Write Better | Books & magazines
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25.01.2022 Dear clients Please don’t judge me on my footwear choices at writing HQ this morning. They may be odd, but when I’m warm and cosy, I write better. Win-win? #copywriter #wfhlife #unboringB2B
21.01.2022 When hand washing, typing like a Clydesdale and loads of deadlines collide... my finger hurts! ... And it’s a prime typing finger in that A-S-E region. Nuts. ... Stay safe out there copywriters and fellow keyboard bashers!... ... ... #copywriter #content #insuremyfingers #clydesdale #workfromhome See more
20.01.2022 #whiteboardwords does double time today on word explainers and movie tips. You’re welcome lol I’d prefer to COCOON than hibernate. Hibernation is a long snooze where we emerge hungry, ready to procreate, and a tad battered.... A COCOON is a silky, protective pouch spun with love to protect. And what emerges? A fecking butterfly (or less interesting insect, don’t get off topic). The movie? I just remember lots of old people getting young from a magic pool. With aliens. Seems legit. ... #wordsmatter #languagematters #powerofwords #mindyourlanguage #cocoon See more
20.01.2022 Bloody heck. I read this book in 2 sittings (you gotta sleep, apparently). ... I’ve been a fan of @sleemol as a journo. But this is beyond. ... It’s more than a coming of age story for a young gay man in regional Queensland. It’s about survival. There’s nothing romantic about describing attacks, betrayal and bullying. But if you’ve survived bullies, or want to, please read. It’s honesty and devastating survival stories made me gasp in recognition more than once.... ... For anyone who had a year that seared them into unbreakable steel. ... This is Shannon’s story. ... Ps it ripped my guts out, threatened to burst my left ventricle, and me laugh out loud. Actual lols. ... #fourteen #shannonmolloy #bookstagram #amreading #booksfromthebunker #australianauthor #buythebook See more
18.01.2022 Love the #greatcopy on this @daddarioandco packaging. ... But I’d delete one word. Which one? ... #daddario #editor #microcopy #boyswithguitars #nitpicker
15.01.2022 Cracking read if you’ve ever overthought a hashtag, or laughed at someone who does. Some actual lols and eye rolls, always a good sign. ... #adults #emmajaneunsworth #bookstagram #readmorebooks #amreading
14.01.2022 This is the high flying author life ... Someone in the world bought my book on Amazon. Actually, 2 someones. And now I sit back lighting my cigars with dollar bills y’all. ... Copywriting be damned. As long as these sweet royalty cheques keep rolling in every 3-4 months, I’m made in the shade. Right? Right? ... ... PSA: don’t write a book to make money ... #author #authorsofinstagram #writebetter #bookroyalties #splurge See more
13.01.2022 #whiteboardwords today might sound made up for the times. But it’s not. INFODEMIC We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic.... That’s what the smart people at the World Health Org said in March about covid19. There is so much information to digest, changing so fast, it’s easy to give yourself scroller’s thumb. Our brains are not equipped for this type of event. So, let’s fight the overwhelm together. It’s great advice to choose a limit on news. But it’s more than that. Be your usual discerning self when it comes to business advice, support networks and the like. Look to trusted, credible sources the same way you do for your news. No one has all the answers, but the businesses and brands you already know and trust are a good place to start. #whiteboardwords #wordsmatter #languagematters #powerofwords #mindyourlanguage #clearcommunication #infodemic See more
11.01.2022 Self care reminders from #whiteboardwords ... Have brea(c)k. ... Guest post from Miss 7 - current traffic manager ruling mum’s to-do list.... ... #whiteboardwords #wordsmatter #takeabreak #saywhatyoumean #meanwhatyousay See more
10.01.2022 Running on pure adrenaline can get me through. But now... ... I’m a bit MEH. ... Can’t be bothered. Don’t care either way. Over it. Whateverrrrrrr... ... And that’s ok. Permission to be a bit meh as needed, without judgement. ... #whiteboardwords #wordsmatter #powerofwords #meh See more
10.01.2022 You can tell the difference at 50 paces between authentic and opportunistic. Usually. But if this whole global crisis thing has you second guessing yourself, it can be harder to separate heart and head. Especially when you’re trying to shore up your biz and feel a bit lost. Shysters are popping up everywhere with solutions to do business in a post- pandemic world. Don’t get me wrong - loads of businesses are doing their best and want the best for you.... But no one really has a clue. So, what to do? Trust the brands and the voices you always have. Be patient with yourself. And don’t let a dodgy shyster sell you the answer to a question you never asked. Keep learning and upskilling. But no shysters allowed #whiteboardwords #wordsmatter #languagematters #covidbusinesssupport #investinyourself
09.01.2022 My latest reading burst... 5 cracking reads from Australian authors. Buy a book, support an artist #amreading #bookstagramaustralia #australianauthor
08.01.2022 Smashed this #isoread super fast. And was devo when it was over. I tip my hat to @liampieperwrites for leaving me gobsmacked when I thought I had no surprise left in me. Sequel?! Think The Beach meets Shantaram meets 3 something elses you can’t name.... #isoreading #bookstagram #sweetnessandlight
07.01.2022 #whiteboardwords takes an unexpected twist... look what home schooling is doing to my child Her teachers are incompetent (or hiding from her in a shed) And someone (me) did spell out that she smelt in magnetic letters on the fridge ... We’ll call this a lesson in retaliation The homeschooling lesson? It’s fricking hard, huh? And we better get on to her spelling #educatorsrock #homeschoolgiggles #wfhlife #copywriter
06.01.2022 Deep, huh? But a moment a lot of people are having. If you’re at the grocery shop, or taking the kids for a brisk and slightly paranoid walk (I took a prodding stick with me JIC) you might find yourself feeling gobsmacked by how much every other human you see has going on. Sonder. ... It’s not an ancient concept. Just a word created to describe a very specific moment or emotion. It’s OK to feel it, quite normal in fact you’re probably not going off the deep end.... ... Remember that feeling and choose kindness. ... Ps I’m doing my best on the handwriting ... #whiteboardwords #wordsmatter #powerofwords #mindyourlanguage #clearcommunication #sonder See more
01.01.2022 The excitement of the Booktopia box! Imagine their disappointment when they were all for me! #isoshopping #bookstagram #bookworms