Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) | Businesses
Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA)
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25.01.2022 An article on how being disabled prepared some families for parenting in lockdown: https://www.abc.net.au//how-being-disabled-prepar/12688736 [Image: Photo of woman with disability, Lefa Singleton-Norton and her children].
25.01.2022 Today, the 26th of January, we recognise that the lands of Australia were stolen from First Nations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We stand in solidarity with our First Nations people, who view today, as a day of mourning and invasion, not celebration. To support the call for change, there are many demonstrations happening today that you can support in person or on social media. ... [Image reads: January 26 is Invasion Day! Get to your local protest! Sydney > 9am The Domain Melbourne > 10:30 Parliament House Canberra > 10am Tent Embassy Brisbane > 10am Queens Park Perth > 1pm Forrest Place Adelaide > 11am Victoria Square Darwin > 10am Civic Park Hobart > 12pm Parliament House Lawns Newcastle > 10am Civic Park Rockhampton > 10am Central Park Lismore > 1pm > Lismore Entertainment Centre Albury > Albury Botanic Gardens Lithgow > Queen Elizabeth Park ]
25.01.2022 A huge congratulations to WWDA Youth member Lottie Frohmader and her younger reading buddy Mariah for their hard work and achievements that have now been featur...ed in The Smith Family newsletter. Mariah and Lottie read together over the phone two to three times a week. Each call was meant to last 20 minutes, but they enjoyed themselves so much that their calls would often last double. Over time, Lottie saw an enormous shift in Mariah. At the start, Mariah’s reading was a bit stilted. I found that she knew how to read the words or sound them out, yet she was reluctant to try. By the end, she was reading quite fluently and she would have a go at every word" Lottie said. Now Mariah is reading books like Harry potter and has worked with Lottie to publish their very own short story. You can read more and watch a video of their story at: https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au//ch/lottie-mariahs-story
23.01.2022 COVID19 SCAM ALERT Australia's consumer watchdog is warning residents to be vigilant for a new scam text message that impersonates the government conducting COV...ID-19 contact tracing. The text message warns recipients that a possible COVID-19 case has been detected in their neighbourhood. It then prompts the recipient to click on a map to find out "the most dangerous places to avoid tomorrow". Learn more about the scam and how to recognise it at: https://www.9news.com.au//7f17d277-2b30-4c35-8d12-96041879 [Image: Screen shot of a Twitter post from @Scamwatch_gov showing scam text message with heading text: 'Beware of the latest #COVID19 themed government impersonation scam. If you receive this text, don't click the link, just delete it. Not sure if a text is legitimate? Contact the relevant agency using the details you've sourced yourself or visit the official website via your browser.']
23.01.2022 For an article for the SBS, WWDA's CEO, Carolyn Frohmader spoke about how women with disability are far more likely to suffer domestic and sexual abuse than non-disabled women. It doesn’t matter how many times you ask the question, Carolyn said. The number one priority, human rights issue, for women and girls with a disability is the right to be free from violence. She added: We have a very long way to go in this country to make our crisis and support services inclusive ...and accessible ... No woman should be denied a response and support on the basis of their disability, and yet we continue to see that. Read more at: https://www.sbs.com.au//women-with-disability-are-being-tu #OrangeTheWorld #16Days #Day2 #16DaysOfActivism [Image: Photo of woman with disability and advocate, Nicole Lee].
23.01.2022 Today we are introducing our second panellist who will be presenting at our upcoming event: The Rural Women With Disability COVID-19 Webinar on 14 October - Tess Moodie. Tess lives on a large organic dairy farm in a small town in the far north-west Tasmania and identifies as a non-binary person with disability. Tess is an intersectional advocate, and is passionate about elevating the voices of people with disability, LGBTIQ+ folks and survivors of all forms of violence. Tes...s has a professional background in counselling (private practice and sexual assault), but currently works part-time as a project co-ordinator in the primary prevention of family violence, and as an LGBTIQ+ community support worker. Tess is the creator of a Facebook page to support autistic girls and women and those who know and love them, called Neurodiversity Goddess. They also run a Facebook support group for over 2000 people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome to provide relationship and sexuality support. When Tess is not advocating in the areas of their passion, they like to binge watch crime programs on Netflix whilst fighting with their sausage dog for a spot on the couch, holding their pet rats in their dressing gown pockets and dreaming of becoming a Forensic Psychologist. To learn more about Tess and hear them speak, make sure to register for a spot at the webinar at: https://events.humanitix.com/rural-women-disability-covid19 #COVID19 #Coronavirus #RRRWomen #DisabilityRights [Image: Purple social media banner with flowers and heading text: 'The Rural Women with Disability COVID-19 Webinar.' Below heading is text 'speaker announcement' and image of a person with dark hair and a nose piercing. Below the image is the text: 'Tess Moodie Intersectional Advocate'].
22.01.2022 Last night, WWDA CEO, Carolyn Frohmader joined Senator Jordon Steele-John, Paula McGowan, Dr. Linda Steele, and Therese Sands to discuss last week’s Disability Royal Commission hearings. The debrief explored how to end the use of unauthorised restrictive practice. If you missed the live event, you can watch the recording at: ... https://www.facebook.com/JordonSteeleJohn/videos/423944601932364 See more
22.01.2022 Yesterday, the Disability Royal Commission hearing examining the experiences of Indigenous people with a disability and their contact with child protection services found some serious gaps in the supports provided to parents with disability. "No ongoing support was provided to a South Australian Aboriginal mother despite child services citing intellectual disability as a reason for the long-term removal of her children." Read more at: ... [Image: Photo of Commissioners at Disability Royal Commission hearing]
21.01.2022 A huge congratulations to Grace Tame, who has just taken out the Australian of the Year award for 2021. This is a huge step forward for women and survivors of sexual violence. All of us at WWDA are so proud!... If you missed the ceremony you can watch the recording at: https://www.facebook.com/abc/videos/1178774835908304 Read about Grace's journey at: https://www.abc.net.au//2021-australian-of-the-y/13089884 [Image: A photo of Grace, a young woman with tied back blonde hair looking straight at the camera.]
17.01.2022 There are positives to using social media including, staying in contact with friends, learning new things and keeping up to date with the latest news. But it is really important when using social media that we keep ourselves and others safe. At WWDA we have put together some tips on how to interact online. Take a look: https://wwda.org.au//wwdas-top-tips-for-interacting-with-/ ... [Image: Dark purple background, WWDA logo in white at the top, white heading that says Support Each Other Online. An illustration of three women embracing each other with dark blue hair, purple clothes and different coloured skin tones.]
16.01.2022 Looks like a great opportunity to learn Auslan while you are isolating at home!
16.01.2022 This Wednesday, 27 January, the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance (NATSIWA) is hosting a Free Webinar on Information about Domestic/Family Violence. The Webinar will be held on 12pm-1pm AEDT The Webinar will cover a range of topics such as:... -Who experiences domestic/family violence? -What is domestic/ family violence? -How to support people who experience domestic violence Read more and register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/domestic-and-family-violence-a
15.01.2022 The Australian Government’s 10-year National Disability Strategy (NDS) is coming to an end and work on the development of the next 10 year NDS has already begun. Now more than ever we need to raise our voices and advocate for new strategies to combat violence against women and girls with disability. WWDA’s recent submission provides that voice. If you haven’t seen it yet take a look at our website and please share with your networks: https://wwda.org.au//wwdas-response-to-t...he-nds-position-p/ #OrangeTheWorld #16Days #Day3 #NDS #16DaysOfActivism [Image: light pink background, orange writing Raise your voice’. An illustration of a woman marching with a purple flag. Orange text at the bottom says #OrangeTheWorld above the WWDA logo.]
15.01.2022 On Wednesday 7 October at 11:30am, the Australian Government Department of Health is holding a webinar on Infection Prevention and Control for the Disability Support Sector. This 45 minute webinar is on the appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and infection control measures in disability settings and aims to assist in reducing some of the anxiety held by many disability workers around COVID-19. The webinar can be accessed at: https://publish.viostream.com/app/s-n98xjka
15.01.2022 Today we sent out our WWDA Newsletter. The newsletter includes information and updates on a range of topics including: - Upcoming WWDA Webinar - Call for WWDA Blog Commentary - Meet new WWDA member... - Disability Royal Commission (DRC) - Join the WWDA Youth Network Advisory Group - NDIS Independant Assessment FAQs - Our Site and more! Find out more and subscribe on the WWDA website: https://wwda.org.au/2020/09/wwda-news-september/ [Image: Light Purple background with dark purple text WWDA News.]
14.01.2022 Content warning: Article describes experiences of ableism, racism and the forced removal of children. . . . .... "Tasmania's Child Safety Service has been accused of discriminating against an intellectually disabled couple who requested help with their baby girl, only to have her removed from the family's care without appropriate advice on their rights." "The baby’s parents, both of whom identify as Tasmanian Aboriginal and were homeless at the time of her birth, contacted the Child Safety Service soon after she was born to ask for support." Read the full article at: https://www.abc.net.au//child-safety-tasmania-cri/12721954 [Image: Photo of a baby's feet].
14.01.2022 As part of our work to re-energise the WWDA Youth Network, we will soon be re-starting up the WWDA Youth Newsletter. If you're interested in getting updates on... our work and news on opportunities to get involved, you can sign up to our newsletter using subscribe bar on the footer of our website: http://youth.wwda.org.au/ [Image: Purple and green social media tile with white circle in the middle and text: 'WWDA Youth Network Newsletter']
13.01.2022 The Disability Royal Commission (DRC) has released a statement about how the "The closure of large institutions housing people with disability, with the resulting development of group homes, has not eliminated institutional forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation experienced by people with disability." The Royal Commission released its report summarising evidence from one of its early hearings, 'The experience of living in a group home for people with disability' o...n 30 September 2020. You can read the statement and download the report on the DRC website at: https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au//group-homes-sti [Image: Screenshot from front cover fo report with white text against a blue background: 'Public Hearing Report. Public hearing 3. The experience of living in a group home for people with disability.]
13.01.2022 Last Thursday, WWDA’s Project Officer - Heidi La Paglia, created a video which was presented at the National Disability Strategy (NDS) Beyond 2020 webinar. She spoke about her experiences and highlighted the importance of a gender lens focus for the NDS She said An effective NDS would not only recognise the way in which these gender biases occur but also respond to them.... You can watch the video on our website: https://wwda.org.au//heidi-la-paglias-presentation-at-the/ [Image: Photo of Heidi La Paglia, her name written along the bottom with the sub heading Women With Disabilities Australia.]
11.01.2022 It has been fantastic to see so many new members join our WWDA Facebook Group. Join our group and connect with other women with disabilities around Australia Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WWDACommunity [Image: Dark purple background. White heading: Join our Facebook group, nearly 900 members! At the bottom of the image is some lighter purple and gold scribbles and dots.]
11.01.2022 From mid-2021 the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme is implementing independent assessments for participants. To get the views of current participants and teh disability community, the NDIA is currently running a consultation on the changes. You can read the issues paper and respond at: https://www.ndis.gov.au//access-and-eligibility-policy-ind... [Image: NDIS logo. Purple background with white text: 'ndis'].
09.01.2022 Today marks the first of 17 Days of Activism for the Empowerment of Rural Women Leaders and their Communities. To celebrate the campaign, WWDA will making social media posts throughout the 17 days to promote the webinar we are co-hosting with the National Rural Women's Coalition and Network, 'The Rural Women with Disability COVID-19 Webinar' on 14 October 2020. To learn about the webinar and register, go to: https://events.humanitix.com/rural-women-disability-covid19... You can also learn more about the 17 days of activism and get involved at: https://www.woman.ch/campaign-17-days/ #17daysWWSF #RuralWomen
08.01.2022 "A Sydney healthcare professional has been charged and $5.3 million worth of assets restrained after allegations she used the National Disability Insurance Scheme to siphon money for personal use." "The 42-year-old woman was arrested by the Australia Federal Police (AFP) yesterday at her Auburn home following an investigation, which began in June this year." Read more at: https://www.9news.com.au//b982df20-9a6a-4d6b-8ddc-923e6098... [Image: Two men in black jackets watching a car being moved onto the back of a truck. The man on the left has the 'NDIS' logo on the back of his jacket and the man on the right has the writing 'Federal Police' on the back of his].
08.01.2022 An insightful article on what people with disability need to get through the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.forbes.com//5-things-disabled-people-need-to/ [Image: Illustration of a white face mask with a red heart on it against a light blue background].
08.01.2022 Congratulations to WWDA Policy and Projects Officer, Heidi La Paglia on being awarded the TADPAC Print Service to the Disability Sector Award at tonights Tasmanian Young Achiever Awards! #Proud
06.01.2022 Everyone has the right to be safe from violence. Violence is never OK and it is never your fault if someone is violent towards you. But what is violence and what are your rights? Check out Our Site’s Violence and Safety page for info on: ... What is Violence? Getting help Respectful Relationships Myths and facts Staying safe online And more Visit: https://oursite.wwda.org.au/safety-violence #OrangeTheWorld #16Days #Day2 #EasyRead #OurSite #16DaysOfActivism [Image: light pink background, orange writing ‘What is Violence? Oursite.wwda.org.au’. Orange text on the bottom left-hand side says #OrangeTheWorld with the Our Site logo to the right]
06.01.2022 The Chair of the RACGP Specific Interests Disability network, Associate Professor Robert Davis has raised concerns with the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) about the complexity of some medications which come under the category of 'restrictive practices'. In its submission, the RACGP noted that the decision to apply a restrictive practice ‘should only be made as a last resort’ and that people with disability should be ‘empowered, encouraged and feel safe to make their own de...cisions and choices’. ‘A clear rationale is required for restrictions, with careful monitoring of its implementation, and regular assessment for the duration of the restriction,’ the submission states. However, given the nuances in each person’s situation, Associate Professor Davis told newsGP the use of restrictive practices as a broad term, is a ‘complex issue’. ‘It worries me; the majority of people, I think, will benefit from having less medication. But there is this group of people that may well miss out on medication when that would be the best option for them.’ Read more at: https://www1.racgp.org.au//restrictive-practices-racgp-adv [Image: Photo of a young girl in a red dress using a wheelchair].
05.01.2022 The National Rural Women's Coalition (NRWC) have developed a MUSTER program to help women living in rural, remote or regional Australia to connect with a mentor group, provide leadership training, up-skilling in Board and Governance and expertise in advocacy. The program runs over six months and includes webinars and a 4 day residential program in Canberra from 14-19 March 2021. The course will be completed by June 2021. If you want to know more or you are ready to apply go to www.nrwc.com.au
05.01.2022 Content warning: Article describes extreme violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect of woman with disability. . . .... New information described as a "fresh twist," has been revealed in relation to the death of woman with disability, Ann-Marie Smith in April 2020. Rosemary Maione, who was Ms Smith's carer at the time of her death was "also a key witness to Ms Smith's last will and testament which was also signed by a solicitor and dated December 18, 2013, The Advertiser reported." Read more at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk//Fresh-twist-case-carer-charge [Image: Two photos of side by side. The photo on the left is a head shot of Rosemary Maione and the photo on the right pictures Ann Smith holding a small dog].
02.01.2022 Extension of COVID-19 temporary support measures The NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme has now extended the temporary measures that were introduced earlier this year to ensure participants continue to access their essential disability supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. Temporary measures that will be extended nationally until February 2021 include:... - being able to use plan funding to purchase low-cost Assistive Technology - greater plan flexibility to ensure access to supports; - deep cleaning of residences - extra supports for participants who test positive for COVID-19. NDIS participants who have questions or whose circumstances may have changed are encouraged to contact the NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss their needs or to seek further information. For more information on the NDIS response to coronavirus visit the NDIS website at: https://www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus
01.01.2022 Tonight WWDA CEO, Carolyn Frohmader will join Senator Jordon Steele-John, Paula McGowan, Dr. Linda Steele, and Therese Sands to discuss last week’s Disability Royal Commission hearings. The debrief will explore how to end the use of unauthorised restrictive practice. There will also be a Q and A with the audience at the end of the debrief. Time: 4pm WST or 6pm EST... There will be an Auslan interpreter at this event. Find out more: https://wwda.org.au//drc-debrief-with-wwda-ceo-carolyn-fr/ [Image: Green background, Heading: #DRC DEBRIEF, join us as we discuss how to end unauthorised restrictive practice. Photos and names of the panelists and The Greens logo.]
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