Woy Woy South Public School in Woy Woy, New South Wales, Australia | Primary School
Woy Woy South Public School
Locality: Woy Woy, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4341 1899
Address: The School Mall 2256 Woy Woy, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.woywoysth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
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25.01.2022 Dressing up for book week and gymnastics. What a fantastic day in Kindergarten. There were a few Batman’s and princesses balancing on the beams today. Thank you everyone for your wonderful costumes.
25.01.2022 We climbed, spun, built sand castles, played volley ball and celebrated in style with Stage 2 Gold Award recipients this morning. Well done kids!!
24.01.2022 Kindy party day today. Everyone had so much fun. Jumping pillows, tractor ride and of course the water park! A great way to celebrate all together. For more photos, see the party day album.
23.01.2022 Stage 1 presentation assembly is under way!
22.01.2022 Year 6 had an awesome time at Tree Tops
22.01.2022 Mrs Lappan’s Assistants
21.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Stage 3 Presentation Day Award recipients 2020.
21.01.2022 Book Week is so much fun, not just for students but for teachers too. #bookweek2020 #LoveWhereYouLearn
21.01.2022 Stage 3 Gold award students having a blast at their party this morning Congratulations on a fantastic year.
20.01.2022 Look at these happy faces! Well done to our Cross Country ribbon winners and well done to ALL our students - the runners, the joggers, the walkers, the helpers and the kids who did a little bit of each. Great way to finish the term, have a safe, fun and relaxing holiday and see y'all in Term 4!
20.01.2022 Well done to all of the Stage 3 Public Speaking competitors and a huge congratulations to the Year 5 and Year 6 winners.
20.01.2022 What a great day Year 2 had at Niagara Park Sports Stadium. So many smiling faces.
19.01.2022 Stage 2 Book Week Parade 2020
18.01.2022 This year, we were unable to have our Kindergarten open days at school. This is a video of a day in the life of a Kindergarten student. It will hopefully give you a better idea of what Kindy at WWSPS will be like. We invite our 2021 Kindy parents and students to watch together and enjoy!
18.01.2022 Just some members of the crew on board the Kindergarten Pirate ship. There were many fantastic costumes, ship building and treasure hunts. Thank you Kindergarten for a wonderful day.
18.01.2022 A big shout out to all our teachers at WSS for Worlds Teachers’ Day. We thank you for you dedication to our school and our students!!
18.01.2022 "Learn as much as you can about the culture and participate." - Aunty Deanna. Each year, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are part of some of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
17.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Stage 1 Presentation Day Award recipients 2020.
17.01.2022 Congratulations to our K-2 Gold Award winners enjoying their morning at the park!
16.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Stage 2 Presentation Day Award recipients 2020.
16.01.2022 WWSPS was filled with fairytale characters as Stage 1 hosted a Fractured Fairytale Day. Students listened to fairytale stories, completed activities and joined in on a fashion parade. By looking at all the smiles, everyone had a great day. A big thank you to all the Stage 1 teachers and everyone who participated in the day.
16.01.2022 Over the last four weeks, Stage 3 students at Woy Woy South PS represented our school in netball, soccer and touch football. In such a crazy year, we are so glad these students had an opportunity to represent our school which for many of our Year 6’s, will be for the last time. Thank you to Mrs Coleman (netball), Miss Goder (girls soccer), Mrs Nutall (boys soccer), Miss Swan (girls touch) and Miss Mulligan (boys touch) for coaching these teams and providing an enjoyable experience for the kids at our school.
16.01.2022 Early stage one presentation assembly has begun!
15.01.2022 Remembrance Day 2020, lest we forget.
15.01.2022 Stage 3 had an awesome time at a slightly different Mini Fete this year. Well done to all involved
15.01.2022 Year 6 Formal Preparations Dear Parents and Carers of Year 6 The end of this crazy year is fast approaching and so is the very exciting time for our Year 6 students. Although 2020 has had its disappointments and challenges we are determined to give our students the very best send-off as they begin their new chapter. We will work with the parent body to ensure that you are as involved as you can be in putting together an evening of celebration that will be memorable for our ...students within the constraints of the NSW Government guidelines. If you would like to be part of the organising committee we will be having an online Zoom meeting on: Thursday the 22nd of October at 7.00pm. Meeting ID: 642 4247 5228 Access Code: 882527 To ensure that there is an element of surprise for the students (part of the excitement is always looking forward and guessing what the theme will be and how the hall will be magically transformed) we respectfully ask that you ensure that the students and any other children are not present or privy to the contents of the discussion. Looking forward to working together on making this the best Year 6 formal ever. Stage 3 Teachers
14.01.2022 Wow! Stage 1 were a sea of colours today, as curious creatures from lots of different books roamed the playground. What a fabulous book parade we had!
14.01.2022 Our School and parent community forum is being held tonight at 7pm. The topic is curriculum. The link is https://nsweducation.zoom.us//u5MsduuprzwpH9KbzC-6B7frZcfZ The meeting id: 671 1211 7356 The meeting password: 774702
14.01.2022 A message for students attending BWSC in 2021 in regards to school uniform ordering through We’re Sportswear.
13.01.2022 Just look at Infants - The bell rings and they are running to the classroom at full speed! Welcome back everyone, have a great Term 4!
13.01.2022 Our Year 2 students did an awesome job navigating the cross country course for the first time today. Lots of smiles, red faces and cheers. Congratulations to those who placed and all who tried their best.
13.01.2022 #MathsTrainsBrains
12.01.2022 Our Stage 1 public speaking finalists took to the stage this morning to entertain their peers with their speeches. Teachers and judges were blown away by the talent in Year 1 and Year 2. Congratulations to all our finalists and especially our Year 1 and Year 2 winners.
12.01.2022 The teachers are very excited to hear all the holiday news and get learning started for Term 4! Remember staff and students start back tomorrow.The teachers are very excited to hear all the holiday news and get learning started for Term 4! Remember staff and students start back tomorrow.
12.01.2022 Congratulations to these wonderful Kindergarten students who presented a speech to the whole grade today. All the speeches were very impressive.
12.01.2022 Here comes the last week of term and it's a big one! Monday - Shiver me timbers its "Dress like a Pirate Day" Bring a gold coin for kids with cancer or you can swab those decks ya mangy dogs! Thursday - Bluey's Reward Day! Well done on a great term. Friday - Cross Country - Go hard early and don't stop! Get your sleep this weekend, you'll need it!
11.01.2022 'It hasn’t been easy, but look what we’ve produced!' Thank you to all our students, teachers, school staff and parents and carers who have made this a year to remember. See you next year for #FirstDay2021! #LoveWhereYouLearn *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
11.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Early Stage 1 Presentation Day Award recipients.
10.01.2022 Our presentation assembly for Stage 2 has commenced!
09.01.2022 Head over to the Erina Fair page and give our entry a like!
09.01.2022 Don’t forget our next forum is tonight at 7pm, which will cover ‘School Events/Extra Curricula Activities’ and the Zoom access details are: https://nsweducation.zoom.us//u5MsduuprzwpH9KbzC-6B7frZcfZ Meeting ID: 671 1211 7356... Password: 774 702 As was the case prior to the last forum, the community is invited to post questions and/or comments prior to the session through a google form which can be accessed at: https://forms.gle/rFm6KDcEYMTjKTSE6
09.01.2022 Aye Mateys!! Some dastardly Buccaneers charged into school today causing all sorts of troubles! Next Monday - Join them! - Dress like a Pirate - Bring a gold coin for mufti, Plus..., there will be a guessing competition for a box of treasure only 50 cents a ticket. All money raised goes to supporting supporting children with cancer!
09.01.2022 Kindergarten got moving today. What a great time we had on this rainy day.
08.01.2022 Our School and parent community forum is being held tonight at 7pm. The link is https://nsweducation.zoom.us//u5MsduuprzwpH9KbzC-6B7frZcfZ The meeting id: 671 1211 7356 The meeting password: 774702 The topic is student wellbeing. Mr Barr, Mrs Lappan, Mr Ansell, Mrs Reid and more WWS staff will be there to answer any questions and discuss the topic.
07.01.2022 Stage 2 students are looking forward to their Toon School incursion this week. Don't forget to dress up as your favourite cartoon character 3/4A, 3/4M and 3/4T tomorrow. 3/4N and 3/4W on Friday.
07.01.2022 A message from Brisbane Water Secondary College to Year 7 Parents 2021 Online ordering is now open for Parents and Carers to order the Book Packs for Year 7 2021 Please see the below website link to order:... https://umina-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/parents-/book-lists.html See more
07.01.2022 This week we are lucky to have students from Newcastle University coming to teach drama workshops with some of our classes. 3/4A loved their session being creative, collaborative and very dramatic!!
06.01.2022 Early Stage 1 presentation assembly has begun!
06.01.2022 Stage Two Party Day Fun!
06.01.2022 Today in the garden we got to taste tomatoes, celery and very full and delicious passion fruits. We even saved a native Noisey Miner bird in the process.
06.01.2022 Stage 2 party Day Flip Out fun has begun!
05.01.2022 Another sensational Blueys Reward Day celebrating our students positive behaviour during Term 4.
04.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Stage 2 Class Representatives in our Public Speaking Competition today. The competition was so close that first place for Year 3 was a draw! Well done to all our finalists!
04.01.2022 Well done to all the Cross Country Legends who have been blazing trails around the school this term. The races are on next Friday and our regular crew of runners have been an absolute pleasure to run with.
04.01.2022 Year 1 have arrived at Niagara Park Stadium for a fun filled day of sports. We are so excited.
03.01.2022 Yr 6 Formal 2020 Information Dear Parents/Carers, The time has come, we have been given the green light to go ahead with our Yr 6 Formal for the Class of 2020. Throughout the next few weeks parents and staff will be working together to ensure these kids finish off the year with a memorable night. Below are some details that will give you a bit of an indication as to jobs, timelines and things we need from you to make the night a success.... Congratulations Video: We would love for you to send in a short 30 second (maximum) video with a message for your child which will be played during the night. These videos can be sent to [email protected] these need to be submitted by 20th November. If you are having any issues please let one of the stage 3 staff know and we will assist. Timeline of organisation: Week 4 o 2nd Zoom Session (5th November 2020, 7pm) this session we will be providing updates on invitations and decorations. Week 6 o Parent Congratulation video cut-off date. o Invitations will be sent out to students o Decorations can be bought and stored at the school. Week 8 o Ordering of balloons o Formal videos/slideshows to be finalised. Week 9 o Friday Students will need to be at school in the afternoon session as this is the opportunity for them to organise their seating for the night. o Sunday 13th December Parents are invited to come onsite and help with setup of the hall Week 10 o Yr 6 Formal 14th December (Monday night) Covid Restrictions: (Subject to change NSW Health) Unfortunately, we will be unable to allow parents on site the night of the formal. We will have pre organised drop off and pick up areas for specific classes. All food will be individually packaged and students will be provided with packaged utensils. Dancing will be allowed, we are planning to hold this outside under the COLA area. Zoom Link 2nd Organisation Meeting Thursday 5th November 7pm: Meeting ID: 642 2769 7778 Meeting password: wwsformal Contact Points: [email protected] o This is the email to send your ‘Congratulation’ videos. o It is also a great spot to ask any questions outside the Zoom meetings. Zoom Meetings: o The next meeting will be held on the 5th November 7pm. Please feel free to meet up outside of these times to coordinate decorations, invitations, and other items when necessary. REMINDER: Before buying any major items please consult the school in regards to budgets for this event. Thanks for all those people who have put their hands up to help out in some way, it should be a great event.
03.01.2022 Stage 3 Book Week
03.01.2022 Congratulations to the 37 super stars of Stage 2 who completed their #homereadinghero card on time this term. A big congratulations to Callum who won the gift voucher, happy shopping!
03.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. Never forget that your teachers and staff at WWS care about you. If you ever need anything you just have to ask
03.01.2022 Morning tea with Mr Barr for Blueys rewards day!
03.01.2022 Stage Two Ball Games Fun!
03.01.2022 Another successful Ready For School session this afternoon. We love seeing all those smiling faces excited to come to big school.
02.01.2022 Lunchtime today. It may have been hot but don't worry, we're pretty cool!
02.01.2022 Congratulatoin to Kindergarten 2020 for an outstanding start to school at WWS.
02.01.2022 Our gorgeous green thumb students were busy in the garden at lunch today watering, weeding and planting. Thanks Mrs Watson and Miss Goder for helping our gardeners today, everyone was so happy excited to see the first zucchini starting to grow. Yum!! #LoveWhereYouLearn
01.01.2022 Bluey spotted in the playground today!
01.01.2022 Stage 1 are loving the Movin Bodies, gymnastics program on Thursdays. Students have been bending, stretching and balancing their way through the day! So many happy faces and talented gymnasts.
01.01.2022 Monday, 9th November will be the start of NAIDOC Week activities. We are celebrating NAIDOC Week with a Mufti Day on Monday. Students are invited to wear Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colours/clothing and donate a gold coin which will go towards Aboriginal Literacy Foundation.
01.01.2022 Our 2020 school leaders have just opened the Stage 3 presentation assembly
01.01.2022 Such a wonderful day Year 1 had at Niagara Park Sports Stadium. We experienced wheelchair sports, soccer, hockey, basketball, trampolines and giant inflatables. Thank you so much to all the teachers for making the day unforgettable. So many smiling faces!
01.01.2022 Stage Two practising Ball Games this afternoon!
01.01.2022 How awesome is our new league/union kit! We can’t wait to see the Woy Woy South PS students using it next year. Thanks to Colin Grant from Summit for looking after our school and helping us look amazing when representing the school!
01.01.2022 More Year 2 party day fun.
01.01.2022 Our new wall mural at the front of the school is being installed and looks magnificent. We can’t wait to see the finished product.
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