Melbourne Flamenco in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Arts and entertainment
Melbourne Flamenco
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 458 342 338
Address: 201 Gertrude st Ftzroy 3065 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Un baile que se origin en base a diferentes culturas, que pone corazn y pasin en cada cancin, tacn y grito.
24.01.2022 My dad passed away a week ago. People that have reached out, thank you so much, Im a bit overwhelmed and slow to respond, but appreciate it so much. Here is I said this at his funeral. The music is recordings of my dad. Manuel. Manolo. Lolo. The Seor. Gypsy. Dad. Doesnt matter what you called him, there was only one, and you know what he thought of you. My father taught me a lot of things - but over the last 4 days there are several things that have stood out. I am beautiful and deserve to be adored. Music is a life force, that gives without asking for anything in return. To have self respect and dont take any shit and Nothing is too dark to make a joke out of. Growing up with immigrant parents, as a kid I thought my parents were the way the were because of the cultures they came from. But although my father was unmistakably a proud Spanish man, he was absolutely one of a kind and in the truest sense, he danced to the beat of his own cajon. In a lot of ways we are very alike, I mean obviously my face, but we can both be stubborn, righteous when we believe something is right, fiercely loving with the people we trust, it is because of him that I have centered my entire life around music, it is also because of him that I have a true dedication to a good Jamon. But what I have not mastered and will always strive towards, is the level of honesty (even if at points brutal) that he consistently was capable of offering. That is a rare gift and part of what made him such an incredible teacher. To know flamenco in this town, is to know Manolo. And Ill tell you what, a lot of people knew Manolo, maybe more than knew flamenco. It was a long running joke that we had to allow double the amount of time to walk anywhere in Fitzroy, Collingwood or Carlton because of the inevitable shout hey Manolo that would come from some window, car, coffee shop or a closed up shop front. From him I learnt the importance of community, the joy of bumping into someone and then spending an hour over a lazy coffee, and the family that can be built out of a joint passion, in his case, Flamenco. The friends he has here today are a testament to that. Lifelong friends, who have shared that love. So many have described my father to me as their mentor, teacher, godfather. Youll see in the slideshow, dad is actually at Richards communion, apparently the guitar tuner in his pocket kept going off in church. Which Im sure he would have found pretty funny. Dancers have told me that he would be the first to support them and play for them but also the first to tell them when they were out of time. And thats so indicative of dad. He was an honest teacher, which could be challenging to the sensitive baby I was, but as a kid when I managed to keep up with his palmas, as hed speed up and the clapping would get louder and faster, hed start cheering me on with an Ole gitana! And Id know that to get that, I must be doing a really good job, and would absolutely beam with pride. He loved his family. The respect he had for the matriarchs of his life, his sister Ana and his mother Fernanda, was always of the absolute highest order. The way he loved my mother when they were in love, was so full. He was the absolute fiercest protector of me and Paloma, we were always his baby girls. He told me more than once, that men are stupid and not to be trusted, and he knows it because he is one. In the end, he did everything he could to protect us from his pain. I feel like a piece of me is gone, and I wish so deeply that he could be here for the family I hope to have, but I am so thankful I got to witness him with my cousins beautiful kids, always a big kid himself, always incredibly cheeky. He was so proud of them all. I love you dad and I will always carry in me the parts of you that I loved, to try and share them with the world, the piece of you that lives in me. And I hope you will able be able to carry around that little bit of Manolo in you too. Please join me in wishing, that his spirit now flies free, with no more coazos and not one more fucking haemorrhage. I love you dad.
24.01.2022 A beautiful example of Sevillanas. Check this out especially our new beginners learning this dance :)
23.01.2022 Pataita por buleria para los flamenkitos de Grecia. . #
22.01.2022 ( abajo) How well do you know your Alegrías de Cádiz? Which part of the dance is this? Hint - listen to the melody. Get to know the possibilities! Our course for you if you want to get to know codes, communication & improvisation in live flamenco (dancer+singer+guitarist) Contact: Tania Goh Email: [email protected] #maestrosflamenco #flamencoonline #alegriasdecadiz ---- Concéis bien las Alegrías de Cádiz? ¿Qué parte del baile es ésta? La melodía os dirá. ¡ Conoced las posibilidades! Nuestro curso es para vosotros si queréis aprender los códigos, comunicación e improvisación en el flamenco. Contacta: Tania Goh Email: [email protected] #maestrosflamenco #flamencoonline #alegriasdecadiz Manuel Betanzos Javier Ibáñez Manuel Soto
21.01.2022 Maravillosa iniciativa de los bailarines del Ballet de la Ópera de París!!!! Fuente: balletoperadeparis
21.01.2022 Classes are running every Thursday night at 7pm. Level is Beginners 1 or above. This is not for absolute beginners but for those who have at least completed an Introduction course. Pay as you go. $20 Technique, escobillo por Alegrias, etc. Come along! 201 Gertrude st Fitzroy
19.01.2022 This is the best!
19.01.2022 Its time to start classes again. We had a longish break. The Gallery in the venue is open and up and running. Begginers level starting Wednesday April 12 if I have enough students. Please let me know if you are interested in the course. 10 weeks at Beginners Level. 10 Weeks costs $240 7pm at 201 Gertrude st Fitzroy Melbourne ... Basics and more. Rhythm stretches and footwork. Come and be prepared to work. Its worth it. Email [email protected] See more
19.01.2022 There should be more Flamenco in church.
17.01.2022 Begginers 2 level short course in Flamenco dance will start on Thursday 23rd of June. A 7 week course. Cost is $140. 7pm on Thursdays 201 Gertrude st Fitzroy. This level is for people who have completed a beginners couse. Technique and Sevillanas. ... book [email protected] See more
16.01.2022 Camaron unicooo
14.01.2022 ARTE DE JEREZ PURO!!No te pierdas el FlashMob Flamenco del Estudio De Baile Flamenco Chiqui De Jerez en la Plaza del Arenal dentro de las actividades de la Fundacin Tres Culturas. Gracias Ana Puerto por las imgenes. #Jerez #Flamenco #FlashMob
13.01.2022 From Sara Baras show Sabores
13.01.2022 Beginners Flamenco dance classes. Starting soon Tuesdays at 7pm. Contact me if you are interested in joining. Spring is coming. Lets get fit for Summer.
12.01.2022 ( abajo) How well do you know your Alegras de Cdiz? Which part of the dance is this? Hint - listen to the melody. Get to know the possibilities! Our course for you if you want to get to know codes, communication & improvisation in live flamenco (dancer+singer+guitarist) Contact: Tania Goh Email: [email protected] #maestrosflamenco #flamencoonline #alegriasdecadiz ---- Concis bien las Alegras de Cdiz? Qu parte del baile es sta? La meloda os dir. Conoced las posibilidades! Nuestro curso es para vosotros si queris aprender los cdigos, comunicacin e improvisacin en el flamenco. Contacta: Tania Goh Email: [email protected] #maestrosflamenco #flamencoonline #alegriasdecadiz Manuel Betanzos Javier Ibez Manuel Soto
12.01.2022 For one night only, Saturday 21st October. 7pm High street Northcote. Come along and see some Flamenco. Featuring Tomas Arroquero, Kieran Ray, Manolo Varela, La Jini, plus Rosy, Annabel la lechuga, but not Maja, which is sad for us but good for her parents anniversary in Newcastle, Tatiana, Mem, and more. Come along.
12.01.2022 Such fantastic technique! Combined with Castanets.
11.01.2022 Who needs shoes?
10.01.2022 @mariapages_ ay dios mio!
10.01.2022 Maravillosa iniciativa de los bailarines del Ballet de la pera de Pars!!!! Fuente: balletoperadeparis
10.01.2022 New Beginners Course starts Tuesday May 3rd at 7pm 7 week course. At Melbourne Flamenco Classes go for an hour 201 Gertrude st Fitzroy For bookings or more information [email protected]
09.01.2022 Ole las palabras de Miguel y el cante de Maria, a mi parecer la mejor actuacion de la noche... Dios tenga en la gloria a su padre, su abuelo, y a toda la gente que nos ha dejado antes de tiempo...
09.01.2022 Beginners Classes. Flamenco Tangos dance choreography just starting. Thursdays at 7pm. New students welcome. This is a great dance for beginners as it is fun and easy. (not to be confused with the Tango, which is a different dance entirely )
09.01.2022 Classes are starting up again at Melbourne Flamenco Fitzroy from Monday 1st of February. Beginners 1and 2 mixed level ( not total beginners ) I have been out of action for a while with injuries so am keen to get the shoes on and get back into shape. Lots of Technique and Sevillanas 2. 7pm Mondays $20 Hope to see you Tatiana
09.01.2022 Le peuple des gitans de Jacques Léonard ! Injustement méconnu, Thierry Buisson Photographe des Ondes met à l’honneur Jacques Léonard ! Fils d’un marchand de che...vaux d’origine gitane et de la propriétaire d’une maison de couture à Paris, Jacques Léonard (1909-1994) a toujours été liée au monde de l’image. Il commence à travailler aux studios Gaumont à Paris et collabore avec Abel Gance dans J'accuse, Louise et Paradis perdu. Au cours d’un voyage en Espagne pour les repérages d’un tournage, il rencontre le chef du Service de Cinématographie du ministère de l’Intérieur dont il fut le protégé dans les années suivantes et qui lui proposa de travailler pour Ulargui Films où il réalisa le montage de certains films. En 1940, il se rend en Espagne pour les repérages d’un film sur Christophe Colomb qui ne verra jamais le jour car l’Europe est en guerre. Néanmoins une opportunité se présente puisqu’il rencontre le directeur général de la cinématographie de l’époque qui lui offre la possibilité de travailler sur diverses missions lors d’un séjour à Madrid. En 1949, il s’installe à Barcelone avec l’homme d’affaires de théâtre Arthur Kaps et devient son bras droit. Puis, quelques années plus tard et loin des tournages, il devient restaurateur de meubles. Il rencontre le comédien Robert Lamouret qu’il accompagne comme secrétaire lors d’une tournée mondiale. Avec lui, il voyage en Angleterre, en Australie, en Grèce et en Italie mais au terme de cette belle aventure rejette la proposition qui lui est faite de partir aux États-Unis. En 1952, il établit sa résidence à Barcelone quand il s’éprend de Rosario Amaya, une gitane des baraquements de Montjuïc. Il devient alors photographe amateur sur un territoire culturel, celui des gitans. Ce sont les archives photographiques les plus importantes conservées sur les gitans et leur culture à Barcelone, de 1952 au milieu des années 70. Les portes de toutes les baraques s’ouvrent au gadjo Chac , comme l’appele sa grande famille gitane. Il documente la culture et le peuple gitans d’un point de vue historique et contemporain tout en transmettant une image d’une dignité absolue. L'Archive de la Famille Jacques Léonard - Archivo Familia Jacques Léonard- comprend des négatifs et des tirages vintages des années 40 à 70. Elle est gérée par ses enfants Santiago et Alex Léonard. Son travail narre intimement le territoire périphérique culturel de Barcelone : les barraques de Montjuic qui accueillaient une importante communauté gitane. Ses compétences pour le 7ème art de son début de carrière, nous offre un témoignage très cinématographique des traditions et rituels de la culture gitane, avec une vision anthropologique et contemporaine bien à lui. En 1975, après le démantèlement des quartiers gitans de Barcelone, il s’installe dans celui de la Mina et en raison de problèmes de santé il quitte la photographie et se consacre au projet d’un livre sur la culture gitane. Les quatre fers en l’air , qu’il ne publiera pas malgré l’intérêt initial manifesté par la maison d’édition Plon de Paris, spécialisée en ethnologie. En 1991 et en très mauvaise santé, il s’installe à l’Escala où il décède en 1994. Plus d'infos sur le site officiel de l'artiste : Pour les amateurs : expo jusqu'au 5 septembre 2020 à la Anne Clergue Galerie à Arles ! Informations : Crédits photos 1-43 Jacques Léonard Détails et légendes dans chacun des clichés. Il vous suffit de cliquer.
08.01.2022 Sara Baras Voces
08.01.2022 Casual Thursdays Class will be on this Thursday at 7pm. 201 Gertrude st Fitzroy Technique footwork palmas etc.
07.01.2022 My dad passed away a week ago. People that have reached out, thank you so much, I’m a bit overwhelmed and slow to respond, but appreciate it so much. Here is I said this at his funeral. The music is recordings of my dad. Manuel. Manolo. Lolo. The Señor. Gypsy. Dad. Doesn’t matter what you called him, there was only one, and you know what he thought of you. My father taught me a lot of things - but over the last 4 days there are several things that have stood out. I am beautiful and deserve to be adored. Music is a life force, that gives without asking for anything in return. To have self respect and don’t take any shit and Nothing is too dark to make a joke out of. Growing up with immigrant parents, as a kid I thought my parents were the way the were because of the cultures they came from. But although my father was unmistakably a proud Spanish man, he was absolutely one of a kind and in the truest sense, he danced to the beat of his own cajon. In a lot of ways we are very alike, I mean obviously my face, but we can both be stubborn, righteous when we believe something is right, fiercely loving with the people we trust, it is because of him that I have centered my entire life around music, it is also because of him that I have a true dedication to a good Jamon. But what I have not mastered and will always strive towards, is the level of honesty (even if at points brutal) that he consistently was capable of offering. That is a rare gift and part of what made him such an incredible teacher. To know flamenco in this town, is to know Manolo. And I’ll tell you what, a lot of people knew Manolo, maybe more than knew flamenco. It was a long running joke that we had to allow double the amount of time to walk anywhere in Fitzroy, Collingwood or Carlton because of the inevitable shout hey Manolo that would come from some window, car, coffee shop or a closed up shop front. From him I learnt the importance of community, the joy of bumping into someone and then spending an hour over a lazy coffee, and the family that can be built out of a joint passion, in his case, Flamenco. The friends he has here today are a testament to that. Lifelong friends, who have shared that love. So many have described my father to me as their mentor, teacher, godfather. You’ll see in the slideshow, dad is actually at Richards communion, apparently the guitar tuner in his pocket kept going off in church. Which I’m sure he would have found pretty funny. Dancers have told me that he would be the first to support them and play for them but also the first to tell them when they were out of time. And that’s so indicative of dad. He was an honest teacher, which could be challenging to the sensitive baby I was, but as a kid when I managed to keep up with his palmas, as he’d speed up and the clapping would get louder and faster, he’d start cheering me on with an Ole gitana! And I’d know that to get that, I must be doing a really good job, and would absolutely beam with pride. He loved his family. The respect he had for the matriarchs of his life, his sister Ana and his mother Fernanda, was always of the absolute highest order. The way he loved my mother when they were in love, was so full. He was the absolute fiercest protector of me and Paloma, we were always his baby girls. He told me more than once, that men are stupid and not to be trusted, and he knows it because he is one. In the end, he did everything he could to protect us from his pain. I feel like a piece of me is gone, and I wish so deeply that he could be here for the family I hope to have, but I am so thankful I got to witness him with my cousins beautiful kids, always a big kid himself, always incredibly cheeky. He was so proud of them all. I love you dad and I will always carry in me the parts of you that I loved, to try and share them with the world, the piece of you that lives in me. And I hope you will able be able to carry around that little bit of Manolo in you too. Please join me in wishing, that his spirit now flies free, with no more coñazos and not one more fucking haemorrhage. I love you dad.
06.01.2022 From 25th of February our classes will move from Mondays to 7pm on a Thursday. Beginners 2 level. Some flamenco experience. We will be doing technique footwork palmas etc and Sevillanas 2. Note; Annie Riley and Gabinsky.
06.01.2022 We are still taking new beginners to this course. Thursdays at 7pm. Especially if they have had a bit of other dance training already. Dont be shy. Its fun. Come along this Thursday. 201 Gertrude st Fitzroy
04.01.2022 Te dejamos Flashmob de Flamenco en la plaza del Arenal de Jerez reconoce a alguien? qu le pareci? Noticia **** Subscrbete gratis a las noticias desde Jerez
04.01.2022 Le peuple des gitans de Jacques Lonard ! Injustement mconnu, Thierry Buisson Photographe des Ondes met lhonneur Jacques Lonard ! Fils dun marchand de che...vaux dorigine gitane et de la propritaire dune maison de couture Paris, Jacques Lonard (1909-1994) a toujours t lie au monde de limage. Il commence travailler aux studios Gaumont Paris et collabore avec Abel Gance dans Jaccuse, Louise et Paradis perdu. Au cours dun voyage en Espagne pour les reprages dun tournage, il rencontre le chef du Service de Cinmatographie du ministre de lIntrieur dont il fut le protg dans les annes suivantes et qui lui proposa de travailler pour Ulargui Films o il ralisa le montage de certains films. En 1940, il se rend en Espagne pour les reprages dun film sur Christophe Colomb qui ne verra jamais le jour car lEurope est en guerre. Nanmoins une opportunit se prsente puisquil rencontre le directeur gnral de la cinmatographie de lpoque qui lui offre la possibilit de travailler sur diverses missions lors dun sjour Madrid. En 1949, il sinstalle Barcelone avec lhomme daffaires de thtre Arthur Kaps et devient son bras droit. Puis, quelques annes plus tard et loin des tournages, il devient restaurateur de meubles. Il rencontre le comdien Robert Lamouret quil accompagne comme secrtaire lors dune tourne mondiale. Avec lui, il voyage en Angleterre, en Australie, en Grce et en Italie mais au terme de cette belle aventure rejette la proposition qui lui est faite de partir aux tats-Unis. En 1952, il tablit sa rsidence Barcelone quand il sprend de Rosario Amaya, une gitane des baraquements de Montjuc. Il devient alors photographe amateur sur un territoire culturel, celui des gitans. Ce sont les archives photographiques les plus importantes conserves sur les gitans et leur culture Barcelone, de 1952 au milieu des annes 70. Les portes de toutes les baraques souvrent au gadjo Chac , comme lappele sa grande famille gitane. Il documente la culture et le peuple gitans dun point de vue historique et contemporain tout en transmettant une image dune dignit absolue. LArchive de la Famille Jacques Lonard - Archivo Familia Jacques Lonard- comprend des ngatifs et des tirages vintages des annes 40 70. Elle est gre par ses enfants Santiago et Alex Lonard. Son travail narre intimement le territoire priphrique culturel de Barcelone : les barraques de Montjuic qui accueillaient une importante communaut gitane. Ses comptences pour le 7me art de son dbut de carrire, nous offre un tmoignage trs cinmatographique des traditions et rituels de la culture gitane, avec une vision anthropologique et contemporaine bien lui. En 1975, aprs le dmantlement des quartiers gitans de Barcelone, il sinstalle dans celui de la Mina et en raison de problmes de sant il quitte la photographie et se consacre au projet dun livre sur la culture gitane. Les quatre fers en lair , quil ne publiera pas malgr lintrt initial manifest par la maison ddition Plon de Paris, spcialise en ethnologie. En 1991 et en trs mauvaise sant, il sinstalle lEscala o il dcde en 1994. Plus dinfos sur le site officiel de lartiste : Pour les amateurs : expo jusquau 5 septembre 2020 la Anne Clergue Galerie Arles ! Informations : Crdits photos 1-43 Jacques Lonard Dtails et lgendes dans chacun des clichs. Il vous suffit de cliquer.
01.01.2022 Sara Baras show Voces will be playing at the Arts Centre Melbourne for the festival October 21st to 23rd. Ive just bought my ticket for the Friday night. Looking forward to it.
01.01.2022 Flashmob Grease - Central Station Antwerp
01.01.2022 On International Dance Day we want to share with you the freedom that dancing gives, to share a window for all those that COVID-19 keeps confined. Music:, by Isaac Albniz, performed by Youn Sun Nah Dancers (by order of appearance): Aloa Alonso, Rubn Olmo, Immaculate Solomon, Antonio Correderas, Vanessa Vento, Miriam Mendoza, Sou Jung Young, Debora Fernndez, Alfredo Merida, Eduardo Martinez, lvaro Marbn, Elna Matamoros, Miguel ngel Corbacho, Francisco Velasco, Mercedes Burgos, Esther Jurado, Maribel Gallardo, Carlos Sanchez, Jos Manuel Bentez, Irene Tena, Pedro Ramirez, Irene Correa, Cristian Garcia, Javier Moreno, Manuel del Ro, Axel Galn, Ana Agraz, Juan Berlanga, Antonio J. Jimnez, Sara Arvalo, Diana Noriega, Javier Polonio, Sergio Garcia, lvaro Gordillo, Matas Lpez, Mara Martn, Noelia Ruiz, Estela Alonso, Pilar Arteseros, Albert Hernandez, Aitana Rousseau, Ral Tino, Sara Nieto, Patricia Fernndez, Laura Vargas Cristina Aguilera. Video: Jess vila (BNE Audiovisual Department)
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