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WSA Kids | Teen & childrens website

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WSA Kids


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25.01.2022 Learnt about our characteristics tonight at kids club. Last one for term Created our own dinner and loved sitting all at same dinner table. Cya next term

24.01.2022 Get along to our Family Movie Night this Friday at 7pm. Kids and families are all welcome!

24.01.2022 Don't miss out on the Kids Celebration this Sunday at 10am. Arrive early to pick up a T-Shirt for your child from 9.30am. Lunch in Lang Park from 12.30pm - free for kids, $5 for adults. All are welcome - looking forward to seeing you there! #wsakids

23.01.2022 Anyone use the recipe for Mini Eggs Rocky Road from the WSA Kids Easter Holiday packs delivered last week? Can highly recommend Hope you and your families have had a great Easter #heisrisen

23.01.2022 Join our digital doorknock! We need your help. Please use and share this link.

22.01.2022 It's our last Kids Club for Term 1 this Friday night! Don't miss it! #wsakids

22.01.2022 Check out this great weekly resource for some school holiday fun

22.01.2022 We would love you all to join our team and share with your networks about the desire we have at Wollongong Salvos to leave no one in need. Here is a short instructional video to show how to access and join the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal in Wollongong.

20.01.2022 EQUIP KIDS Registrations Close in 10 days! (18 October!) Don't let your kids miss out on this great weekend! Register at:

20.01.2022 The Red Shield Appeal is our primary fundraiser to resource the essential supplies that we provide to the most vulnerable in our community. Please help us to co...ntinue our work all year round, including our Christmas distribution, by giving to the Red Shield Appeal at We’d also love you to join our team and reach out to your family, friends and other networks to ask them to support this important work! #leavenooneinneed #redshieldappeal #digitaldoorknock See more

19.01.2022 Our last Kids Club for 2018 is going to be HUGE! All primary school kids are welcome to join us on November 2! #summerkidsparty #wsakids

17.01.2022 Kids club with pom pom creatures- games- lesson on caring - samariton purse and green rice just sounds like fun doesn't it?? Only one more for the year in November cya then

15.01.2022 Kids Club is back for Term 2! This week we're learning how to tie a knot bag tag. Join us for games dinner, and a heap of fun! #wsakids

15.01.2022 Kids club last night we learned about our strengths with the different ice cream cup cakes that we created and games we played. GOD LOVES US ALL. How nice it is to share a healthy meal together at the end of our night and to hear the kids thank God with grace. Next kids club is 7th sept @5.30pm @ wollongong salvos

15.01.2022 Registrations for EQUIP KIDS are now open! All primary school children (aged 7+) are invited to attend. Follow the link below to register and click on the SHOALHAVEN camp.

14.01.2022 Wollongong Salvos Morning Worship - 5 April 2020 If you missed us catch up here! Join us at 10 AM AEST Each Sunday.

13.01.2022 Join us for Kids Club this Friday! It's going to be loads of fun! #wsakids #kidsclub #wollongongsalvos

12.01.2022 Our School Holiday Funday is this Friday! Make sure you register your child and come along. It's going to be a great day! #wsakids

12.01.2022 THIS FRIDAY at Wollongong Salvos! We're going to be making cupcakes and having loads of fun! #wsakids #kidsclub #wollongongsalvos

10.01.2022 Don't miss our School Holiday Funday at Wollongong Salvos. Register online at:

10.01.2022 Hey Kids! Bring your mum along to our Gingerbread House Decorating Party and have some fun!

09.01.2022 Plan to join us, 10am, Sunday 9 August for a great online kids celebration! #thegreatadventure #stayontrack

09.01.2022 We hope you all got your kids packs delivered today and are ready for a great online Celebration tomorrow! Join us 10am Sunday. #thegreatadventure #stayontrack

08.01.2022 Check out these great resources to help facilitate family discussions and prayers. Praying for all our kids. Please let us know if we can help you during these days!

08.01.2022 Kids club tonight we learnt how to reuse milk container into a self watering herb garden and enjoyed the run around games together.

07.01.2022 Everyone is welcome to join us on June 17 at 1pm!

06.01.2022 Kids Club is on this Friday. It's going to be loads of fun! #wsakids

05.01.2022 If your young kids are going a bit stir crazy, this might help

04.01.2022 Don't freak out we heard from a vege tales clip. Don't make things bigger than they are. Trust God is with you always. Thanks Maj phil for bringing this to us at kids club. We also had fun creating whatever u wanted with giant left over ballot boxes!! And created our own dinner and origami. Again lots of fun with 17 amazing kids

03.01.2022 We need your help! Father's Day is just around the corner and we would love if you could contribute to some "Dad humour" for our online Father's Day Livestream ...service. Do you know a good dad joke? Or really, just any dad joke? Then record yourself, or someone else, saying your/their best Dad joke and send recordings to [email protected] by no later than Monday 31st August for possible inclusion in the Father's Day service. To get you in the mood, here is a little Fatherly wisdom... 3 unwritten rules of life: 1. 2. 3.

03.01.2022 If you've got a spare 5 minutes, help us by completing this online survey. If you don't mind chatting to people in our community, ask these three questions to a variety of people you encounter during the week, note down responses and email to [email protected]

02.01.2022 Kids club tonight we had a group of 18 fantastic kids and 9 leaders. James played some new games and Maddy showed the kids how you make hooooooola hoops and stress balls/juggling balls. So u should have calm kids tonight lol I know the leaders will be relaxing at home by now!!

01.01.2022 Well the 18 kids at kids club tonight nearly ate us out of spaghetti bolognese!! They made their own twisty pastries for dessert - how clever are they. Hope to see u at the next kids club ( 1st june) its a great way to start the weekend off Love their manners at the dinner table.. love the interaction with each other... love showing them Gods love and in sharing this with them tonight Major Phil Inglis helped them see they were unique and not like anyone else. Everyone contr...ibutes different things. We love it also when kids grow up and one of these kids named Ben shared his skill in making knotted bag tags. Welcome to the team Ben Great fun tonight. Sorry we ran a bit late

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