Woodland Grove Family Day Care in Byford, Western Australia, Australia | Childcare service
Woodland Grove Family Day Care
Locality: Byford, Western Australia, Australia
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25.01.2022 I love getting special deliveries. Not only does my mind run wild with ideas, the childrens ideas come to life as I follow their lead and we bounce ideas around. We got the Papoose Toys farm set and the quality is amazing! I know this set is going to be loved, it already is as weve linked it to Old McDonald and farm life. The Qtoys Bamboo building set has already transformed into a treehouse, weve discussed balance as some are round like a wheel and some are flat. Little hands are exploring stacking and knocking down and they make a great noise! Ataahua children is a small business located in NSW and I highly recommend her. Not only does she sell beautiful quality toys, she has great customer service and some awesome designs of her own!
25.01.2022 Here are a few alarming but not surprising stats from the educator survey. From a total of 596 responses. 60% is the average amount of income lost... 17.9% of educators can still not access JobKeeper 83% of Educators provide care to front line workers A total of 1424 new family enquiries Only 157 of those new enquiries have been taken on 88% of educators understand they may not be paid for new enrolments 66% of educators provide casual care Only 35% can continue to provide casual sessions to provide casual sessions 40% of educators are the sole income provider for their family 69% of educators do not have enough income to survive the CRP If you wish to easily share these surveys please see my personal page or copy the in the survey posts below. Thank You --------------------------------------------------------------------- We at West Coast FDCS are committed to fighting for the urgent review and change of the Childcare Relief Package as it has dramatically impacted the Child Care Sector. As we are a Family Day Care Service our focus is now on fighting as hard as we can for FDC and we need your help! For us to get anywhere we need accurate data and current information from across the State on the impacts CRP has had on you as a Service Provider, FDC Educator or Family. (Dont worry, we will spread our reach nationwide, but we need to start at home in WA first). FDC Service Providers - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/services-CRP-response FDC Educators - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Educator-CRP-Response Families - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Families-CRP-Response We would love it if you could share this with as many educators and families as you can and encourage them to complete it as soon as possible. We thank you for your participation and support. If you are interested in assisting our small team to make as much noise as possible, we would love to hear from you! We have created a significant database of contacts from service providers, educators, state bodies, Local MPs and much more #spreadsheetqueen Brodie has been working very hard on this! Our intention is for this to be a well planned, thought out and thorough plan to assist the ECEC and FDC sector in WA. We intend to take this Mark McGowan our State Premier and ask for help! This project is not in absence of the bigger picture. We are in this together with you all and would love to get as many people on board!
25.01.2022 Rainbow Reindeer Food Oats Sun Flower seeds or wild bird mix Currents or sultanas Food dye... Water Magic Love Colour oats with a small amount of water and dye to get the consistency you like. Dry oats in this hot sun. Scoop a mixture of oats, seeds and currents together. Add a touch of magic and a dash of love and mix until well combined. Tada! Reindeer Food! Yummy for reindeer and birds plus environmentally friendly!
24.01.2022 We love visiting our local favourite spot known as The Ducks! Exploring our local community
23.01.2022 Ready for Rhyme time with Eco Early Learning & Bush Kinder!
23.01.2022 5 Little Speckled Frogs hasnt left my head in over a week as we explore the childrens favourite song. Today we made blue slime to create a sensory activity as we sung 5 Little Speckled Frogs. We are also exploring the song with play dough and the same loose parts provided here as well as using water instead of slime or play dough. This is also leading us into bugs! Did you know, when a frog swallows, its eye close and push down into its sockets to help move the food down its throat?
22.01.2022 Our car painting
21.01.2022 Here at Woodland Grove FDC, we are trying to do our very best to keep us healthy and to slow the spread. Along with daily cleaning of toys and surfaces, hand washing etc. I have introduced a hand washing station at the front door. Children and families are encouraged to wash their hands before entering the premises and also when they leave. Below is some potted seeds that the water from washing our hands will help grow!
21.01.2022 Breakfast is served . Self help skills and childrens choices for the win. Such a yummy morning tea, I even got a thumbs up!
21.01.2022 Can not wait to start this with the children!
18.01.2022 I just love what the children come up with when playing with loose parts. Its very creative! This morning we have had a Drs surgery where one child was able to continue to process a recent illness. E was looking at the weather poster when she yelled out "lets make a sun!" And both J and E set out to create their own versions of the sun. Then they made a car for the animals, then added a trailer, then another then another. At the end they added a caravan. Lots of discussi...on was on how many wheels they needed and where the animals would go. All while the older children are creating, the younger children are observing and starting to create their own ideas. C spent time exploring stacking the wooden pebbles, knocking them down, lining them up, and placing items on top. While playing, Im there expressing his ideas in words and adding my own ideas to extend his play. See more
18.01.2022 We started Science Week with Colour Changing Flowers. It has been a fun activity to follow over the day, especially when the children woke from their sleeps and some flowers had changed so much! Not only is there the magic (science) behind the flowers changing colours but its a great opportunity to discuss colours!
17.01.2022 When putting the children to bed also includes the dog Please note, he doesnt stay in the room unattended
17.01.2022 Roberta Jull keeping the Easter spirit alive with a visit from the Social Distancing Easter Bunny. Was a great laugh and we enjoyed the Easter egg hunt after waving good bye!
16.01.2022 These smiles are the reason I love my job. Some days are hard but these smiles make every second worth while! The laughter, the jokes, the love. It makes hard days, easy. (not just these 2 cheeky smiles, but ALL the children I care for)
15.01.2022 Today we celebrated Denvers 6th birthday! We made him a special pup cake with his favourite eggs, peanut butter and apples, sung him Happy Birthday and then hand fed him pieces of his cake followed by a good back rub! He was very spoilt with lots of I love yous and happy birthdays through out the day and fed off the excitement of the children by doing zoomies around the yard as the children laughed hysterically. He may be 6 but at heart hes still a crazy puppy who stops just a little faster
14.01.2022 http://chng.it/mBm9zrH89P
14.01.2022 Update on our flowers. The blue is so vibrant. The yellow and orange is starting to become visible while green and purple just have a small touch on the tips of some petals.
14.01.2022 When you have a 2 week holiday and all you can think about is rearranging, organising, sorting and tidying, new products and what magic will happen in this new space! Introducing our Art Gallery - a place for children to display their achievements, family, friendships, self image and expressive art, a place to show being, becoming and belonging. Photo frames will be filled with childrens choices of photos, art or treasures. Bring on 2020!
13.01.2022 Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
13.01.2022 What do you do when you mix art and the love of throwing together? Cotton ball paint throwing! What do you do when that was a bit of a flop? Find some ping pong balls and sticks and throw it all together. Kids had so much fun hitting the balls around with the sticks. Paint went every where, balls went every where but gosh did we have fun!
12.01.2022 This is the beauty of loose part play. Anything can be anything! Today we created a ball maze, using a rainbow stacking toy, blocks, road track, rings, peg people and wooden balls. As play went on, the children extended on their ideas and you can see the ball maze changing as they played around. Lots of trial and error, patience, perseverance, imagination, balance, mathematics, cause and effect, language and communication skills where used. Even the younger children where willing to give it a go and add their ideas
11.01.2022 A few months back, we emptied our very own compost onto a garden bed, my dad had donated some tomato plants for us to care for and nurture. Over the past few months we have been watering the plants and watching them flower and start growing tomatoes. Today we finally got to pick 2 small cherry tomatoes! I and S helped pick the tomatoes off the plant, wash them and being fantastic hand washers, they also dried them. We cut them in half and enjoyed our juicy, sweet tomatoes! ...There are many more growing and it is so exciting to be able to pick our own produce. Once our sunflowers have finished their life cycle, we will extend our veggie garden plus there is a little surprise in the pipelines, which hopefully will be complete in a month or two then we will decide to grow grapes or passionfruit or another creeper style fruit. We have tomatoes, Chinese broccoli and snap peas so far plus oregano and thyme in some pots. What should we add to our veggie garden? See more
09.01.2022 First week of Christmas and the first week of Advent Calendar activities! We started the week with Loose Part Snowmans, which stayed out all week for further exploration. The children have loved this activity! We have had some amazing snowmen created while the younger children explore patterns, textures and grouping. Weve made some beautiful cards, used our fine motor skills to peel and stick stickers on Christmas trees and baubles and used old potatoes as stampers to create baubles. Cant wait to see what next week has in store for us!
08.01.2022 Happy Easter! I hope everyone has had a family fun day filled with laughter and a little bit of chocolate!
08.01.2022 Over the past few weeks we have been exploring lights and the effects. It has been so fun to be involved qith the children as they investigate and experiment with the lights. We have found so many amazing and interesting things! Such as how we made the colour blue in a shadow by using green, red and yellow lights. How our shadows change colours with the coloured lights behind us and how we can make rainbows using light and a CD. We also explored a projector and light tables to help with our investigation.
08.01.2022 To whom it may concern, The Early Childhood Education Care Relief Package (CRP) has proven in less than 24 hours to be nothing more than a marketing ploy by the... Government to gain some extra votes and appear to be doing the right thing by Aussie families. But what is hidden behind this blanket Free Child Care for Everyone banner is the disturbing truth that Early Childhood Educators, without consultation, have been told to continue working despite isolation and social distancing rules and to do so while taking a minimum of a 50% pay cut. While there will be larger Child Care Centres who will find relief in the offer of free child care, the Family Day Care Sector will rot. Family Day Care provides childcare in smaller ratios, with flexible hours catering to those much needed essential workers such a nurses etc. who work shifts, nights and weekends. A such Family Day Care has seen a surge in enrolments since the start of March as essential workers sought flexible childcare options for their primary aged children, no longer going to school and their pre-school aged children. The industry was bolstered by Educators who were willing to support these essential workers at their own personal risk, and they were receiving the financial benefit of doing so. On Thursday 2nd April Our Prime Minister announced from his grandstand that he was providing universal free childcare and the hearts of everyone lifted. But the reality soon sunk in that that still comes at a cost and the cost is to those who are providing the care, opening their homes to families and risking the their health and that of their own families. The Government will now pay all educators based on the attendance in their Family Day Cares between 17th February and 2nd March 2020. The government will only pay 50% of the capped hourly rate of $11.10/hour/child, that equates to $5.55/hour/child. This means a reduction of income greater than 50% and families who had previously taken their children out of care for health and safety reasons, deciding to come back in droves as child care is now free. And the real kicker is that none of these new enrolments will be paid for. And all the new enrolments that educators were receiving income for between 2nd March and 5th April will not be paid for either as these apparently dont factor in the new CRP. And still Educators are expected to work, provide care and open their homes to families during a global pandemic. To supplement this, the government is expecting Educators to apply for JobKeeper payments as a sole trader. To date no one can actually apply for JobKeeper, you can only express your interest in applying. Information on who is eligible is scarce and the fear that many Educators will not be eligible for this payment is very real. How on earth can this work? What about Educators who started their business after 2nd March, or those who were sick or away on holidays between 17th of February and 2nd March? What about those who started their business in January as a new start, who find themselves full now, but were nearly empty in their first couple of months? Or those educators who want to change services as they are uncomfortable with the support they are currently receiving? I could go on and on As approved Service Providers within Family Day Care (one of 454 FDC Service Providers across the country), we have been advised not to charge our educators the fees that keep our Service running, the service which they need to legally operate their businesses. We are now operating a business with zero income, unable to pay the rent or draw any income personally as business owners in our attempts to keep our educators operating for as long as possible. We have been advised to apply for JobKeeper to keep the business operating. The problem is JobKeeper needs to be paid to employees, but again this income from JobKeeper will not go to our own pockets to support our own families, it will have to be used to keep the business operational as without the service, our educators cannot legally operate. In addition, the Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) that was in place to support Services and Educators who experienced a loss of 30% or greater in their business, was very quietly closed at 9am Friday 3rd April, just as we were all waking up to the fact we have lost so much overnight. This lifeline that is now so desperately needed in the Family Day Care Sector was right as we all needed it most. CRP is applicable to Child Care Centres aka Long Day Care and can support those centres who have experienced mass loss of enrolments and can use the JobKeeper payments to support staff wages, but it is not in any way applicable or relevant to Family Day Care. FDC needs to be viewed on its own, as a separate entity that supports approximately 170,000 children across Australia. At a time when our government is preaching that we must all come together and look after one another, they have hung Family Day Care services and educators out to dry, while expecting them to still open their arms and homes to the public at a time when that is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Please share and help us spread the word. West Coast Family Day Care Services
08.01.2022 When the creative juices flow early in the morning. So much discussions on what they were doing, ideas where getting wild and laughter was ringing through the house! The best was how they handled the frustration of the castle being knocked down or parts falling. "Lets build it again!"
05.01.2022 I LOVE MUD! If you have a Blaze obsessed child, you would have sung that in your head. This came from car painting and a child wanting to wash the cars in the car wash who linked it back to an episode on Blaze where they were all muddy and needed a car wash. So we quickly whipped this up to extend on the childs suggestion.
04.01.2022 From The Loose Parts book by Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky in collaboration with Community Playthings
04.01.2022 I love when theres a team effort to create such a master piece. The children where so proud when a parent arrived. Smiles were beaming! Friday 15th November
02.01.2022 A bit of Science today. Psyllium Husk slime and straws. Lets just say there was lots of laughs at the noises that it made! but how cool are these bubbles? We could get them quite big!
02.01.2022 Parents and Educators, we need your help! Please fill this out. It will only take a few minutes. We at West Coast FDCS are committed to fighting for the urgent review and change of the Childcare Relief Package as it has dramatically impacted the Child Care Sector. As we are a Family Day Care Service our focus is now on fighting as hard as we can for FDC and we need your help! For us to get anywhere we need accurate data and current information from across the State and the ...country on the impacts CRP has had on you as a Service Provider, FDC Educator or Family. FDC Service Providers - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/services-CRP-response FDC Educators - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Educator-CRP-Response Families - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Families-CRP-Response We would love it if you could share this with as many educators and families as you can and encourage them to complete it as soon as possible. We thank you for your participation and support. If you are interested in assisting our small team to make as much noise as possible, we would love to hear from you!
01.01.2022 Today we enjoyed this beautiful spring day. We had a picnic out the front as we watched our favourite Tuesday activity, the garbage truck! We then set off to enjoy some nature at the creek where we made leaf boats and lots of splashes with the rocks while listening to the birds sing!
01.01.2022 Having a good self identity is so important. It starts at a young age and what better way to explore us, our beauty and our place in this world than doing some self portraits! It wasnt about what they painted but what they saw in the mirror looking back at us. There was some pretty spectacular children looking back!
01.01.2022 Todays bubbles and slime play! It was a lot harder to blow into it today as its now a day old, getting thicker due to it heating up but we managed a few. Psyllium Husk recipe 2tbs to 1 cup of hot water. Whisk until its well combined. It will thicken up as you mix. ... You can also make it into flubber by cooking it in the microwave until its stretchy. See more
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