Wong's Academy of Chinese Martial Arts in Karawara, Western Australia | Martial arts school
Wong's Academy of Chinese Martial Arts
Locality: Karawara, Western Australia
Address: George Burnett Leisure Center, Manning Road 6152 Karawara, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.wongsacademy.com
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25.01.2022 Another picture of Chow Gar history... This time Jing Yun Sijeh kicking butt (or in this case Jeff Tsangs knee!) Annual dinner sparring demo.
25.01.2022 Sifu teaching the Gim (Chinese Long Sword) in 2007.
25.01.2022 On behalf of Simo, Jing Man, Jing Ping, Jing Yun and all of the instructors - wishing all of the academy members and their families a very happy and safe Easter long weekend. ... and since you cant really go out anywhere today... happy training at home too :)
25.01.2022 So many accomplishments. Yet so humble and sharing.
24.01.2022 Dear Tai Chi and Chow Gar members - please be reminded that we are training at John Leckie Pavilion this Saturday (due to a scheduled closure at GBLC). Thanks
24.01.2022 A little bit of Chow Gar history. Below is a photo (taken by Siheng Shaun O’Hehir) of Chow Biu Sikung’s personal fighting bench. Yes the bench is a weapon in Chow Gar! Photo taken at Sifu’s old school in Hong Kong in 2019.
23.01.2022 Please note: The details for Sifus funeral service are as follows: "Professor Sifu Kit Po Wong, funeral service. All welcome. ... Viewing and Rosary: Thursday 19/7, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Bowra & ODea Chapel, 312 South Street, Hilton. Requiem Mass (Main Service): Friday 20/7, 10am to 11:30am, St. Patricks Basilica, 41 Adelaide St., Fremantle. Followed immediately by Burial at Fremantle Cemetery, Carrington St., Palmyra at 12:15pm. After the formalities, please join us at the reception for some light refreshments at the cemetery chapel, from 1pm to 3pm. We would be honoured by your attendance. From the Wong family
22.01.2022 Reminder to all Tai Chi and Chow Gar brothers and sisters to get your tickets to the commemorative dinner at training on Saturday.
22.01.2022 12 December 2020: Simo presenting certificates and the Afternoon tea that followed the demonstrations.
22.01.2022 12 December 2020: Lok Gok Cheung, Seung Gaap Tan Kwan, Chak Siew Fok Fu (photos Courtesy of Michael Cave)
21.01.2022 It was very special to have our Chow Gar sister Febie Cheng visit us from Melbourne and train with us on Saturday. Febie was a student of Sifus Sidai; late Chow Gar Master Hung Tai Wai in Hong Kong. We hope to see her again soon!
20.01.2022 12 December 2020: Chaap Jai, Tai Chi Gim, Seung Do (photos Courtesy of Michael Cave)
20.01.2022 Dear Chow Gar and Tai Chi members Monday 8 July 2019 marks the one year anniversary of Sifus passing. To honour Sifu, the Academy is planning a short ceremony at Fremantle Cemetery on Sunday 14 July 2019. This is an invitation to all students, past students, and family and friends of members to visit, see the new monument and pay respects. The monument inscription includes the Academy and the Academy emblem and acknowledges the lasting impact and influence that Sifu had on s...o many of our lives. Date: Sunday 14 July 2019 Location: Fremantle Cemetery (Carrington Street &, Leach Hwy, Palmyra WA 6157) followed by afternoon tea at Royal Fremantle Golf Club (359 High Street, Fremantle (across the road from the cemetery) Time: meet at the main entrance at 1:00 PM from there we will move in a procession to the grave site (Area: Roman catholic / Section: MON C6 / Grave-site: 0352). Afternoon tea at Royal Fremantle Golf Club will be at 2:00 PM.
20.01.2022 Chow Gar performance, Buddhas Birthday 2018.
20.01.2022 Dear Members & Parents, Especially those living North of the river: Please note that the Mitchell Freeway (southbound) from Graham Farmer Fwy to Riverside Dr will be closed tomorrow (5 September) so you will need to take an alternate route over the river to get to training. This may require leaving home a bit earlier to get to training on time.... There is no indication that Northbound lanes will be closed. See more
19.01.2022 Dear Wong's Academy Members, As part of its response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government announced yesterday that all gyms and indoor sports facilities in Australia must close from 12:00 PM today (Monday 23 March 2020). Sadly this means that we will have to temporarily suspend all Tai Chi and Chow Gar classes until further notice.... However, just because classes have been suspended, does not mean that we will have nothing to do on Saturday afternoons. I will be particularly comforted in the knowledge, that just like me, you will all be diligently practicing your Tai Chi and/or Chow Gar at home during the usual class hours Practicing at home during this period is actually highly recommended, as in these difficult and stressful times it is best to maintain our health and keep our immunity levels high through the regular practice of stress relieving exercise such as Tai Chi and Chow Gar. Practice of martial arts alone (without an instructor) is also good for our own personal progress in martial arts as it forces us as individuals to think about the application of technique for ourselves, and gain deeper understanding (through self discovery) of what we have been taught. Simo, Jing Man, Jing Ping, Jing Yun and all of the instructors thank you for your understanding and wish all of you well and continued good health. I will keep you all informed with updates in the situation and how it affects our academy from time to time. Until then God bless, and stay well.
18.01.2022 Don’t forget that at home training today starts at 1pm for Tai Chi and 2pm for Chow Gar I will be ready. Michael Siheng
18.01.2022 Dear Wongs Academy Members, As part of its response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government announced yesterday that all gyms and indoor sports facilities in Australia must close from 12:00 PM today (Monday 23 March 2020). Sadly this means that we will have to temporarily suspend all Tai Chi and Chow Gar classes until further notice.... However, just because classes have been suspended, does not mean that we will have nothing to do on Saturday afternoons. I will be particularly comforted in the knowledge, that just like me, you will all be diligently practicing your Tai Chi and/or Chow Gar at home during the usual class hours Practicing at home during this period is actually highly recommended, as in these difficult and stressful times it is best to maintain our health and keep our immunity levels high through the regular practice of stress relieving exercise such as Tai Chi and Chow Gar. Practice of martial arts alone (without an instructor) is also good for our own personal progress in martial arts as it forces us as individuals to think about the application of technique for ourselves, and gain deeper understanding (through self discovery) of what we have been taught. Simo, Jing Man, Jing Ping, Jing Yun and all of the instructors thank you for your understanding and wish all of you well and continued good health. I will keep you all informed with updates in the situation and how it affects our academy from time to time. Until then God bless, and stay well.
17.01.2022 Some members of the Academy visited Hong Kong last week for the Chow Biu banquet and while there, were graciously received by our Chow Gar colleagues at Sifus old school.
17.01.2022 Some of our Chow Gar members performed a lion dance and some kung fu demonstrations for the AusViet Charity Foundation on Saturday night. Well done and good effort by all :)
16.01.2022 Wishing a very merry Christmas and happy holiday season to all our members and to all our Tai Chi and Chow Gar brothers and sisters around the world. Stay safe.
16.01.2022 Photos by Michael Cave
16.01.2022 Sifu (seated second from left) visiting his Chow Gar colleagues in Hong Kong in 1994. Seated next to Sifu (3rd from left) is late master Hung Tai Wai. Also standing in the back row are Joseph Siheng (far left), Jing Ping Siheng (3rd from left) and Soon Phin Siheng (4th from left)
15.01.2022 A little bit of Chow Gar history. Below is a photo (taken by Siheng Shaun OHehir) of Chow Biu Sikungs personal fighting bench. Yes the bench is a weapon in Chow Gar! Photo taken at Sifus old school in Hong Kong in 2019.
14.01.2022 Dear Tai Chi and Chow Gar members, I am pleased to announce that due to the further lifting of Covid-19 restrictions (to phase 3) by the WA State Government, as of this Saturday 6 June 2020, Wongs Academy of Chinese Martial Arts will be resuming all classes at the normal times of: Tai Chi: 1:00 - 2:15 PM... Chow Gar 2:00 4:00 PM We look forward to seeing everyone who can make it back at training this Saturday. :)
14.01.2022 Supreme Court Gardens
13.01.2022 Sifu; we are all thinking of you today on your Birthday.
13.01.2022 TAI CHI 8-WEEK INTRODUCTORY COURSE (Trial 2 Sessions for Free!) Wong's Academy of Chinese Martial Arts will be starting a new Tai Chi Introductory Course on 13 February 2021. You can join with the first two sessions for free with no obligation to continue afterwards. This a great opportunity for you to try and see if Tai Chi is for you. So don’t miss out. For details on the course and how to register, please click here: www.wongsacademy.com/course ... And if you have any enquiries, feel free to email us: [email protected] See more
13.01.2022 Dear Tai Chi and Chow Gar members, By now everyone is aware of the seriousness of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) and in particular the ease with which it can spread. So far the government health departments are not suggesting closing schools, workplaces or sporting clubs. However, as a precaution the Academy is going to make the following protocols mandatory (until further notice):... - No physical contact at training. This means no more; shaking hands, push hands drills, sparing drills, free sparing, two person warm-up or basics drills, (and no chak siu fok fu in Chow Gar). 1. Instructors not to physically correct stances or adjust postures etc. This is to only be done verbally and/or by demonstration. 2. Separation: All students to try to maintain at least 1.5m distance (separation) between each other (2 meters if space allows). 3. Weapons: No one is permitted to use/or pick up another persons sword, walking stick, staff, spear, daggers etc. This is obviously to reduce the chance of transmission from person to weapon to person. 4. Overseas Travel: Anyone who returns from overseas travel may not attend training until at least 14 days have passed since their arrival back in Perth but if during that period they display any symptoms (see item 5), they must be certified clear of Covid-19 before returning to training. 5. Symptoms: If anyone is feeling unwell, or has a family member who has any of the Covid-19 symptoms* (or has been in contact with anyone who has these symptoms) please stay away from training until you have been checked for Covid-19, and cleared. 6. Notification: If you do suspect that you may have Covid-19, please advise the academy immediately and keep us updated with regard to your testing, progress and well being. Please all remember that we are all one big Chow Gar / Tai Chi family, and lets all do our best to help each other. Wishing everyone the best of health *symptoms: https://www.health.gov.au//what-you-need-to-know-about-cor
13.01.2022 12 December 2020: Ying Cheung, Siew Ying Jow, Bau Jaang Do, Maan Ji Kuen... (photos Courtesy of Michael Cave) See more
12.01.2022 Just because we can't train in class at the moment, doesn't mean that we can't train at all (wherever you are). Thanks to all those who sent in a photo! Looking for a few more contributors next time :)
12.01.2022 Chow Gar and Tai Chi lineages
09.01.2022 Notice: Wong’s Academy of Chinese Martial Arts will be starting a new 8-week beginners' Tai Chi course on Saturday 5 September 2020. Anyone interested can come to join us free for the first 2 weeks. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please let them know. Simply ask them to email us to register for the new Tai Chi course at the following email address: ... [email protected] The details are also updated in our website: http://www.wongsacademy.com/course/
09.01.2022 Wishing a Happy and Safe 2019 to all our members and Chow Gar and Tai Chi brothers and sisters around the world. REMINDER: Classes recommence this coming Saturday (5 January 2019).
09.01.2022 Photography Credits: Lee Nguyen, Michael Cave, Susan Cave & James Cave
09.01.2022 Dont forget that at home training today starts at 1pm for Tai Chi and 2pm for Chow Gar I will be ready. Michael Siheng
06.01.2022 Today is our late Sifu, Prof. Kit Po Wongs birthday. Our thoughts are with Simo, Jing Man, Jing Ping, Jing Yun and all of the family at this time, and of course with Sifu (Si Gung to some) who continues to inspire us in all that we do.
05.01.2022 Newest and youngest member of backyard Saturday training joined us today. Sakura will take time to perfect her stances but sure has abundant energy! Hope everyone elses Saturday training went well! Siheng Michael
05.01.2022 A very special and emotional night and dinner for the academy as we commemorated our Sifu. More photos to come.
04.01.2022 Just because we cant train in class at the moment, doesnt mean that we cant train at all (wherever you are). Thanks to all those who sent in a photo! Looking for a few more contributors next time :)
03.01.2022 The Instructors of the Academy are very saddened to announce that our Sifu, Professor Kit Po Wong, after succumbing to the illness that has kept him from us for these last few months, passed away on Sunday afternoon surrounded by his loving family. Our heartfelt condolences, thoughts, prayers and love to Simo, Jing Man, Jing Ping and Jing Yun and all of the Wong family. Sifu was a big part of many of our lives for many, many years and will be deeply missed by us all. However ...his lessons, guidance and values which we cherish will be with us for ever. Thank you Sifu for all that you have meant to us. Rest In Heavenly Peace. See more
03.01.2022 Happy Buddha Restaurant - Perth 1998
03.01.2022 Reminder to all members that the last date for buying tickets to this years annual dinner is this Saturday 12 October. If you havent got yours yet, please get them on Saturday. Family and friends welcome as well!
02.01.2022 Post Chinese New Year afternoon tea with Simo plus Tai Chi & Chow Gar demonstrations. (Photos by Su San Cave)
01.01.2022 Reminder to all Chow Gar and Tai Chi members: Training on 15 December 2018 will be the last training session of 2018 (the Centre is closed on 22 and 29 December). Training will then recommence on Saturday 5 January 2019.
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