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23.01.2022 Its been a wild ride in 2020 the recent full Moon in the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus unexpected shocks )4 th August saw the full force of Mars explosions and Uranus shocks , 3 ton of explosives chemicals , a frightening image of a mushroom cloud forceful explosion not unlike the Chernobyl disaster had Uranus on the ascendant 26 th April 1986 a very Uranium chemical moment ! Planets on the angles of charts are very potent . Lebanon is already in the midst of a crisis... political , economic and financial the Beirut blast has devastated there main port which brings supplies to the population. The blast force effected up to 6 kilometres away , four hospitals were in the direct path of the explosion one evacuated treating patients on the nearby park . Expect to see and hear the toll on life rise as they struggle with limited rescue and resources to the region . Our Australian government pledges 2 million to Lebanon’s humanitarian rescue efforts , don’t forget Lebanon is struggling also with the virus . An image for me as Wedding celebrant a beautiful bride going about some normality in a War torn region was having her photo shoot and the blast took place luckily they survived . We must take stock as our own crisis here in Australia with C 19 lock down in perspective as we all go about our daily lives in changed circumstances . We may feel threatened angry and challenged !(Mars in in his own domiclie empowered in his sign but has been known as the agressor bully, from 29th July 2020 till 7th Jan 2021) in that time he retrogrades 9th September until the 14th Nov 2020 .Australia has wonderful lifestyle so a short time blip in Victoria currently is not as dire as other countries crisis .To quote a Astrologer friend professional whom is writing great blogs in Victoria this to shall pass .
21.01.2022 Crystals available to purchase. Will add to shop or u can PM me .
21.01.2022 Trumps not a pastor hired to do the top job in US he rattles the media irritates by his comments on Twitter , but they hired voted in a businesss man builder to get the job done . Love him or hate him he is living his chart a testament to Astrology !!Biden’s chart has transit Neptune’s on the IC so of course it’s not clear cut win and illusionary and many other fraudulent untruths hidden. When Neptune is involved be sure to be in for deception and no clear boundaries . As po...stal votes are counted and possible recount we will hear mid month a win for ?? Jo Biden may get over the line with a popular female vote as Venus has gone over his Natal Neptune in Libra 1Oth house I ‘ m speculating as I said May ! Trump is still in the race . Trumps lunar return is playing into this, Interesting calamities and drama playing out before our Astrology eyes With the circus of US political votes being counted and ensuing law suits . See more
19.01.2022 DNA the building blocks of life , imagine we are upgrading our DNA . What is the simple explanation short for deoxyribonucleic acid , is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms . Sounds complicated ! This includes animals ,plants,protists,archaea, and BACTERIA. DNA is in each cell in the organism and tells cells what to make. So think of your cells upgrading for diseases viruses and living well adapting the human body and mind are incredible .
18.01.2022 Pisces Full Moon 10 degree's12 3.23 pm (AEST) September 2nd 2020.The Corn Full Moon with the ritual of harvest (Autumn)in the Nth hemisphere is celebrated.The full moon shines a light on your life Pisces is a sensitive compassionate intuitive sign a very Yin female sign. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and altered states of consciousness. The planet Mintaka is the name of the seventh brightest star in the constellation Orion. The star forms the westernmost jewel in t...he hunter’s belt along with central Alnilam and eastern Alnitak originally known as the string of pearls or the great one’s belt. Mintaka is closest to the celestial equator, only a quarter of a degree to the south, the star rising and setting almost exactly east and west. The star is wonderfully complex. Mintaka is actually a double star when viewed with appropriate magnification. The two stars orbit each other every 5.73 days. The name Mintaka derives from the Arabic Al Mintakah, which means 'the belt' as it is the first star seen in that portion of the rising constellation Orion. Ancient astrologers considered it of importance as portending good fortune and it is a "steady" star. Miintaka a possible water based planet with crystal clear waters being able to see for miles into the sea clearly. My synchronicity likened is that Neptune and Pisces in an altered state can be potential for crystalline clarity.(Water is the unconscious mind according to Carl Jung) pay attention to your dreams write them into your journal if you don't have one this may be a good time to begin putting down your thoughts. With this Full Moon our opportunity can be to explore where we can create a far better state of energy and vision for the future.
15.01.2022 THE GREAT MUTATION THE NEW ERA BEGINS Jupiter and Saturn 00" degree Aquarius a 200 year Air sign cycle. Significent on the Solstice 22/12/2020.
14.01.2022 Saturn/Capricorn 17th December 4.03 pm changed sign and is now in Aquarius 00 "degree 4' sec , not far behind is Jupiter 29"deg 39'sec, on what they call the Anarectic degree the last breathe before changing to 00' deg which ushers in new energy, Jupiter will join Saturn and welcome in the Solstice 22nd December also a new moon in Aries 9.32 am. The Great conjuction is taking place finally.... the much talked about and may be a bit of a fizzer as this conjunction will be j...ust the beggining of a future 200 year air sign cycle, so not happening quickly as some are claiming ! Its Not a magic onight fix as change happens over centuries. We are not totally aware of what is to come as Universal law does not permit us to know everything !! So we use our Astrology tools to study the skys past and present to give us the possible historical factors that coincide with events in the today and possible future. 2020 we have been in the birth canal of a Capricorn influence and major changes of energy with our core beliefs shifting through upheavals world wide, a painful process challenging to say the least. We were already experiencing major changes when Uranus went into a Earth sign Taurus March 7th 2019 before the events of 2020. Uranus was discovered 13th March 1781 by Astronomer William Herschel;s discovery of a new planet was the first to be made in modern times, and also the first to be made by use of a telescope, which allowed Herschel to distinguish Uranus as a planet, not a star, as previous astronomers believed.. 1781 began aligned with the begginings of the industrial revolution, new inventions, ,political upheavals and change emerged, Uranus is the Maverick of change so he was opening the gates of change being discovered a peek into the future perhaps! Uranus in Taurus is awakening and working with major planets to bring about this overall change we are now experiencing until the 8th July 2025 Uranus will move into Air sign Gemini the planet of communication. The cerebal mind is a Gemini quality and what technologies will be happening by then possible implants to the brain ? Maybe awakenings of the possibilites of what functions we can use our mind for as science tells us we a re not using the capacity of our brain the human brain consists of about one billion neurons and we only use a percentage . I did write about this awhile back Elon Musk has showed off his company Neuralink’s brain-computer interface for the first time. In an announcement on 28 August, Neuralink unveiled prototypes of its device and showed off pigs that had had the devices implanted in their brains. As Uranus progresses over the next few years one would hope Alternate technologies and cures are found for the diseases humankind, but i also have to hope a use for our mind expansion that science reconizes that affirmations do work . My affirmation to you with these changes We are now receiving deep cellular healing and upgrades....
14.01.2022 A image of grief but beauty relating to Covid.
13.01.2022 Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is adamant his severe restrictions on staffing levels at food processing and distribution centre's will not lead to national food shortages. Key points: Victoria's red-meat plants will have their staff numbers cut to 66 per cent from Sunday Chicken processing will be down to 80 per cent due to its different life cycle... The Masters Grocers Association says the measures are "not practical" and could cause shortages In recent days, the food and grocery industry has been warning of serious supply shortages in Victoria, with flow-on effects for Australia, if food distribution centre's and abattoirs are forced to cut staffing levels by one-third this weekend. Mr Andrews is imposing the staff reductions as part of his attempt to quash his state's COVID-19 outbreak. Back in 2019 I had discussions with a group of like minded Astrologers about the upcoming year ahead 2020 as would of been the hot topic world wide in the Astrology community with a very important year of aspects that were and now have been life changing. We wish we had a crystal ball as the bush fires began and caused massive damage to community's and nature, here in Australia and then along came the Virus C19 causing massive world wide headache. We were Astrologers posing the possible scenarios from each of our perspectives and my thought that with a Ceres (Roman Goddess of agriculture,Harvest) conjunct Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto this could be something to do with food supplies international trade and at home here in Australia. Ceres is about to conjunct Pluto again on Sunday 16th August 2020 and we have already news flouting possible shortages to the nation. If you feel the need to stock up on a few long dated items then do so as the next part of 2020 will be bumpy and for peace of mind look after ones self.
11.01.2022 Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction in the heavanly skies look to the western skies . Science based New NASA study found that the iconic rings are disappearing even faster than we thought. In just a few short hundreds of millions of years, the majestic rings of Saturn will be gone. How fascinating that the grand master Saturn is finally dissolving his rings of restrictions.
10.01.2022 Head out doors tonight I will be
10.01.2022 Uranus Discovery. Saturn will be squaring Uranus 2021 3 times The old ruler of Uranus was Saturn . Integration Uranus will be working on in our lives .
08.01.2022 Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Sun Tzu, The Art of War (Mars rules War) 29th June 2020 Aries his own sign/domicile until 6th Jan 2021 moves to next day 7th 2021 into Taurus... Mars currently is stationing direct 14th November 15 degree Aries 14 , Your Mars is about you developing the inner hero and the retrograde is a slowing of the energy of a planet which is about to release and change back into a faster gear . Aries does not like to be constrained and sitting still they cannot do, just take note of your Aries Sun friends,partners,children,co -workers, patience isnt their best known trait. Mars represents accidents sharp knives,surgery, bumps ,bruises. The last week i have had two falls unexpectantly not thinking and going to quick at what im doing. this is how Aries can manifest in your chart. Greatfull I didn t break any bones! Mars on a worldy scale has seen the past months heightened riots,anger,violence ,people speaking out under the Mars phase even the threat of civil war with US election . Mars apart from current retrograde phase is empowered in his own sign of Aries,this phase ends in Janurary 2021 when moves into the sign of Taurus our values.
07.01.2022 Mars the warrior planet is in his domicile for 6 months until JAN 2021 loads of tension and angry riots, shootings heat fires California and the US elections getting into swing. Australia has border issues between states causing conflicts whilst the ever present Covid 19 making itself present world wide and Vaccine issues on the race to get over the line. I have been watching the series Vikings and it certaInly feels very MARS. Yesterday i watched a movie called the Current ...War inspired by true events of AC and DC current . Thomas Edison ,George Westinghouse and Nickola Teslar .Teslar was a brilliant man but could never profit from his ideas. George Westinghouse however did benefit from Teslars brilliance with Niagra falls paving the way for electricity disribution on a unprecendented scale. The basis was about power ego and corrruption . Teslar quoted We build monuments to the future to say we were here and have lived. A true legacy isnt what we build up to the heavans what we carve into stone. Rocks will crumble ,bones turn to powder and paper dissintergrates. Only that which can reach in different directions is eternal. He died broke in his New Yorker hotel room . Today our current power is DC. Elon Musk yesterday released his ideas on technology He is ambitious super rich is an engineer, industrial designer, technology entrepreneur and philanthropist. Born 28 June 1971 (age 49 years), Pretoria, South Africa .no known birth time so cast a chart for midday. He is the founder, CEO, CTO and chief designer of SpaceX early investor , [note CEO Founded in July 2003 by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning as Tesla Motors, the company’s name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer( Nikola Tesla. )nd product architect of TELSLA, Inc Yesterday Musk has unveiled a pig called Gertrude with a coin-sized computer chip in her brain to demonstrate his ambitious plans to create a working brain-to-machine interface. "It's kind of like a Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires," the billionaire entrepreneur said on a webcast. His start-up Neuralink applied to launch human trials last year. The interface could allow people with neurological conditions to control phones or computers with their mind. Mr Musk argues such chips could eventually be used to help cure conditions such as dementia, Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries. But the long-term ambition is to usher in an age of what Mr Musk calls "superhuman cognition", in part to combat artificial intelligence so powerful he says it could destroy the human race. Sounds like the Age of Aquaruis is moving in.
07.01.2022 New Moon in the Royal sign of Leo at 26 degrees today 19th August 2020 at 12.41 pm AEStime activating Regulus the royal star of the king a very fortuitous new moon . New moons are new emotional cycles and new begginings . Leo rules the heart so connect with your heart chakra and dispel negative feelings emotions radiate the body with head held high and proud use your creative divine Leo spark . Leo is about leadership so today’s news re Covid vaccines ,most promising could... be closer with Australia locking in a deal with the drug giant AstraZenica who is working with Oxford University for 25 million doses possibly by end of 2020 or early 21 . Our Federal government as part of the deal from the giant chemical company for jobs here in Melbourne to manafacture 25 million doses . Our government is still looking at other possibilities, currently 160 vaccines are being developed around the world and 29 are in human testing phase, Phase 3 are South Africa , Brazil and United States partnering with Astra Zenica Trump has thrown a chunk of money 1.2 billion dollars for warp speed development so far they are saying October this year ? Our University of Qld here Australia are still developing there own and could be a contender . The reality is that a vaccine is going to be needed regardless to your beliefs and contraversy hopefully they are by choice .! Antivaxxers and conspiracy theorist will be on the war path to derail . Chemical companies stand to profit whichever one comes up with the successful long term Vaccine for COVID ! See more
06.01.2022 New Super-moon in Virgo 25th degree 17th September. Super-moons are much closer to earth with the pull on the earth much greater. The offering is a bigger better new beginning in Virgo which excels at details (the devil in the details) that's Virgo (Discerning). Writing your intentions place where you can read them and think about them. A new beginning of some form, cleaning out that cupboard or desk, throwing out clothes that no longer fit to charity . Virgo can be conne...cted to medicine healing herbs perhaps you've been thinking of a new health routine and this is a great time to begin that process by looking after your gut and strengthening your immune system. We may hear of new medicine discoveries. Virgo is an earth sign so writing an intention for the earth is one to think about also. In addition the ruler of the new Moon Mercury is also square Jupiter at 17 degree of the earth signs Taurus Virgo and Capricorn , so if you have anything at this degree think big dreams and visions manifest by writing it down, the power of words and what you are thinking is limitless. The 22nd September the Sun Libra Equinox is 11.30 pm and the new Moon is Sagittarius 5.31 am. Ceres in 0 degree Pisces will be Quinqunx to Libra 0 degrees. Ceres which rules harvest food and grains and in the water sign of Pisces there could be water issues around crops and flooding. The image below is that of Ceres not unlike Virgo image. Happy New Moon.
06.01.2022 Every year on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year there is a cosmic alignment called the Lions Gateway. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic portal opening. This gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Ori...on’s Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza. When the portal fully opens on the 8th and the spiritual alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens our dormant DNA, activates our human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening. Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius pour towards Earth, creating another opportunity to move forward on our ascension path. See more
05.01.2022 Mars is still very active Astrologically in his own domicile of Aries when the giants Jupiter and Saturn make their Air conjunction called the great Mutation a 200 year cycle . Mars moves sign 7th Jan 2021' to the earth sign Taurus. He has been very pertinent in the Covid year astrological line up beating his war drum world wide hence riots ,violence and inspiring changes of people speaking up. Aries waits for nobody they like to pave their own way and so does the energy, its the instrumental energy of Mars has been very active and important this year assisting changes of the human voice. We will be able to glimpse the giants in the December night Sky meeting mutually 2020.
04.01.2022 Couldn t put Full Moon chart on same Halloween post Fb playing up,so here it is.
04.01.2022 00 degree Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and my necklace from talented Julie Day says it all .
03.01.2022 September 10th - we have Mars the red planet stationing in Aries 28 degrees 08 beginning the retrograde phase today. Look to your chart where this may effect your planets and house cusps. The assertive energy offered from Mars traveling through the sign it rules will need to be managed carefully. Retrogrades are periods of internalization.... and this one is seriously combustible! Mars ends the retrograde on November 13 - and doesn't end the transit through Aries until Janu...ary 7th, 2021. As Mars enters retrograde, it will square the three planets in Capricorn (Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter) again. The good news is that Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are all getting ready to end their retrograde phase - and will go into direct motion again. This highly charged Mars in Aries transit could have the ability to stir up more public violence and social anger ,heightened fire danger. Australia has still very dry areas which would be best keep an eye on. This is a very challenging time with Mars in his own domicile becomes very powerful. California is experiencing devastating fires currently with images of firestorms and dark clouds thick in the air similiar to what happened here in Australia back in Janurary 2020. We have choice as to how we manage our reactions to personal and world issues right now. Be aware of how you use your inner fire.... and how much of an inferno you build up within positively directed much can be achieved using your Mars. Dates to note below Take action( Mars)through action and productivity ,take that walk daily do breathe work yoga which you can do at home under current events. Something that makes you feel happy and worked your excess energy off. Dates for Mars Rx making the squares are: September 30th Mars square Saturn October 10th Mars square Pluto October 20th Mars square Jupiter Planets wil be moving direct dates Jupiter S direct: September 13th Saturn S direct: September 29th Pluto S direct: October 5th If you do not have your chart then i can assist you with this. all you need is your birth date correct birth time Place of birth www,writteninstardust.com.au
01.01.2022 The Moon in Aries (the maverick) today at 12:46 pm leads to the Full Moon 9 degree Aries 8 tommorow friday the 2nd 7.05 am. This months energy is highly charged with Aries energy already heightening the heat and anger outbursts,rage and frustration this sign in his own domiclie sign can exhibit all of the above but used in a positive manner can achieve great evoloutionary steps forward. Using less gas on the pedal which can be challenging for Aries either phase but slowing ...Continue reading
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