings ... HE RELEASES COURAGE AND STRENGTH TO BECOME OVERCOMERS 1 Peter 5:10-11 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11 To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
04.01.2022 Romans 15:13 13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. HE IS OUR HOPE !!!
03.01.2022 I see this period of time as potentially very dangerous ... A time where we must remain hidden in CHRIST ... hidden in the cleft of the ROCK! I feel like the Lord is seperating the wheat from the chaff ..., And HE WANTS OUR ATTENTION! HE IS DOING SOMETHING MARVELLOUS IN OUR MIDST ... ... while most people are just waiting for things to GET BACK TO NORMAL The Lord is saying come into the ark because theres a storm coming I feel like the Lord is releasing a warning .... HE IS PULLING DOWN the structures of man so That HIS NAME alone WILL BE LIFTED UP ... for there is Salvation in no other name BUT JESUS CHRIST! You might say im afraid of what could be ahead ..... The answer is to be IN HIM ! Today is the day of Salvation!! This could really be the churches finest hour as we LIFT UP HIS NAME! but mark my words it will be to the glory of God and Him alone! See more
03.01.2022 No matter what is happening ... turn your eyes upon Jesus and as you do the SPIRIT OF GOD will touch you and lead you and guide you and minister to you ! Let your heart be filled with JOY ... rejoicebecause HE KNOWS THE END FROM THE BEGINNING .... And remember that on Christ the solid rock we stand All other ground IS SINKING SAND ! Be careful that the spirit that is lurking around does not numb you down ,instead BE FILLED WITH HOLY GHOST.... so you can walk in these... days as a light set upon a hill ! These are daunting days but IN CHRIST they are the most GLORIOUS days to be alive !! Matthew 24:4-8 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
03.01.2022 So what must Noah have felt like? He preached for 120 years and was totally ignored! And he didn’t have Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. He didn't have a microphone or a pulpit. Finally the Ark door closed on a scoffing society. It’s going to close again, but this time it will come by way of the Rapture of the Church ( I believe ) And millions will miss it because they didn’t listen to the watchmen. But some will, so don't be silent.... Let's seize this moment in history. Even the secular world is noticing that we are in unprecedented times. And time is running out. BE ENCOURAGED look up for your redemption draws nigh
02.01.2022 THINGS ARE SHIFTING AND CHANGING RAPIDLY AND I SEE THAT THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS AND SITUATIONS THAT WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO COUNT ON !?!? But dont be discouraged because we can count on the WORD OF THE LORD 2 Chronicles 20:20... 20 ....... Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." Im not talking about believing in a man /women ... or a gift But the one within you ... Christ in you .... The one who quickens and makes alive ..... Begin to believe HIS PROPHETIC VOICE WITHIN YOU ... the unction, The witness of the HOLYGHOST WITHIN YOU ..... The prophetic voice within you ! Scripture says they spoke in tongues and prophecied ... Theres a force within you ( HE is THE HOLY GHOST )... and He is releasing an unction .... quickening even your mortal body !! To move forward, to advance, to break out and to break through... to be successful and profitable and prosperous.,,,,, its more than just material needs being meet ... The Lord is releasing a dimension of HIS SPIRIT ...SO DONT BE AFRAID .... Trust Him ... TRUST HIS WORD ... And trust the process He is taking you through .... BECAUSE The Lord is releasing HIS Angels to minister to you ... for you have been BORN to inherit THIS MIGHTY SALVATION.... Hebrews 1:14 14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
02.01.2022 So here we are again at yet another transition .... in the church in our land , in the nations and for many individuals ..... but i hear the word of the Lord JOSHUA 1 :2-9 Things may be different.... but JESUS IS THE SAME .... THE MESSAGE IS STILL THE SAME! MOSES MIGHT BE DEAD BUT ... THE HOLY GHOST IS CALLING FORTH the JOSHUA GENERATION ... to go forth ... stop grieving that MOSES IS DEAD .... Stop grieving that things are different to how they used to be .... HE IS STILL THE WAY MAKER GET UR EYES OFF MOSES ... yes HE WAS A POWERFUL LEADER BUT NOW HES DEAD ..... get up ... keep walking because the message of the GOSPEL IS STILL GOOD NEWS .... And tho men ( male and female ) may come n go They will rise and fall BUT THIS GOSPEL WILL BE PREACHED AND THEN THE END WILL COME ..... KNOW THAT THE HOLY GHOST IS WITH YOU .... HIS WORD IS STILL SPIRIT AND LIFE ... SO STAND UP ... Let the word the Lord has put in your mouth be released..... stop looking for someone to affirm you for the Lord is your affirmation.... THE HOLY GHOST IS CAUSING A REFORMATION, a REVOLUTION... a shaking and a stirring and a sifting because HE IS BRINGING TO PASS THAT WHICH IS PERFECT CONCERNING YOU ... .... its a struggle when youve been a caterpillar and you know instinctively that you were born to be a butterfly... to come forth is a struggle ... but the alternative is to die in your cocoon .... so my word of encouragement to you is COME FORTH AND FLY !!! See more
01.01.2022 GOD HAS A STATEGY.....HE IS HOVERING AND MOVING TO BRING TO PASS THAT WHICH IS PERFECT CONCERNING YOU .... AND HIS BODY! It DOESNT MATTER REALLY THAT THINGS MIGHT APPEAR TO BE IN CAOS BECAUSE GOD DELIGHTS IN BRINGING ORDER OUT OF CAOS ... its a perfect set up for HIM TO INTERVENE AND SPEAK .... like in the beginning when the earth was without form and void and in darkness.... THEN GOD SPOKE ..... and said let there be light! Maybe your life seems dark and caotic ...well kn...ow this ...that the Holy Ghost is hovering And when he speaks ...light expels every bit of darkness and BRINGS ORDER AND RESTORATION! WHEN GOD BREAKS INTO UR LIFE AND FILLS YOU WITH THE HOLY GHOST HE SEALS YOU AND CAUSES YOU TO BE AWAKENED TO THE FACT THAT UR A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD A HOLY NATION .....
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