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25.01.2022 The Brother Who Sins Against You! Matthew 18:15-20 It is not pleasant when we have been hurt by someone close to us. It could be a family member. It could be a work colleague. It could be a neighbour. It could be someone who is part of your sporting team or in the same club as you. What should we do when someone sins against us or hurts us in some way? What makes the incident so much more challenging is that the person concerned happens to be a brother or sister in ...Christ. What should we do? Some of us feel safer living in denial. We brush it under the carpet and live as though it never happened. Others let it fester and before long we have a strong root of bitterness and unforgiveness taking over our lives. Jesus knew that when He handed the church over to the disciples that There would be interpersonal problems surfacing, particularly when they still had issues with who was the greatest among them. How then should fellow Christians treat one another when there was a danger of hurting and sinning against one another? The obvious thing is to go to the people involved and work through the issues and if there are issues of power involved take witnesses with you. What Jesus sought for the church is encapsulated in Psalm 133;1, How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Brothers do not always get on, which might be why Jesus advocated an attitude of forgiveness and mercy (Matthew 18:21-35) See more

25.01.2022 When Things Do Not Go As Planned? Matthew 17:14-27 In our world things do not always go as planned for us particularly in an electronic age. You send an email hoping it will be there in a split second, instead it takes a few days. We set up for On Line Service only to discover the browsers cannot handle it. You can add your own stories for when events did not go as planned. The followers of the Lord Jesus were not immune from events that did not go as planned., and Peter, James and John were having an experience they would never forget with Moses and Elijah on the mountain. They didn’t want to come down. Things were going well for them. The other nine were less fortunate. They were attempting to do ministry and restore the health of a young boy who was demon possessed and suffering epileptic fits. However, things were not quite going their way. A crowd was gathering. The father was distraught over the disciples in ability to help his son. The teachers of the law were making mocking gestures of what the disciples were doing. Things were not going as planned. There would have been a big sigh of relief when Jesus showed up with the other three disciples. Jesus sensed the frustration in the air. He was equally frustrated with people in the crowd who only made things worse and should have known better. Jesus restored the boy much to the thanks of the father. Have you been in situations when things did not go as planned? What did you do? See more

23.01.2022 Bible School Equips New Central Asian Church Leaders For Ministry: Christian converts from Islam were equipped with the practical skills and Bible knowledge they need for the challenges of their church ministry during a six-month leadership course, partly funded by Barnabas. The 20 students came from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, countries where the practice of Christianity is restricted to varying degrees and converts are subject to hostility from the majority population. The course, based at a church in Kyrgzstan, included both classroom based study and practical experience at local churches. Experienced church leaders from across the former Soviet Union tutored students on subjects including Christian doctrine, evangelization in a Muslim context and practical Christian life, giving a range of knowledge that students could not receive in their own churches. The Christian convert community in the former Soviet Union countries of Central Asia is only about 25 years old. The growing convert churches are in need of leaders and this Bible School trains new believers who want to dedicate their lives to serving Christ in church ministry. Barnabasaid Sept/Oct See more

22.01.2022 Kingdom Come PCV Prayer Event: Th Presbyterian Church of Victoria will be holding a state wide prayer meeting. It will be held via ZOOM. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the state wide church to seek the Lord’s face and His leading together as we prepare for the challenges of ministry and church life in 2021.... Chris Siriweera Christ and his church, when they are at the lowest are nearest rising. His enemies, at the highest, are nearest their downfall. Richard Sibbes The prayer time will take place on Saturday 5th December from 8am till 9am. It will take one hour. Prayer group participants will rotate every 15 minutes. All ministers and elders are urged to participate. You can join in, through praying at the same time the Prayer Event is on. So, remember, pray on Saturday 5th December from 8am till 9am

21.01.2022 The Greatest! Matthew 18:1-9 How do we determine greatness? What makes one great? How does our culture determine greatness? They say that the Sydney Olympic Games were the greatest games ever. What made them great? What made Sir Donald Bradman a great cricketeer? What makes a great teacher? What makes a great politician? What makes a nation great? The question of greatness surfaces when the disciples come to Jesus and ask the question, Who is the greatest in the ...kingdom of heaven? What determines greatness for the Christian? How would you determine greatness in the Christian life? For Jesus the answer is summarised in one word humility! Unless you humble yourself is repeated through these verses. Trying to define humble is challenging. Often as we look at what humble means we end up showing how proud we are. For the Christian, humbleness requires submission to our loving heavenly Father. The question asked of us will be Have you submitted to your heavenly Father? Humbleness indicates that we are prepared to hand our aspirations, our dreams, our lives over to God and allow him to work His will in our lives. In doing so we follow in the footsteps of Jesus who also humbled Himself to the point of going to the cross. Greatness is visible in our humility. Think of great Christians you know and then look for humility. As you look, how is your humbleness? See more

21.01.2022 Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth. John 17:17

21.01.2022 Spring Camp Reflections: PYV Online Camp was in my opinion really fun. The speaker, Bill, gave us very interesting and eye-opening talks about the book of Revelation which we then split off into groups to study about. In those same groups we got to play fun activity games like PYV feud (family feud) and making an anthem for our ‘country’. (Online Camper #1)) I really enjoyed the food at PYV Online camp and the beds were very comfy. The leaders were friendly and Bill the... speaker did great talks about the book of Revelation. Overall, I’d consider it a good experience and great chance to connect with other Christians. (Online Camper #2) The next PYV camp is the Summer Camp held during the Christmas / New Year period.

19.01.2022 1 Corinthians 8:9 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.

18.01.2022 Comfort In Dying! I Thessalonians 4:13-18 Our world has many different views on death and dying. There are those who tell us that death is it. There is nothing more. Once the final siren has sounded there is no life after death. There are those who take the path of re-incarnation. You return as something else. Then there are those who believe they are one with nature. And the list goes on.... But what about the Christian? What do they believe? This is the question being asked by the young in the faith Christians at Thessalonica, barely a few weeks old in the faith. The Christian believes in the resurrection of the dead. Such belief centres on the death and resurrection of the dead through Jesus Christ. Such belief gives great comfort for the one who is dying. There is life after death. What a glory awaits us. But there is a double guarantee with eternal life. Yes! There is Jesus’ resurrection. And the fact is Jesus is returning. He is coming back to get you. Ho marvellous, how wonderful that will be. Jesus will honour the promises He made to His followers when their hearts were troubled. I am preparing accommodation for you in my Father’s house. Take comfort in the resurrection. There is life after death. See more

17.01.2022 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

16.01.2022 Sudanese Christians Rejoice At The Abolition Of The Islamic Apostasy Law: Sudan has abolished its apostasy law, which carried a death penalty for leaving Islam. The Miscellaneous Amendments Act ended long standing restrictions on freedom introduced under the 30-year regime of former dictator Omar al-Bashir, ousted in April 2019.... While apostasy had already been criminalised under Sudan’s previous criminal code, al-Bashir’s regime brought the country’s legal system closer to an ultra conservative interpretation of sharia (Islamic law). Islamists in Sudan have called for the government to be over thrown in an angry backlash against the penal code reforms. Sudan is one of the few countries in the world where people have been officially executed for apostasy in modern times. Barnabas Sept / Oct 2020

16.01.2022 Waiting: We are waiting waiting for a vaccine to be developed to protect us from Covid-19, waiting for an end to facemasks and lockdowns, waiting to be able to crowd into our church buildings and sing God’s praise together, waiting for the world’s economy to recover. We are waiting for God to deliver us from this pandemic and all its repercussions. The Bible is full of waiting on the Lord, waiting for Him to intervene, to rescue, to restore. Often the waiting time is pr...olonged far beyond what we had expected. The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved. (Jer. 8:20) This cry of the Lord’s people, who had hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror, may be ours too as we wait in a deteriorating world situation, But still we must continue to wait, trust and hope, praying for God’s deliverance, no matter how long and hard the day. Even Elijah had to send his servant seven times o look towards the sea before a little cloud was seen (I Kings 18:43-44). Our trust must be in God and in His divine providence. (Barnabasaid, Sept/Oct 2020 See more

16.01.2022 Living to Please God I Thessalonians 4:1-12 How does one please God? How do we know what pleases God? To know what pleases God we need to know what God’s will is in particular situations. Paul is not about to leave these brand new Thessalonian Christians bereft of any knowledge of God’s will or what pleases Him. He tells them quite clearly that he is speaking with the authority of Jesus. What Paul says is what Jesus would have said if he was speaking to the situatio...n. What then is God’s will? God’s will is that you be sanctified and become more like Jesus. This is what pleases God. By God’s grace are you becoming more like Jesus? God’s will is that you abstain from sexual immorality. God’s will is that you increase in brotherly love for one another. God’s will is that you live a quiet life in order to witness for the Lord. As we consider God’s will and what pleases Him. Are there areas you struggle with knowing God’s will and what is pleasing to Him? These verses are a good example of learning God’s will. To know God’s will then start learning God’s Word. The next time some one asks you what God’s will is then you can respond by saying, Let me check God’s Word for you on that and I will get back to you with a response. See more

14.01.2022 Annual Congregation Meeting: The meeting will take place on Sunday 18th October after the Online worship service. The meeting will be Online via ZOOM. Instructions will be given in the coming Sundays as to how such a meeting will work. Reports were circulated via email on Thursday 24th September. If you have not received the reports it could for one of two the reasons. Either Peter Greiner does not have your email address or he has your outdated one. If you want to receive the reports kindly send our pastor your address. If you have questions please ask them before the meeting.

11.01.2022 Presbyterian Inland Mission Gap Year: We are excited to announce the launch of the PIM Gap Year at New Dunesk in 2021. The Gap Year Program aims to equip and engage young people with a heart for Christ, preparing them to one day be committed congregation members and potential elders in our country churches. Some of them may even begin a journey that may one day see them become a PIM worker or a rural pastor. For a long time, Gospel ministry in remote and rural parts of ...our country has called out for suitable workers. The program is a first step toward filling that need, sowing the seeds that will one day reap faithful Gospel workers. Our Gappies will live on site at New Dunesk, as they learn to work on the land, serve in the church and grow in their faith. They will develop practical vocational and life skills, undertake introductory theological training through the Timothy Partnership, and get involved in local church ministry. AUSTUDY is available. If you know someone 18-20 years old who might be interested then contact PIM. Question: Why is it called New Dunesk? Where is New Dunesk? See more

04.01.2022 The Lost Sheep Matthew 18:10-14 The Bible has quite a bit to say concerning shepherds and sheep. Growing up on a mixed farming enterprise in southern NSW I was able to empathise with the shepherds and sheep of biblical times. Sheep require constant care. It is not as though you can lock them in a paddock and forget about them. You have to check to see if they need feed or water. Do they need shearing, drenching, crutching, wigging? You have to regularly check the fen...ces to make sure they have not strayed, which as Isaiah states, sheep are prone to do. They need care. Is it any wonder that God compares us to sheep! We get a taste of the care required as we read that popular psalm The Shepherd’s Psalm. In Psalm 23 we have the shepherd who leads, who guides, who provides, and protects. It is little wonder that the writer of Psalm 23 is able to say The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. The role of the shepherd is further explored by the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 34. Sadly, there are some shepherds who do not deserve the name shepherd. When it came to shepherds, David had a duel role. He was a shepherd boy as well as a shepherd king. We look to Jesus as our shepherd who leads, guides, provides and protects. He is the shepherd who gave His life for the sheep who were lost. Are you a sheep who needs to be found? Or, have you been found and now actively seeking to find lost sheep? See more

02.01.2022 Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

01.01.2022 When will the church building re-open? This is a question I am being asked and many people are asking? I do not know the mind of the government. May be after Sunday the way might be clearer with the promises of restrictions easing. However, we will need to keep in mind that the social and physical distancing rules will still apply. Such rules means our church building would hold about 38 people. This would mean that a significant number of our members would need to stay with us online. Remember Paul’s words to Timothy: I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour (I Timothy 2:1-3).

01.01.2022 Transformed By The Word: How hungry are we for God’s word? As I sit at my desk to share with you today, a loaf of bread is baking in the oven. The delicious, yeasty aroma wafts through my office. I am hungry and can hardly wait to savour the flavour, and be satisfied. One of the symptoms of COVID 19 is a loss of smell and taste. Beth, my friend and Wycliffe colleague, explains her experience with the virus this way: Losing my senses affected my appetite and felt so unna...tural. I could remember fragrances and flavours, but the memories were not satisfying. Eating felt sad. It is so enjoyable to again smell and taste the food I eat. Physical pandemics bring many losses. But we face another pandemic one that is much more insidious and widespread than COVID 19. Soul sickness dulls and steals our spiritual senses and none of us are immune. In the midst of this pandemic, many of us need an awakening of our spiritual senses. So how do we reinvigorate our spiritual smell and taste? The answer is always found in Jesus. In Ephesians 5:2, Paul describes Jesus’ sacrifice with the word ‘euodia’ meaning a sweet, pleasing offering to God. When we breathe in God’s fragrant love in Christ, our soul hunger awakens. He fills us with his renewing Spirit and we become like Christ. Lyn Wake Wycliffe Today, Spring 2020 See more

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