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Wombat Forest Vineyard in Denver, Victoria, Australia | Event planner

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Wombat Forest Vineyard

Locality: Denver, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 408 799 187

Address: 189 Springhill Road, Denver 3461 Denver, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 School Holiday Special Mixed bunch of proteas and natives Only $10 #wildflowers #proteas #macedonrangesnaturallycool #macedonrangeslife #golocalbevocal... #buylocal #flowers #familyowned #visitdaylesford #visitvictoria See more

23.01.2022 Wombat Forest 2017 Pinot Noir is now available with our 2016 vintage being sold out.

22.01.2022 Perfect Pair. Double Pinot #macedonrangesnaturallycool #macedonranges #malmsbury #discoverdaylesford #helpinghepburn #discovervictoria #kynetonvictoria #livewhereyoulive #localproduce #countryliving #countrylife #familyowned #farmproduce #familyfarm #discoverdenver #winelover #wine #winetime #cellardoor #boutiquewineries #bushlife #wombatforestwinery #wombats #wildflowers #nativegarden

22.01.2022 Perfect Pair Double Pinot #macedonranges #macedonrangesnaturallycool #macendonrangeswines #macedonrangeslife #winelovers #wombats #helpinghepburn #handcrafted #awesome #familybuisness #boutiquewineries #pinotnoir #pinotgris #visitvictoria #visitdaylesdford #visittrentham #glenlyon #daretobedifferent

22.01.2022 We're open over the long weekend 11 - 5 daily. Our regional customers can enjoy seated tastings and take away sales of our cool climate wines. We have a selection of seven different wines for you to choose from. #regionalvictoria #coolclimatewines #coolcountry #countryliving #macedonrangeswine #daylesfordmacedonlife #discovermacedonranges #discoverdaylesford #discovertrentham #discoverballarat #dmrtourism #discoverkyneton #discovercastlemaine #discoverbendigoregion #familyowned #familybusiness #longweekend

21.01.2022 Our event space, The Burrow' has some of the best views in the district. #macedonranges #malmsbury #macendonrangeswines #macedonrangeslife #helpinghepburn #visitvictoria #familyowned #familyfarm #farmproduce #wine #denvervictoria #visitdaylesdford #visittrentham #countryliving #countrylife #glenlyon #funtimes #bushlife #boutiquewineries

20.01.2022 Budburst is almost upon us.

18.01.2022 Welcome back! Sipping bubbles in 'The Burrow' opens a window into our world. Sales by the glass or bottle. Open all weekend 10am to 5pm. #macedonrangesnaturallycool #golocal #clickforvic #visitdaylesford #familyfarm #cellar #winelover #macedonrangeslife #visittrentham #regionalvictoria

18.01.2022 We have a wide selection of wines for you to choose from at our cellar door. Open 11-5 pm #cellardoor #visitdandenongranges #visittretham #visitvictoria #visitdaylesford #regionalvictoria #familyowned #coolclimatewines #countryliving #lovewhereyoulive #whywelovewine #boutiquewinery #helpinghepburn #buyfromthebush #daylesfordmacedonlife

17.01.2022 Dee's Protea Harvest $20 per bunch #homegrown #farmproduce #localbusiness #proteaflower #protea @ Wombat Forest Vineyard

17.01.2022 During COVID I feel like a duck out of water!

16.01.2022 Snow today at Wombat Forest Vineyard and Winery. #snow #coolcountry #wintergarden #daylesfordmacedonlife #macedonranges #visitdaylesford #visittrentham #familyfarm #wine

14.01.2022 We have many options available for gifts for all occasions. One of the best feelings in the world is giving. Orders can be taken over the phone with free local delivery. #golocalfirsthepburnshire #glenlyon #visitdaylesdford #macedonrangesnaturallycool #visittrentham #discoverdaylesford #wine #specialgifts #christmas #cellardoor #helpinghepburn #visitkyneton #visitmalmsbury #visitmacedonranges #buylocal #familybuisness

13.01.2022 Father's Day Special $52 Free bunch of home grown proteas with every gift pack Orders need to be in by midnight Friday for local pick up or delivery. #father'sday #giftideas #wine #specialgifts #supportfamilybusiness #family #clickforvic #daylesfordmacedonlife #visittrentham... #visitdaylesford #mrva #dmrt #live #localproduce See more

13.01.2022 Please click the link in our BIO to nominate us for the Australian Small Business Awards. #macedonrangeslife #discoverdaylesford #familybuisness #golocalfirst #buylocal #coolcountry #visitdaylesfordmacedonranges #visitdaylesford #cellardoor #winelover #countryliving #supportfamilybusiness

13.01.2022 We're open next weekend for take away sales only. Free postage Victoria wide. #winelovers #cellardoor #coolcountry #daylesfordmacedonlife #boutiquewineries #buylocal #wombat #familyowned #handcrafted #visitmacedonranges #visitdaylesford #visittrentham #countrylife

12.01.2022 Welcome back to our Melbourne friends. We have a broad selection of boutique wines available by the glass. Come and enjoy a glass on our elevated deck overlooking the Wombat State Forest. #macedonrangesnaturallycool #melbourne #winetime #wombats #visitvictoria #familyowned #helpinghepburn #wombatstateforest #visitdaylesdford #visittrentham #countryliving #winelover #boutiquewineries #buylocal #buyfromthebush #macedonrangeswine #bushlife #cellardoor #staysafe

12.01.2022 We're open all weekend. Feel free to bring along some nibbles. #golocalfirst #daylesfordmacedonlife #visitvictoria #visitdaylesdford #daylesfordmacedonranges #daylesford #cellardoor #winelover #buylocal #familybusiness #familyfarm #countryliving #buylocal #livewhereyoulive

12.01.2022 Nothing better than warm open fire on a cold Winter's day. Now that our road is clear we are fully operational today and Monday. #cosywoodfire #familyowned #friendlycatchup #redwine #sparklingwine #longweekend #seasonalplatters #boutiquewinery #coolclimatewines #discoverdaylesford #regionalvictoria #daytrip #discoverdaylesfordmacedonlife #countryliving

12.01.2022 LOCAL RESIDENT FOUND SLEEPING ON THE JOB When working in the vineyard we discovered a slow and very grumpy blue-tongued lizard. #discoverdaylesfordmacedonlife #discoverdaylesford #WhyWeLoveWine #lovewhereyoulive #australiannativereptiles #countrylife #countryliving #bushlife #boutiquewinery #discovertrentham #bluetonguelizard #wombatforest

12.01.2022 Dee's homegrown proteas for sale. Pink Ice, Red and Yellow Leucodendrons, Leucospernums and Blue Gum Tips. Long stemmed and $20 per bunch. Free local delivery. #cutflowers #buylocal #golocal #homegrown #homedelivery #localproduce #daylesfordmacedonlife #visitmacedonranges #visitdaylesford #visittrentham #visitmalmsbury #visitkyneton @ Wombat Forest Vineyard

11.01.2022 Open all weekend for takeaway sales of proteas and our cool climate wines. #buylocal #golocal #shoplocal #familyowned #daylesfordmacedonlife #visitmacedonranges #visitdaylesford #visittrentham #wombat #winelover #cutflowers #neighborshelpingneighbors @ Wombat Forest Vineyard

10.01.2022 Jared Brentnall live Saturday Nov 21st from 1pm. Bookings essential 0427239334 #daylesfordmacedonlife #countryliving #visitdaylesfordmacedonranges... #helpinghepburn ##golocalfirsthepburnshire #cellardoor See more

08.01.2022 My garden and our vineyard in full bloom mid Spring #nativegarden #wine #helpinghepburn #macendonrangeswines #coolcountry #daylesfordmacedonlife #cellardoor #familyowned #familybuisness #countrylife #vines #trentham #wombatforestwinery #wombats #daylesford #malmsbury #glenlyon #localbusiness #golocalfirsthepburnshire #countrymarkets #waratahs #proteas #wildflowers #winelover

08.01.2022 Feel free to bring your own nibbles. #visitdaylesford #visitmacedonranges #visittrentham #wildflowers #winelover#macedonrangesnaturallycool #golocalbevocal #buylocal #familybusiness #cellardoor #countrylife

07.01.2022 We're open this Monday and Tuesday 10am to 5pm A perfect spot to sit and relax and take in the majestic views of the surrounding forest. #macedonranges #gisborne #bendigo #bendigotourism #castlemaine #helpinghepburn #visitvictoria #visitdaylesfordmacedonranges #visittrentham #winelover #bushlife #countryliving #visitkyneton #visitmalmsbury #golocal #glenlyon #wooden #cellardoor #botiquewinery #familybuisness #clickforvic

06.01.2022 Check out our Wine Store! We're offering free delivery to selected locations or local pick up. #dreamnowdiscoverlater #daylesfordmacedonlife #clickforvic #visitvictoria #visittrentham #winelover #golocal #familyowned #familyfarm #cellardoor #coolcountry #localproduce

05.01.2022 MUSIC AMONGST THE BARRELS AT WOMBAT FOREST WINERY FEATURING THE CARTWHEELS The Cartwheels are a Glenlyon based band featuring Golden Guitar winners Wendy Phypers and Dave Patterson. The band started as a family band in 2003 and included son Charley on drums. The band still play as a family band and have a floating line-up of local and interstate musicians.... For 16 years The Cartwheels have played and recorded and in late 2019 recorded their fifth studio album in Victoria and Nashville U.S.A. Recording with The Cartwheels in Nashville were members of the Nashville supergroup 'The Time Jumpers'.Wendy also was a guest of the band at one of their sold out gigs. The Cartwheels were announced last year as finalists for the Music Victoria Awards in the Best Country Album Category. The Cartwheels will be playing at Wombat Forest Winery for a series of shows: Sunday June 20th, 1-3 pm Saturday July 3rd, 10th &17th, 1-3 pm The Cartwheels will feature: Wendy Phypers- Vocals and guitar Dave Patterson- Double bass Howard Malkin- Guitar FREE ENTRY SEASONAL PLATTERS AVAILABLE OPEN FIRE SEATED EVENT NO BYO #discoverdaylesford #discoverdaylesfordmacedonlife #coolclimatewines #countrymusic #countryliving #familyowned #livemusic #localartist #blancdenoir #cabernetrosé #whywelovewine #lovewhereyoulive #wombatforest #buyfromthebush

03.01.2022 We invite our Regional Victorian neighbours to drop in for a chat. #friends #neighborshelpingneighbors #localbusiness #farmlife #winelovers #boutiquewineries #bushcraft #homegrown #cellardoor

03.01.2022 Open today for take away sales. A wonderful selection of cool climate wines. Why not purchase a mixed bunch if Dee's proteas. #wildflowers #clickforvic #macedonrangesnaturallycool #macedonrangeslife #winelover #golocal #buylocal #livewhereyoulive #flowers #visitvictoriaaustralia

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