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Woonona Presbyterian Community Church in Woonona, New South Wales, Australia | Presbyterian Church

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Woonona Presbyterian Community Church

Locality: Woonona, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 4284 4057

Address: 7 Gray Street 2517 Woonona, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 HOPE IN DEATH Meditation 1 - The Dilemma of Death 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 . Every experience of life is transformed by the hope we have in Jesus. And not just in life - but even in death.... Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4:13. brothers and sisters we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. Paul has heard from Timothy that the Thessalonians are a bit in the dark about what death means for followers of Jesus and so he writes to them that as the people of Jesus, as people who know Him as their Saviour and their King, even in death, that great seemingly unbeatable enemy, we have a sure and certain hope. You can view/download Meditation 1 on yesterday's message via our website here: - John Murray.

21.01.2022 Building Resilience - The Book of James Meditation 2 / Week 5: Faith that Works - Faith that Works... Following on from our last meditation, having given negative examples, James now gives two positive examples of faith that works: 1. (James 2:21-24) Abraham's faith in God’s promise was actioned in obedience as he took Isaac to the place of sacrifice. It was only at the last minute that an Angel intervened. Abraham had stood the test. Abraham’s faith and actions worked together. He put his faith into practice. What started as internal confidence in God to keep his word was made complete by external steps of obedience up a mountain with a sharp knife and a load of firewood! 2. (James 2:25) Rahab believes in God and then entrusts her life into God’s hands through the spies. Not only her own life but she asks the spies to spare the life of her father, mother, brothers and sisters when Joshua’s army take the city. Faith that works impacts the lives of those around us and generations to come. Rahab marries an Israelite and is the Great-Great-Grandmother of King David, part of the family tree of Jesus himself. There are stories to be told, stories of inner belief made complete in actioned behaviour. Behaviour that changes life trajectories and plays a part in God’s rescue plan of the world. You can check out the full Meditation 2 on our website here: - Pete.

21.01.2022 HOPE IN DEATH Meditation 3 - Our Hope in Death 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - What an amazing juxtaposition, to say that we grieve in hope! And yet that is the whole point!... Our hope in death is not hope for hope’s sake. It isn’t something someone has just come up with in their imagination; it isn’t positive thinking it’s concrete, it’s real, it has a basis in historical reality. Our hope in death is real and it is ALL THROUGH JESUS AND HIS DEATH AND RESSURECTION! For every single one of us death is real, we can’t hide from it, we can’t escape it and yet this world was not made to have death, we were made to never experience death. So, we do grieve but we don’t grieve without hope like the world around us, we face death in absolute assured hope because when we look at death we see Jesus - and through Him we look to our ultimate hope, when death is gone forever and together we are with God for eternity. You can spend some more time meditating on these themes via our 3rd and final meditation on last Sunday's sermon here: - John Murray

20.01.2022 Hi Friends! This weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service,... - C & A are hosting us from their house. - Our kids will be meeting at the Church Hall for another awesome Kids' Funday Sunday from 10-11:30am. - We'll spend some time reflecting on our Creator God with some images by the Bradleys & John R. - And we'll continue with our series on HOPE: All Things New, as Pete takes us through Matthew 25:31-46 with his message; 'Hope-Full Activism'. Head here for This Week's House-2-House Church Service YouTube Playlist: or you can head to our website and stream it directly from there. Happy weekend!

19.01.2022 1. Anchor For Our Soul | Psalm 42 | Meditation 1 - Our Hope-Depleted World Our souls were never meant to carry the news of the world says John Eldredge. We can carry the ups, downs, hurt and heartbreaks of an extended family or maybe a village, but not the world. Our souls are presently being brutally assaulted. It’s in BIG Media’s interests that we are fearful. The more fearful we are the more we tune in to keep up. And we want to be up to date and the more far flung your... personal connections the more you want to know what’s going on. But you have to go to a lot of trouble to filter out the specifics, instead we’re bombarded by visions of horror, cruelty, injustice, devastation and desolation. But our souls were never meant to carry the news of the world. And so,our souls flounder and shrivel. Battered and traumatised, the sensitive core of our being runs and hides. The world overwhelms us, the devil claws away at our trust in the goodness of God, and our sinful nature clutches for quick fixes or mindless distractions. You can check out Meditation 1 on our website here: - Pete.

17.01.2022 3. HOPE-FULL PARENTING Meditation 2 - Hope-Full Parents pin their own hopes beyond their kids; &... Hope-Full Parents point their kids beyond themselves. If I’m to keep my ULTIMATE HOPES in place, I find I need to come back to the BIG STORY to get my bearings: CREATION: your kids were created in the image of God TO image God. FALL: your kids, like you, are broken versions of who they were intended to be. RESCUE: but we haven’t been left in this mess! The long-promised rescuer has come. He gave us a taste of His Kingdom while He was here. RESTORATION: so we pray and long and with holy imagination envision the Restoration of everything, the renewal of all things. You and your kids healed, whole & gloriously free! That’s worthy of our ULTIMATE Hopes! Mums & Dads, and everyone who has little ones under your care: Tackle FEAR with HOPE. Catch it, when your CASUAL Hopes or even PRECIOUS Hopes for your kids have blown up like the monstrous Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters. When a good hope has become a monster, causing havoc in your heart, there’s a good chance that’s leaking out into your kids’ hearts. So catch it when some counterfeit kingdom is the central drama in your life. FUEL your HOPE and your KIDS’ HOPES by remembering, revelling in and celebrating the BIG DRAMA we are swept up into, but which has King Jesus as the central character. You can view/download this week's 2nd Meditation on our website here: - Pete.

15.01.2022 Our latest meditation on Hope is available. 1. Living Hopefully HOPE’S SOURCE: THE FATHER’S GRACE Professor Stephen Pickard from the Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture writes...... "the uncertainty and stress of the coronavirus pandemic have opened up a crack in the universe as we know it and for some, a window to God's presence around us in a way we hadn't anticipated. HOPE springs from GRACE because God sees you through GRACE coloured glasses. He sees you holy, without blemish, free from accusation. Your part of this deal is to hold onto the HOPE held out in the free gift of the Gospel. The Good News that you have been qualified to share in the kingdom of light by God the Father’s Grace. - Pete. Download it here

15.01.2022 5. A HOPE AND A FUTURE Meditation 2 - Hope in Exile . Jeremiah speaks of Shalom, and he tells the people in Exile that they can find shalom even in exile, far from their homes and everything they love and hold dear, even for a lifetime.... There are three things that he tells the people in exile to do in order to bring shalom and find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation: 1. Shalom is found by doing what needs to be done. 2. Shalom is found by thinking bigger than just yourself. 3. Shalom is found by actively praying and working for it. You can delve into these themes further via the 2nd meditation on Sunday's sermon via our website here: - Dal

14.01.2022 Happy Sunday! This weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service, - Terry and Nel are hosting us from their house.... - Our kids will be meeting at the Church Hall for Week 5 of Kids Funday Sundays from 10-11:30. - Congratulations Josh and Amy on the arrival Asa John Cuneo. - We continue our new series on 'Hope', as Pete takes us through Colossians 1:3-18 with his message; 2. 'Living Hopefully'. Find the playlist here on Youtube

13.01.2022 Building Resilience - The Book of James Meditation 1 / Week 6: Fill Your Heart to Tame Your Tongue. - Fill Your Heart to Tame Your Tongue... Today we’re challenged to deal with the inconsistency of our tongues (our self-talk as well as what slips OUT) by filling UP the spring of our heart with such life-giving and life affirming beauty. How can we become a well of life rather than of poison? How can our words become consistently fruitful? It's at the level of our heart that we need to work to rein in our tongue. Sure, we need to bite our tongue when things get that far, but for long-term health we need to foster life in our heart. We can’t bear the fruit of Jesus-like life if we’re not abiding in the Jesus-Vine. We won’t do what Jesus does unless we become more like Jesus and we won’t become more like Jesus unless we spend more time with Jesus. You can view/download the entire Meditation 1 on our website here: - Pete.

12.01.2022 [James Tissot (French, 1836-1902). Jesus Wept (Jésus pleura), 1886-1896] . HOPE IN DEATH Meditation 2 - The Grief of Death 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18... . As we confront death and especially when someone close to us dies, we are impacted on the deepest level. We are thrown and we’re affected emotionally, mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. We go through emotions we can’t understand because we were not made to experience death and we were not made to have our relationships cut by death. There can be a temptation to think that as Christians, to grieve death is unspiritual. The Bible shows us that it is actually the opposite, because death was not in God’s original design for the world and human life it is a distortion of His creation at the deepest level. Jesus weeps and is angry at the monstrosity of this invader death. Our 2nd meditation on Sunday’s sermon, today focusing on the above, is available via our website now: - John Murray

12.01.2022 Morning all. :-) This weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service, - The Enderbys are hosting us.... - We continue with our series; BUILDING RESILIENCE the Book of James, as Pete takes us through James 3:1-12 with his message; 'The Untameable Tongue'. - We hear from Hazel, our GO Coordinator and Robyn, a member of our Missions Task Force (MTF), on this GO Sunday weekend. - Our kids meet at the Church Hall for Thrive Kids from 10-11:30am. - We take some time to reflect on God's awesome creation with some images by Warwick Bradley. ...and lots more! Head here for all the goodness:

11.01.2022 Hi friends. This weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service, - Our friends from Marco Polo Woonona Aged Care are hosting us form their home!... - We'll hear from Sue Currie and Judy Bradley on Serving, on this Serve Sunday weekend. - We'll spend some time reflecting on our Creator God with some beautiful images of the Top End by Hazel Nisbet. - We'll continue with our series on HOPE: All Things New, as Dal takes us through Jeremiah 29:1-14 with his message; 'A Hope and a Future' - Our kids will be meeting at the Church Hall for another awesome Funday Sunday from 10-11:30am. ...and much more! Head here for this week's House-2-House Church Service YouTube Playlist: or you can stream the embed directly from our website here: Enjoy!

11.01.2022 4. HOPE-FULL ACTIVISM Meditations 1, 2 & 3 Walking the way of Jesus means caring about what and who he cares about. Jesus’ VISION, His HOPE for PEACE, is a VISION of re-weaving the strands that have unravelled from the tapestry of the universe. To walk the way of Jesus is to join Him in that. So, we join Jesus in His HOPE for PEACE and we join Jesus in identifying with the poor.... There’s a word in the Bible that sums up those who partner with God in his work of JUSTICE and PEACE. The Hebrew word is tsaddiqim, often translated righteous or just. Now that’s a problem for us because we hear righteous and our minds go straight to self-righteous. But these tsaddiqim are those who join Jesus in his mission. 'The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.' (Proverbs 29:7 NIV) You can explore these themes further through 3 meditations, which are now available via our website here: - Pete.

10.01.2022 Click on bio and see if you’ll be able to contribute. Pls it would be a blessing thanks

09.01.2022 Meditation 2 - Our Hope Full King is available. Hope: All Things New For a while now I’ve been saying that the goal of Christianity is a transformation not a destination. We are on a journey of being formed in Christlikeness for the sake of others. And that transformation starts now. In other words we’re not waiting for what John Eldredge calls, the big airlift to heaven. He also says, the devil ripped us off of our future and left us with a thing called heaven which is in...comprehensible to most and totally undesirable. For some reason preachers, hymnwriters, and modern songwriters have fixated on a couple of images from the Book of Revelation that have left us with a vague, wispy, ghostly view of the after-life. For too long all we’ve had is the thought of leaving all we love, and enjoy, and find beautiful, to be beamed up to an eternal church service in the sky! But do you hear what Jesus is hoping for? It is a destination! The re-creation of the world! - Pete. You can check out Meditation 2 on our website here:

08.01.2022 Building Resilience - The Book of James Meditation 2 / Week 6: Fill Your Heart to Tame Your Tongue. - The Untameable Tongue... James has already told us that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (1:19). He’s told us that if we don’t keep a tight reign on our tongues, we deceive ourselves (1:26). James is saying that our mastery over our tongue is a litmus test for our mastery over our minds and bodies. And, let me blow the punch-line... James isn’t telling us to tame our tongues, he’s saying we can’t tame our tongues! Have you noticed how our tongues give us away? The words are out before we can stop them. The cutting put-down, the innuendo, the sarcastic remark, the bitter pay-back, the one-upmanship, the delight in pointing out a mistake, the angry explosion. You don’t have to be very self-aware or have a high EQ to know that our tongues give us away. James is in full-tilt spiritual-direction mode. Like a midwife, he is helping us address the blockages to our rebirth and growth in Christlikeness. Like a dentist, James is exposing cavities. It’s likely to be painful. It will take vulnerability and patience. But this series is all about resilience, patient endurance, isn’t it? You can view/download the entire Meditation 2 on our website here: - Pete.

07.01.2022 A HOPE AND A FUTURE Meditation 1 - Looking Up When Hope is Lost. . God is still in control. Understanding, knowing and really believing that is where hope begins. We need to look up... seeing Him is the source of our hope. Jeremiah, Job, Habakkuk and Jesus trust God 100%, even in the midst of overwhelming chaos and loss. They look up and say; "Yet I will rejoice in the lord!" That is where hope begins. Even in the darkness. Hope dawns as we begin to look up out of the darknes...s and recognise God for who he is. The key to Jeremiah and those who trust God throughout the Bible, even in terrible times like the Exile, is that they constantly look up to God and remember that He is good and in control. The first meditation based on yesterday's sermon is now available on our website here: -Dal.

07.01.2022 5. A HOPE AND A FUTURE Meditation 3 - Hope and a Future . The future is difficult to work out, isn’t it? We have all been there haven’t we, and some of us are right now at cross roads where we are having to make decisions about what comes next. When we begin to feel the weight of the decisions and the doubts, fears creep in and fear is the enemy of Hope. Fear crushes shalom.... In today's meditation, we focus on some key thoughts that can help us find shalom and grow hope, as we face an uncertain future. You can view/download Meditation 3 on our website here: - Dal

06.01.2022 Hi Friends! This weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service,... - The Kohler Krew are hosting us from their home. - We hear from Sharon & Lyn on Overcomers Outreach & their special anniversary. - We get the details on this year's Operation Christmas Child campaign. - We continue with our series on HOPE: All Things New, as John Murray takes us through John 11:33-44 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 with his message; 'Hope in Death' - Our kids meet at the Church Hall for the first special school holidays Funday Sunday from 10-11:30am. ...and much more! Head here for this week's House-2-House Church Service YouTube Playlist: or head to our website and stream it from there. Additionally, the mp3 podcasts of all our recent talks are available for streaming/download here:

05.01.2022 Hi all. Happy weekend! This Vision weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service,... - Pete & Sue are hosting us. - We continue with our series; BUILDING RESILIENCE the Book of James, as Pete takes us through James 3:13-4:12 with his message; 'Sweeten the Source'. - Our kids meet at the Church Hall for Thrive Kids from 10-11:30am. - We take some time to reflect on God's awesome creation with some images by Hazel Nisbet. ...and lots more! You can head here for this week's House-2-House Church Service YouTube Playlist: or head to our website and stream it from there. Additionally, the mp3 podcasts of all our recent talks are available for streaming/download here:

04.01.2022 Our latest meditation is available on Living Hopefully - Hope's Focus: The Son's Kingdom. I think most of us understand the need to get our First LOVE right, but I wonder if we’ve done the same thing with our First HOPE? We get that we need to keep God as our first love. When we do that we’re not destroyed when others fail to love us well... we can weather criticism, loneliness and even rejection. Anchored in True Love, our hearts can go on to love. John Eldredge says HOPE fu...nctions the same way. He helpfully differentiates between CASUAL hopes, PRECIOUS hopes and ULTIMATE hopes. -Pete- Download the meditation here See more

01.01.2022 Happy Father's Day! We hope you have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy our House-2-House service. This weekend @ our WPCC House-2-House Church Service, - the guys from Dive In at Bellambi are hosting us from Pete and Sue's house. - We celebrate our dad's and are thankful for their role in our church family.... - Our kids will be meeting at the Church Hall for Week 6 of Kids Funday Sundays from 10-11:30. - We farewell Pyper after serving with us through the last few months. - Congratulations Josh and Amy on the arrival Asa John Cuneo and ongoing prayers for them. - Watch a clip from our resident 'mountain goat' and support him as he preps for another Austimanjaro Challenge. - We continue our new series on 'Hope', as Pete takes us through 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 with his message; 3. 'Hope-Full Parenting'. Click the link below to follow our youtube playlist.

01.01.2022 3. HOPE-FULL PARENTING Meditation 1 - The birth of every child is bitter-sweet, and our hearts are pierced. As John Eldredge says; ... I know what hell this world can unleash on a tender heart. The human heart and soul are imbued with a remarkable resilience. But they are also very fragile, for we were made for the habitat of Eden and not the desolation of war in which we now live. But as we’ve been seeing, followers of Jesus are armed with the most powerful weapon we could... wish for in this war-zone. So for all of us, but especially today for the Dads and Mums, we are armed with HOPE. The life, death and resurrection of King Jesus brings a HOPE-FULL PEACE to our HOPE-FULL PARENTING. Jesus said, ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ John 16:33 You can dig a little deeper into this week's first meditation on our website here: - Pete.

01.01.2022 Meditation 3 - Practicing Hope is available for download. Allow the psalmist to lead you in a hope-fuelling meditation. Grab a cuppa, find somewhere quiet to sit. Remember that the grace we have in Jesus means God has nothing to prove and neither do you. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead your time with God.

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