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Equal Parenting Party in Thirroul, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation

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Equal Parenting Party

Locality: Thirroul, New South Wales

Phone: +61 415 899 574

Address: PO Box 57 2515 Thirroul, NSW, Australia


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20.01.2022 The Fathers Have Rights group is organising a rally in Sydney & also Wollongong on 26th January 2021 at 11am.

20.01.2022 This article attempts to briefly explain these various Family Law Dispute stages and the role of the parties involved in each stage. #familylaw #familycourt #childcustody #PropertyDispute #auslaw #law #Legal #divorce #separation

18.01.2022 Stevie Nicks - Stop Draggin' My Heart Around Follow us on

18.01.2022 Hey everyone.. I'm an admin of another group of my main goals over the last year (pre covid) was to gather people together for protests and initiatives t...o expose the family court issues and try to push for change. We had sone monor success , we met Pauline Hanson in Canberra and she shared our progress...but times running out ...we are now looking at an inquiry which is being railroaded by the actual committee members who are pushing to remove equal shared responsibilty even before the inquiry has finished its reporting If we don't gather a reliable team of activists we are doomed, worst still, we will pass down thisdisgraceful system to our sons and daughter's I really need everyones support for an initiative..... to not only participate but particularly to share it as much as you can....WE NEED NUMBERS Theres two parts to this idea, It will be called ....MARCH ON MP'S...... Firstly i have created a petition to gather signatures to support "not removing shared parental responsibilty" petition link is . ..this petition is not your ordinary petition, it will be used to show your local federal politician that we mean buisness, that the people who have signed this petition are making a statement about who they will vote for in the future... and thats where part two comes into play I have drafted a letter we all must individually and personally hand to our local federal politician to advise them a vote for the removal of shared parental responsibility will result in you not voting for them.... Its simple, we need to show them we are going to vote according to their stance on equal patental responsibilty, if they vote to remove it, you will NOT vote for them, not only that... you will be advising those close to you to also not vote for a politician who would choose to remove equality from a childs future. So.... First step is to get the petition signed, so please share it far and wide..its bery important to have the numbers ..and next Monday we (will hopefully) have thousands of signatures to present to our local members to show them we've had enough. Our ultimatum "If they vote to remove equality we will vote to remove them from their job" Its the only thing they care about ....not about you or me, or our kids or familys ....they care about out vote so its time we clarified how many votes we have behind our cause... First step....sign and share the petition Next Monday the 13th of July ..... we start marching into our local mps offices with our letters and our stance and our future. Once they realise theres votes on the line , they will begin to take us seriously.


17.01.2022 Another day another location.


15.01.2022 The 2010 amendments was organised by a feminist by the name of Ms Toni Pirani formerly of the Family Law Branch of the Attorney-General's Department. It was an inside job.

12.01.2022 Hi to Everyone The Fairness In Child Support (F.I.C.S) Meetings will be re-started. They have been put on standby as a result of the Covid19 Virus issue since March 2020. The meetings will be held again on the usual monthly basis. The next meeting will be held at the Coniston Community Hall, 26 Bridge Street, Coniston. NSW. 2500. It will start at 7.30pm on Thursday 4 February 2021 (we do not meet in January). Everyone is Welcome.... John Flanagan Secretary FAIRNESSINCHILDSUPPORT.BLOGSPOT.COM Fairness In Child Support (F.I.C.S.) See more

08.01.2022 Mario Licha - Men's Legal Assistance.

07.01.2022 Hi to Everyone. It has just been shown that the current Family Law Inquiry is a complete waste of time. This is by Kevin Andrew’s own comment to Professor Mushin that I fully understand that, Professor at the Family Law Inquiry. This is an extract of the transcript at the conclusion of the proceedings held on 16 September 2020. The Chair(person) is Kevin Andrews MP. Andrews will be employing someone to write the report for him. It is a chairperson’s report. It is not a com...mittee report. The other members of the Committee will have little input in the writing of the final report. This includes Senator Pauline Hanson. The transcript of the proceedings states: CHAIR: Yes, I'm struggling myself to work out what could be done. But the propensity of evidence we have hadwe have to weigh itcertainly seems to suggest that there are sufficient instances in which there is noncompliance with orders for which there is little consequence. It may be that there isn't much we can do or suggest. I was just trying to tease out whether there is some way of improving the system in this regard. Prof. Mushin: Noncompliance is something that judges agonise over. It's not as simple as, for example, where a contract is breached and a court orders, 'You will pay X dollars by Y date.' What you have in the background is a child or children, and the question of their best interests is highly relevant. For example, the primary carer of a child might be absolutely flagrantly and egregiously breaching an order to allow the child to see the other parent. One of the problems is that the primary relationship might be between the child and that primary parent. Therefore, penalising the primary parent, for exampleeven by jail, ultimatelycan be a major penalty on the child himself or herself. As a result, you would be not observing the requirement of the child's best interests being paramount. That balance is so exquisitely difficult in enforcement proceedings. CHAIR: I fully understand that, Professor. I thank you both for your submissions and for the discussion of them this afternoon. It has been most informative. We appreciate your expertise and your willingness to share it with the committee. Prof. Mushin: Thank you _______________________________________________ Bring on the next Inquiry!! John Flanagan.

07.01.2022 This is an interesting and high profile Relocation & Abduction case commonly referred to as the case of the 4 Italian sisters. ------- Four girls, aged between 9 and 14, moved to Australia with their mother in 2010.... The mother got the father's consent for the trip by claiming that it was just a holiday. Since arriving she however has stated that she and the children wished to stay in Australia permanently. Their Italian father has been embroiled in a custody battle with the Sunshine Coast-based mother since finding out that the mother deceived him as to the nature of the trip. The girls' mother exercised a last ditch attempt to have a Family Court order the girls go back to Italy to face custody proceedings overturned.

04.01.2022 Hi to Everyone There is a child support matter being heard today (28 August 2020) in the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia. This will be heard in the Federal Court building in Sydney. It concerns an appeal against a decision made in the Federal Court of Australia on 12 July 2019 by a single judge. The matter revolves around the Australia-New Zealand Agreement and Australian child support legislation.... Unfortunately the appeal hearing is effectively a closed hearing. This is with only one person allowed to attend the hearing with the appellant. This is due to coranavirus (Covid-19) issues. The primary decision is This is summarised in a recent associated decision which is John Flanagan

02.01.2022 Reposted: Rick N Leisa Young Visual storyteller 3h Attention all Brisbane Dads, families. 24th August 630-830... Over pass protest. Pm for details. Let’s make some noise and bring awareness to issues of parental alienation and the broken family court systems. The use of false allegations, with malicious dvo to alienate fathers, for leverage in family court proceedings. Our theme for protests are super Heros, so get ya hero on .


01.01.2022 We are back, our petition was considered by the Standing Committee on Petitions, and met petition requirements. It is now available for signature online.

01.01.2022 Reposted Carol Cassar 15h ... To Politicians of Australia I am a mother of 4 sons, and a grandmother of 11 boys. I am truly concerned what the future holds for them and the entire male population of Australia. The underlying cause that threatens their future is the false feminist narrative and agenda and their bias domestic violence industry. As politicians society relies on YOU to stand up and speak out against injustices and evil. Instead the government seems to ignore and try to hide the destruction and damage modern day feminism has placed on today's society. It appears that the government is too scared to speak out against the false feminist narrative, afraid of the screams, screeches, abuse, threats and the loss of votes of the feminist population. I hope you realise that the majority of female voters in this country are disgusted, sickened, and oppose modern day feminism, their false narrative and the suffering and heartache it causes women, men and children.. * The elimination of good Dads from children's lives. * The high male suicide rate, * The vilification of men, * The false allegations and frivolous reasons claimed by women to gain dvos to better their positions in custody battles * The protection and excuses afforded to female perpetrators. * No repercussions for perjury in family law courts. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH We are the quite, good decent women of Australia and we are watching you, we are waiting for you to do the right thing. Our eyes are open and so are our mouths, we are coming together in force to stand up and speak out. This was the post of another Grandmother.

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