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22.01.2022 Part 1, Motivation : Do you know what the most beautiful sensation in the world to me is? Burgeoning confidence. The rib cage expands, respiration slows/deepens, you stand up taller and your shoulders sit back. An activity that was painful and difficult just moments before is now strangely painless and easy. So how do we get more frequent surges in confidence? Works a bit like this for me : I wake up in the morning + brain computer says no. My most pressing desire is to co...ntinue sleeping. But, at 32 and at the end of a 5 year long depression, I know this game pretty well by now. It’s gonna suck to get up and start making breakfast, but if I choose to sleep instead of getting up and doing something I should do (but don’t want to), that’s when the shame, dread and anxiety start - and that’s gonna REALLY suck. Scotty and I like to call that getting the band back together and if you listen to the words of the song the band plays for long enough, you’ll get paralysed by anxiety and shame. Instead, if you act as soon as you realise you’re awake, you don’t even give the band a chance to set up their speakers, before you know it the day has momentum, you’ll be walking along the footpath to the office and you’re calm because you left plenty of time that morning, you’re fed because you made time for food prep, breakfast and coffee, you feel accomplished because you left your apartment clean and tidy, you know you look good because you weren’t rushed this morning and as you walk confidently by a sexy someone who regards you in your work gear, it dawns on you : damn, I feel pretty good! I feel powerful, capable, what IS this feeling? If I could just maintain this feeling I’d be able to do anything! - that my friends, is burgeoning confidence, and I have never heard something so silly as people who think the way they feel has little to do with the way they are treating themselves day to day, as though the world happens TO them, it does not, it’s just happening - if you fail to exceed your own expectations each day, you are disrespecting yourself - no wonder your band gets back together every chance it gets. Part 2 later tonight.

20.01.2022 Part 3, Motivation : A friend doesn’t offer sympathy when they know you can do it yourself, a friend wants the best for you so they put the effort in to help you grow - yourself. Scott listens to the problem so I feel heard, but because he knows and likes me he simply shakes me out of whatever I got stuck in, slaps me on the back and sends me right back into the lions den. Sometimes I want to scream, never even asked if I was ok! because I have been conditioned... to think I need this by the media and the progressive movement, but a friend will never give you chocolate if they know you’re trying to lose weight. How you feel right this second means nothing if you’re not in motion towards your next victory. As cold as it sounds, Scott and I are good friends because he knows there is almost never a time when being sympathetic with me would help, a better solution is to facilitate my helping myself, then he doesn’t rob me of the resulting burgeoning confidence that arrives as a result of fixing ones own issues. You don’t grow at all if your friends stop by, bring you dinner and clean your apartment for you. As a man, your spirit is diminished by this. You grow when your friends stop by and notice how clean your apartment is, appreciate the fact that you had dinner and wine prepared despite having had a disaster of a week and acknowledge how impressive your poise has been of late. The feeling that gives you when compared to the feeling receiving sympathy gives you? It’s no comparison. Always go with the move that fortifies you. We are all different people, I accept that my particular psyche may be more atune to such black and white thinking, and I accept I have a particularly harsh internal voice. But men of all psychological makeups get a rise out of accomplishment and self sufficiency. If you haven’t felt burgeoning confidence in some time, this post gives you some pretty solid hints at how to go about getting it, and, whilst this question has its place, if you’re into achievement and success, being asked R U OK isn’t going to do much for you : you’ll need to do it yourself. And you can -

17.01.2022 Part 2, Motivation : Want to feel burgeoning confidence again? You have to earn it, in mental health’s most rudimentary exchange. First you’ll do the practical work. Get your hands dirty with zero flow or passion whatsoever. Every movement a battle. You’ll finally attack that set of papers on your desk, finally get that first session in at the gym you signed up to even though you’re so fat, you’re so ugly and you’re so...fucking....dumb - thanks band! One of your top hit...s, that one! Simply beginning while the band plays its dreadful song is the hardest part. The band tells you that you’re worthless so you feel worthless and then you behave like someone who feels worthless which starts a vicious cycle, this is known as depression. But if you ignore the bands tune for a little while and you can clean your room, have a shower and shave, apply moisturiser, deodorant and cologne, put on something that makes you feel good, knock together some food and head out the door in time to grab a coffee before work? You’ll be richly rewarded with a solid dose of burgeoning confidence. Remember how good that felt? The trick to all motivation is holding how good burgeoning confidence feels front of mind so you can ignore it when your particular genre of band gets back together : mine likes to sing a tune called James is small, worthless and he deserves to live in constant shame - a charming ballad I often spend hours listening to as anxiety rises and rises until I am paralysed. Sometimes at this point I call my friend and business partner Scott and say I’m stuck mate and he’ll say oh! Well that’s nice for you, the band’s playing and you’ve listened to a whole fucking concert without moving haven’t you, ok, will talking about it help? - probably not - well are you ready to feel better now or would you like to continue wallowing for a while longer? and that painfully honest but judgement-free question jerks me away from the intoxicating tune of self doubt and self hatred that my internal band likes to play which, ever so joyously, leads to the real peach of all possible downchain effects, self-sabotage FINAL PART TO COME -

10.01.2022 TODAY - 2 YEARS AGO I WAS SENTENCED TO 2 YEARS PAROLE + time served (4 years of jail/bail/court) AND AS OF TODAY, 18th DECEMBER : I AM OFFICIALLY COMPLETELY FREE! My conviction (ongoing supply androgenic/anabolic substance) - won’t be spent for another 4 years but still...I’ve completed my sentence in it’s entirety as of today I’m perfectly positioned to have a massive 21’ with my personal training business,, I haven’t felt this kind of positivity and drive in 5 long years - all of my clients are enjoying the benefits of some of the best work I think I have ever done in my 15 year career. Spreading my wings

09.01.2022 Hot to trot accessories make the man

08.01.2022 If you were me, and you were trying to attract as many people from your target market (gay men who live in Sydney and train aged between 25 and 60, like the one pictured with me in this photograph on Friday) to your social media posts as possible, what hashtags would you use?

05.01.2022 3 HAPPY LADS - I’m so happy to see all my buddies coming back to the gym to go hard for 21’ - nothing inspires me more than corporate guys, NOT hypertrophy coaches/bodybuilders, setting aside an hour a day to improve themselves when so many cruise by on the bare minimum. There is nothing aggressive or toxic about wanting better for yourself as a man, identifying your goal and reaching for it - those are the passive aggressive words of your detractors who do not have your best at heart, because as we all know, deep inside ourselves, a man that is trending upwards in life is sexy. These are the guys that are in the gym year round, it’s an essential part of their lifestyle - the key to healthy masculinity, aesthetics, athleticism. These are the guys I am so proud to call my friends because we push each other to be better

03.01.2022 One month into having a personal trainer, progress shot James William Blatch

02.01.2022 Let’s all thank JJ for this piece of photographic goodness to brighten up our Friday - everyone is worried about covid spreading, my friends, clients, business partner. I don’t really know what to say to make people feel better who were about to drive to Queensland to visit family this week or wherever else for Christmas Stressing and being down won’t help us in any way, how about some healthy denial haha, let’s just focus on something else. Like this awesome memory. So! If... you read this and have access, how about posting your Mardi Gra shot from 10 years ago? Let’s see what YOU wore. Post it here or on your own but I wanna be tagged so I can see it! It was Mardi Gras about 10 years ago, JJ was drinking wine outside his house and I stumbled by eating a burger (that there is my SMASHED face, we know my drug of choice in my using days was GHB - I took it hourly for 7 years straight - explains being high and eating) in an extremely questionable singlet choice, while JJ was a sailor of some kind - make up etc But if you run into me on G eating McDonalds on Mardi Gras night? You’re gonna get sweaty, sloppy hugs. Have a lovely Friday men!

01.01.2022 Alexander The Great conquered 2,000,000 square miles and was the most incredible, greatest leader, general, we ever had. This guy was my age, he was absolutely crushing it. Then he comes back home and, familiar story, he has idle time on his hands. He starts drinking, partying, celebrating - until he kills himself at the age of 33. Do you know why? Because he achieved so much success, but he made one mistake : he didn’t know his next - Let me tell you what I mean. Your bigg...est enemy sometimes when you’re living your life is winning, because it’s so easy when you win. It’s not difficult to tolerate winning all the time, so very few people know how to capitalise effectively on a win. I have had the somewhat unique opportunity to be an intimate part of probably a thousand clients’ lives and have trained some truly successful people, what l’ve noticed strings them all together is that as soon as they get a win they immediately start on their next, and because of this discipline they are able to carry the momentum of their last win into the activity that sets up their next. Most aren’t ready to start again straight away. They go and go and go then boom! They get a win. They’re partying and loving life, celebrating that victory, 2 months of easy living go by and they lose all the momentum they gave blood sweat and tears to develop in the lead up to their last win. Bringing it up again takes twice the effort because you’ve got to go through it all over again - this happens to the greatest of the greatest, and if you don’t sit down and consciously identify your next it’ll happen to you. Your next goal, next target, next milestone. Generating momentum behind an idea or activity is a seriously underrated, high-effort activity. You’ve seen me doing it for the last 9 weeks since I left hospital, I’ve been attempting to build my business back up after covid. I’m chasing a win and it isn’t easy at all, but idle hands do the devils work and I want better for myself. Do you? What’s your next? See more

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