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Workout Wagon

Phone: +61 411 718 307


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24.01.2022 Eight weeks ago Eve jumped on the Wagon and asked to learn Olympic weightlifting. Here's a little snippet of her progress so far. What a natural. Here's hoping I can convince her to compete . #olympicweightlifting #olyincoffs #cleanandjerk #snatch #beginnerlifter #watchthisspace

23.01.2022 There's the big lifts and then there's the myriad accessories/stretches/mobility/primer exercises that make the lifts possible. Don't try one without the other. You'll f#ck yourself up. Seriously. Mobilisation and prehab work is a 24 hour a day thing. You can't show up for training 3 hours a week, perform a cumulative 10 minutes of prehab work and expect to improve. Think about how you sit/stand/lie. Think about the positions you're in and how long you're in them for. Think about how much you move your body during the day every day. Think about improving your mobility and functionality all day every day. You're the only one who can take on that responsibility for your body. #prehab #mobility #stretch #primerexercises #accessories #takeresponsibilityforyourbody #functionality #strength #olympicweightlifting #barbell

22.01.2022 Some of the Workout Wagon mascots who enjoy charming clients every time they come to training at The Farm. #chevythecheeky #boonethebigblack #RonMexicowarriorchihuahua #possumlady #ducks #animalfriends #trainwithfriends #thefarm #coffscoast

21.01.2022 Word. #keepyourbarpathclose #thephilosophiesofweightlifting #morethanjustaweightliftingcoach #awayoflife... #comicrelief #fromtheoppressiveandoverwhelmingnegativityof2020 #whatayear #amiright #staysaneoutthere See more

19.01.2022 The only calorie burning we are prioritising here is that of the tragic baked dessert death. I can't emphasize this enough: get strong, get proud, get confident. There is nothing wrong with you. And I will prove that to you. Every day we spend together. Until you believe it. #thereisnothingwrongwithyou #strong #proud #confident #yourworthisnotdefinedbyyourbodyfatpercentage

18.01.2022 That is all. Carry on. #mondaymotivation #wecandoit #justshowup #justkeeplifting #here #havesomelove

18.01.2022 Get it. #weightliftingislife

17.01.2022 Progress. I couldn't be prouder of this woman. We started off just learning how to squat; activating the glutes and building up muscle, endurance and technique. Then we decided to kick it up a notch. And we can only do that because Leanne now has a magnificent squat (because of the magnificent glutes), fabulous strength and mobility, and we can now work on learning the Olympic lifts. As you can see, she's going to absolutely rock her first comp. Watch this space @leecgentle #olylifting #squats #progress #findyourpassion #buildyourbooty #glutegains #wonderwomen #getonthiswagon #justlift #allyouneedisabarbell

16.01.2022 Thanks for your help today @daxiepower !!! When filming complicated lifting complexes for online clients it's beneficial to have someone reading the exercises out loud to you. Except if they make you laugh. Note Renee's commentary "Poor Noah". I agree. Sorry Noah Enjoy your new program #onlinecoaching #onlineprogramming #olylifting #snatch #cleanandjerk #squats #strength #havefunwithit

16.01.2022 #repost @jessicalucero9 Coach after my own heart. What is it about the Jessicas? Why we gotta get so worked up all the time? XOXO, Coach Jessica. ... #dontmakememadatyou #dontmakemecomeoverthere #thejessicasandthejerks #passionateaboutlifting #barpath #theallimportant #theonly #thingthatmatters #wejustcare #alot

16.01.2022 Just another typical departure from the Wagon after a tough training session. #girlsgetitdone #piggyback #webuildthemtoughhere #horseriders #weightlifters #powerlifters #squat #bench #deadlift #getonthiswagon #getonmyback

12.01.2022 I spend all my time telling people that skinny isn't healthy. My own instagram and Facebook feeds are filled with THICK, STRONG women, and because of that, my own perception of "beauty" and "health" and "strength" has been significantly altered. THANK GOD. Be careful what you spend your time looking at. It shapes you. It's unconscious. The only thing you genuinely have the power to do is to re-direct your attention. Take steps to control the words and images that blare at you 24/7. Strong is healthy. Being proud of your incredible, strong body is healthy. #strongishealthy #strengthmatters #wedontdoskinnyhere #getonthiswagon

11.01.2022 My clients took video footage of me opening my Christmas gift from all of them. Here's a few snapshots of my shock and awe and deep appreciation. After this video was taken what you didn't see was me clumsily falling over hugging everyone, and then having a very hard time stopping tears happening whenever anyone said something nice to me for the rest of the day. I am the luckiest coach in the world with the best clients in the world and I only started holidays yesterday but I... MISS YOU GUYS!!! What began as a little personal training business has turned into something so powerful and so joyful that I can't quite believe it most days. I can't believe I get to hang out with all these beautiful people I love so much every day. You all feel like my home and my heart and my family and I can't tell you how much of an honour it is having you in my life and on my Wagon . #iloveyou #thankyou #merrychristmas See more

08.01.2022 Dearly Beloved, gird your loins. You are about to be bombarded with New Year New You campaigns. You will be saturated with How to lose that Christmas weight crap. You will be overwhelmed with offers of diets and fitness programs that promise to shrink you into the very thinnest version of yourself. A constant, unsubtle, overriding reprimand that you are fat, and you need to not be fat. Allow me to offer you an alternative. Love the body that got you through 2020. Trust it.... It took care of you through a long, dark period of stress and uncertainty. Celebrate your strength and resilience, and aim to continue to build that this year. Continue to take up space. Continue on your journey to be powerful, confident, and kind. Be kind to others, and be kind to yourself. Thin does not equal fit. Six packs do not equal strong. Strength true mental and physical strength is built over years of patient, consistent effort. A slow and steady rise. Trust yourself. Trust the process. And block out everything else. Lots of love, Jess. #newyearsresolutions #bodypositive #thindoesnotequalhealthy #sixpacksdonotequalstrength#trustyourbody #bekindtoyourself See more

07.01.2022 Welcome to the newest member of the team: Ruby. Brought to us all the way from @chasingbetter_wod_supplies in Western Australia, she is an 8kg technique bar of unparalleled beauty. #barbells #allyouneedisabarbell #merrychristmastome

05.01.2022 From 5kg on the bar in May, to 45kg on the bar this morning. Gosh we've had a brilliant few months together. Does anyone recall when I posted this original video in May? Colour me impressed. Liz is a warrior. 2 sessions a week, and one hell of a lift or die attitude . @elizabethcaralis #progress #gains #warriorwomen #centaurs #getonthiswagon #allyouneedisabarbell #weightliftingcureseverything #exerciseismedicine #ilovemyclients

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