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Working Well Together in Preston, Victoria, Australia | Consultation agency

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Working Well Together

Locality: Preston, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 402 355 195


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21.01.2022 Discrimination and workplace bullying cross in this news story about Timothy Bye. Discrimination is equally bullying when the unreasonable behaviours are repeated and create a risk to health and safety. While the case is yet to be finalised, it does have all the indicators of workplace bullying, including significant and serious impacts on his capacity to function normally. In another article he is reported as saying "I am deep into therapy and seeing my doctor to try and mov...e on with my life. I’m in serious financial debt and not being able to work due to the PTSD I am going through." This is a key reason why we need to stop discrimination and workplace bullying. To ensure that all of us are free and healthy to do things that are important to us including spending time with family and friends, engaging ourselves in hobbies and sports, or just enjoying life.

21.01.2022 Excited to be presenting at the No More Harm Conference this afternoon with Finding the Win-Win Solution to Prevent and Minimise Workplace Bullying Psychological Injury.

19.01.2022 Is it important to you to prevent workplace bullying related mental health injury and reduce the risk of Workcover claims? In an ideal world, workplace bullying would be prevented, but we aren't in an ideal world (yet). Thirty years of research has linked serious injury to workplace bullying, including symptoms of PTSD and suicide ideation. Our Workplace Bullying Support Program places the bullied employee at the centre of the support process working with them and you, the em...ployer, to develop and implement strategies that keep them safe at work. We also provide support to other stakeholders (the bully, bystanders and the business) in developing strategies to resolve bullying. If you have a bullying issue in your workplace or are curious to learn more, now is the time to act. It starts with a conversation. The earlier you act, the better the outcome. Read more at To all of my connections, please feel free to share this information. Cheers, Michael #workplacementalhealth #workplacebullying #bullyingfreeworkplaces

19.01.2022 Have you thought about what you need to do to support targets of workplace bullying in your workplace? Targeted employees often suffer at the hands of workplace bullying. They are trapped in a world of abuse and the realities of paying the bills. This article asks the question about providing a support based approach in our workplaces often focused on company risk management.... I'd like to hear your thoughts, so please share them in the comments below. Cheers, Michael #workplacebullying #workplacementalhealth #bullyingfreeworkplaces

19.01.2022 Looking forward to a fantastic #Safetyscape 2019 health and safety conference. Here I will be looking forward to sharing the message and strategies about creating mentally healthy and safe workplaces for all employees.

17.01.2022 Hi all, I am saddened to post this article. Paula Schubert ended her life in 2016. Late in life she developed a mental health condition. Her employer was found to have bullied her and one of their final acts was to publicly humiliate her in front of her colleagues. Deaths where bullying is a contributing factor are preventable. Support mechanisms can be put in place to help the targeted person recover. It does require empathy, compassion and action.... If this had been used, Paula may have still been alive today. Michael

17.01.2022 Statistically, your managers in your organisations are most likely to be labelled a bully. Sometimes the allegations are fairly directed, sometimes they are not. Managers need to develop knowledge and skills to be able to lead with confidence, but they also need emotional intelligence to be able to recognise when their leadership style incites negative behaviours and responses from their teams. What are your thoughts and experiences? Are managers fairly or unfairly too often ...the target of bullying claims? Cheers, Michael

17.01.2022 I was privileged last week to have provided a number of workshops in the Western Downs Region of Queensland with the goal of preventing workplace bullying. In the participant evaluations asking about the most valuable part of the workshops, I received a comment I didn't expect: "I have many traits of a bully so I can now work on what I say and do". Another comment was "Recognising not only myself but other person's behaviours". These came out of activities that encouraged ref...lection on our communication styles which can potentially be interpreted as bullying. While I know that some will not reflect on their behaviours for various reasons, I know that others will. This will lead to positive changes. Effective bullying workshops need to include reflecting on our own behaviours, as well as traditional elements of understanding the law and workplace systems and processes. If we understand why and how our words and actions lead to bullying, and it's impact on ourselves and others, there is a greater chance of positive change in the workplace. This means productive, effective and successful workplaces focused on your key business goals. If you are curious to know more, feel free to get in touch or ask.

16.01.2022 Cyberbullying. It is a term we more commonly associate with school children than adults. Yet adults can and do use the cyber-universe inappropriately, as the exposing of Brett Guerin, ironically head of Victoria Police’s ethical standards unit, has shown. But when it boils down to it, what is adult bullying and what behaviours do bullies use that could constitute workplace cyberbullying? The below article will help you understand a little more about workplace cyberbullying. I...t also suggests what you need to do to ensure you are in a safe and legally compliant workplace. I am curious to learn a little bit more about your experiences of cyberbullying, so please feel free to share your stories and resolutions if you have them?

16.01.2022 Should we reimagine workplace bullying systems with a positive approach? I recently asked myself the question - do our workplace bullying systems hinder successful dispute resolution? We know that unresolved conflict can lead to workplace bullying claims, so our early intervention processes are a key element to prevent escalation. Yet our workplace bullying systems focus on the end point. By this time, it is too late. However, if our systems incorporated more detailed steps t...o resolve conflict at an earlier stage, employees may become better versed in creating healthier workplaces. You can read more in my article below. What do you think? Should our systems, policies and procedures adopt a more proactive and positive approach in promoting early intervention to workplace conflict? Cheers, Michael

15.01.2022 Andrew Earl. For most of us will be a name that we don't know. However, he is a man who has taken his life and workplace bullying is being investigated as a cause. We need to take workplace bullying seriously and act well before it gets to this stage. It saddens me that another life has been lost to bullying.

12.01.2022 The irony. Hospitals are places that we expect people to begin a journey towards health, yet their most valuable assets, the employees who help us on that journey, are often struggling in environments of workplace bullying and fatigue. In 2018, 11.8% of applications to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop bullying came from employees in the Health and Welfare Services industry. Acting now to change this culture is a vital part to keeping our hospital employees health...y. In delivering services on this, we have found employers have to not only change the culture, but also give their teams practical strategies to help facilitate this change. Cheers, Michael #workplacebullying #bullying #bullyingfreeworkplaces

12.01.2022 I am excited to announce our unique and innovative approach to workplace bullying management and prevention, the Workplace Bullying Support Program. Our program is designed to support employers and their employees with workplace bullying claims in a holistic way. We start with an assessment of the key stakeholders, the bullied target, the alleged bully and your company, working with all parties to create a plan that keeps your employees safe and well. That plan encompasses id...entified strategies you need for each stakeholder to find a successful and long term resolution. You get supported and happy staff. You also get to minimise your risk of workplace mental health injury and associated Workcover or legal claims from bullying. Do you want to learn more? You can do so by reading on below. Or contact us to chat further. Cheers, Michael #workplacebullying #workplacebullyingsupportprogram #bullyingfreeworkplaces

11.01.2022 Mediation - a solution that is sometimes put up to manage workplace bullying. Yet it can create additional risk to the health and safety of the bullied target. Read on...

09.01.2022 Have you had an employee who is alleged to have used bullying type behaviours use the comment "That's just your subjective opinion" and been left in a kerfuffle? Responding to that can be challenging when you don't have experience or the tools in your box to address it. How do you respond to such a statement? You respond with the facts that you know (which you can read more about below).... What facts do you use to respond to an alleged bully when they use statement like it is just your subjective opinion? Let's share it so we can increase everyone's tools! Cheers, Michael

09.01.2022 Hi all, I thought I would share. Elon Musk's recent comment labeling of Vernon Unsworth is not bullying, but it does provide us with an important lesson about bullying prevention. Inappropriate behaviour must to be called out, and called out early, or you might find it escalates to a bullying situation in your workplace. You can read more in the below article. #workplacebullying #bullyingprevention... Feel free to post your thoughts. Cheers, Michael

05.01.2022 I am excited to be presenting at the No More Harm Conference for the second consecutive year. This event is the national Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Conference that brings together professionals, researchers and practitioners who work in the field to workplace exchange ideas and learn from each other. This year I am presenting the topic Finding a win-win solution to prevent and minimise workplace bullying injury. This approach uses a support based model to preve...nt and minimise workplace bullying injury risk placing the person being bullied at the centre helping them stay safe and well. At the same time it aims to support businesses and organisations by preventing expensive Workcover and legal claims. It is a model that uses a less adversarial approach. If you are at the conference, don’t hesitate to say hello. Or contact me if you are curious to learn more about this approach.

04.01.2022 Flexible working arrangements bring about many benefits for companies and their employees. However, if not considered, they can also present a risk of bullying claims. In this article I explore a few types of behaviours that can be classed as bullying and how they link to flexible working arrangements. Is this important to you? Have you bully proofed your flexible working arrangements?

03.01.2022 Do you and your employees know what bullying is? If not, how can you manage the bullying risk and maintain a safe workplace? Many of the workplaces I assist on workplace bullying issues use the term incorrectly. I am very excited to release my first video "Demystifying Workplace Bullying".... Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Cheers, Michael

01.01.2022 How do you toughen up your employees for the real world of employment? If you have been an apprentice working in a blue collar industry you might have been put through initiation ceremonies or hazed. You either survived or you didn't. This ABC news article explores some of those issues providing insights into the world of bullying and harassment in the male dominated blue collar world.... What are your thoughts? What needs to be done to see effective change and create safer male dominated environments? Cheers, Michael #workplacebullying #bullyingfreeworkplaces #workplacementalhealth

01.01.2022 Hi all, I am looking forward to reading your thoughts on this article. In my time specialising in workplace bullying, I often hear that bullying injury is invisible. It is a psychological injury and you can’t see it.... Today, I am calling this out as, at best, a myth and, at worst, an excuse. Workplace bullying injury is harder to see, but if you have open eyes and an inquiring mind, you can see the injury plain as day. So what do you think, is the invisible workplace bullying injury a myth and an excuse? Cheers, Michael

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