WYE FLYS At Nelson | Interest
WYE FLYS At Nelson
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24.01.2022 Fishing Report 25.11.2020 Gee whiz! What a funny old week it’s been in the fishing scene! First we were all getting pretty revved up for a near perfect weekend ...forecast, and then next thing we weren’t allowed to leave the house! Luckily for us Sunday was a very fishable once the restrictions were eased and there were some very nice fish caught. The offshore scene fished very well for most, I saw some real mixed bags of fish from varying depths. Sharks, morwong, latchet fish, knife jaw and flathead were all caught, just to name a few. Tim Carrison fished Blackfellows Caves on Sunday with baits and metal jigs in 100-150mt of water and came home with a nice feed of gummy shark, queen snapper and latchets, all taken on jigs. We’re hearing of plenty of snapper being caught this week, which is very encouraging to see. Let’s hope the buggers are still in close in February when we’re allowed to target them again! Surf fishos along the Coorong this week past few days and prior to the lockdown have been having some absolutely cracking sessions. I know of mulloway from just legal, through to one horse at an estimated 65lb caught, and everything in between. There have been some great shark caught up there too, gummy and schoolie have made up the majority of numbers, but there have also been a few chunky bronzies caught too. Locally our surf fishing has been pretty decent, Zac Currie fished a couple of hours down at Browns Beach Sunday afternoon and took home a nice gummy of around 6kg. There have been plenty of salmon being caught along most of our surf beaches this week which has been excellent fresh bait for shark fishos. Shane Smith landed a solid 30kg bronzie at the back of Beachport, and lost a couple of others. It’s an exciting time of year, we see some great fish from the beaches, the weather is nice and the days are longer, what’s not to love! The South East Amateur Surf Fishing Club kicks off their summer season this weekend, so good luck to all the fellas and I can’t wait to see some pictures. The whiting fishing has remained fairly good despite the crystal clear conditions and flat seas this week. The Port MacDonnell Breakwater has been arguably our most productive area thus far, with plenty of nice bags of fish being boated. Jesse Davies and Joe Dunwell boated 10 crackers just prior to the shutdown, meaning plenty of fresh fish for days. Other areas producing nice fish are Hutt Bay, Cape Douglas, Nene Valley and Carpenter Rocks, and they’re all fishing well for boat and landbased anglers. Tommy ruff and silver trevally are still in excellent numbers in the same sort of areas, so that makes for some good fun; and very tasty bycatch. Squid fishos are still into some good fish. Livingstons, Blackfellows Caves and inside the Pt Mac Breakwater are all producing solid fish in the South East, while Beachport, Jaffa and Kingston SE up the top have been the go-to spots for those a little more north. Guys fishing baited jigs under floats are still fishing very well and picking up the odd cuttlefish too, so don’t be surprised if you see a few of those prehistoric looking beauties about! The Glenelg River has been a buzz with activity since the easing of restrictions. We’ve seen anglers landing excellent numbers of bream and estuary perch on baits and lures, and a few smaller mulloway starting to turn up too. hopefully in the coming weeks we see things start firing up down there, just in time for the Chrissy break! The forecast for the remainder of the week looks to be improving weather wise, but the wind and swell still looks a bit iffy for offshore anglers. Keep an eye on it, and I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to wet a line! Until next week, safe fishing! Coatsy.
23.01.2022 Clear shrimp ready for the estuary perch.
23.01.2022 40 cm male milky Bream on fly. Released to spawn. Glenelg river @ Nelson.
22.01.2022 Ph - 0484864644. Gear supplied.
22.01.2022 Fish everywhere, but not biting.
22.01.2022 For sale 7' 3wt 4 piece fly rod and reel,Brand New. $130. Contact Gordon Jeffrey on 0484864644. - Nelson.
21.01.2022 Fishing Report 9.9.2020 Fairly average weather kept the majority of fishos away over the weekend just passed, but a few of the diehards still got to wet a line.... There have been some fairly good reports filtering through from across the South East, so lets get into it. Offshore has been quiet yet again this week thanks to the weather, I dont know of anyone actually fishing. The forecast for the coming week unfortunately doesnt look too much better. The guys on the coast have the upper hand when its as it is, they can go at the drop of a hat if it looks good enough, whereas guys from further away, its sometimes a couple of hours drive each way and to have to turn around and head home without even getting the boat wet is a bit disappointing. The guys who chase tuna are still all up and about getting ready for the second run which should be happening from now onwards, we just need that weather to allow us a crack at them! Surf fishos have been into the salmon again this week around Cape Banks, and even though the size hasnt been huge, the numbers have made up for it. Fish of around a kilo havent been uncommon for bait and lure fishos, but those chasing the bigger models have been heading into Canunda. Whale Rock, Channel Rock and any of the beach access points back towards Oil Rig Square have been good, some guys have even been pulling in double headers of 2kg+ fish. Baits are definitely better up that way, unless you can get into a patch of fish that are balled up tightly. And with bait, youre a shot at an early season mulloway, a gummy shark or even the odd big flathead. The guys fishing the Coorong have been beaching plenty of shark and salmon over the past few weeks, and the odd mulloway to about a metre thrown in. The higher the better has been the talk in the shop, but I wouldnt be surprised if we see fish coming from the 28 mile and lower very soon. Garfish numbers have been good this week again, all of our hot spots have fired up with some big fish and good numbers. Livingstons Bay and Cape Douglas have both produced nice fish for both the landbased and boat fishos, while the Petrified Forest and Port MacDonnell Breakwater have been good again for the waders. There seems to be a few more mullet and tommy ruff turning up now which is good see as well. From now on, we start seeing a few more silver trevally pop up while were targeting gar and tommies, so hold on if they turn up, theyre excellent little fighters! Squid fishos are very eager to get back out on the water as soon as the weather allows, there were some nice catches of squid over the last couple of weeks when the sea settled down and cleared up, and were all itching to get back into them. The stand out jigs so far has been the Yamashita Live rattle jigs in pink and red colour, or the old school lumo glow. Chuck a squid jig out when youre chasing gar or whiting and youll be surprised just how many you end up with! The Glenelg River has been fishing quite well this week, Ben and Kahne Jeffrey got stuck into some nice bream and perch on Fathers Day down at Donovans, with some of the bream being over 40cm. There has been some nice fish taken on baits this week, with some beauties again around that 40cm mark caught on unweighted whitebait fished slow along the rock walls. Mulloway are about on the sounder, but getting them to bite has been the hard bit. The odd fish has been taken on bait, but hopefully they improve in the coming weeks. The forecast for this weekend isnt to crash hot, but there will always be an option there for those who cant go a weekend without wetting a line! Until next week, safe fishing! Coatsy.
21.01.2022 Could use this method in the Glenelg river - Mudeye, on top with a small shrimp as the point fly, Slow retrieve.
21.01.2022 Anyone in the area of Ocean beach and the estuary at Nelson, that think's something fishy is going on, don't hesitate to report it to fisheries. Take photos of car number plates, and pass on this information.Our fairdinkum Australianese population are ripping the guts out of the Pippi stocks at the moment.
20.01.2022 Latest additions to the collection.
20.01.2022 $92.45 per kilo for garfish fillets - what a joke.@ Mt Gambier supermarket.smoked Rockcod starting to look good
19.01.2022 Estuary tonight, prior to approaching Storm
18.01.2022 Fishing Report 23.09.2020 Another lashing of below average weather has battered the Limestone Coast this past weekend making just about every form of fishing di...fficult. The strong northerlies were enough to keep all but the keenest of keen anglers off the water. The offshore news as youd expect is very light on this week. I havent had any reports to me of anyone heading offshore. I have however heard from a number of professional fishermen who have been out there and have reported huge schools of baitfish, seals, dolphins and birds spread out from the VIC/SA border, right up the coast and past Beachport. A few in the know have said theyre marking big fish under the bait with their sounders, which is more than likely big tuna. We know now that the fish are there, we just need the weather to be able to get out to them! Over in Portland weve seen a number of big tuna landed this week, from 90kg through to 130kg plus. Skirted lures behind bonze spreader bars still seem to be the best bet, but a few lads have hooked fish on deep diving minnows such as Samaki Pacemakers too. The weather for this weekend (as I write this) looks to be settling down nicely, so hopefully we can see a few local fish starting to be caught. Salmon fishos have loved the northerlies this week, with the wind over your shoulder, it makes casting that little bit further a breeze. The fish have been in great numbers too which is good. Were starting to see some bigger average sizes this week too. September has always been the month for the biggest salmon as far as I can remember, so hopefully the trend keeps up for the remainder of the month, and into next! Metal slugs and baits are both very effective, so which ever style you prefer, you should find yourself into some nice fish. Much like the salmon anglers, gar fishos love the northerly winds too. It makes casting a little bit easier and spreads the burley a little bit further. This weeks garfish have been some of the biggest Ive ever seen. Craig fished last week with Andrew Alnutt and between them they managed their bag of big fat winter gar in only a couple of hours. Craig said it took longer to clean them than to catch them, but you dont mind when theyre arguably one of our tastiest table fish here in the South East. Livingstons, Cape Douglas, Port MacDonnell and even Carpenter Rocks are all great spots to try for your gar, and all areas have suitable locations for both landbased anglers and boaties. There has been a few fishos this week chasing mullet in the corners of Red Rock and Lighthouse Bays down at Carpenter Rocks. Much like the gar, a steady burley trail, either a float rig or a very lightly weighted paternoster with a couple of gents or piece of peeled prawn is all you need to get a few mullet. Expect tommy ruff, salmon trout and possibly whiting too, all which are great eating. The Port MacDonnell Jetty has thrown up a few mixed bags of fish this week for the brave anglers who had a crack. Whiting, garfish, tommy ruff, salmon, squid and trevally have all been caught from the jetty, so thats a great option with the kids when the weather eases up a little bit. The Glenelg River has been a funny one this week, it seems to be either feast or famine down there! Unfortunately for me on Saturday night, it was the latter! I trolled lures from border to border and missed out, but the fish life on the sounder in certain areas was mind boggling. Youd think the fish would have to swim out of the way to let the lures go past! Ben Jeffrey and Craig Turner had an opposite day on Sunday, boating a nice mixed bag of bream, mulloway and estuary perch between them, and all fish were taken on lures. Cranka Crabs were the standout again, accounting for a fair whack of the fish the boys caught. The forecast for the weekend as I put pen to paper looks to be a complete turnaround from the past couple with 2 metres of swell, 8 knots or less of wind and showers easing. Its not going to be overly warm, but hey, well take any improvement! Until next week, safe fishing! Coatsy.
18.01.2022 For sale $7 each Inc postage.
17.01.2022 Latest attempts @ Bream food
17.01.2022 Bass yabby of sorts. Fly fishing very tough at the moment,due to water colour. Glenelg river@ Nelson.
17.01.2022 Latest additions to the shrimp school
17.01.2022 Perch On fly - Glenelg river@ Nelson.
17.01.2022 Thanks Dawn, lovely Xmas present. - Cheers.
17.01.2022 When booking a site at River Vu Caravan Park You have full access to our private landing .. Great for leaving your boat, safe to swim off and fish off ..
16.01.2022 Fishing Report 11.11.2020 A pleasant weekend on the Limestone Coast was the shot in the arm that plenty of us needed to dust the gear off and get motivated, wit...h the temperatures slowly getting warmer and the fishing starting to heat up, summer is shaping up to be a beauty! Offshore fishos had a bit of wind to contend with over the weekend, but there were still a handful of boaties who made the trip out. Shark have remained good this week, with gummy and school shark both being caught. The 60mt line is fishing well for sharks, as is the 90mt 100mt zone, where flathead are also in encouraging numbers. The other reefies such as blue morwong, nannygai, knife jaw and terakhi have been fairly spread out, but keep on the move and you should find a nice feed with not too much hassle. The surf fishing has been a little bit hit and miss this week. There has been a fair bit of weed around, which has made the going a bit tough for most in their usual hot spots. There have still been a few reports of some reasonable fish from the Piccininni and Paradise area, gummy sharks to 6kg and some nice jack salmon have made up the majority. The guys up at the Coorong have found some nice shark right along the beach, but the mulloway have been a little bit more elusive. As we start getting into the warmer weather, I don’t doubt they’ll fire up. The whiting fishing this week has been nothing short of brilliant. I’ve seen pictures of fish caught from the Port MacDonnell Breakwater, Cape Douglas, Livingstons and Carpenter Rocks. Mat Stark and Pete Johnson boated 10 or so very nice fish inside the Breakwater over the weekend, and even couple of nice flathead for the table. The jetty at Port MacDonnell will get better and better from now on for whiting fishos, so that’s a great land based option too. Off the beach the going has been a little tougher, but I think once the sea stirs a bit this week, we’ll see that change. Silver trevally are in the mix for whiting fishos in most of the above mentioned areas also, so hang on if those tough little speedsters turn up! Garfish have remained impressive yet again, and all the usual haunts have been productive. The size and numbers are still both very good, so you shouldn’t struggle to bag a feed of solid fish. Livingstons Bay has probably fished better for the boaties this week, but Cape Douglas has been equally good for the boaties and the waders. Small tommy ruff have been in fairly big numbers, and while they can be a pain in the bum when the gar are biting, it’s an encouraging sign coming into summer. With border restrictions slowly relaxing, it’s great to see our region slowly getting back to normal. If you do want to travel up to 70km into Victoria, all you need to do is jump on the SAPOL website, and follow the instructions to get your pass. Just remember while you’re in Vic, you need to follow their rules with masks etc, it’s a little bit inconvenient, but it’s a small price to pay to be back again! Nelson has been fishing well for bream and estuary perch this week, with the bait and lure fishos both sharing in the success. Mulloway numbers have also started to improve, with some lovely fish being taken on trolled live mullet. I can’t wait to get back over there myself! While we’re still talking about Vic, it’s so great to see pictures of some of the millions of fish that were stocked into Rocklands Reservoir being caught. Yellowbelly at around a kilo in weight are being caught by lure fishos right across the lake, which is brilliant going for fish that were only put in 3 years ago! The murray cod and trout news up there has been kept pretty quiet, but when we see Rocklands fire in the next couple of years, I think it’ll be just as good, if not better than Lake Eildon! The week ahead looks like it’s got it all! A bit of heat, a cool change and maybe even a storm or two! The weekend looks like it should be fishable, but keep an eye on things and see how it plays out! Until next week, safe fishing! Coatsy.
16.01.2022 When's a fly Not a fly -- when it looks like this going to give it a go anyway.
15.01.2022 Nice small perch, from landing tonight.
15.01.2022 More Shrimpy thing's -- For Sale.
15.01.2022 Some interesting fly patterns, & feather's.
14.01.2022 Fishing Report 12.08.2020 The weekends weather was probably a little bit better than wed first expected, which was great for those close to the coast who were... able to make the most of the conditions with little notice. The offshore scene was quiet for most, and it wasnt really until Sunday afternoon and into Monday that things kicked into gear. Jamie Widdison and the Extreme Marine Charters crew boated some lovely shark in about 60mt of water, a nice mix of gummy and school shark for their customers on board. The size has been quite mixed lately, some of the shark only being 4kg 6kg, but the very next drop could be a 30kg+ beast, so be prepared because you never know what might come along! The reef fish out there have been good again, nannygai, blue morwong and terakhi are all great options when the weather allows. I havent heard any tuna news this week, largely due to the weather. There are plenty of anglers excited for this weekends forecast of light winds and low swell, so hopefully next week we have some more tuna news to report. While were on the topic of shark, there has been some nice fish caught along the coast this week. When that weather backed off, a few of the guys who beach launch their tinnies got stuck into some nice school shark around Danger Point earlier in the week, and a couple of smaller gummy shark thrown in too. The fishing along the coast has been a bit hit and miss this season so far, but when you do happen to find the fish, the size has been quite good. Usually wed see fairly solid numbers of salmon and other bait fish in those areas this time of year, but they have been patchy. Once they turn up in bigger numbers I have no doubt the shark fishing will step up a gear too. Surf fishos this week have had a bit of a tougher time chasing the salmon, with only a handful of reports filtering through. The usual haunts through Canunda, Beachport salmon hole and Cape Banks have all produced fish, but numbers and quality of fish have varied from day to day. Bait fishing is great when the fish arent tightly schooled up, the smell of the pilchards in the water is enough to bring them in from further away, whereas the lures are fantastic if the fish are there and in good numbers, allowing you to catch plenty in quick succession. Gar numbers have continued to impress yet again, with just about every protected bay fishing well this week! There have been some great reports coming from the Port MacDonnell Breakwater, with boaties and jetty fishos getting stuck into them. Petrefied Forest, Cape Douglas, Hutt Bay and Livingstons have all fished well just to name a few, and a few more anglers are trying different areas along the Limestone Coast, most with good results. The winter red beak gars are a favourite target down here during the cooler months. Their distribution and availability is a big tick for most fishos, and the table quality is second to none! The Glenelg River has been fishing fairly well this week, there have been a number of mulloway caught by lure trollers right through the SA section, and a few by bait anglers. Aron Coleman has been putting in the hours and being rewarded with some nice fish over the recent weeks, his best being a whisker under the 20lb mark, along with a heap of fish between just legal and 90 odd centimetres. The Reed Bed to Dry Creek area has been fairly hot, but we know how quickly they can move around. The bream and perch fishing has been reasonable yet again, with lure flickers having good success on 2.5 inch to 3 inch grub and minnow style plastics in natural colours, and a few have been doing well on strike pro cyber vibes when they find the fish schooled up in the deep water. Baitos using prawn and whitebait around the rockwalls, snags and deeper areas are finding some quality bream, and even the odd mulloway too. This weekends weather forecast has got anglers a bit hot and sweaty already, with light winds, calm seas and some great tides on the horizon, Id say next weeks report will be a beauty! Until next week, safe fishing! Coatsy.
14.01.2022 Dads are you looking for something special to do with your lads during the January holidayscome along and join in on our amazing Bronte camp. We are a very fa...mily friendly and you will have a great time be sure to book your place soon. Pictured here is one of our juniors already a great fisherman and amazing fly tyer. If you would like to learn the art of Fly Fishing be sure to book your place by clicking on this link #Tasmania #Trout #Flyfishing #BronteLagoon #MidlandsTasmania #dryfly #wetfly #flyfishingtuition #Flytying
13.01.2022 Brand New 9' 6wt fly Rod for sale - 4 piece. $130.
13.01.2022 Good feeling putting them back.
12.01.2022 River vu caravan Park open for business @ Nelson On The Glenelg river. Fishing good at the moment.
11.01.2022 Pale green shrimp.
09.01.2022 Why not become a Member of the Devonport Fly Fishing Club our Club offers many benefits ranging from fly tying nights to the much anticipated Bronte Fly Fishing... Camp each January, next camp dates are 10th to 15th January 2021. The club places people with a shared interest in contact with each other. As a result many long lasting friendships are formed. Pictured here one of our members Steve with a beautiful trout caught recently. If you would like more information on becoming a member please go to this link for more information. https://www.devonportflyfishingclub.net.au/bronte-fly-fishi #flyfishing #trout #BronteLagoon #Tasmania #MidlandsTasmania #Tassie #Australia #dryfly #wetfly #DevonportFlyFishingClubDevonport Fly Fishing Club Inc aim to promote all facets of fly fishing and good fellowship See more
09.01.2022 Combo - donated horse hair, And other materials to create shrimp patterns, might even be great for trout.
08.01.2022 Wye fly's@ Nelson has a New sponsor.
08.01.2022 Fly fishing lessons. 2hrs - $70 land based, gear supplied.
07.01.2022 Brand New professional knife and scissors sharpener.fantastic product. $85 . Ring Gordon Jeffrey on 0484864644.
07.01.2022 Nail knot tools for sale $10 each plus postage .
07.01.2022 Dirty water from Higher Up on its way downstream towards Nelson.
06.01.2022 Wye fly's, now available @ the new shop @ the River Vu Caravan park.$7 each, Great for all the species within the Glenelg river system.
06.01.2022 Nice solid Bream, taken on cranker crab by my son Ben Jeffrey. Fish returned to spawn.(41cm)
06.01.2022 Latest WYE FLY shrimp patterns.
04.01.2022 The mysterious movements of the majestic mulloway continue to be highlighted in a research project funded by your fishing licence fees! A mulloway tagging proje...ct run by Nature Glenelg Trust is reeling in more fascinating results. Among its most recent findings are two captures which highlight the cross-border connectivity of this iconic species. Two fish which had been tagged off Browns Bay (in south-east SA) were recently recaptured inside the Glenelg River near Nelson. One was a 63cm fish originally tagged in November 2018 and recaptured August of this year at 77cm, just up from the mouth of the river. The other was tagged in March this year and recaptured last month near the mouth of the Glenelg, having grown 4cm in more than 200 days at liberty a rate relatively common for the cooler months. Of the six other fish which were both tagged and recently recaptured in the Glenelg, there was a trend for fish moving downstream. The Trust’s Lauren Brown said the trend is consistent with the understanding that fish with a lower tolerance to freshwater will move downstream during periods of high flow. You can learn more about the program by visiting www.natureglenelg.org.au #yourfishinglicencefeesatwork #mulloway #science
04.01.2022 Grandson khane Jeffrey with a nice Bream from the Glenelg river & Donavans.
04.01.2022 First small perch on fly for ages - Yahoo thing's might improve from now on I Hope.
03.01.2022 Pink shrimp and other things
03.01.2022 Great Xmas present. Fly's, fly rods, reels fly lines etc. Also 2 hr fly fishing lessons available $70 per person, gear supplied - land based. pH - 0484864644. _ cheers.
03.01.2022 Two more Too try this week if still allowed.
02.01.2022 Something to think about
01.01.2022 Fishing report 02.09.2020 Below average weather conditions over the weekend kept most offshore boats home in the shed, but those who opted for the surf or heade...d up the river found some nice fish. The surf fishos targeting the salmon found some reasonable fish over the weekend. The beaches at Cape Banks fished well for lumpies to around a kilo, and the best way to get into them was casting metal slugs. The bait fishos did well also using pilchards, but there were lots of small fish. The bigger fish seem to be along the Canunda beaches again this week, its a bit of a slow and rough drive through there, but if youre chasing quality over quantity, thats definitely your best chance. School and gummy shark of an evening are also starting to kick into gear through there, so if you do want to stay until after dark, thats a great incentive. The offshore fishing has been quiet this week thanks largely to the weather. Huge seas and strong winds are enough to keep even the toughest of fishos on dry land. The outlook for the weekend is a bit untidy, but there could be a small window on Saturday that will allow fishos to sneak out. Garfish have been a bit funny this week, anglers have reported that there have been acres and acres of fish swimming around their feet, but the little buggers arent hungry! Persistence is the key though, keep on keeping on and most anglers have taken home a reasonable feed, and even if the gar dont come on, the mullet and tommy ruff are always hungry! Ive heard whispers of a few local land based squid over the last week, with some fish caught off the Port MacDonnell jetty. If history repeats itself, it was this same weekend last year that we saw the first decent numbers of squid come from the Breakwater. So hopefully we can see the same results this time around. The Glenelg has continued to fish well for bream and estuary perch this week, with the lure fishos finding plenty of nice fish along the rockwalls and steeper drop offs. Use your sounder, thats your best chance of locating the fish down there, and once you find them, its just a matter of finding something they want to eat. Mulloway news has been a bit light on, a few for the trollers over the border and thats about it. This week some dirty water from the last lot of rain has started filtering down and the colour has changed. That should really fire the mulloway up over the next week or so, especially with a bit of moon coming through. This weekend looks a bit iffy for fishos, we might be lucky enough to get a day offshore early in the weekend, if not, were lucky we have so many other options so close to home. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there, dont forget that were open down here all weekend for any last minute gift ideas! Until next weekend, safe fishing! Coatsy.
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