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24.01.2022 Future screen prints, native blossom wreaths. Do you have a favourite; golden wreath wattle, eucalyptus youngiana or hakea laurina?

24.01.2022 First attempt at screenprinting using a paper cutout stencil design. Drawn, cut and printed in a couple of hours. I'm excited to see what the next six sessions bring! Learning new skills, meeting new creatives, opening many new doors. So many possibilities...

23.01.2022 Busselton backyard print details. Blue summer days I.

23.01.2022 This little (w)ren had a fantastic morning doing a workshop with Mel @eucalypthomewares with some other lovely creative ladies! Such a productive morning!! Mel's workshops are really great value and very achievable for ceramic novices (like me!) I would highly recommend them to anyone in W.A., workshops make great gifts too!

22.01.2022 Experimenting with what to do with my stack of summer cyanotype prints...notebook covers? Cards? Thoughts?...

22.01.2022 Back on the lino this afternoon carving away listening to podcasts in my happy place Bell-fruited mallee on its way!

21.01.2022 Bell-fruited mallee, eucalyptus preissiana. A native of the Sourth West of Western Australia, it has amazing silver blue oval leaves, zingy lemon blossom and woody buds and nuts. Such fun shapes to carve and print.

21.01.2022 Trivet Tuesday. My one success in screen printing class this morning, one of those studio days of learning the hard way

20.01.2022 UPDATE: TEATOWELS ALL GONE FOR 2020... LIMITED NUMBER OF LARGE SHOPPING BAGS STILL AVAILABLE... Hakea, wattle and large-fruited mallee silkscreened prints on unbleached cotton teatowels and large calico market bags availabile. DM for sales, great Christmas presents and easy to post for loved ones far away. ... I was planning on offering these at the Vic Park Arts Centre Christmas Markets (Sunday 6th Dec 9-2) but they're selling so quickly (tea towels especially) I'm not sure if I'll have many left and I won't be able to make any more until next year!!

18.01.2022 Busselton beach print details. Blue summer days II.

16.01.2022 Textural inspirations from the weekend...south west beach walks and open studio visits #mropenstudios #mropenstudios2020

16.01.2022 Screenprinting experiment II. Linocut design transfered to silkscreen, printed on cork resulting in Botanical trivets!

15.01.2022 New designs: Gift tags are's so hard to photograph metallics!! Limited places remain available in this years pre-Christmas workshops, book now to get exclusive access to these handcarved stamps and learn to make your own unique gift products. Gift vouchers for someone special are also available for February workshop series

15.01.2022 New design, new colourway

14.01.2022 Natural inspiration from South west visit. Such riotous colours and bold shapes in the bush blooms of spring. All fpund on various stops along the Margaret River Region Open Studio trail...get on it! #mrros #mropenstudios2020 #mropenstudios #wawildflowers #bushflowers

13.01.2022 Bell-fruited mallee plate done. Very meditative carving away after everyone has gone to bed.

12.01.2022 Monstera verigation experiments continue...this new card series is the only way I'll ever afford a verigated monstera, but on the plus side the cards are hard to kill!

11.01.2022 New gift wraps on their way. Including copper wildflowers and lilli-pilli bush cherry. So much inspiration in our WA botanicals and plenty of festive cheer transferred in every handplaced motif Limited places remain available in this years pre-Christmas workshops, book now to get exclusive access to these handcarved stamps and learn to make your own unique gift products.... Gift vouchers for someone special are also available for February workshop series

10.01.2022 Southern escape for a long weekend under the peppermint trees before the craziness of work and school routines recommences! A little cyanotype printing of some holiday textures (drying on the back of a boogie board between hammock hangouts) says "perfect summer holiday" to me

10.01.2022 Death by a thousand cuts. Network calathya reduction print...

10.01.2022 Living stones carved and ready to print. I love these textured, strange little plants

08.01.2022 Monday, just add colour... Handcolouring some print orders from the weekend

08.01.2022 Purple play with oxalis triangularis plate...more indoor plant cards...

07.01.2022 ***New design *** WA wildflowers; copper on black. Printing until I could print no more today, loving the contrast in this colourway and celebrating the amazing shapes in WAs botanicals

07.01.2022 This picture sums up my south west weekend touring the Margret River Open Studios circuit...Head in a world of colour and sensory overload, new ideas dusted through my hair and my mind inspiration drunk! If you're in WA I'd highly recommend a visit (12-27 September). The artists we met were so generous, sharing not only their studios and treasure troves but their techniques and personal journeys. Thanks to all the artists participating and the organisational team for such a great event #mropenstudios2020 #mropenstudios #mrros

07.01.2022 Verigation variations. Monstera madness

06.01.2022 Finally some success in the screenprinting studio (lucky last day!) Wattle, eucalyptus and hakea wreath designs on tea towel and large reusable tote bags...getting ready for Christmas!!

06.01.2022 Calathea network reduction print. Lots of fun. Tried a metallic gold variation. Had a lucky misprint (too busy chatting to the Vic Park Printmakers and not concentrating!) and managed to register my second colour upside down...but I actually really like it! What do you think? Happy accidents, shared with friends

05.01.2022 Excited to press this one tomorrow

05.01.2022 Living stones/Lithops print. Loving their fine little pattern, almost lace-like when spread on mass across my bench

05.01.2022 Mini cards: single or set of four; kangeroo-paw, geraldton wax, wattle and eucalyptus youngiana

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