Davistown Progress Association in Davistown, New South Wales | Community organisation
Davistown Progress Association
Locality: Davistown, New South Wales
Phone: +61 415 991 461
Address: 5 McCauley St 2251 Davistown, NSW, Australia
Likes: 669
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25.01.2022 In case you haven’t seen this in the media.
25.01.2022 Davistown Wetlands Funds in reserve for purchasing some of the Davistown Wetlands were voted for by successive Councils from the 1980s! The fight to bring Davistown Wetlands into public hands is facing yet another obstacle, as Central Coast Council has been plunged into financial crisis. https://www.nbnnews.com.au//council-woes-brings-davistown/
24.01.2022 Beautiful bike owners come on down prizes await all entrants l! Davistown Progress Hall.
24.01.2022 Wetlands report coming to Council Monday The Council report says its not in the public interest to continue with the Wetlands acquisition. Response to this report on ABC Radio interview with Scott Levy & DPA President Jenny McCulla today. Approx Time 8.38am https://www.abc.net.au//progr/breakfast/breakfast/12512490
24.01.2022 Come on down folks.. to Davistown Lots of fun activities are waiting for you. Weather is holding. Dr Smith is rocking us!
24.01.2022 Defibrillator training Today St Johns Ambulance training will be undertaken at Davistown Progress Hall by an accredited Local trainer. We have two Free CPR/Defibrillator training sessions: 9.30-11.30 for nine people. 12.30-2.30 for another nine.... Yesterday evening a person from each session have advised they are now unable to attend, so if you are interested to join in either session please phone 0414484115. Thanks Jenny See more
23.01.2022 DPA Raffle Prize Winners Picking up their prizes today at the Progress Hall. (Left to right) Pam who won the beautiful pelican painted by former Saratoga artist Francis Melrose, Jon Mason DPA member a lovely Maine Beach pack and Sarah of Greenpoint who won the super fresh fruit basket from IGA, Saratoga. Ethan Cochran, who gave his time on Saturday to play his guitar for us gratis Nan Margaret, from Yattalunga won the lovely necklace and earrings kindly donated by Christa Cleary of Gypsy Jewels! Thanks all our raffle sponsors, JasArt & Beach House of Davistown for their wonderfully generous prizes, donations, and to you supporters who bought tickets.
23.01.2022 Shared pedestrian pathways bike safety A DPA member asked us to write to Council to see if more Bike safety signs could be Installed along the Kincumber Davistown Broadwater path. DPA wrote to council to see if this was feasible and heres Councils follow up response. themselves. Council encourages all shared pathway users to follow some basic etiquette and rules to allow for the enjoyment by all users....Continue reading
23.01.2022 Stop Press Water, sewerage and drainage issues in Davistown Update.
22.01.2022 CCC Operational plan Here is the response (below) to my submission that Council seeks funds for & a total review of Davistowns Water, drainage and sewerage system. And shared pedestrian/bike path funding. Re: Submission to the Draft Operational Plan 2020-21... Thank you for providing a submission during public exhibition of the Draft Operational Plan 2020-21. Submissions were considered by Council at its meeting on 27 July 2020, prior to a final Operational Plan 2020-21 being adopted at the same meeting. Council adopted the Plan with recommended amendments. In response to your submission regarding the allocation of funding and comments about footpaths, water and sewer, roads and playspaces in Yattalunga, Saratoga and Davistown, the following is provided. The allocation of capital expenditure is fair and focused on renewal and upgrade projects to reduce the asset backlog and provide a financially sustainable platform for all residents of the Central Coast. Weighted multi-criteria analysis is used to prioritise projects and develop sub-programs over a three-year planning and delivery horizon. Requests for infrastructure such as kerb and gutter and footpaths are provided as part of an overall road upgrade and prioritised against this technical criteria and ranked. As funding is limited, budget allocations are made to projects with the highest ranking. The upgrade of the remainder of High Street has been assessed in line with this process and is currently not the highest priority and therefore may not be undertaken for some years. NOTE: A concept design has been prepared for the missing link shared pathway along Malinya Road with Council seeking grant funding to undertake the works. To-date Council has been unsuccessful in securing grant funding, however will continue to seek financial assistance through grant funding to deliver this missing link shared pathway. Council has accepted in the order of $11 million dollars in grant funding from the Federal Government to upgrade Steyne Road between Bay View Wharf Lane and Irwan Street. This upgrade project will include drainage improvements, kerb and gutter, shared pathway/footpath and new road pavement. The design for this road upgrade project will be developed during the 2020-21 financial year which will also include community consultation. Construction is scheduled to commence in the 2021-22 financial year with the progressive upgrade staged over several financial years due to the size and complexity of the project, subject to Council adoption. Phone: 1300 463 954 l Email: [email protected] Wyong Office: 2 Hely St / PO Box 20 Wyong NSW 2259 Gosford Office: 49 Mann St / PO Box 21 Gosford NSW 2250 Central Coast Council NOTE: A system audit is currently being undertaken for the Davistown Vacuum sewage system, with corrective actions / outcomes from this review will be programmed for 2020-21. The final version of the Operational Plan 2020-21 can be viewed in councils site. Thanks Jenny Mc
21.01.2022 Climate Action Planning Have your say! Fill in the survey as it may just help us to gain improvements such as extending shared bike/pedestrian paths, improving water drainage/run off, more localised services. htpps://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/all-projects/climate-action-planning
21.01.2022 Today’s meeting summarised courtesy of Central Coast Council Watch https://m.facebook.com/story/graphql_permalink/
20.01.2022 Public Exhibition Starts 20 October | Davistown Empire Bay Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan DPA have been advised that the Flood study will go on exhibition or ‘live’ today on this site. So far it is not available to view. DPA were advised by Council that the meeting at Davistown Hall to talk to residents about the study booked in for 11/11 was cancelled. (See below).... Apologies, we have been restricted to conducting any face to face consultations at this time. However, the public exhibition will still go ahead - consultations will be online only. It starts on 20 October till 30 November so residents will have 6 weeks to review and provide submissions back to us. All of these details will be published on Council's YVOC webpage which will be made live on 20 October. This page will have the links to download reports, links to book one on one video/phone meetings with project officers to discuss the report and also link for submission. Council is also sending out letters to all the residents within the study area informing them of the exhibition and listing out important details. Hard copy of the reports can also be borrowed from Kincumber library when the exhibition starts however number of copies will be limited. https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/all/floodplain-management
20.01.2022 https://www.willyweather.com.au//central-co/davistown.html Looks like we will have some windy weather today. Batten down the hatches folks!
20.01.2022 Decorate your bike competition - fabulous work! Well we made it without rain interruption, so the local children could show off their creativity! Well done Davo kids! And supportive parents. Thanks Paula Taylor, competition sponsor of The Agency, Davistown, who was ably assisted with the best bikes judging by State MP for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, who joined us with his wife Jilly & his local staffer Kerryanne Delaney to see the quality art and craft on show, and to help DPA with raffle draws. Much appreciated all.
20.01.2022 Budget news So pleased to see this upgrade. Perhaps we may get that safe pathway shared cycleway through the dangerous Malinya Rd area. $1 billion to support local councils to immediately upgrade local roads, footpaths and street lighting to create jobs now.. Here’s hoping we not only get a boost up the ‘priority list’ but some real action, not just planning for it.
19.01.2022 Davistown Wetlands - unanimous vote Below is the amendment all agreed on at Council last night. Laymens terms - a chance for face to face negotiations this time, to try and reach a more acceptable win for all.
19.01.2022 NSW Travel updates COVID
19.01.2022 Water, Sewerage and Drainage at Davistown We all remember the storm of February this year when so many homes were without sewer services, we dont want that to happen again. Thanks to Clr Rebecca Gale-Collins tonight for her strong support of the resolution from our AGMfor Council to investigate and do a total review of the water drainage and sewerage system here in Davistown. Clr Burke seconded her motion and Council unanimously voted to investigate the issues and streets where problems occur. Thanks Jenny Mc President DPA
19.01.2022 Good news for the fish and wildlife Pollution of Brisbane Water - some pleasing action! For some time Cori Hopper of South Kincumber has been reporting to various bodies on pollution episodes in Brisbane Water. Cori has also shared photos with us on three occasions in the past few months, DPA has then shared these with our State Members office., and written emails following a DPA meeting where he explained his lengthy campaign. As a (former?) representative on a Council Adv...isory Committee for Brisbane Water and Avoca Lagoon I raised this issue, and was advised it was a matter for the EPA. Now the good news - finally! DPA has received this good news from the NSW State Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch’s office, following our calls and emails: The EPA has continued to investigate water management of the Hymix concrete batching plant at Kincumber, including last week following heavy rain. The EPA has issued Hymix with a prevention notice which requires Hymix to: Cease the discharge of water from stormwater or wastewater infrastructure at premises; Provide details to the EPA outlining how the discharge will be ceased; and Engage a qualified professional to prepare a comprehensive Water Management Report for the premises and report on areas for improvement. We are continuing to investigate possible breaches observed during our most recent inspection, and will consider whether further regulatory action is appropriate as that investigation progresses. Thanks to Adam Crouch and his team for the follow up. This is good news for fishermen and women and our fish, sea birds and small mammals.
19.01.2022 Dr Smith is playing for us now folks.. Come on down - join in the fun..
18.01.2022 At Davistown today - Come get your tickets! Xmas raffle of fantastic goodies valued at $150. We’re on the deck outside The Agency at Davistown - thanks to Paula Taylor Pictured: DPA members right Irene Butcher and left Robyn Kinder. Thanks so much to all our local sponsors The Agency, Davistown Cellars, Blooms Chemist Saratoga, ABC Honey, Rays Honey, of Davistown, Maine Beach, Australia & IGA Saratoga.
18.01.2022 Dancing on the green - Davistown At tomorrows Arty Crafty Day Miss Sarah of Dynamix Dance has kindly arranged for dance sessions for children at 12pm, 1pm and at 2pm for both children and adults. Weather permitting of course. Thanks Miss Sarah for arranging this for the community. Much appreciated.
17.01.2022 Some more information on COVID arrangements Mask up folks!
16.01.2022 Getting onboard - DPA AED Program Pictured (R to L) George Conway and Daniel Rond of Central Coast Ferries, pictured at Central Wharf, Davo, picking up their keys to Progress Hall and the defibrillator cabinet to play their part if needed as participants in the AED program. The first call is always Triple Zero 000 and then in priority order - one of the 15 mobiles listed (on a board next to the hall front door) to alert a First Aid, CPR, AED trained local to help in case of emergency, in the hall or on the waterfront nearby. Thanks to all who came forward to be involved in this valuable community initiative.
16.01.2022 Update on COVID now
16.01.2022 A HUGE THANK YOU to DAVISTOWN RSL For the $3,500 grant for Davistown Progress Hall to properly drain, and provide an appropriate side pathway for our patrons to access the hall, to unload items for events, and for our disabled, aged patrons on walkers and those with strollers to have an alternative access to the hall. Great news! We are so thrilled and appreciative you have supported us with this grant. Thanks to DPA Secretary Wendy Byrne for writing the successful grant. Jenny Mc
15.01.2022 Sewerage issues in Davistown - update Following on from heavy rains last February many of you will all remember DPA vowed to work with Council and other levels of government to have a total review of our system. This has now happened! Clr Gale Collins shared our photos at Council and (upon our request),gained unanimous support from all councillors for this review to happen! It was found that much of our system is due for upgrading, as it’s reaching the end of its lifecycle.... DPA has been talking regularly to Council on the need to do this work and we are now investigating funding sources for this vital infrastructure upgrade in our village. At our December meeting we (DPA) resolved to write to our federal and state members to make representations to Council, also asking about possible funding grants available for such projects. The member for Terrigal has already sent representations to Council on our behalf. We are determined that Davistown people should never be inconvenienced as we were by the unhealthy state as we were last February. Many elderly residents had to walk to local parks late at night to use facilities. Some of us from DPA will be meeting with council shortly to work with them to resolve this and to ask them to apply for grant funding on our behalf. Watch this space. Thanks Jenny Mc ( President DPA)
15.01.2022 Kids dont forget to decorate those bikes Judging at 3.30pm by local sponsor Paula Taylor of The Agency. Parents bring the family and enjoy the music by Riley Lovell at 2.30 til 3.15pm before the childrens fun activities. Big prizes for 4-8 year olds and 9-12 year olds. The weather is holding and is really pleasant..
14.01.2022 Exhibition of Flood risk Management Studies Davistown and Empire Bay - on hold In seeking information on the link I emailed the Council and have been advised: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the exhibition has been put on hold. I am awaiting directions from senior managers on the timing and proper consultation strategy for the exhibition. As of this time, and my knowledge, the exhibition of Davistown Empire Bay FRMSP is on hold.
14.01.2022 Defibrillator training day Seventeen locals successfully took part in First Aid/CPR & Defibrillator training sessions yesterday at Davistown Progress Hall conducted by St Johns Ambulances local accredited trainer Rod Jordan. Other nearby locals (who are already up-to-date with their training) and wish to be involved in the program came early and were given instructions on how to access the hall, and defibrillator (to use in case of emergency). Others who were unable to atten...d yesterday, or away will also be briefed shortly. Triple 000 is always your first call. A list of priority locals mobiles to call will be prominently displayed on a sign outside the hall as our next step. Information on the program will be then made available to all households in Davistown, when that is finalised. The cost of the Defibrillator, signs and the two training sessions were part of a one-off allocation by the NSW Minister for Health following a petition with over 520 supportive local signatures, and the assistance of Terrigal MP Adam Crouch. Thanks to all locals who are involved in this initiative. Jenny Mc See more
14.01.2022 Davistown Wetlands on NBN Central Coast News Tonight! Today NBN News came to Davistown to interview DPAs President on the Wetlands amendment tabled by Clr Marquart on our request, it was unanimously passed by all Councillors present in the chamber at the Council meeting last Monday night. A few of the key people from DPA were able to be on site within a half hours notice today, as they have helped with support and signature collections for two petitions, the last one taken b...y DPA (with over a thousand signatures was tabled last October). We are all happy with the prospect of some positive dialogue now happening between Council and owners to reach a solution. Its gone on too long! Watch NBN Central Coast at 6pm tonight folks.. Thanks for supporting the petitions folks Jenny Mc See more
14.01.2022 NSW School Term dates Term 3 Monday, 20 July 2020 - Friday, 25 September 2020 10 weeks 2.3 months... School Holidays Saturday, 26 September 2020 Sunday, 11 October 2020 Term 4 Monday, 12 October 2020 til Friday, 18 December 2020 10 Weeks 2.3 Months School Holidays Eastern Division Saturday, 19 December 2020 Tuesday, 26 January 2021
13.01.2022 Hey kids! Come on down to your local hall at Davo this Saturday. . Weather permitting - the Judging by sponsor Paula Taylor of The Agency of the Decorate your bikes competition will take place at 3.30. In case of consistent rain, this activity will be postponed until next Thursday at 4pm on the green to the left of Progress Hall. But of course if we are lucky and its fine the competition will proceed tomorrow. Thanks
13.01.2022 Check out the page below and links. https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/a/climate-action-planning
12.01.2022 Davistown Putt Putt Regatta & Wooden Boat Festival will not be held this year sadly. But hopefully back bigger and better next year.
12.01.2022 Thanks Dynamix Dance for joining in! Dancing on the green at 2pm come learn how to do the chicken dance folks with the children, itll be fun!
11.01.2022 Davistown Progress Association shared a resolution from our AGM where members were unanimous in wanting to tell council we need some action on our water and sewerage system here. Councillor Gale-Collins was asked to table our resolution raising our local concerns, Tonights motion is a result of her listening and taking action for us. Page 94 Final Operational Plan two listings for roadworks and drainage on Davistown Rd, valued at $805,000 and $305,000. To listen to tonights meeting of CCC: https://youtu.be/iRDYzx9GM9I
11.01.2022 If you live in Greater Sydney (which includes Wollongong, Central Coast, the Blue Mountains, as well as the southern zone of the Northern Beaches), it is mandatory to wear a face mask indoors, if you are visiting a shop or a business including: supermarket or shopping centre bank or post office... hairdressing, nail, beauty, tanning or waxing salon, or spa betting agency and gaming venue indoor entertainment venue, including cinemas and theatres places of worship residential aged care facility waiting for, or travelling on public transport including taxis and ride-share tattoo or massage parlour Service NSW Centres also require customers to wear masks. From Monday 4 January a $200 on the spot fine can apply for not wearing a mask. Children under 12 and those with exemptions are encouraged to wear masks where practical.
10.01.2022 Great raffle prizes for you Well over $600 worth of goodies. Thanks to all our sponsors. Come join us! Thanks
10.01.2022 Local artists Floral artworks on show - Avoca Katerina Rubbo has a wonderful floral art show currently open from today 2/11/2020 at Avoca village. The collection of works have been completed dueing the last five years, and are on display at the community space of Avoca Christian meditation centre at 177 Avoca Drive, Avoca next to the Jewellers. The exhibition will be open through the whole month of November. The centre opens from 10m till 1pm, where you can chat with Katerin...a - and then Stephanie will be there for your questions and purchases, or viewing in the afternoons. Katerina has some beautiful limited print cards for sale at very reasonable prices. Do join in and see Katerina Rubbo‘s wonderful work. See more
09.01.2022 Local Art Project- Ferry shelters at Davistown For the past six months Davistown Progress Association has been consulting with DPA members, Councils Heritage Officer, local history Librarian, Parks and Reverves & shelter Manager/s and so far over 80 locals (along the waterfront) on a prospective art project, with various options for subject matter to go on the ferry shelter (first of all) at Central Wharf, Davistown. DPA has been working closely with local artist Sandy James..., who has produced two artists impressions of how the first Ferry shelter art project could look. The first,(and by far the most popular) option so far depicts (black and white photo portraits) of the most prolific Davis ship ship building family, that Davistown is named after. On the front side of the shelter (from the car park side) would possibly be an image of ‘Day Dawn’ the Bert Settree ship (cut next to Central Wharf). Inside the shelter is a map of Davistown (which would depict key locations), along with Illoura walk and each colonial ship building yard on the Davistown waterfront. A welcome to Davistown sign would greet passengers disembarking from the ferry side, and local fauna often seen in this location would also be highlighted. So far local people have agreed the artwork will be a welcoming and useful visual display, creating a ‘sense of place’ for Davistown. A Heritage grant is being sought for the work. If unsuccessful local sponsors will be sought. Watch this space. DPA will continue to consult with Davistown & other visitors locals along the waterfront for the next few weeks. Please note that these images are artists depictions only - and not the final art & photographic work. If the grant applications are successful the works will be printed onto vandal proof metal, like many recent council signage in other key locations. On behalf of DPA Committee and members.
09.01.2022 Wetlands NBN talked to Davistown Progress Association President Jenny Mc (who drafted a petition supported by members who collected over a thousand local signatures last year). The petition urged Council to find a resolution to this ongoing saga. DPA initially asked Clr Troy Marquart to raise this item at council in 2018, and again in 2019. His Initial motion, was seconded by East-Wards Clr Rebecca Gale-Collins in 2018. DPA President Jenny Mc spoke in support of the motion ...at Council & it was unanimously supported by Councillors, (as was the 2019 motion tabled by Clr Marquart that DPA President Jenny once again addressed Councillors on, who unanimously supported to undertake negotiations with the owners. Again, DPA hopes this 2020 unanimously supported amendment by Clr Marquart at last Mondays Council meeting will bring forth some real solutions to purchase Davistown Wetlands, this time hopefully this will happen through face-to-face negotiations. https://www.nbnnews.com.au//negotiations-to-pick-back-up/
09.01.2022 http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDN21035.shtml
08.01.2022 Arty Crafty Day - so much fun Thanks to all DPA raffle sponsors, members, volunteers, artists, craftspeople, husbands and musicians who helped make this day possible. Jenny Mc DPA event coordinator Thanks also for those who donated to DPA, and became members.
08.01.2022 Davistown Progress Hall - is now a registered COVID SAFE venue. We had a COVID Safe DPA Plan previously but now we have a Service NSW Plan. We also have a QR Code for patrons to use as an alternative to our written register. Masks are now compulsory in the hall. Some excessive exercise classes are restricted to ten attendees, and intense cleaning processes. ... According to the spacing rules we can safely have 30 people in the hall for events - as long as they keep to the safe social distancing rule of 1.5 metres apart. Thanks all for helping keep our community safe. On behalf of the DPA members & Committee Jenny See more
08.01.2022 Next of kin register Contact your local police station if you wish to register.
06.01.2022 Sadly Davistown Progress Association has just been informed that due to the current situation around Council’s budget etc. Councils officers will not come to Davistown hall to discuss the most recent Davistown Flood study findings, that will greatly affect us here, and as previously planned. We are now advised by Council that We have been restricted to holding the public exhibition online Not ideal for asking questions and getting any simple, or detailed explanation on why certain actions or conclusions are reached. DPA is endeavouring to get the link to share with you when this goes online. I understand that the Flood Study is due to go live tomorrow on CCC Website. DPA will add the link ASAP.
06.01.2022 Heres an interesting film of Woy Woy 1934. Enjoy.
05.01.2022 Council Meeting Public Forum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9ndGCV2pvM
04.01.2022 Want to listen to tonights discussion - on Davistown Wetlands https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyln2VFr5PyJenUkg1RiG9A ***Begins in two minutes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyln2VFr5PyJenUkg1RiG9A
04.01.2022 Finally some action - gutter fixing..
04.01.2022 Interesting debate now! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyln2VFr5PyJenUkg1RiG9A
03.01.2022 Wetlands discussion at Council Monday Listen in to Council folks. See who seriously wants to help us retain them, and protect them, so we dont have excessive flooding.
03.01.2022 Defibrillator Training Day - Two sessions On Wednesday 19 August we have booked in (again) with St Johns Ambulance to hold two training sessions for the 18 locals who have said they would like to do the training to use the defibrillator at Davistown Progress hall. Many said they were happy to have their details placed on an on-call list displayed outside the hall, for use in case the defibrillator is needed in an emergency 24/7, (until the ambulance arrives). We will have th...e first session from 9.30 until 11.30, an hour break for cleaning equipment/lunch and then session two from 12.30 until 2.30pm. We will be phoning those of you who volunteered to be part of this team (when we were surveying your views) and taking signatures at Saratoga shops (504 people signed our petition) supporting this to happen. Many of you are nurses, allied health, ex border force, retired firemen and women, and those who live nearby with Red Cross certificates, or who have medical experience as ex ambulance or army Officers. Funds to purchase and install the defibrillator, and this training was part of a one-off grant from the State Minister for Health Brad Hazzard, gratefully achieved with the support of Adam Crouch, State MP for Terrigal, and his office on our behalf. If you too wish to be involved in this do message us. See more
02.01.2022 The latest COVID restrictions Masks are mandatory.. Face masks are now mandatory - in a number of settings as listed in the release below: $200 spot fines will now apply folks so do check the list. Starts Monday 4 January!
01.01.2022 Whats on at Davo Progress Hall In the new school term, though many classes continue over the holidays now. Why not book your small Birthdays, and family celebrations ( up to 30) or special events and meetings in your community-owned spacious hall. Call Hall Manager Toni on : Mobile 0415 991 461 to inquire about our extremely reasonable rates. Thanks Jenny
01.01.2022 Davistown Progress Association Meeting Join us at this informative extraordinary meeting
01.01.2022 Welcome to the first identical triplets in Davistown The Allard family welcomed the arrival on the 19th May 2020, at Royal North Shore Hospital their triplets, under the care of Professor Morris and his team. The three boys names, weight and birth order are: Baby A - Jaxon Allard - 9 05am - 2350g Baby B - Zac Allard - 9 06am - 1868g... Baby C - Zavier Allard - 9 07am - 2060g All were born at 33 weeks, four days gestation. Mum Alana said her pregnancy was natural and spontaneous and that multiples dont run in their family. We found out that we had three onboard at our very first ultrasound at seven weeks, the pregnancy and delivery were uncomplicated, said Alana. The boys spent one week at Royal North Shore, then two weeks at Gosford hospital before coming home at 36 weeks gestation. They weighed 2kg, 2.1kg and 2.4kg when they came them home, and they seemed way too little to be home - but they are thriving. Alana and her husband Tim were led to believe they had two identical boys and one fraternal, due to the type of triplet pregnancy. However, two weeks ago they undertook DNA testing on the boys, and found out they are all identical, Alana confirmed. She said falling pregnant with triplets is rare, let alone with identical triplets! We are still in shock that we have been blessed with these miracle babies! Life is very busy. But we wouldnt change it for the world. Alana said most people we meet comment, you have your hands full, but Tim and I know it will never compare to how full our hearts are feeling. Jenny Mc DPA
01.01.2022 Arty Crafty Day Come early folks enjoy the wide range of local talent on show. If weather turns later in the day before the Decorate your bike competition is due at 3.30pm we will hold that part of our program over until Thursday afternoon at 4pm. ***But only in case we are rained out. The Arty Crafty Day will still proceed, inside the hall with musicians inside and the same super strict COVID plan. Do join us folks.... If unwell- next time., thanks for your care when you come to join us. See more
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