Workplace Partners | Business consultant
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25.01.2022 How easily can things go wrong? Let us answer that for you, Very. At Workplace Partners, we support you and your business by taking all the guesswork out for you! As specialists in Human Resource consultancy, it is our responsibility to dot all your Is and cross all your Ts. By taking the guesswork out for you, you can focus on your business growth while we handle the people side of things. To chat to one of our specialists, click the link below: ... See more
25.01.2022 Have you heard of a Fairwork Compliance Audit? Are you certain that your business is compliant with the Fair Work Act? At Workplace Partners, it is our duty to ensure that you are confident knowing that our team of workplace specialists will conduct a review of your business identify non-compliance and provide you with the guidance you need to minimise any potential risks. ... A Fairwork Compliance Audit comprises of: - General compliance exploration - Employee handbook review - Employment contracts review - Wage check against your industry modern award If you are unsure if your business meets compliance requirements you can contact us for a confidential conversation at
24.01.2022 JobKeeper payments have been extended to March 2021.
24.01.2022 Paid Pandemic Leave / On 29 July 2020, the Fair Work Commission issued determinations varying the Aged Care Award, the Nurses Award and the Health Services Awards. The determinations insert a temporary new Schedule Y, which applies from the first pay period on or after 29 July 2020 until 29 October 2020. Schedule Y provides access to paid pandemic leave for eligible residential aged care employees covered by the Aged Care Award, Nurses Award and Health Services Awards. If you are unsure how this change impacts your business, contact us for a confidential conversation
24.01.2022 Are you aware of the break entitlements that apply to your business and employees under applicable modern award(s)? Ensure you are providing adequate breaks for your staff by referring to the relevant modern awards. If you are not sure which modern award applies to your business and employees or need assistance with understanding your employer obligations, contact us....
23.01.2022 Are you aware of changes to the Parental Leave Pay Scheme? From 1 July 2020, eligible employees can split their Parental Leave Pay (PLP) so they take it over 2 periods within 2 years. Employees can claim PLP for 1 set period and 1 flexible period. ... Previously, employees could only use PLP as one continuous 18 week period - if you are unsure if this change impacts you and your business contact us for a confidential chat at
23.01.2022 Do you know the significance of your industry Modern Award to your employees employment contracts? Lets simply break it down for you An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and employee that sets out terms and conditions of employment. Every employer must ensure that their employees' contracts comply with the specific rules set out under the relevant Modern Awards and the Fair Work Act. Failure to do this could result in future disputes and claims. At Wor...kplace Partners, we specialise in developing employment contracts that are suited to your business and industry sector. Visit to find out more about employment contracts or to get in touch with one of our specialists.
23.01.2022 At Workplace Partners, we are specialists in understanding the Real Estate Industry. We have built trusted relationships and have clients across South Australia and interstate. We are known as specialists in this particular industry, not only for the work we do but for the experience and for the passion we bring to this industry. We provide a wide range of packages that are suited to you and your business, assisting with; Employer Advisory, HR and Safety documents, employmen...t contracts, Fair Work compliance and Fair Work representation. To find out more or to arrange a confidential conversation with one of our Industrial Relations specialists, click the link below:
22.01.2022 The Fair Work Commission has extended the unpaid pandemic leave and annual leave at half pay rules in most awards until 30 September 2020, though some will end on different dates. You can check how your award is affected at
22.01.2022 When can you reduce employees hours under JobKeeper? To make a direction in this way, the rules are: - Your business must qualify for the JobKeeper scheme at the time the direction is given... - It must be the case that the employee cannot be usefully employed for their normal days or hours because of changes to the business attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic or government initiatives to slow the transmission of COVID-19 (e.g. government shutdowns of businesses) - The implementation of the direction must be safe - The direction must be reasonable in all the circumstances - Your business must be entitled to receive the JobKeeper payment for the employee in the period to which the direction applies - The employee must be paid the greater of the $1,500 JobKeeper payment per fortnight or the amount payable for work performed - The employees hourly rate of pay cannot be reduced Learn more about reducing your employees hours under JobKeeper at
22.01.2022 Reading about wage underpayment in the news is becoming far too frequent; according to an audit report by the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO), it found that *56% of businesses were in breach of workplace laws, with *69% of employers stating that they were unaware of applicable workplace relations obligations. Read more at
22.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT: WORKPLACE RELATIONS SEMINAR FOR REAL ESTATE EMPLOYERS To all South Australian based Real Estate Employers, we would like to announce that the Society of Auctioneers SA is hosting a seminar to discuss strategies to better manage employment conditions in the Real Estate Industry. The seminar will be presented on 15 October 2020, at the Arkaba Hotel. Our Workplace Relations Specialist, Arvin Bisbal, will be speaking and covering topics regarding determining employ...ment categories, establishing key performance indicators, commission-only arrangements, and credit/debit commission arrangements. The seminar will also be covering strategies to help keep salespersons employed after JobKeeper ends. Does this seminar sound like it could be beneficial for you? Our hope is that you take away key information to help grow and sustain your business. All participants will receive a take-home information folder from the session! Please click on the link below to register, all fees paid go directly towards supporting the Society of Auctioneers SA
21.01.2022 From Friday 21 August COVID Marshals will be required at certain premises and businesses in South Australia. COVID Marshals will need to undertake a short training course online. For more information visit:
21.01.2022 By not taking a reasonable amount of annual leave, employees may pose a threat to their own health and safety as well as representing a significant financial liability for employers. Strategies for Employers to manage excessive annual leave accrual - read more
21.01.2022 What are simple expectations employees have of their employers? We outline the top 5 most relevant for you: - Be consistent with meaningful communication ... - Give recognition and praise - Provide feedback, mentorship and training - Demonstrate strong leadership and a clear vision - Create a positive working culture and environment At Workplace Partners, our aim is to help you drive success for your business by providing you with practical, effective and value adding support. To discuss how we can help you, please contact us for a confidential conversation at
20.01.2022 The National Employment Standards (NES) are 10 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees. The national minimum wage and the NES make up the minimum entitlements for employees in Australia. An award, employment contract, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement can't provide for conditions that are less than the national minimum wage or the NES. They cant exclude the NES. The 10 minimum entitlements of the NES are:... - Maximum weekly hours - Requests for flexible working arrangements - Parental leave and related entitlements - Annual leave - Personal/carer's leave, compassionate leave and unpaid family and domestic violence leave - Community service leave - Long service leave - Public holidays - Notice of termination and redundancy pay - Fair Work Information Statement
20.01.2022 Do you have a recruitment and selection strategy? As Industrial Relations Specialists, we often hear from our clients If only we didn’t hire this person? And sadly, it’s true! Unlike traditional HR practices which follow a linear process, strategic recruitment and selection aligns business-related goals and people-related goals to form a strong and unified recruitment and selection strategy, that leaves no room for error. ... The secret you’re wondering? Identifying your companies ethos and having this guide through the entire recruitment process. This is then the foundation to all HR frameworks in your organisation. To find out more about developing a strategic recruitment and selection plan, contact one of our HR Advisers by clicking the link provided.
18.01.2022 We've prepared a list of FAQs for South Australian employers in managing their workforce during the 6 day COVID-19 lockdown. If you're unsure what steps to take and would like to discuss your options, get in touch with us.
18.01.2022 Did you know? Employees should be paid regularly, which means their pay day should be the same each week or fortnight. If theyre paid monthly, they should be paid on the same day, each month. In addition to this, in any business, large or small, record-keeping is vital to success. Record-keeping and pay slip obligations ensure employees receive correct wages and entitlements.... If you need help meeting the requirements of your award contact us for a confidential discussion at
17.01.2022 Employers or employees might want to cancel approved annual leave as a result of the impacts of coronavirus. For example, an employees planned holiday could be cancelled because of travel restrictions. For employers, their business may be busier than ever and they might want to cancel employees approved annual leave to make sure they have enough staff available. An employer or an employee can cancel approved annual leave if the cancellation isnt unreasonable.... Awards, enterprise agreements, employment contracts and workplace policies may have extra rules about cancelling approved annual leave, so make sure you check what applies to you. If you are unsure of your obligations contact us at
14.01.2022 High Court decision on paid personal leave a relief for employers. The High Court has today confirmed that personal / carer's leave is to be calculated on the ordinary hours of work rather than days.
14.01.2022 Flexibility to the Real Estate Award during Coronavirus - On 5 August 2020, the Fair Work Commission made a determination varying the Real Estate Award. The determination inserted a new Schedule I, which applies from an employees first full pay period on or after 6 August 2020. Under Schedule I, if a commission-only employees work has been impacted by coronavirus, then new rules apply to the calculation of their Minimum Income Threshold Amount (MITA). If the annual review o...f their commission-only arrangement occurs after 6 August 2020, then the calculation can be adjusted to exclude the months of May to October 2020. This applies so long as the employees work in those months has been impacted by coronavirus. New rules also temporarily apply for employing employees on a commission-only basis. Employees cant be employed as commission-only from 6 August until 1 November, if they werent already employed on that basis on 6 August 2020. If you would like to learn more about how these changes may impact your business, contact us for a confidential conversation
13.01.2022 At Workplace Partners, we like to keep things simple by applying foundational principles to your specific business or industry sector. One of our services is that we specialise in Industrial Relations (IR), the management of work-related obligations and entitlements between employers and their workers. It is essential that business owners and employers understand whether their workplace is covered by either state or national industrial relation systems, because the two systems have different employment rights and obligations. Were here to help you and your business in regards to all IR matters. For a confidential conversation, click on the click provided:
12.01.2022 With restrictions easing and businesses slowly opening their office doors for workers to return safely back to work, creating a coronavirus safe workplace is essential. We recommend that it is important to rely on the latest advice, found at as they provide a range of industry specific guidance for protecting against the spread of coronavirus. For a confidential conversation contact us at
12.01.2022 Unpaid pandemic leave and annual leave flexibility added to construction industry awards The Fair Work Commission has inserted temporary Schedule X into the Building and Construction Award, Joinery Award and Mobile Crane Award. Schedule X allows eligible employees under these awards to access 2 weeks unpaid pandemic leave and annual leave flexibility. It applies from the first pay period on or after 11 August 2020 until 30 September 2020.... If you would like to discuss how this change impacts your employees you an contact us at
12.01.2022 What does Employee Relations refer to? Employee relations is not just a term, nor it only means relationships between employers and employees. It refers to an organisation’s efforts to create and maintain a positive relationship with its employees. Understanding employment relations and more importantly, how to address them ensures higher employee productivity, revenues and profits.
11.01.2022 Are you looking to dismiss an employee? There are a few things to keep in mind before actioning a dismissal; - Having a fair and reasonable reason for dismissal relating to the employees conduct or capacity (employers need to ask themselves: is the dismissal harsh, unjust or unreasonable?) - Having a fair and reasonable disciplinary or performance management procedure (i.e. it includes a reasonable chance for the employee to improve, except in the case of serious misconduct)... - Considering redeploying the employee to another role, if possible If you would like to discuss the dismissal process contact us for a confidential conversation at
10.01.2022 Practicing due diligence why should employers undertake background screening within their selection process? As the employer, are you dotting your Is and crossing Ts in your recruitment and selection process? By undertaking background checks on candidates, employers can avoid any future mishaps that leads down the road of litigation, or loss of time and money invested in the initial recruitment process. ... Recruitment and selection can be a timely and costly process and therefore gaining and retaining the best employees are essential. Once you have generated a candidate pool for the position advertised, evaluating candidates through their resume details and an interview process are necessary but undertaking candidate background screening is essential. Candidate background screening verifies the credentials of a future employee as well as provide employers with information that may not have been provided from the candidate. Candidate background screening can include: 1. Identify verification 2. Previous employment verification 3. Drivers history 4. Criminal records 5. Educational confirmation To ensure you are applying due diligence before making an offer of employment, contact us for a confidential conversation at
10.01.2022 At Workplace Partners, we are specialists in assisting employers in the Real Estate Industry. Our Real Estate specialist, Arvin Bisbal has built relationships and supports clients across South Australia and interstate. We are trusted specialists in this particular industry, not only for the work we do but for the intimate knowledge, experience and passion we bring. We provide a wide range of packages that are suited to you and your business, assisting with; Employer Advisory... Service, HR and Safety documents, employment contracts, Fair Work compliance, and Fair Work representation. Visit to find out more or to arrange a confidential conversation with one of our Workplace Relations specialists.
10.01.2022 What's the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? The simplest way to work out whether someone is an independent contractor or an employee is by doing the common law test. The criteria which helps to decide whether someone is an independent contractor or employee includes: - Whether the person pays their own tax... - Whether the person pays their own superannuation - Whether the person supplies their own tools/equipment - How much control they have over the work they do along with many other contributing factors. Incorrectly classifying the engagement can be costly for the employer and most often requires back pay of superannuation and leave entitlements. To learn more chat with our team today at
09.01.2022 Creating a coronavirus safe workplace can mean extra cleaning, setting up hand sanitising stations & other steps for some businesses. If your staff are required to come in earlier or stay later to get things safe & ready, they may be entitled to extra pay. Contact us at for a confidential conversation
08.01.2022 Due to the current business climate, did you know the ATO has released guidelines on Jobkeeper payments for eligible employees? Employers must be paying all eligible employees a minimum of $1,500 a fortnight, even if they earn less than this per fortnight. The amount of $1,500 includes gross salary, wages, commission, bonus payments and allowances, inclusive of PAYG withholding, and any fringe benefits or superannuation contributions provided under an effective salary agreement. To find out more, click on the link below or contact us for a free and confidential conversation regarding eligible employee payments.
07.01.2022 Are you up to to date with the extension of JobKeeper and how it may impact your business? JobKeeper 2.0 includes a reduced payment rates & new tiered payments. Read more
05.01.2022 "Company Culture, Values & Attitudes" Company values, mission and vision statements are important as they provide a focal point that helps to align everyone in the organisation. The values and attitudes your company is known for can resonate strongly with customers and employees, and this can be rewarded by loyalty, increased market share and a more sustainable business. ... At Workplace Partners, we believe that the culture of your company matters.
05.01.2022 IN THE NEWS/ South Australia in six day lockdown Read about the closed restrictions on the link provided! For Workplace Relations Advice, we're here to support you...
04.01.2022 Are you returning your team back into the workplace? It's important to consider planning for things like employees starting to work again after being stood down, making changes to start or finish times, or returning to work at their usual workplaces when theyve been working from home or another location. To ensure you are fulfilling all your requirements as an employer when returning your team to the workplace contact us for a confidential discussion at
03.01.2022 What should be included on a payslip? - employers and employees name - employers Australian Business Number (if applicable) - pay period... - date of payment - gross and net pay if the employee is paid an hourly rate: - the ordinary hourly rate - the number of hours worked at that rate - the total dollar amount of pay at that rate - any loadings (including casual loading), allowances, bonuses, incentive-based payments, penalty rates or other paid entitlements that can be separated out from an employees ordinary hourly rate. For example, a note could be included on a pay slip that the hourly rate incorporates the relevant casual loading. - the pay rate that applied on the last day of employment any deductions from the employee's pay, including: - the amount and details of each deduction - the name, or name and number of the fund / account the deduction was paid into - any superannuation contributions paid for the employees benefit, including: - the amount of contributions made during the pay period (or the amount of contributions that need to be made) - the name, or the name and number, of the superannuation fund the contributions were made to.
02.01.2022 Under the National Employment Standards (NES) all employees covered by the national workplace relations system other than casual employees are entitled to a minimum of four weeks paid annual leave each year, or five weeks for certain shift workers (depending on the award). Read more about how you can tackle excessive leave accrual
02.01.2022 Have you seen Workplace Partners new website? Weve decided to go for a new look to really define our services and make things easier for you. We are leaders in Human Resource advisory, Industrial Relations and all things Fair Work related. We are so excited for this new chapter! ... To find out more or to arrange a chat with one of our consultants, click the link below:
01.01.2022 Have you heard of the term PCBU? And, do you know what it entails? Safework SA defines Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), as a board range of modern work relationships and business structures. A PCBU can be an employer, company or corporation, association, government faculty or certain volunteer organisations. A PCBU has many responsibilities, including: -providing a safe work environment for all employees, shareholders and customers -policies and procedure...s and safe work practices in place -a work environment and work culture free of discrimination or bullying -adequate facilities and training to support workers and, safe plant and structures. To learn more about PCBU or any questions regarding the services we provide, visit
01.01.2022 South Australia introduces paid pandemic leave
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