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Woombye Chiropractic in Woombye, Queensland | Chiropractor

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Woombye Chiropractic

Locality: Woombye, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 5442 2144

Address: 25 Blackall Street 4559 Woombye, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 We are Open Saturday Mornings by Appointment, please call (07) 5442 2144 to make an appointment :)

23.01.2022 It wasn't too long ago that the main postural concern regarding children and young adults was the carrying of backpacks, often on one shoulder with too many heavy textbooks causing increased strain throughout the spine. Now, to add to this concern is the growing trend of social media use and texting in relation to neck, shoulder, wrist and finger pain. Texting is the new talking. That’s no secret considering the fact that approximately one in three texters would actually r...ather text than talk. In our hyper-connected society of instant communication, it seems as though our heads stay buried in some kind of screen or device. Text messaging has received a lot of criticism in recent years for distracting drivers causing them to harm themselves or others. But a far less public and condemned side-effect of constant texting and other device usage is the fact that extended use of handheld devices can actually damage your health over time. While the use and technology of our mobile phones seems to be increasing, so does our poor posture. The variety of tasks we can now perform on our mobile phones encourages us to stoop our heads, roll our shoulders forward and slouch while we surf the web or check our email. This poor posture puts additional stress and weight on the spine and muscles that are attached to it. Text neck is the modern day term for the more classical health condition known as Forward Head Posture. When Forward Head Posture begins to develop and our head begins to move forward away from its balanced position, the weight of our head begins to increase. This frequent forward position causes changes in the spine, supporting ligaments, tendons and musculature. Long term, it can put pressure on our internal organs and start to affect our breathing, digestion and even how we cope with stress.

18.01.2022 There's growing evidence that good posture contributes to a range of health benefits, from reducing back and joint pain to boosting mood. Health-care practitioners increasingly take posture into account when evaluating patients, and offer tips and tools for improvement. Good posture doesn't just mean standing with the shoulders thrown back. More important is maintaining good alignment, with ears over the shoulders, shoulders over hips, and hips over the knees and ankles. Bo...dy weight should be distributed evenly between the feet. Seated posture, especially while using a computer, is critically important and deserves more attention, experts say, in part because it can affect a person's posture while standing and walking. Experts say it is essential to think about posture while walking, getting up out of a chair or using a cellphone or tablet. If you want your posture assessed, give us a call or drop in to Woombye Chiropractic to receive a free postural analysis.

17.01.2022 Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. Visit us at Woombye Chiropractic to start feeling good again!

12.01.2022 Woombye Chiropractic would like to wish all patients a Safe and Merry Christmas/New Year period. We will be closed from Saturday the 22nd December to 7th January 2019. Emergency appointments are available, heaven forbid anything happens, please dont hesitate to call and we will return your call ASAP.

11.01.2022 CoVid-19 Update, To all our current patients, At this time, while the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is still rapidly unfolding, we are closely following the most updated advice provided by Government authorities and the Australian Chiropractic Association to ensure our patients safety.... Within the clinic we have implemented many precautionary measures including, but not limited to, increased sterilization, social distancing practices and spacing out patient appointment times with the aim of having minimal people in the clinic at one time. We would like to reassure our patients that Woombye Chiropractic does not foresee the need for the clinic to close in the immediate future, however, we do require a change in hours. We note the following change of hours as of Monday 6 April 2020 until further notice:- Monday 10:00am 2:00pm with Dr Ashley Lambert Tuesday 7:30am- 11am with Dr Allan Lambert Wednesday 1:30pm 5:30pm with Dr Ashley Lambert Thursday 7:30am 11am AND 2pm 6pm with Dr Allan Lambert Friday 10:00am 2:00pm with Dr Ashley Lambert Saturday 7:30am Last Appointment with Dr Ashley Lambert Sunday - CLOSED We kindly ask our patients to reschedule their appointments if they have recently traveled overseas, come into contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus or are feeling unwell. Once you are feeling well again, we will reschedule your appointment time for as soon as possible. Dr Ashley Lambert will also make himself available for telephone advice/exercises if required. Further, to help minimize any potential impact to our regular patients, if you are in the ‘at risk’ age group (65+ with other high risk issues including diabetes, cardiovascular concerns etc) and are coming in for regular care, we kindly ask you to consider your individual risks vs benefits to care, and if your moving and feeling well, please consider shifting your appointment until a later date. However, if you are in pain please call the clinic and we will endeavor to see you during a time where very minimal people are in the clinic or provide you with safe exercises to assist over the phone. If you have any queries, please call reception on 5442 2144. Stay safe

11.01.2022 Walking is a simple, inexpensive and easy activity with many benefits for overall health and well-being. Walking regularly can improve heart and lung function, aid in weight-loss, decrease bone loss, and can also boost mood, alertness and energy levels, but did you know that walking can benefit your spinal health? Walking is a low-impact exercise that not only burns calories but helps release pain fighting endorphins. The result? Less pain and discomfort during the day. ...Improves flexibility and mobilityOne of the biggest issues that people tend to have with their backs is that they get tight or stiff which results in pain and discomfort. This tightness is a result of instability in the sacroiliac joint (SI joint). The SI joint (see image) is the joint in the pelvis between the sacrum and iliac bones, held together by ligaments, and acts as a foundation for the whole spine. When combined with a regime of light stretching, walking helps to tone the ligaments and muscles around the SI joint, as well as improve flexibility and increase range of motion. This has the added benefits of reducing the risk of injury and improving posture. Increases circulationWalking is essential for spinal health. It increases circulation throughout the body, including the spine. This helps to bring important blood flow to the muscles and nutrients to the spine. Soft tissues are nourished and enriched while harmful toxins are drained away. Increased circulation brings the body into balance and increased stamina as blood pressure is lowered. The movement of blood nourishes all muscles, making you stronger whilst also making exercise easier. The more you walk, the more you are able to walk. Aids weight loss and weight managementExtra body weight can cause significant stress on the spine and can have a number of negative effects to your health. Extra body weight causes stress on the spine as the body works harder to keep balance. Walking aids weight loss and management, which in turn relieves the stress extra body weight bring. Walking benefits your whole body and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, helps to reduce osteoporosis, improve blood pressure, maintain body weight and improve mental health. By walking for just 30 minutes a day, combined with a healthy diet and chiropractic care, you are giving your body the best chance at good health and optimal function. Taking care of your body, exercising and eating right are all important components to being the best and healthiest version of yourself. Getting adjusted is a great way to keep your body and your nervous system healthy, but adding these additional healthy practices will only make your chiropractic care results even more successful. By walking for just 30 minutes a day, you will find a number of great health benefits come with this simple type of exercise.

10.01.2022 Winter is coming and cold and flu season is just around the corner. Winter is that time of the year when many are effected by cold or flu bugs so it’s important to ensure your immune system is working at its best. Being proactive about your health will help ensure that you make it through the cooler months cold and flu free. Dose up on vitamins and mineralsIt is important to supplement your diet during the winter months. Iron, Zinc and Vitamin C are key to a healthy immune... system. Vitamin D as well during the winter months, when we get less exposure to the sun. If you would like more information on these supplements, please don’t hesitate to ask us while at the clinic. Eat a well balanced dietKeep your immune system in shape by making sure you’re eating a healthy diet. Add in dark, leafy greens and red and yellow vegetables, to your diet which are all high in antioxidants. Also, cut out sugar from your diet! Sugar and Vitamin C are so similar in structure that they compete for the very space in our cells where Vitamin C should go. If your diet is high in sugar (this includes carbohydrates like bread, pasta and rice), then the Vitamin C isn’t getting the chance to do its job effectively. Keep exercisingIt’s hard to be motivated when it’s cold and dark, but regular exercise helps boost your immune system. Get adequate sleepSleep loss not only plays a role in whether you get sick but it also influences how you fight illnesses and therefore how fast you recover. Visit your ChiropractorChiropractic adjustments improve nervous system function. By having regular spinal checks you are making sure that your brain and body are properly connected so that everything is working at its most optimal level. Contact us at Woombye Chiropractic to schedule an appointment to improve your spine and immune system health.

10.01.2022 This Cube Test Will Tell You Everything About Your Personality

10.01.2022 Happy Friyay funny!

09.01.2022 Covid-19 Update: To our valued patients and perspective patients. As of writing Woombye Chiropractic remains open. All Practitioners and Staff are completing their Covid-19 infection management training, increasing our sterilization practices and modifying appointments to better allow social distancing and minimizing where practical all potential risks for transmission, including but not limited to;... Ensuring all our patients, practitioners and staff abide by the 4m2 protocols to ensure social distancing can be attained, Wiping all common surfaces regularly with alcohol-based sanitizer and disinfectant solutions, Wiping headpieces and hand rests with alcohol-based sanitizer prior to each patient, A complete clean of tables and surfaces throughout the clinic with disinfectant before, during and after all shifts, Providing an untouched sterilized pen for signing receipts, Wiping EFTPOS machine between each patient and not accepting cash payments. These have all been implemented amongst other protocols to ensure the health and safety of all patients and staff at Woombye Chiropractic. Until told otherwise we will ensure to remain open. It is of our opinion that any help we can provide to minimize musculoskeletal complaints presenting at a GP office or Hospital will help to alleviate additional strain on our medical system. We urge members of the public that may be experiencing any suspected musculoskeletal condition to attend any of Australia’s regulated allied health professionals (Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy etc.) to help ease the burden on our medical system. It may become necessary that we will need to reduce and/or change our hours of operation if further restrictions are placed on our society, but for now whilst we are still able to serve our community, business will continue as per usual.

09.01.2022 We are closed today for Nambour Show. We will reopen tomorrow at 10am.

08.01.2022 Steve Jobs was a wise man indeed. 8-)

08.01.2022 Woombye Chiropractic would like to welcome back Ashley from paternity leave! And congratulations on your beautiful baby boy Harvey Harvey came in last week for his first adjustment at one week old! Harvey saw Dr Allan while Dr Ashley helped out. He even got his first visit sticker Ash is available for all appointments now... call 5442 2144 to arrange your next visit See more

04.01.2022 Following on from our post last week, for all you desk jockeys out there some information about sitting! Don't forget to contact us if you would like a free postural analysis.

04.01.2022 Reduce Pain, Maintain Posture, Activate Performance

03.01.2022 Everyone knows stress can be bad for health. It can act as a barrier to adaptation and put undue pressure on the endocrine system. It can fire up the sympathetic nervous system designed only for fight or flight, and keep it fired up for an extended amount of time. But try telling a stressed, busy, or under-pressure person that they need to relax and you just might find yourself faced with a swag of objections. Winding down just isn’t that easy for all people. Here’s the thi...Continue reading

03.01.2022 A generation ago, having a ‘bad back’ was spoken about as if it was a mystical health problem. Low back pain causes more disability than any other conditions, including infections, depression and cardiac disease. Today, most people know that back pain is a very common and potentially serious health issue but many still aren’t sure what to do about it. The Global Burden of Disease Study, a study published by The Lancet, found lower back pain and osteoarthritis are now ranked... second only to cancer as a leading cause of disease burden in Australasia. The study looked at trends between 1990 and 2013 across 188 countries. Australian statistics show that out of the top 10 causes of ongoing disability due to an illness or injury, back pain, neck pain, migraines and other musculoskeletal issues took out four of the top five places. Lower back pain was also in the top 10 for every single one of the 188 countries in the study, which highlights the importance and pervasiveness of this uncomfortable and often debilitating condition. The Lancet study shows that developed countries are facing new health challenges, as treatments for acute illnesses have become highly effective, but treatment for chronic disease has fallen behind. We might be living longer, but it seems many of these years are spent living with disability. In many cases the pain and discomfort is avoidable or, with the right treatments can be reduced or managed. This highlights just how important seeking help from the right health professionals is when it comes to improving spinal health. Too many Australians endure back or neck pain without realising what they can do to manage or prevent spinal problems. One misconception people have is that bed rest is good for back pain. However, in most cases people will improve more quickly and are less likely to develop chronic pain if they are up and moving. More frequently chiropractors are seeing fewer people with back injuries sustained from manual work, instead seeing an increasing number of people with back problems relating to lifestyle, including obesity, excessive devotion to electronic screens day and night and too much time spent sitting down. If you are experiencing any ongoing discomfort related to your spinal health, come and see us at Woombye Chiropractic to help improve your overall health and wellbeing.

01.01.2022 Woombye Chiropractic wishes Summer and Sunshine Coast Cheer and Dance all the best this weekend. Unfortunately Ashley will be heading down to watch them compete and Woombye Chiropractic will be Closed Saturday the 31st of August.

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