WKF Europe PAGE | Sporting event
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25.01.2022 BEWARE OF THIS FAKE FRITZ EXENBERGER PAGE! He is a Conmsn, a Criminal, a Pedophile. Fritz Exenberger hides behind Many Fake Facebook Pages, including JOSEF KURTA, ALISCHIA CZAJA. He DOES NOT represent our WKF. He never has! He never will!
23.01.2022 WKF MALTA is one of the most POWERFUL Countries for Kickboxing in all Europe, & has joined the WKF World Family. Well done Mr Simon Chetcuti (WKF Malta President). See Link here: https://www.wkf.org.au/wkf-malta-has-joined-the-world-kick/
22.01.2022 Someone in the Ukraine is trying to promote a Fake Event, using our WKF Name and Logo there. Not good. ANOTHER EUROPEAN CRIMINAL FRITZ EXENBERGER SCAM
19.01.2022 Another FAKE Fritz Exenberger Event in Europe. It’s actually a Celebration of his Gay Marriage to Egyptian Man Mohammad Dessouki., NOT a Kickboxing Event. It’s NOT a WKF Event. It’s a SCAM for the Stupid and Uneducated to attend! Plenty of Covid-19 to share. VERY SAD!
18.01.2022 PRESS RELEASE. PRESS RELEASE. PRESS RELEASE! Check out the Latest News on WKF EUROPE: https://www.wkf.org.au/wkf-europe-family-union-is-getting-/ WKF - WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE!... Website: www.wkf.org.au #wkf, #wkfkickboxing, #wkfworld, #wkftitles, #wkfeurope, #wkfafrica, #wkfasia, #wkfbalkans, #wkfrussia, #wkfaustralia, #wkfamerica, #wkfcanada, #wkfbrasil, #wkfmiddleeast, #wkfmma, #wkfringsports, #wkfoctagon, #wkfitaly, #wkfsanda, #wkfwushu, #wkfcombatsports, #wkfrules, #wkfrankings, #wkfpromotions, #wkfchina, #wkfindia, #wkfspain, #wkffrance, #wkfceo, #wkfmalta See more
15.01.2022 PRESS RELEASE - WKF HEAD OFFICE NEWS!! READ THE LATEST WKF NEWS (World Kickboxing Federation), Boxing, MMA, Sanda/WuShu, Extreme Combat Sports): https://www.wkf.org.au/the-real-wkf-world-kickboxing-feder/ #kickboxing #boxing #mma #world #website #federation #combatsports #wushu #extreme #wkfworld #worldkickboxingfederation #wkfboxing #wkfmuaythai #wkfk1 #wkfextremecombatsports #wkffullcontact #kickboxing #mixedmartialarts #ringsports #boxing #allforms #worldtitles #asia #europe #africa #oceania #latinamerica #caribbean #northamerica #worldkickboxingfederation
14.01.2022 PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! This is the Proof that Friedrich Fritz Exenberger DOES NOT own the WKF name or Trademark Logo. He NEVER has! As you can see from a search Globally in all Courts around the World, he applied for WKF Trademark, and Failed. His Application CANCELLED, DISMISSED. Any lies this Fat old Fraudster says, don’t believe it. The Only Blackbelt he has is a Facebook Belt, nothing else. He is a Fake, a Fraudster and a Liar. ... Click here for more details: https://www.wkf.org.au/the-proof-that-wkf-trademark-throug/ Let’s all Expose this Fraudster Exenberger once and for all for what he is - a Fat, old Cake eating Facebook Geek from Vienna Austria. Kind regards, The Real WKF World Head Office Perth, WA Australia WKF Website: www.wkf.org.au #wkf, #wkfkickboxing, #wkfworld, #wkftitles, #wkfeurope, #wkfafrica, #wkfasia, #wkfbalkans, #wkfrussia, #wkfaustralia, #wkfamerica, #wkfcanada, #wkfbrasil, #wkfmiddleeast, #wkfmma, #wkfringsports, #wkfoctagon, #wkftatame, #wkfsanda, #wkfwushu, #wkfcombatsports, #wkfrules, #wkfrankings, #wkfpromotions, #wkfchina, #wkfindia, #wkfpng, #wkfindonesia, #exenbergerfraudster, #fritzexenberger
14.01.2022 HUGE WKF ITALY, EUROPE NEWS! WKF World Head Office would like to announce our New WKF Italy President Mr STEFANO GIACONIA & WKF Italy Promoter Mr DOMENICO Mimmo CUSUMANO to our WKF World Family. Both men come to the WKF with a wealth of Martial Arts and Business Experience, which is vital to make the Country of Italy a Force in Kickboxing, Boxing, MMA, Sanda/WuShu & Extreme Combat Sports. WELCOME Mr Giaconia & Mr Cusumano to the WKF World Family! Kind Regards,... Robert Wilesmith (WKF World CEO/President) Perth, Australia. Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +61 45 114 0770. WKF World Website: www.wkf.org.au #wkf, #wkfkickboxing, #wkfworld, #wkftitles, #wkfeurope, #wkfafrica, #wkfasia, #wkfbalkans, #wkfrussia, #wkfaustralia, #wkfamerica, #wkfcanada, #wkfbrasil, #wkfmiddleeast, #wkfmma, #wkfringsports, #wkfoctagon, #wkftatame, #wkfsanda, #wkfwushu, #wkfcombatsports, #wkfrules, #wkfrankings, #wkfpromotions, #wkfchina, #wkfindia, #wkfpng, #wkfindonesia, #wkfceo, #wkfitaly
14.01.2022 PRESS RELEASE EUROPE! PRESS RELEASE ALL EUROPE! Meet our New WKF MALTA President & Promoter Mr SIMON CHETCUTTI, who has joined the WKF World Family. He has a wealth of experience in Business and Martial Arts in Malta, and has opened the door for all Europe to be a part of our WKF (World Kickboxing Federation), Boxing, MMA, Sanda/WuShu, Extreme Combat Sports. Please welcome him with open arms. In 2020, he will be Promoting some of the Biggest WKF Title Events in all Europe. We welcome Mr CHETCUTTI to our WKF World Family! WKF WEBSITE: www.wkf.org.au
11.01.2022 AVVISO FRAUDSTER! Attenzione a questo "truffatore italiano" SALVATORE MATERA, fingendo di lavorare per WKF Italia. Fa parte di un International Crime Syndicate, guidato dal Global Scammer Fritz Exenberger. "NON" dare a quest'uomo soldi. Non fa parte del nostro WKF Italia. "Non" ha il permesso di usare il nostro logo WKF o il nome WKF. Sta ingannando il popolo italiano. Saluti, Robert Wilesmith (CEO / Presidente WKF World) Sito Web WKF: www.wkf.org.au
08.01.2022 Our WKF World Championships is in Malta on Friday 25th September 2020. All Countries registered with our WKF are invited to attend and Compete! WKF WEBSITE REGISTRATION PAGE: https://www.wkf.org.au/registrations/
05.01.2022 Upcoming WKF International Events. Look at WKF AFRICA, leading the World with WKF Title Events: #kickboxing #boxing #mma #world #website #federation #combatsports #wushu #extreme #wkfworld #worldkickboxingfederation #wkfboxing #wkfmuaythai #wkfk1 #wkfextremecombatsports #wkffullcontact #kickboxing #mixedmartialarts #ringsports #boxing #allforms #worldtitles #asia #europe #africa #oceania #latinamerica #caribbean #northamerica #worldkickboxingfederation THE GLOBAL COMBAT SPORT...S LEADERS https://www.wkf.org.au//wkf-world-kickboxing-federation-k/
03.01.2022 HERE IS THE PROOF THAT FRITZ EXENBERGER DOES NOT OWN THE WKF TRADEMARK LOGO! Google Search WKF Europe Trademark, and you will all see Exenberger Failed to apply back in 2010. His Application was CANCELLED/EXPIRED. Fritz goes under the name Friedrich, so you can see the REAL TRUTH. Exenberger is a FRAUDSTER! Beware of this Scammer! CLICK HERE:... https://www.wkf.org.au/the-proof-that-wkf-trademark-throug/ The REAL WKF Trademark Owner is Robert Wilesmith (WKF World CEO/President). WKF WEBSITE: www.wkf.org.au
02.01.2022 THE REAL OWNER OF THE WKF (World Kickboxing Federation) Trademark Logo! The "Real" Owner is Robert Wilesmith (Perth, Wkf Australia Oceania HQ), NOT Mozart Vienna "Funny Fat Man" Fritz Exenberger. WKF - WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE! Website: www.wkf.org.au... #wkf, #wkfkickboxing, #wkfworld, #wkftitles, #wkfeurope, #wkfafrica, #wkfasia, #wkfbalkans, #wkfrussia, #wkfaustralia, #wkfamerica, #wkfcanada, #wkfbrasil, #wkfmiddleeast, #wkfmma, #wkfringsports, #wkfoctagon, #wkftatame, #wkfsanda, #wkfwushu, #wkfcombatsports, #wkfrules, #wkfrankings, #wkfpromotions, #wkfchina, #wkfindia, #wkfpng, #wkfindonesia, #wkfceo, #wkfeuropechampionships CLICK HERE TO SEE: https://www.wkf.org.au/the-proof-that-wkf-trademark-throug/
01.01.2022 WKF WORLD NEWSFLASH! Big announcement with our New WKF FRANCE President & WKF International Promoter Mr Abdel Barghouta. This is Huge news for all Europe. He comes with many years experience in the Combat Sports Industry, training many French fighters. Welcome Mr Barghouta to our WKF World Family! WKF - WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE!... Website: www.wkf.org.au #wkf, #wkfkickboxing, #wkfworld, #wkftitles, #wkfeurope, #wkfafrica, #wkfasia, #wkfbalkans, #wkfrussia, #wkfaustralia, #wkfamerica, #wkfcanada, #wkfbrasil, #wkfmiddleeast, #wkfmma, #wkfringsports, #wkfoctagon, #wkftatame, #wkfsanda, #wkfwushu, #wkfcombatsports, #wkfrules, #wkfrankings, #wkfpromotions, #wkfchina, #wkfindia, #wkffrancekickboxing, #wkfindonesia, #wkfceo, #wkffrance See more
01.01.2022 ПРИВЕТ всем РОССИЯ. Наш WKF ищет настоящих промоутеров профессионального и любительского кикбоксинга в РОССИИ, Бокс, WuShu и MMA Fight Events на ринге и клетке. Вы серьезный промоутер в России? Если это так, у WKF вас ждут САМЫЕ БОЛЬШИЕ титулы в мире. Наш головной офис WKF World ищет следующие вакансии в РОССИИ WKF ЕВРОПА КОНТИНЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ ДИРЕКТОР WKF РОССИЯ ПРЕЗИДЕНТ СТРАНЫ... WKF РОССИЯ ПРОВИНЦИРУЕТ ПРЕЗИДЕНТОВ WKF RUSSIA INTERNATIONAL PROMOTERS WKF RUSSIA PRO & AMATEUR FIGHTERS ЗАРЕГИСТРИРОВАНЫ В настоящее время у нас уже есть много женщин-бойцов WKF World Pro и Amateur Champion, готовых к бою. Все верно, бойцы чемпионов среди девушек и мужчин. Итак, РОССИЯ, шагните вперед и покажите нам, насколько вы хороши? Мир ждет вас. Чтобы зарегистрировать ONLINE за небольшую плату от 25 долларов США за лицензию бойцов, лицензию промоутеров за 50 долларов США, зарегистрируйтесь здесь: https://www.wkf.org.au/registrations/ Всемирный головной офис WKF Веб-сайт: www.wkf.org.au WKF EMAIL: [email protected] Пожалуйста, не теряйте времени РОССИЯ. Подайте заявку только серьезным людям!
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