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25.01.2022 Our new coobook Done all in one features 50+ healthy recipes created in a single pot or pan for easy cooking! These recipes come together easily, taste amazing,... and minimise mess. From saucy pastas and fresh stir-fries to air-fryer snacks and sheet-pan roasts, there’s no shortage of recipe ideas to help you reach your weight-loss goals. Grab your copy from our WW online shop today: http://bit.ly/doneallinonecookbook
24.01.2022 This week's Face Change Friday is Renee! You can follow her WW journey in Connect 'renee88r' "I'm enjoying being on holidays with my fiancé... this time I'm 16kg down and no longer terrified of having my photo taken. Loving the new found confidence and the healthy lifestyle. Bring on the next 8kg to goal - I've got this!" Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey... #facechangefriday #wwmember
24.01.2022 Meet WW Member Brett who lost 43kg over 12 months and has kept it off for 20 years! "I kept hoping that things would change by themselves and that I'd start los...ing weight without making any effort which was never going to happen." Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey
23.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday is WW Member Kristy. You can follow her on Connect 'KRISTYB0804'. Date joined: I signed up for a year before I committed to the program. I officially committed in October 2019. I used to: Use food to deal with my emotions. I was continually chasing a sugar fit to get through the day as a new mum. I felt really uncomfortable in my own skin and would avoid social situations if I could. ... Now I: Am living my best life. I love food, even more these days, but I use it to nourish my body rather than to squash down my feelings. I am confident in my own skin and know this time will be the last time I will ever have to lose weight. I'm proud that: I have made these changes while my daughter is young. She will grow up knowing what a healthy relationship with food looks like and hopefully will not repeat my mistakes as she gets older. My best advice: Ditch the diet mentality. For me, WW is a lifestyle. Don't restrict any of the food you really enjoy, just work within your point budget by planning your meals for the entire day. Food plan: Green Weight loss: 35kgs over 13 months. Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey #wwmember #transformationtuesday #transformation #thennow #beforeafter #wwaunz #wellnessthatworks #myww #weareww
22.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday is WW Member Georgia @georgia.corbett Date joined: April 2019 I used to: have sleep apnoea and overeat. I didn't do any exercise. It was a struggle walking long distances and getting through a long shift at work.... Now I: breath easier and I don't have sleep apnoea! I can exercise for longer durations without being tired. I am able to eat well and I track my SmartPoints everyday. I attend weekly workshops and I try a new WW recipe each week. I do WW with my Dad and Step Mum so it's great that we support each other. I'm proud: that I stuck with it and have achieved the weight loss I needed to become a healthier version of me. Food plan: Blue Fave app feature: water tracker! Weight loss: I've lost 45.9kg over 17 months #transformationtuesday #wwmember #thenandnow #transformation #inspiration #weightloss #myww #wellnessthatworks
21.01.2022 Don’t Miss Our SPRING SALE! Why wait? Get 40% off 6 month plans when you join today* AU: weightwatchers.com/au/join-ww
20.01.2022 We're over the halfway mark for the WW Spring Games! For Week 7, explore the WW app and try three new WW recipes. Post photos of your dishes to share what you're cooking. Then, take a sweaty-selfie or a photo of where you're exercising this week. Share it and tell us what activity you're doing! ... Take a moment to think ahead and share what you'll be focusing on next week here. Writing down your focus is proven to help you stay accountable and follow through with taking action. #WWSpringGames #springmotivation #springchallenge
20.01.2022 This week's Face Change Friday is WW Coach Kimberly @This_mum_lives_ww MEMBER SINCE: February 08 COACH SINCE: May 17... JOINED WW TO: Gain confidence! I have struggled with my weight my entire life and had always assumed the only thing I could do about it was to pretend it didn't bother me. USED TO: Eat mindlessly with little regard to portions. I felt uncomfortable in my clothes and hated to exercise because I constantly compare myself to others. NOW I: am a fun mum! I don’t let my weight stop me from getting out there and being active with my boys. I've also discovered yoga is a great way for me to take some time out for myself. LOST: 25kgs the first time! Then used the program to get back down to my goal weight after each of my sons were born. #facechangefriday #wwmember #facetofacefriday #thenandnow #transforation #inspiration See more
18.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday Jess. You can follow her WW journey on Instagram @jess.ww. Joined: Long time member but rejoined in July 2020 after baby #2. I used to: Overindulge on sweet food, skip meals and eat large portions.... Now I: Eat smaller, regular meals. I plan our dinners at the start of each week from my WW cookbooks. I love that I can save a few points for dessert or a sweet treat! I never feel like I’m missing out. I'm proud that: I haven’t let putting weight back on during my two pregnancies stop me from achieving my weight loss goal, it’s just taking a little longer. My best advice: Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone’s journey is different, fast or slow. Find a support network to help keep you motivated. Create small weight loss goals and reward yourself at each win. Food plan: Blue Weight loss: 11.4 kg in 16 weeks. Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey #wwmember #transformationtuesday #transformation #thennow #beforeafter #wwaunz #wellnessthatworks #myww #weareww
18.01.2022 Spring into action and better health with 50% off your first 3 months.* Hurry, sale ends soon! AU: weightwatchers.com/au/join
17.01.2022 TODAY IS THE DAY '50% weight loss 100% healthier' features Anna's inspiring story of losing 70 kg with WW, plus over 120 of her recipe creations with the S...martPoints included Grab a copy from your local bookstore TODAY (13 Oct for NZ). Feed Me Healthy with Anna Van Dyken #annavandyken #feedmehealthy #wwcookbook #wwmember #dreamcometrue
15.01.2022 It's hard to beat a flakey flavour packed quiche! We've added sweet potato for texture to this delightful bacon quiche. 8 5 4 Grab the recipe here: http://bit.ly/sweetpotatobaconquiche... #wwrecipe #healthyrecipes #smartpoints #wwsmartpoints
15.01.2022 This week's Face Change Friday inspo is WW Member Gianna! I reached goal once before in 2013, but put the weight back on after the stress of losing my father. I re joined in January 2019. Since then I’ve lost 42.4kgs in 14 months following the purple food plan and have been maintaining since March 2020. I no longer have high blood pressure or acid reflux and I now have a normal heart rhythm. I no longer take prescription medications for these conditions.... WW has taught me to make good food choices and the importance of planning and tracking. I also enjoy walking everyday. I feel so fit and healthy and loving life! Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey #facechangefriday #wwmember #facetofacefriday #thenandnow #transforation #inspiration
14.01.2022 WW Website: weightwatchers.com/au/join-ww
10.01.2022 This week's Face Change Friday Member is Emily. You can follow her journey in Connect 'emilylm93' "Reflecting like this really makes a huge difference! The left is me from 12 months ago at a concert and the right was from yesterday. I've been on my WW journey since May and I've dropped 15.5kgs. I feel amazing! I've still got a long way to go, but it's actually happening!" #facechangefriday #wwmember
10.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY SALE ON NOW! Lose weight with our most holistic program ever, new myWW+. Join today with 40% off!*... weightwatchers.com/au/join-ww
09.01.2022 This week's Face Change Friday is Belinda! You can follow her in Connect as 'SPIFFSTAR'. "After doing WW for just over a year this is my first #facechangefriday! These photos are one year apart. The first photo was taken at my birthday party last year. I had already been doing the WW program for 2 months and had lost 8kg. The photo on the right was taken yesterday after my hairdressers appointment and I've now lost 31kg! Feeling fabulous and so much healthier and counting all the losses, big and small, as I make my way to goal!" #facechangefriday #wwmember
09.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday is Chris! You can follow him on Connect 'chrismapstone75'. I used to: feel very lethargic. I was embarrassed to see my doctor. I tried to hide from people's attention and had anxiety about dying from something that was self-inflicted. I feared letting my kids down. Now I: feel great, I feel confident. My blood pressure and blood sugar are normal. I'm even happy to see the doctor these days. I have so much more energy. I do get embarrassed by... the comments, attention and support from others but I'm enjoying meeting new people as when you show confidence, you attract more positive people. I enjoy: climbing hills, watching sunrises, and being out in nature. I have new found friends. I look forward to the future, I am even considering studying again. I'm proud: that I have stuck to this and achieved so many non scale goals.Weight loss: 28kg over 5 months with 10-15kg to go. #wwmember #wwdads #wwmen #wwaunz #wellnessthatworks #myww #weareww
09.01.2022 For Week 3 of the Spring Games, make the most of our member's favourite feature in the WW app - the barcode scanner, connect your activity device for easy activity tracking and wrap up the week by taking note of what you're looking forward to next week. To play along and be a part of our supportive member community, join the Spring Games group in Connect! Not a member? You can join now! Join a 3, 6 or 12 month plan and you are in! http://bit.ly/wwspringgames... #wwspringgames
09.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday is WW Member Dannielle @dannifitnessjourney. Joined: January 2019. Used to: have constant back pain, overindulged in sweets, ate fast food several times a week and never followed correct portion sizes.... Now I: feel happier, healthier and more confident in myself. I walk daily, meal plan, try new recipes from WW cookbooks, track daily and attend my weekly workshops. I’m proud that: I have lost over 20kg, created a healthier lifestyle for myself and inspired other people to start their weight loss journey. Food plan: I have lost most of my weight by following WW Green. I found this program suited me better than the blue program as I overate on zero point foods and needed to keep myself accountable by tracking everything I ate. Weight loss: I have lost 21.9kg and achieved LTM last Monday! #facechangefriday #wwmember #facetofacefriday #thenandnow #transforation #inspiration
07.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday is Nicole @wwsatylasmum_xo I used to: have takeaway several times a week and have unhealthy snacks in the house. Now I: love trying new recipes from the WW App and I meal prep on weekends. I make sure I have fruit and other healthy choices for snacks in the cupboard. ... I'm proud that: I have created healthy habits which are not just food related such as increasing my water intake and making sure I move more (doing at least 10,000 steps a day) Weight loss: I've lost 11.3kgs in 12 weeks. Food plan: I am following the Blue food plan Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey #wwmember #transformation #transformationtuesday
05.01.2022 This week's Face Change Friday inspo is WW Member Nikolaas @princedelicious. Joined: Aug 2019 be lighter and feel lighter. Proud of: too many things; reaching my goal weight, keeping it off, keeping good habits, sleeping better and a new wardrobe.... Workshop fan because: I absolutely enjoy catching up every Saturday morning (at home virtually) with all the other members from Richmond, Victoria with our Coach Laura. I enjoy the sense of community, the way we all support each other and share tips on donut recipes. Weight loss: 33 kg over 1 year. Shout out to: my Coach Wendy from Newtown, Sydney - she was my first coach and got me going. The best thing about WW is that wherever you are, WW workshops are on zoom. #facechangefriday #wwmember #facetofacefriday #thenandnow #transforation #inspiration
04.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday shout out is WW Member Tracy @tracyduelle3775. Joined: January 2018 I used to: Think of the WW plan as a quick fix to lose weight. I would lose the weight quickly but never follow through. I would find myself back where I started with a few extra kilos.... Now I: Realise that this a way of life, it's a journey, its my journey and one that I'm proud of. I can now exercise with ease, I love finding new hills to conquer, they are my favourite. I love that I now have the self confidence to dress in pin up most days, this is something I have always wanted to do but never had the body or self confidence to do so. My best advice: Track everything it really does make a difference, attend Workshops to keep yourself accountable, if you have a bad meal, day, week or month that's OK we are all human and not one of us is perfect. Life is so unpredictable and ever changing find the one thing that works for you and stick with it, it doesn't matter how long it takes, the end result will be worth it. Lastly remember it's your journey and only you can decide where you want to go. Food plan: Blue Weight loss: 23.9kg so far with 4kg back to goal. I did get there but life happens and it's all about picking yourself back up and never giving up. Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey #wwmember #transformationtuesday #transformation #thennow #beforeafter #wwaunz #wellnessthatworks #myww #weareww
04.01.2022 Happy Halloween! Use this handy guide to choose how you spend your SmartPoints. TELL US: What's your favourite Halloween treat? #wwmeme #meme #halloween #hallomeme #smartpoints #everythingonww
04.01.2022 For our Week 4 of the #WWSpringGames, we challenge you to focus on staying hydrated and joining a Live Workout with WW session. You can attend any session throughout the week, but try join us this coming Saturday for a special Spring Games session with WW trainer Steven @halligansfitness! Wrap up your week by sharing a highlight. Find out more here: http://bit.ly/wwspringgames... #wwspringgames
03.01.2022 Please see below our NEW updated physical workshops for WA - 2021 AU: weightwatchers.com/au/join-ww
01.01.2022 This week's Transformation Tuesday shout out is WW Member Tamara! Tamara has maintained her weight loss for 45kg weight loss 8 years! Follow her journey @tamara_weightlossjourney. Joined: October 2011 I used: to live a very sedentary lifestyle and absolutely loathed exercise. Now I run almost everyday as well as go to Body Fit training which I love! I've also ran many city to surf, half marathon, marathon and last year an ultra marathon which is 50km.... I'm proud that: I've not only lost the weight but kept it off 8 years this year! Proves that WW not only works but it’s sustainable. My best advice: is not to be too hard on yourself! Reward yourself along the way like I did with lots of massages and new clothes. Food plan: Green. I like having 30 points and I find this program keeps me on track a lot more with counting. Weight loss: 45kg over 13 months. Ready to start your journey? https://bit.ly/startyourwwjounrey #wwmember #transformationtuesday #transformation #thennow #beforeafter #wwaunz #wellnessthatworks #myww #weareww
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