Wantirna South Junior Football Club | Sport & recreation
Wantirna South Junior Football Club
Phone: +61 3 9801 1110
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25.01.2022 We are excited to announce the return of the Big Freeze beanie in 2020. The beanie is a symbol of hope. It is the badge of honour of the FightMND Army. MND has... not stopped, so neither will we. The fight goes on. Beanies will be on sale from Sunday May 3. Express your interest for our pre-sale here: https://bit.ly/2zGldKZ #BigFreeze6 #ReturnOfTheBeanie
25.01.2022 If you can help a Devils family.....
24.01.2022 Not what we expected....but we wish you a safe, peaceful, healthy Easter weekend and look forward to being together again soon.
24.01.2022 Cant wait to be together in 2021!
23.01.2022 Under 8s training cancelled due to weather. Have a lovely (if wet) weekend.
23.01.2022 Please share around so we can finalise our teams and get back out there. Cant wait!
23.01.2022 This is sad news but WSJFC remains committed to maintaining our community during this time. The president and committee will send through more information shortly. Stay safe everyone and GO DEVS!
23.01.2022 Thank you Marcia and Knox Council for your continued support in funding our facility upgrades. Marcia Timmers-Leitch
23.01.2022 UPDATE: all junior teams who train Friday night at Templeton Reserve (including U16G)....training is cancelled. Stay dry and warm and well see you back soon.
22.01.2022 Coaches/Team Managers will be in touch to confirm details. Please see shared EFNL FAQs if you have queries. COVID19 policy will be on the website soon. We can't wait to see you all.
22.01.2022 As we continue to live in isolation, we need to keep an eye on how much alcohol we are drinking and its impact on us. Here are some of the benefits to staying home and drinking less.
21.01.2022 Orders for training tops, puffer jackets and U17 rugby tops close midnight tonight. Jump on the Team App store to purchase.
20.01.2022 Can't wait to be together in 2021!
20.01.2022 It may look a bit different but this year's U13s are still a team....Zoom meeting this week to rewatch their 2019 premiership win. Bring on 2021!
20.01.2022 We all need a smile today.
20.01.2022 Mens and Boys Health Week starts today. Be and stay well Devils players, dads, granddads, uncles, brothers, partners and friends.
19.01.2022 Supporting local business and our photographer partner.
18.01.2022 Calling all Under 8s and 9s! Devils Coloring Competition Green and white, your AFL team's colors or dress him up? Let your imagine run wild. PDF available on the website... Take a photo of your finished coloring and send via the Messenger button for display on FB and to go in the running for a prize. Prize drawn Sunday 26th April. See more
18.01.2022 Junior club song update....the votes are rolling in. Multiple people can now vote from the same device (ie parents and players). We are completely guided by our members-what do you want to sing? https://www.wsjfc.org.au/club-song
18.01.2022 Please share around so we can finalise our teams and get back out there. Can't wait!
17.01.2022 We have tried so hard to avoid if only but this weekend would have been our annual cocktail party...our chance for parents, coaches and committee to come together. We look forward to all being together again soon. When and where we can, lets all support last years sponsors and partners; Barry Plant Wantirna Wantirna Club Unleashed Live... Field of View Sports Photography Mccormacks Mountain Valley Trail Rides Capital Transport See more
17.01.2022 Help us win a $1,000 equipment voucher courtesy of the TAC! Complete this short survey and nominate us as your club and you will not only be helping inform key road safety research to keep Victorians safe, but youll be helping us become one of the four club from Melbourne who will receive $1,000 worth of new gear! Survey closes Friday 11th September! ... https://www2.srnet.com.au/SE/1/31046/
16.01.2022 Welcome back to training! The U13 boys got us started last week with the COVID restrictions implemented. Cant wait to see our players this week.
16.01.2022 Stay tuned for further information to come, with official training penciled in for early 2021.
16.01.2022 Im sure most of you know by now that the 2020 footy season has been cancelled as of today. I and many others grimly held onto the hope we would play this year..., but thats probably because we just wanted it to happen - We are Footy tragics at the Devils. In the end the Victorian Government restrictions have meant the leagues had to make the call to abandon 2020 and return in 2021. It is disappointing we have to wait until next year to strut our stuff on the field but thats the way it is. That doesnt mean we wont be getting together off the field. We plan to hold a couple of great nights at the club when the restrictions allow us. We are a footy club afterall. We hope to see all supporters and players at these nights. We will keep our club strong and be ready to take on our rivals in 2021. Steve Draper - President
16.01.2022 The committee will be in touch via coaches as work toward a return to play continues. Watch this space. Until we hear otherwise the restrictions implemented for training will remain in place.
15.01.2022 RETURN TO TRAINING FAQ'S | Got some questions about how to return to training safely? Someone's probably asked it before. FAQ's https://bit.ly/2XQik2L
15.01.2022 BOUNCING | Check back in with Mark Williams and Dylan Shiel as they go through the basics of bouncing with the Sherrin Australia Precision ball! Learn more here https://www.sherrin.com.au/precision
15.01.2022 Devil's Dossier President: Paul 'Monty' Montgomery Can you name your favourite player when you were a kid, a teenager and now? As a kid, Kevin Murray, as a teenager, Bernie Quinlan, and now, Lachie Neale.... Who do you think is the best coach in the AFL and why? This may be a little bit biased but I reckon Chris Fagan. His ability to build relationships with a group and set up a learning environment to get the best out of a young developing group is fantastic. Alastair Clarkson has been nowhere without him Can you have a second team? You certainly can. Mine is anyone playing Collingwood.
14.01.2022 Support local where you can
13.01.2022 ICYMI - Wantirna South Senior Football Club | The Devils were active over the pre-season. Catch up on all of it via their Yarra Valley Water InFocus https://bit.ly/3dHoPKV
13.01.2022 Apologies for any confusion. Today's EFNL announcement relates to senior football only. We are waiting for a decision re the junior season but in the meantime look forward to seeing everyone at training.
13.01.2022 Junior footy is set to return after the school holidays. If your child wants to use this shorter season to give footy a go....all are welcome at the Devils. We are particularly seeking under 9 boys and U12 girls to join in. Please share within your networks.
13.01.2022 We all seem to be shopping more locally during this time. Shopping at Wantirna Mall IGA you may see some familiar Devils faces. By linking a Community Benefit card to WSJFC you can support the community by shopping local and they will contribute the footy club. It is easy to do.
13.01.2022 The first SALT Lunchbox Webinar Session kicks off at 1pm (EDT) today! Zoom link - https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5557561544 Big thanks to Eastland and Bendigo Bank for supporting this great initiative.
13.01.2022 Registrations close tomorrow. All welcome in our Devils community.
12.01.2022 Our club room mates are welcoming junior players for cricket 20-21.
12.01.2022 Men's and Boy's Health Week starts today. Be and stay well Devil's players, dads, granddads, uncles, brothers, partners and friends.
11.01.2022 Don't forget to enter your coloring Under 8s and 9s to brighten our community's Anzac weekend and go in the running for the prize.
11.01.2022 BREAKING: Yet MORE local sports clubs to receive $1,000 each to help get them through the pandemic, as part of the third round of the Andrews Government grants ...announced! Local sports are the lifeblood of our community. They bring people together and keep people active, social and healthy. Doesnt get better than that. Theres no denying its been a tough time recently for everyone - clubs included. This is why Im so proud that the first tranche of Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package grants have been allocated. Six more local clubs have been some of the first to receive these funds. They include: - Heathmont Tennis Club, - The Basin Football & Netball Club, - Knox City Football Club, - Mountain Gate Tennis Club, - Wantirna South Junior Football Club and - Boronia Cricket Club. Its all about backing in our community groups when they need it most - and theres more to come! If you know a great local sports club that could use a hand, you can apply for a grant. Visit here for more details: https://sport.vic.gov.au//community-sport-sector-coronavir
10.01.2022 Update: Jay is home
10.01.2022 Hope you are all doing okay Devils family.....we are almost there!
10.01.2022 2020 has been a huge challenge and struggle for everyone around the world with a global pandemic ruining any plans that had been laid. From businesses, to spor...ting events, to clubs and everything in between COVID 19 has left its mark. There has been no kicking off the dew. No burger with the lot or steamed dimmies with a generous helping of soy sauce. No sitting behind the goals, no dribble kicks, no over the top celebrations, no obstructions, no pack marks, no last minute goals. Theres been no football or netball, despite all the best efforts. The EFNL just wants to take a moment to thank every single one of its members. Every player, every partner, every parent, every volunteer, every coach, every committee member, every fan, every sponsor. Thanks for standing by us, waiting patiently for decisions to be made whether you agreed with them or not. Your support has not gone unnoticed. We know and appreciate how much effort everyone has been put into getting a season up; The sleepless nights, the endless zoom meetings and never-ending list of guidelines and protocols. Were sure it made you feel anxious and question your role as a volunteer, but we are beyond grateful that you were up for the challenge. Most importantly, thanks for seeing that there is a bigger picture and understanding that every once in a while, there is something bigger in life than football and netball. 2020 has shown that we must put the greater good of the community ahead of our own needs, wants and desires. Fighting Covid-19 is the ultimate team event and the EFNL community is by far the best team around. As we transition to season 2021, there will be many challenges to overcome and COVID 19 may still be one of them. But we will find a way to bring football and netball back to the Eastern Community. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay prepared, because 2021 will be upon us in no time. And its going to be the biggest yet.
10.01.2022 The Devils will be back in 2021. If anything, we are stronger together. We are very pleased to announce, virtually all our senior list has signed on for an exci...ting return to local footy next season. This includes our young guns and the senior recruits of 2020. Thank you to Knox Club for supporting the Devils this season, and every season. Our friends at Knox Club have had many challenges too, but never wavered in their support of the Devils. Please get down there for a meal and a drink with friends as soon as they open. Tell 'em you support the Devils. With all the coaches in place, and the committee all on board and at it, we are set to go. Thank you to all our supporters, we hope to see you at the Knox Club soon, and back at the footy games at Walker Reserve in 2021.
09.01.2022 Whilst we can't all be together, we remain a community. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. Take care Devs!
08.01.2022 See you tomorrow at the 2021 Under 17 boys info night.
08.01.2022 Update from the President-Paul As you no doubt would have heard announced yesterday we are about to enter another period of lockdown here in Victoria as at midnight tonight. In response to this, we were advised by the EFNL late yesterday that all club sanctioned Senior & Junior Training should cease immediately. No decision has been made by the EFNL in relation to the upcoming season suffice to say that the previously communicated start date of July 26 can no longer occur. ... We will continue to wait for guidance from both AFL Victoria and the EFNL and will communicate to our members once more information is known. We would like to commend all Coaches, Team Managers, players and parents for the way in which they embraced the return to training and for their discipline in adhering to the strict COVID protocols that were put in place to ensure we could get out on the ground. It was a constant theme from many parents that the return to training and physical activity had a positive effect on players in all age groups (and probably the parents too) and if we are to learn anything from the first lockdown period it is how physical activity assisted greatly with the physical and mental well-being of people who were doing it. We would encourage all of our members (players, officials and parents) to make sure we are trying to get a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity a day over this next six weeks. Obviously we still need to hear more from the EFNL going forward, but I can assure you that the WSJFC Committee is still committed to getting some type of football activity going in the later months of this season, COVID restrictions pending, whether that be matches or training, for the benefit of its members. Stay home, stay safe and stay active!
08.01.2022 RETURN TO TRAINING FAQS | Got some questions about how to return to training safely? Someones probably asked it before. FAQs https://bit.ly/2XQik2L
08.01.2022 Eastland Transfer Wrap - Wantirna South Senior Football Club | A fair bit happened down at Wantirna South over the summer. The Devils were very active in the transfer window as they looked to bolster their list. Their Transfer Wrap https://bit.ly/3cHfliY
07.01.2022 Condolences from the junior club too.
07.01.2022 With a return to training we are now able to distribute previously purchased merchandise. Orders will be able to be collected from team managers at training. The online shop has also reopened via Team App for any new orders.
06.01.2022 Apologies for any confusion. Todays EFNL announcement relates to senior football only. We are waiting for a decision re the junior season but in the meantime look forward to seeing everyone at training.
06.01.2022 SUNDAY WORDSEARCH | Need something to concentrate on? How about our Wantirna South Senior Football Club Sunday Wordsearch!
05.01.2022 It may look a bit different but this years U13s are still a team....Zoom meeting this week to rewatch their 2019 premiership win. Bring on 2021!
05.01.2022 If you can help a Devil's family.....
04.01.2022 MENTAL HEALTH | Whilst physical health is on the forefront of everyone’s mind currently, self isolation can also effect yours and your friends mental health. Check out these tips below on how to best handle our current situation!
03.01.2022 Some lovely news. You may recognise Tay's jumper. Jay and Bec we wish you safe travels, bearable quarantine and a wonderful reunion with your girls. Can't wait to see you all for season 2021...fingers crossed that the good results keep on coming.
03.01.2022 Some lovely news. You may recognise Tays jumper. Jay and Bec we wish you safe travels, bearable quarantine and a wonderful reunion with your girls. Cant wait to see you all for season 2021...fingers crossed that the good results keep on coming.
02.01.2022 Week one of 'Devil's Dossier'. Have you ever wondered how two time premiership coach and new President Paul 'Monty' Montgomery ticks? Over the next few days we will share his answers to our hard hitting, investigative questions. Watch this space. Here is a teaser. If you didn't follow Brisbane, who do you think you would barrack for? I had to contemplate this when it looked like Fitzroy may fold in the 1990’s. At that stage it would have been Brisbane so that worked out we...ll for me. My theory at the time was that I had been offended/annoyed by nearly every other team and their supporters at one stage or another and the only one that didn’t offend me at that stage was Fremantle, so not much has changed so I reckon I would still go with them. With the new ones to come in since then, there is something about GWS that you can’t like, and as a Brisbane supporter we have to dislike Gold Coast (who can forget all those classic Q Clashes!).
01.01.2022 Footy is back! Going to need that puffer in July . Order on Team App or email [email protected]
01.01.2022 I'm sure most of you know by now that the 2020 footy season has been cancelled as of today. I and many others grimly held onto the hope we would play this year..., but that's probably because we just wanted it to happen - We are Footy tragics at the Devils. In the end the Victorian Government restrictions have meant the leagues had to make the call to abandon 2020 and return in 2021. It is disappointing we have to wait until next year to strut our stuff on the field but that's the way it is. That doesn't mean we wont be getting together off the field. We plan to hold a couple of great nights at the club when the restrictions allow us. We are a footy club afterall. We hope to see all supporters and players at these nights. We will keep our club strong and be ready to take on our rivals in 2021. Steve Draper - President
01.01.2022 We have tried so hard to avoid 'if only' but this weekend would have been our annual cocktail party...our chance for parents, coaches and committee to come together. We look forward to all being together again soon. When and where we can, let's all support last year's sponsors and partners; Barry Plant Wantirna Wantirna Club Unleashed Live... Field of View Sports Photography Mccormacks Mountain Valley Trail Rides Capital Transport See more
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