Woree State High School in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Education
Woree State High School
Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 4081 5222
Address: Rigg St 4868 Cairns, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.woreeshs.eq.edu.au
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25.01.2022 LATVIA EXHIBITION - STUDENT ARTWORK The Latvia Exhibition has officially opened! An online exhibition has been posted to view all artwork including work by our very own talented Woree students: https://vertibusakta.lv/en/ There has also been a news broadcast (in Latvian) featuring a piece of artwork by one of our students on YouTube : https://youtu.be/QG-ZB1dFpmY... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools #artwork #latvia
25.01.2022 WEEK 10 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 9 DECEMBER The administration office will be closed from 11:30am 2:00pm as we farewell staff on Wednesday the 9th December. We apologise for any inconvenience. We will reopen on Monday 18 January 8:00am... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
24.01.2022 Good News Story! Year 10 Student Sania has completed her placement with Maritime Safety Queensland. Sania displayed explementary conduct while at work experience and performed all required tasks to a high standard. Her commitment to this program should be commended.... "Sania was a pleasure. The entire team at MSQ enjoyed her enthusiasm" - Lisa from Maritime Safety Queensland Great job Sania #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
24.01.2022 OUTSTANDING SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Has your student returned their outstanding library books or textbooks?? If they are not returned you will be invoiced and payment will be required. Thank you, the Admin Office.... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
22.01.2022 The Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art's In Residence Program 3 Woree SHS are amongst the 22 state selected Year 10 students! Kealey, Rachel and Weleiane Congratulations ... The 2020 Creative Generation In residence program, will be delivered through a number of sessions, where the students will interact with the artist in residence through a virtual platform and use materials that are sent to them to create a response. Students have already participated in 2 of the 3 sessions and are looking forward to the 3 day intensive workshop next week to create a response. In residence aims to provide Year 10 Queensland visual art students with the opportunity to strengthen their understanding of the academic, experimental, collaborative, and reflective nature of contemporary visual art, and gain an appreciation for the breadth of opportunities in the creative industries. Throughout the program students will conceptualise and prepare a work which may be published on the QAGOMA website. In residence lead artist Abdul Abdullah is an Australian multi-disciplinary artist. Abdullah’s projects have engaged with different marginalized minority groups and he is particularly interested in the disjuncture between perception/projection of identity and the reality of lived experience. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
22.01.2022 WEEK 10 - Year 7 Rewards Day On Tuesday the 8th of December Year 7 students will have the opportunity to participate in high ropes and teamwork activities during this great rewards day! Please note that only 50 students are able to go on this excursion. BRING: Hat, eco-friendly footprint lunch, water bottle and enclosed shoes.... COST: Free REQUIREMENTS: Only students on good standing will be able to participate in this event. Students have until Tuesday 1st Dec (next week) to return permission forms to the office. Get your form in quick! #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
21.01.2022 WSHS are taking limited Out of Catchment enrolments for Year 7-11 in 2021. For more information please contact our Enrolments team on 4081 5222 or email [email protected] Cairns West State School Edge Hill State School Whitfield State School Hambledon State School St Gerard Majella School, Woree St Therese’s Catholic Primary School Lakemba Woree State School Balaclava State School White Rock State School Isabella State School Parramatta State School... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
21.01.2022 Planning ahead is the key to every child’s success at a new school. There are many things you can do to help make your child's transition successful. Find out more by visiting https://tinyurl.com/y6dwhngt #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
21.01.2022 THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! School starts back in 1 week. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
20.01.2022 How to help your child make the most of their education. Are you the parent of a child who struggles at school or refuses to go to school? When children are struggling to engage at school, parental support and guidance can make all the difference. The Spark Their Future website offers information and resources to help parents support their children to attend school and enjoy learning. For more information on how to help your child make the most of their education, visit qld.gov.au/sparktheirfuture #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools #sparktheirfuture
20.01.2022 ATHLETICS DAY CANCELLATION Unfortunately Athletics Day has been cancelled tomorrow due to weather and safety concerns. Tomorrow will be a normal school day, so don't forget to bring your books, pencils and lunch Thank you for your understanding.... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
20.01.2022 WEEK 10 - Year 7 & 9 Rewards Day On Tuesday the 8th of December the remaining Year 7 students & Year 9 students will have a combined rewards day doing Woree wipeout! BRING: Swimmers, towel and water bottle.... COST: Free REQUIREMENTS: Students must wear their school uniform on the day, only students on good standing will be able to participate in this event. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
19.01.2022 Stay cool in the heat Look after yourself, your family, friends, colleagues and animals. Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, limit physical exercise in the heat of the day and stay out of the sun when possible. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
18.01.2022 School Holidays Begin Today! 19th September - 5th October {Monday 5th October is a Public Holiday} School resumes on Tuesday 6th October 2020.... What have you got planned to do over these holidays? #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools See more
17.01.2022 JIME Program Success The exiting Year 12 Junior Indigenous Marine and Environmental (JIME) Cadets were all offered employment with Experience Co. Such a successful outcome for all of their commitment and hard work over the 2 years of their traineeship #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
16.01.2022 2021 SchoolTech Program Congratulations to all students accepted to the SchoolTech Program in 2021. We look forward to seeing you next year! ... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
16.01.2022 SAVER PLUS INITIATIVE Could $500 help you with school costs? Saver Plus is a free matched savings and financial education program. Participants set a savings goal for education expensive, make regular deposits into a savings account over 10 months, and attend financial skills workshops. At the end of the program their savings are matched by ANZ up to $500, to be used for education costs such as school uniforms, books, excursions, afterschool activities/sports fees and lap...tops. To find out more about the program and to check your eligibility, please email or call your local Saver Plus Coordinator, Rachel on [email protected] or 0435 266 284 or visit saverplus.org.au. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
15.01.2022 TEXTBOOK COLLECTION DATES 2021 The library will be open Monday 18 Wednesday 20 January 2021 from 8:00am 4:00pm. Students will need to attend the office FIRST to collect their green text eligibility form. This is then brought to the library to collect the required textbooks. Once students collect their print textbooks, they will be given access to their digital textbooks.... Year 10 12 textbooks are handed out to students, from the library, the week before school starts. Students unable to collect them are expected to collect them before school or at lunchtimes during the first week of school. They will still need to collect a green form from the office first [unless they are in Year 11 and already handed their green slip to the library before 27 November. Year 12 students who have had access to their digital textbooks over the holidays MUST collect their print books before the end of Week 3 to maintain their digital access. Year 8 9 textbooks will be released to students in Week 3 (after Day 8 changes are made). They will be able to collect them, from the library, before school and during both lunchtimes. In order to collect their textbooks, students must be Text Hire eligible. Year 7 textbooks will be handed out in class after their library lesson on How to look after books at Woree State High School. Not all Year 7 students have textbooks to take home. Some are provided in class. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
15.01.2022 An incorrect email was distributed by Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) to our Year 12 school leavers overnight, stating that students were ‘ATAR ine...ligible’. I understand QTAC has apologised for this error. QTAC is not part of the Department of Education, is not overseen by myself and is governed by an independent board of directors representing Queensland universities. ATAR results will be issued next Saturday December 19. Best of luck to all students.
14.01.2022 Last day of term - Congratulations we made it! It's the end of Term 3 and we would like to wish all Woree State High School students and their families a safe and relaxing break. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #happyfriday #lastdayofterm
12.01.2022 WEEK 10 - Student Free Days In recognition of the outstanding efforts of school staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two days of the school year, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December, have been declared student free days. Our school will be closed on these days. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
12.01.2022 Your Health Link Photographic Competition Now in its fifth year, the Your Health Link Photographic Competition is open to students from every primary and high school across Australia and will launch on 1 December 2020 with the theme: ‘We’re all in this together - keeping safe and healthy during the pandemic’... The Competition is open now and closes 24 January 2021 with winners announced in March 2021. Enter Here! https://www.yourhealthlinkphotocomp.com.au/ #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
12.01.2022 UNIFORM STUDENT DRESS CODE All Year 7 9 students will be wearing the Junior Polo and Everyday Shorts. The Year 10 12 students will wear the Senior Polo and Everyday Shorts. In addition, the Year 10 12 students have the option to purchase the Formal Uniform. Therefore, if you have any of the ‘old style polos or shorts’ they are now obsolete and students are not to wear them. Should you need clarification on these uniforms, please visit our website where you will fin...d pictures in the Student Guide Student Dress Code. Please note that Woree State High School P&C Uniform Shop is the only authorised retailer of Woree State High School uniforms. We are aware that cheaper, inferior quality uniforms are being sold without authority and recommend that parents and carers only purchase uniforms from the school through the P&C Uniform Shop. Below are the times the Uniform Shop will be open during the final week of school, 2020 and for the beginning of the 2021 school year. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
11.01.2022 BLA Aspire Awards The Annual Aspire Awards aim to provide incentives and opportunities for secondary students in a range of curriculum areas. A BIG Congratulations to the 2 Woree State High School students that have won awards:... ~ Jasmine - School Based Apprentice of the Year ~ Angus - VET Student of the Year Congratulations also to Experience Co for winning Employer of the Year. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
11.01.2022 Welcome to Week 9! Did you know...the world's first surf lifesaving club was founded at Bondi Beach in 1906. Only 1.5 weeks to go! ... This weeks events: - Year 10 Work Experience - Year 11 Work Experience - Creative Gen In Residence #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
11.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS! to the Year 12 Students that have gained successful employment and full-time apprenticeships #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
11.01.2022 WEEK 7 - Year 12 Graduation Venue: PCYC Edmonton Date: Wednesday 18th November Time: 10am Ceremony (9.50am all guests to be seated)... Reminders: No stilettos heels and no food or drink permitted in the venue. COVID Safe Requirements: - Only 2 guests per student who have responded via RSVP may attend and will be required to register upon arrival. Registration is non-transferable - Guests will be required to sign in at the front entrance of the PCYC - All guests must remain seated for the entire ceremony - There are no formal seating allocations - 1.5m social distancing between guests must be adhered to at all times. - Guests wishing to give a student a gift i.e. leis, crowns, flowers, etc must wait until after the ceremony. These can only be presented in the carpark area at the conclusion of the ceremony (not inside the venue) so as to adhere to COVID Safe Requirements - The school is asking any attendees to stay at home if you feel unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath. Due to the restrictions on guest numbers, we will live stream this event for extended family to view on our main Facebook page. All updates regarding the live stream of the Graduation will be posted to this event. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
10.01.2022 SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 2021 Monday 18 - Wednesday 20 January 8:00am 4:00pm Thursday 21 - Friday 22 January CLOSED Monday 25 January (Student Free Day) CLOSED... Tuesday 26 January (Australia Day holiday) CLOSED From Wednesday 27 January 2021, Office hours will be: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00am - 3:45pm Wednesday 8:00am - 3:15pm #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
10.01.2022 2020 Creative Generation In Residence The 3 day student workshop at Bulmba-ja Arts Centre (NorthSite Contemporary Arts) finished yesterday. Students did a great job stepping up to the challenge of working on multiple platforms throughout the program. Students were able to upload images of their progress to the artist and facilitators and ask questions, receive feedback and have discussions with the artist directly through Zoom.... Abdul Abdullah was a great choice as a mentor artist. It has been a tremendous experience for the students to work with him. Watch the interview here: https://fb.watch/29MNivoPW2/ #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
10.01.2022 Spark their Future Nurture your child’s spark Discovering your child’s spark (something that gives them energy and joy) can help your child find some purpose in their world and escape the stress of everyday life. Now that the school holidays are here, it's a good time to explore your child’s spark and help them develop it in a positive way.... Visit the Spark their Future website to find out how to nurture your child’s spark and keep the communication lines open, so with your help, they can make the most of their time at school and at home. For more info visit: https://www.sparktheirfuture.qld.edu.au/how-to-nurture-you/ #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools #sparktheirfuture
10.01.2022 Welcome to Week 10! Did you know....around a quarter of all Australians were born overseas Last week of school! ... Don't forget that school finishes on Wednesday this week This weeks events: - Year 6 into 7 Orientation Day TODAY! - Year 7-9 HPE Tennis Tournament - Year 7 & 9 Rewards Day - JCE Ceremony #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
09.01.2022 WEEK 9 - Year 11 Work Experience For the entire week, Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care students will have their work placement. Students will gain skills and knowledge in the childcare industry that are required for their qualification.... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
08.01.2022 STEM careers podcasts now available. Check out the latest podcasts in the Department of Education’s STEM careers series. Cybersecurity engineer Holly Wright and software developer Sam Sinnamon talk tech and tell us how a degree in engineering and an interest in gaming launched their exciting careers. There are five podcasts now available on the department’s podcast page. More will be added throughout the year. https://qed.qld.gov.au//news-and-me/podcasts/podcasts-stem... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
08.01.2022 We hope everyone is having a fantastic and safe holiday break! Just a reminder that school commences on Tuesday the 6th October as Monday is a Public Holiday #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
08.01.2022 Happy Friday Everyone! Fun Fact: Opposite sides of a modern die traditionally add up to seven #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
07.01.2022 ICAS Science Competition Principal Award Winners! During Science week high achieving students participated in the ICAS Science Quiz which is conducted annually in Australia and over 20 countries globally as an optional voluntary external assessment offered to students in Years 7-10. The ICAS website says it is the most comprehensive skills- based educational assessment program available. ICAS is a wholly owned enterprise of UNSW Australia (the University of New South Wa...les. These award winners were recognised for significant improvement with the Principal’s award for 2020. Congratulations to our winners! #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools #ICAS #winners
07.01.2022 WEEK 10 - HPE Tennis Tournament Year 7, 8 & 9 As part of their HPE units this term students have participated in introductory tennis. Students will have the opportunity to play their very first tennis tournament on Monday 7th December. Nicky Mayer Tennis with the support of the Woree Tennis Club Inc have been coaching these students in Term 3 & 4 this year through the "Sporting Schools" grant. We wish all the student's luck in the tournament! ... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
07.01.2022 WEEK 7 - Year 12 Formal Venue: Pullman International Date: Thursday 19th November Arrivals from: 5.30pm... Event Concludes: 10.00pm COVID Safety: Hand sanitiser stations will be available throughout the venue. The 2020 Year 12 Formal is a closed event. Parents/Carers are not permitted at arrivals or at the event. We will be live streaming this event for family to view on our main Facebook page. Please note COVID-19 safety requirements will be adhered to for this event. All updates regarding the live stream of the Formal will be posted to the event. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
06.01.2022 ARE YOU READY? Only 5 days until school starts back! Have you set yourself a goal for Term 4?... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
06.01.2022 ORIENTATION DAY YEAR 7 2021 Venue: Woree State High School Time: 8.30am-3.00pm Meet At: Q03 for 8.45am start ... Students require: - Wear their current school uniform (Senior shirt) - Wear covered in shoes - Bring a notebook and pen - Lunch and/or money for lunch from the tuckshop You MUST be enrolled OR have an Enrolment Interview booked to attend this day. For further information please contact: Doug Ryan - Junior Secondary Head of Dept. Phone: 4081 5222 Email: [email protected] #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
04.01.2022 WEEK 1 - QUEENSLAND MENTAL HEALTH WEEK Evidence suggests that higher levels of wellbeing are linked to higher academic achievement, Year 12 completion, better mental health and a more prosocial and responsible lifestyle. At Woree SHS, mental health and wellbeing is an important focus. A range of optional activities have been organised in Week 1 of Term 4 for all students enjoyment. Some activities include Zumba with Z Crew, mixed touch football, outdoor giant games and min...dfulness. Crazy Sock Day is also on Wednesday 7th October, so dust off your most outrageous socks and add some colour to your school day! For more information about the activities, checkout the posters up around the school, listen to the student notices or checkout next weeks social media posts. Happy Mental Health Week #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools#QMHW
04.01.2022 School Holiday Activities Have a look at these suggestions for a fun-filled holiday break #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
04.01.2022 New student free days added to Term 4! In recognition of the outstanding efforts of school staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two days of the school year, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December, have been declared student free days. Our school will be closed on these days. View the updated school calendar at https://education.qld.gov.au/about-us/calendar/term-dates.... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
04.01.2022 Year 7, 8 & 9 - TEXTBOOK REMINDER Just a reminder that all Year 7-9 library and textbooks are due back to the library on Monday 30th November. Textbooks will still be accessible on My Connect, the digital textbook platform, until your student ends their 2020 school year. ... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
02.01.2022 REMINDER - Mayor's Christmas Cheer Appeal This year we are asking students to donate a gold coin to support the Mayor's Christmas Cheer Appeal by wearing a Christmas Hat or Shirt TOMORROW!! The Christmas shirt must have:... - no exposed midriff - no bare shoulders or backs - no think straps - singlets are no permitted Normal school pants and shoes are to be worn on the day. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
02.01.2022 TERM 4, WEEK 2 - YEAR 8 CAMP In Week 2 of Term 4, Year 8 students will be going camping at Tinarooo Environmental Education Centre. This will include camping in tents for 2 nights (tents provided) and activities such as cooking, kayaking and high ropes.... Have you returned your permission for yet? There are only 60 spots available, so get in quick! Excursion money to be paid and permission form returned completed to the administration office ASAP to secure your spot. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
02.01.2022 Today is the first day of your Christmas break Have fun, try out some new activities and enjoy the sunshine and rain School resumes on Wednesday 27th of January 2021. Monday 25th of January is a Student Free Day along with the Australia Day Public Holiday on Tuesday 26th January. The first week of school in 2021 is only 3 days! ... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
01.01.2022 Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2020! Here are some photos from the Formal Night, we hope everyone had a night to remember! #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools #woreeseniors2020
01.01.2022 WEEK 9 - Year 10 Work Experience Next week Year 10 students will participate in work experience in a variety of occupations including pharmacist, doctor, veterinarian, plumber, mechanic and accountant. This gives students the opportunity to gain employability skills and an understanding of a career that they are interested in.... #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools
01.01.2022 Last Day of School for Year 7, 8 & 9 Students Today Congratulations! You made it We hope you make the most of your holidays starting tomorrow and come back refreshed & rejuvenated after the Christmas break.... Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 reports will be emailed shortly after school finishes for these year levels. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools See more
01.01.2022 Last Day of School for Year 10 & 11 Students Today Congratulations! You made it We hope you make the most of your holidays starting tomorrow and come back refreshed & rejuvenated after the Christmas break. ... Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 reports will be emailed shortly after school finishes for these year levels. #wshs #thegreatworee #woreestatehighschool #qldstateschools See more
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