Wudang Swimming Dragon Quan in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Tutor/teacher
Wudang Swimming Dragon Quan
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 407 371 249
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24.01.2022 Hi all, hope everyone is safe and well...slowly but surely we are moving out of lockdown and Covid-19 rates dropping ( maybe not quick enough for some ) ..so looking forward.. Finally in Melbourne we can exercise outdoors with one other person maintaining 1.5m social distance & wearing masks. Lockdown martial arts! Up to 2 individuals can train with me now, providing you live or work within a 5km radius of the park. ( hoping this 5km rule goes all together soon ). So for mo...st, really NO change due to that 5km rule , except for Friday afternoon's as I can teach at Darling Gardens in Clifton Hill as less than 5km from my Rehab centre work but not for anyone else except Jennifer Crescenzo and possibly Enrica Cheung Once 5km rule goes all together...hopefully on Oct 19th we can resume training at least outdoors maintaining social distancing and with daylight savings. Believe still no contact or indoors permitted until at least then. There is light at the end of the tunnel ..stay safe and strong
23.01.2022 Deeply honored to have my name enshrined as a direct disciple of our 12th Lineage Grandmaster Yu Anren of Wudang Taiyi You Long Quan ( Swimming Dragon Fist syst...em ) upon his Commemorative tablet symbolizing his 80th birthday and official retirement as headmaster of the system. My direct Sifu Li Yong Liang name sits second down from the left 1st column in place of importance. Will forever be grateful and blessed to have this amazing lineage along with the pride and duty to continue the transmission See more
23.01.2022 Would you like to compete in the Melbourne Push Hands Open? (Assuming the date is convenient)
22.01.2022 HEALTH & SAFETY UPDATE Hi everyone, In light of the recent announcement of Victoria entering a state of emergency relating to the Coronavirus COVID-19, I would like to inform you about training in the forseeable period.... Your (and our) health, safety and well-being is my highest priority. Saying this, I do not feel the need to stop classes for the moment as truly believe that staying active and moving contributes not only to our physical but also our mental well-being. As things stand currently, my classes will continue to operate to come and train, I am however implementing the following actions: 1. INCREASED FOCUS ON HYGIENE I am taking measures to clean the mats and surfaces with antibacterial solutions to ensure that we maintain a healthy environment for everyone before and after each session. Training equipment will be wiped down after every use. If you use any of the gym equipment, please make sure to wipe the surface after use. Everyone PLEASE wash your hands with the provided antibacterial hand wash or wipes BEFORE AND AFTER each class. I also encourage washing hands between when possible. If you feel sick or unwell, please take some time out, stay home and get better before resuming classes. If you are unable to come to class, I am more than happy to arrange FaceTime or Skype to support home training. 2. LIMITED CONTACT DURING CLASSES For the near foreseeable future and at least while our current status in relation to COVID-19 remains in place, we will minimize person to person contact during class as much as possible. Instead of direct contact applications, grappling and Pushhands, we will instead be focusing on technique drills, solo practices and form. This is the perfect opportunity to focus and hone ourselves...ALWAYS look at what you can do NOT what you cannot ALSO, if weather permitting we can always train in adjacent park across the road if preferred thus avoiding enclosed space. Please do not hesitate to talk to me should you have any concerns or questions. I am convinced that increased hygiene and looking after ourselves and each other will get us through these strange times. One step at the time! See you in the garage or park !!
20.01.2022 Hi all , given today's announcements from the Victorian government and staged phasing out of Covid-19 lockdown and assuming active cases continue to drop to the designated target levels it appears that the proposed outlook is as of today: Monday October 26th - outdoor only non contact training permitted for adults - Indoor gyms can resume but heavily restricted so one-on-one training will be absolutely possible. People will be able to leave home for any reason and travel an ...unlimited distance. Monday November 23rd - contact training for adults permitted so can most likely can resume group training. Given this is all predicated on number of weekly averaged active cases of course. Still a long road ahead and whatever your views ,we remain part of the greater community. Stay safe, train for your physical and mental health and stay connected. Use the time to develop and hone old skills and learn new ones. Any need to chat for any reason feel free to contact me. If you have anything you wish to review or refresh in regards to training Internal, FMA , Combatives or simply have a question please feel free to PM me and we can run through it or even do a video call. Stay strong, train , look after loved ones and be safe ..I will endeavour to provide ongoing articles/videos that I think maybe of interest across all aspects of the arts I practice and we train.
20.01.2022 My teacher Master Li Yong Liang performing 72 Closed Hands You Long Quan (Swimming Dragon Fist ) Combat form at end of our training yesterday. Performed slow and smooth so as no detail bypassed...70% of the time rule is applied to practice in this way to ensure correct techniques and mindset..then with slow flowing smoothness comes speed and power ,the other 30% ...so blessed to have my Sifu so accessible and ALWAYS learn how much I still have to LEARN
19.01.2022 With great sadness learned of the passing of a Great Soul! Valerie Boquet Valerie was a key part of Wudang Taiyi You Long Quan in the USA under Liping Zhu in Sa...n Francisco. I had the pleasure of meeting, training and teaching her and members of the USA Swimming Dragon Quan group and formed an instant friendship with this truly beautiful soul and spirit in 2013. Valerie passed away on Monday the 7th. She went peacefully surrounded by love. Valerie or Tian Quan (Heavenly Spring) was a dedicated member of our community who touched many people's hearts and contributed greatly to our community over the years. She lived her life with much wisdom, grace, courage and selflessness. She lives on in our hearts and will be dearly remembered forever as our shining beam of light. See more
18.01.2022 Hi all hope everyone is well After a month of working on teaching/training and family/work balance schedule and receiving great feedback from you ..this is the updated class timetable.: Tuesday's and Thursday's :...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Hi all..another quantitative step towards Covid normal life announced today and particularly for the martial arts, fitness and health industries and many of my full-time martial arts friends & colleagues As of Monday the 9th of November INDOOR NON CONTACT TRAINING adhering to 1.5m social distancing will be permitted and 25km radius travel limit will end This means maximum of 3 people and myself can comfortably fit in my garage to train and safely maintain necessary distance. Most of you know my training schedule but I will repost it tomorrow for those interested. Until then remember 2:1 outdoor training is available within 5km radius..
15.01.2022 Another graceful elegant display of Wudang Taiyi You Long Quan 1st form Taiyi Swimming Dragon health practice by our sister and USA representative Liping Zhu...You Long Quan Melbourne group send warmest regards and stay safe under these Covid-19 conditions.
14.01.2022 Updated look at the Phoenix Taiji Graceful Clouds of Heavenly Blessing Qigong...absolutely wonderful health & longevity form created by Sifu Joe Lok of Hong Kong...my privilege to one of first generation to be certified to teach and still my daily morning practice and teaching to a number of my students
13.01.2022 Hi all hope everyone is well and staying safe in these strange times. I just wanted to check in given the ever-changing landscape of the community and social distancing responsibilities. Please let me know if you prefer to cease training and isolate or happy to continue in small groups.... It is a perfect opportunity to learn and hone your internal skills and cultivate structure and form. I totally understand if anyone wishes to suspend all training . I ,of course will adhere to all social distancing requirements and all training will be non contact and maintaining safe distances. Also hygiene will be of utmost importance at all times. Classes with run at normal Tuesday and Thursday's evenings along with alternative Friday afternoon's and Saturday afternoon 3.30pm ...there will be NO Pushhands class for forseeable period. All solo practices and drills along with Kalis stick work can be maintained as no contact involved. Stay safe and happy...remember to care for others and its a great time to do more NOT less in yr own development.
12.01.2022 Hi all hope everyone is well...just wanted to advise there will be NO classes from Wednesday April 3rd till Friday 12th April inclusive as I will be attending my Guro Ray Floro in Melbourne for seminar/ instructor certification for Kalis Ilustrisimo / FFS everyday. Also please note Easter holidays there will be NO classes from Good Friday till Easter Monday inclusive. Thank you all for your understanding and supporting my personal development. Look forward to sharing with you in future
11.01.2022 Another wonderful display of Tai Yi You Long Quan health and longevity form by our our masterful training sister USA representative Julia Liping Zhu
11.01.2022 Wonderful to have my Sifu, training brother and Shushu (uncle) to my daughter ,Master Li Yong Liang, in my home with his grandstudent after many months..always ...inspired by his Daoist heart and skills. Some free Wudang sword play during our last training session pre-Covid. Looking forward to the next session immensely See more
09.01.2022 Hi all, hope everyone is well and safely enjoying greater normality and connecting with family and friends. Just wanting to update everyone on the remainder of this once in a lifetime ( we hope anyway ) year. The last day of training for this very shortened year will be Saturday 12th December and returning on Tuesday 5th January 2021.... We are travelling down to Surf Coast for a week from the 14th Dec and then it is the Xmas/New year period. My traditional break from late Dec through to the beginning of February, I think we agree is unnecessary as we had virtually 8 months of no training together. I was thinking of doing a 3 hour session from 1pm - 4pm as a end of year training workshop on the Saturday 12th December consisting of : 1-2pm : Ba Duan Jin ( Eight Silk Brocade ) Qigong set 2-3pm : Pushhands 3-4pm : Floro Fighting Lamb Baton ( essentially the most efficient Baton system ) Location : 103 Rutherford Road Viewbank - Garage Fee : $50.00..Please let me know your interest as maximum 5 participants ( NOT including me ) can be accommodated in my garage given need for social distancing. Hopefully Melbourne is still on track with zero Covid-19 cases ,of course this won't go ahead if we enter a 3rd lockdown period. Thank you for all your support and friendship during an extraordinarily challenging year and look forward to a far more "normal" 2021
09.01.2022 Given the expectations today that are now " paused " , let's all take a deep breath ( despite the urge to shout ) ..hopeful of better news for Melbourne and for our ability to train at least 2:1 indoors permitted later in the week ..outdoors training available to those who wish to participate, unfortunately still max 2:1. Stay safe, stay strong, stay grounded and don't get drawn into the superfluous banter
08.01.2022 Hi all ,so fingers crossed as of Monday 9th November we can resume indoor non contact training..please let me know your interest..remember max 3 ppl in my training garage to ensure we adhere to social safety measures. ( Masks not required if exercising ) 103 Rutherford Road Viewbank ( parking opposite at Tennis courts ) My schedule is: ... Tuesday's: 5.30pm-6.30pm Internal martial arts 6.30pm-7.30pm FMA & Kalis Ilustrisimo Thursday's 5.30pm-6.30pm Internal martial arts 6.30pm-7.30pm Combatives & Floro Fighting system Friday's 1.00pm-2.30pm Darling Gardens Clifton Hill Alternate weeks : Qigong / Phoenix Taiji & FMA/Kalis Ilustrisimo each alternate Friday. Saturday's 2.00pm-3.00pm Pushhands ( when contact permitted ) 3.00pm-4.30pm 72 Closed Hands Swimming Dragon fist combat form & applications. Saturday OPEN Training on request until contact training permitted. Fees are totally negotiable ( you all know my thoughts..its passion not my income ...pay what you can afford and value ) Cash preferred Enjoy the easing of lockdown and Covid-19 conditions with family and friends and hope to see many of you soon.
08.01.2022 Hi all..as most of you would be aware, Victorian government Covid-19 restrictions have been furthered eased with no travel limits and increased social community services & interaction and numbers. Directly concerning us is that we are permitted to train indoors observing social distancing conditions and no contact. As of Monday 23rd November ( given no further outbreaks ) ,we can return to full contact training for those who are comfortable to do so..the full training schedule ( please see my previous message regarding conditions update for training schedule ) will recommence including Pushhands and Combatives partner work. Very much looking forward to seeing everyone and returning to full training. Please let me know thoughts, concerns and interest
07.01.2022 A very successful and enjoyable 2019 Summer Intensive training weekend highlighted by Pushhands class for my students by my Swimming Dragon Quan teacher Master... Li Yong Liang...humbled and honored to have such an amazing group of people. Thank you all for your friendship and commitment always. Special thank you's to Monsior Lavender ( Jeremy ) travelling from Sydney, Hugh Lee from Torquay and Rye Senjen from country Vic..truly appreciate your efforts and great to have you along and touch hands Chris Gauntlett Wonderful weekend of Swimming Dragon Quan Dao Yin, Xingyi Santi standing , Pushhands and Raymond Floro FFS Dive n Drive knife defence which was so well received. See more
04.01.2022 Hi all hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Just an update on return to normal training...given the Vic government's reinstatement of tighter restrictions due to heightened cases of Covid-19 , unlike many other gyms & martial arts schools who plan to reopen tomorrow and given the still, ever present risks , I have decided to NOT resume normal classes until at the earliest, the week commencing as of Monday July 13th. The Vic government has stipulated that full contact... training can resume at this time ,although I personally believe this is too early given the risks and will reassess closer to that time. Classes will remain one-on-one observing social distancing. I will be updating training timetable shortly and doing my best to offer the full range of my skills........ in particular there will be a weekly dedicated Street Combatives class & Filipino Martial arts ( classical fundamentals, Kalis Ilustrisimo, Floro knife systems ) added. More details to come soon. Thank you all for your understanding and continued support and commitment. See more
03.01.2022 Hi all..sadly we inevitably have entered Stage 4 lockdown Covid-19 conditions ..please everyone stay safe, abide by the rules ( they are not there to control but to make us safe and all get through this together )and train a little everyday day for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. BREATHE and one step forward. Obviously no training or classes will be conducted under Level 4 conditions to importantly do the right thing ( 5km limit from home exercise rule not... withstanding ) Please keep in touch and also available online if anyone wishes to review or answer any questions. See you all on the other side sooner rather than later. See more
02.01.2022 Hi all, Hope everyone is safe and well. As I am sure most of you are aware of on Tuesday 30th June, our Premier announced the suburbs that will be put into lock down. I would like to advise you that training on a one on one basis observing social distancing will REMAIN in place at this stage, as I am not located in these postcodes.... If you reside and are located in the hot spot suburbs, this means you will not be able to leave your house to practise. DO NOT RISK IT. I am always here and we can train when restrictions ease. Hopefully if everyone does the right thing,these lockdowns will end in 4 weeks. Stay safe and well.
02.01.2022 A warm welcome to my dear teacher Grandmaster Yu Anren, the 12th lineage holder of Tai Yi You Long Gong system as well as his wife Mrs. Yu and son Shawn Yu, the 13th lineage holder!! Today our SF swimming dragon Taichi community gathered together for our first day of dragon feast.
02.01.2022 A truly heart felt thank you once again to all that attended my Internal You Long Quan Melbourne group Intensive minicamp..Absolutely fantastic weekend. Thank ...you for making my dream of having a small but dedicated group of students and friends a reality and the enthusiastic training..and of course for the extremely positive feedback and desire to conduct future minicamps. We missed you Peter Lorback Monsior Lavender and Natasha Blankfield. Special thanks to Oliver Mcleish for providing the great accom and Hugh Lee coming from Torquay...a great way to continue our 2018 training year. See more
01.01.2022 Our wonderful training sister Liping Zhu in the graceful skilled flow of Taiyi Swimming Dragon Quan form in San Francisco Golden Gate park.
01.01.2022 In order to understand the fight, people should spend more time in learning effective techniques instead of learning the flashy ones. PG Fabrizio Mansur
01.01.2022 Hi all hope everyone is well...planning on recommencing training as of week starting Monday 10th Feb. As you are all aware training will now predominately be conducted at my new Viewbank home where I am currently setting up permanently matted garage training centre. Given my newly established work schedule with NDIS & Rehab , I need to have more structured class times to ensure not overstretched and family time..and as ALWAYS to attend Kinetic Fighting Army combatives bi annu...ally and assist at Ray Floro seminar tours yearly. I have also recommenced regular BJJ training twice weekly minimum and will attend the occasional odd seminar that I believe would be of benefit to both my ongoing development and hopefully yours as you are welcome to attend also. I , of course will continue to send invites. Hence training schedule as of next week will be: Address: 103 Rutherford Rd Viewbank Monday's 4-7pm : Swimming Dragon fist; Pushhands & Internal culitvation Tuesday's: 6 -7.30pm Combatives - ( combining KEF , Floro Fighting system and BJJ ) Wednesday's: 4 - 7pm Swimming Dragon fist system and Kali fundamentals Thursday's : 9-11am available for privates ( when my daughter at Kinder during school periods ) Friday's fortnightly : 1 -2.30pm Phoenix Qigong Taiji sets & Internal cultivation Darling Gardens Clifton Hill or home...I have 3pm start at Rehab on Friday so either works. Saturday's : 2.30pm - 5pm Swimming Dragon fist and Pushhands Weather is NO longer a factor ...happy to enjoy Viewbank parkland or my garage training centre at home folks Timetable is work in progress and changeable, so let's see how we go...also as Ariadne grows and attends school in future years, my teaching and personal training availability will increase.
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