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Worldwide Customs & Forwarding Agents | Cargo and freight company

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Worldwide Customs & Forwarding Agents

Phone: +61 3 8336 1580


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24.01.2022 When shipping cargo internationally, its important to use experts - at Worldwide we pride ourselves on our customs service and depth of knowledge in the world of international logistics and Australian customs practices. For all you freight forwarding and customs needs - use the professionals!

19.01.2022 How are the Customs Import Exchange Rates Determined When goods imported into Australia are invoiced in a foreign currency, the invoiced amount must be converted to Australian dollars using the prevailing rate of exchange for that particular currency on the day of exportation. This direction is contained in section 161J of Division 2, Part VIII of the Customs Act 1901.... The ‘day of exportation’ in relation to imported goods is defined in subsection161J(4) of the Customs Act 1901 .AS the day the goods left the place of export. if posted, the day the goods were posted. For goods packed in a container, the ‘day of exportation’ is the day the container leaves the place where it was packed.Containerised goods, whether transported as air or sea cargo, are often packed for export at the manufacturer’s premises or at a containerisation facility. While the date the goods are packed may be known, the date the container is removed from the premises may not readily be available to the importer at the time the goods are entered for customs clearance. Where the owner has no reliable and reasonably available information at the time the goods are entered for customs clearance to establish the actual day of departure or transportation from the place of export. Then Australian Customs will accept the day of departure of the vessel or aircraft from the loading port or airport, as shown on the bill of lading or sea or air waybill. Who Sets the Actual Exchange Rate Each working day the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) transmits to Australian Customs a schedule of the exchange rates for 28 selected countries.This prevailing exchange rate is then determined to be the ruling rate of exchange for that particular foreign currency as per subsection 161J(3) of the Customs Act 1901. The 28 prevailing rates of exchange are directly uploaded into the Integrated Cargo System database upon receipt from the RBA, are valid for twenty-four hours from one minute after midnight on the day after they were uploaded excepting weekends, where Friday’s rates of exchange are valid for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. For public holidays and bank holidays, the exchange rate is valid from one minute after midnight on the day before the public holiday or bank holiday until the RBA’s next working day. Worldwide MORE than just freight forwarding

18.01.2022 We have been noticing quite a bit of confusion with the recent changes to GST on Low Value Imports into Australia. The below link is to our blog post explaining the changes are how they are likely to affect you:

17.01.2022 With the current Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season drawing to a close (30/4/2019) many importers and businesses across Australia will be breathing a collective sigh of relief knowing that for the time being quarantine restrictions will ease on their imports from target countries. This season has been particularly difficult with fumigation backlogs locally causing further delays and costs there have even been cases of vessel turn arounds due to infestation. Unfortunat...ely, the relief is only going to be temporary due to the BMSB’s continued march through Europe and North America, next season, 01 Sept 2019- 30 Apr 2020, will see the number of countries subject to BMSB measures increase from 9 to 32. Obviously, this is going to put even more pressure on treatment facilities in Australia and we strongly urge all importers to familiarise the updated list of target countries and begin to discuss treatment options with suppliers at the port of loading. Further info can be obtained directly from the Department of Agriculture website: Find out how to identify and report the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug.

16.01.2022 News over the weekend that due to rough seas off the coast of NSW, 83 shipping containers have been washed overboard the vessel YM Efficiency - just a reminder that however rare, accidents do happen when transporting goods internationally and it is always a good idea to look into marine insurance before you ship!

16.01.2022 Often, finding the right piece of equipment at the right price can seem like a bargain, however, it is important understand the process and potential costs associated with importing that bargain into Australia:

12.01.2022 A giant container ship currently blocking one of the largest and most important waterways in the world and blocking the way for dozens of other vessels. How will the captain get out of this one? #TrafficJamChallenge #stickysituation #freightforwarding

11.01.2022 From all the staff here at Worldwide Customs and Forwarding Agents, we wish you all a fantastic 2019. Have a great night tonight and an even better year ahead. Thank you for support this year!

10.01.2022 #funfactthursday At any given time, there are about 20 million shipping containers making their journey across the seas. WOW!

09.01.2022 Moving house can be a nightmare... but moving to a new country is a whole different ball game! At Worldwide we specialise in Personal Effects clearances and ensure that the whole process is as smooth and stress free as possible! Whether you are an entire house, or just a few items from home into Australia - Worldwide Customs & Forwarding Agents are the experts!

06.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what a Customs Broker actually does? and how they can help you and your business?

04.01.2022 The world's biggest cargo ship has completed its maiden voyage from northern China to Germany carrying a record breaking load on the journey. Measuring 400 metres long and 60 metres wide, the MSC Gülsün can transport 23,756 containers. It would take 1,358 Boeing 747s or a convoy of 14,000 trucks to transport the same amount of cargo.... Built at the Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard in South Korea, the MSC Gülsün is owned by shipping giant, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC). The massive vessel is a sign of things to come as engineers find ways to build even bigger ships. Design is only restricted by the size of shipping ports and the depths of harbours.

03.01.2022 Coronavirus latest shipping updates: The Government authorities in China were advising that with the exception of Hubei province (February 13) other provinces would return to work after the extended Chinese New Year holiday on February 9. However, from talking to industry and receipt of notices from various shipping lines the full return to work for many cities may now be February 17.... Our Chinese forwarders & agents have advised and after reviewing global publications it would appear the return to work is to be much slower than anticipated with many employees wary about returning to an open environment with other people. Many companies & cities are being advised to manage the return to work in the best interest of their employees. Our Chinese contacts advise that Shenzhen and Ningbo still remain closed & that the "return to work" for Hubei province is now scheduled for February 17. The feeling within the community is that any return to work and full capacity will be a slow build and the lower volumes of cargo moving may extend into early to mid-March.

01.01.2022 Free Trade Agreements In the simplest of terms, free trade is the total absence of government policies restricting the import and export of goods and services. The opposite of free trade is protectionism, a highly-restrictive trade policy intended to eliminate competition from other countries. In the real world few efforts to actually implement pure free-trade policies have ever succeeded. The law of Comparative Advantage theorizes that all countries will always benefit from... cooperation and participation in free trade. Free trade agreements also provide a mechanism for the facilitation of trade in goods & services, they are international treaties that reduce barriers to trade and investment, most industrialized nations have in place free trade agreements (FTAs), or have negotiated multinational pacts which allow for, but regulate tariffs, quotas, and other trade restriction. Australia currently has agreements with individual countries and groups of countries which provides 1 better Australian access to important markets. 2 an improved competitive position for Australian Exports. 3 more prospects for increased two-way investment. 4 reduced import costs for Australian businesses and consumers alike. 5 new or better access to markets for services exports. 6 guarantees of existing services access in some areas. 7 reduced regulatory barriers in different service sectors. 8 improving mobility for business travel. 9 enhanced protections and certainty for investors. Australia has trade initiatives or trade agreements with the countries or groups of countries as listed below .For detailed view of the Free Agreements just click HERE .The Agreement establishing an ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area . Canada Australia Trade Agreement (CANATA) .China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), .Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement (ACl-FTA) .Developing Country Preferential Rates .Forum Islands (Including Fiji) .Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) .Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (MAFTA) . Australian New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) .Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) .Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) .The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans- Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) .Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) MORE than just freight forwarding WORLDWIDE CUSTOMS & FORWARDING AGENTS

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