Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade in Wyndham Vale | Fire station
Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade
Locality: Wyndham Vale
Phone: +61 3 9974 2953
Address: 455 Ballan Rd 3024 Wyndham Vale, VIC, Australia
Likes: 3080
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25.01.2022 We remember and thank all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and country on this Anzac Day. Lest we forget.
25.01.2022 The Officers and Members of the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade are extremely saddened by the tragic loss tonight of four serving Victoria Police members. Our sincerest condolences to their families and colleagues. Thank You for your service - RIP.
24.01.2022 The Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade will be conducting the community Christmas Santa Run this year. This year will be a little bit different with our members following covid safe guidelines to ensure your safety and ours. The brigade have had restrictions placed upon us and will not be handing out lollies to the extent of previous years. Rather than drive down all the streets in the area the brigade will use predetermined routes that will be released very soon on our Facebook pag...e once finalised. Please be aware that due to Covid restrictions, social distancing should be maintained at all times and we ask the community to wear face masks if a distance of 1.5m cannot be maintained. Please remember that all the people organising the Santa run are volunteers and are giving their time to help you celebrate Christmas with your family, so please be kind and understanding both online and in person. We look forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve.
23.01.2022 We can't wait to see you all this weekend, we are preparing for what is expected to be a very busy weekend so please be patient if there is a wait when you arrive. You can come down and pick your tree and either take it with you or get it delivered, at station we accept cash or EFT, we take over the phone bookings on 0438723133 but at this stage only accept COD or contact us for direct bank deposit details. We thank you for your on going support.
23.01.2022 Please avoid these areas if you can and stay safe if moving around Wyndham over the next couple of days
23.01.2022 CFA has received a number of calls from community members regarding bonfires to mark the ‘Spark in the Dark’ event this evening. We appreciate those who are tha...nking our frontline workers, but urge you to keep fire safety front of mind. As today’s conditions are windy in some areas we are urging those who wish to participate to not do so by lighting bonfires or using fire pits. If you are choosing to light a candle, please ensure it is monitored by an adult and extinguished properly. You might like to mark the event by using a torch or outside light. Thank you and stay safe.
23.01.2022 We see the impacts of reckless and negligent behaviour every fire season. Today, Assistant Chief Fire Officer - Bernie Fradd joined Victoria Police at the launc...h of #OperationSafeguard - set up to prevent and detect the occurrence of intentional and reckless fires. Take extra care this fire season when lighting recreational fires like campfires, conducting burn-offs or using machinery. Keeping our communities safe from bushfire is a shared responsibility.
22.01.2022 For many years CFA brigades within the Wyndham community have participated in the Good Friday Appeal by door-knocking and raising valuable funds for this worthy cause. For the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade, this would have been our 9th year participating in our local community. Unfortunately with the current COVID-19 Pandemic that we are all facing, door-knocking is not an option for us and our many supporters this year. So, like many things in our lives, we have had to adapt. Th...is year we are participating along with many other CFA Brigades around the state in a "Virtual Tin Shake". Donating is easy to do by using the online link below. On behalf of the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade I thank you for your consideration of donating to this worthy cause and hope that you and your families remain safe during these difficult times. Best Wishes, Trevor Weston Captain, Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade
22.01.2022 Today, 1st July 2020, Victoria will see a new fire service, Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV), operating. FRV will bring together all paid fire fighters from the CFA and MFB. Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade will remain as a 100% Volunteer CFA Fire Brigade. For the community, you won’t see many changes other than new uniforms and stickers on trucks.... If you call triple zero, you will get a fire truck to the incident, just like you have in the past. Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade will continue to respond to structure fires, bushfires, grass fires, non structure fires (cars, bins, rubbish etc), rescues, chemical spills and other incidents the same as we have for years. We will continue on in our community the same as we have in the past. Our fire safety and engagement programs will continue, and we will continue to support the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal our Christmas Eve Santa Run, and other activities as normal. Take care, From the Officers and Members of the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade.
21.01.2022 A great effort by all who attended.
21.01.2022 Fresh delivery of trees ready to go! Here till 4pm unless sold out earlier
19.01.2022 Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor 27417 Senior Constable Kevin King 40942 Constable Josh Prestney 45438 ... Constable Glen Humphris 45688 See more
19.01.2022 GREAT NEWS WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE GO AHEAD TO SELL CHRISTMAS TREES !! With the easing of restrictions we can confirm we will be selling trees on the days listed... below. Thanks for everyone's patience while we worked through the details of how we operate during COVID and look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks.
18.01.2022 Cobbledicks Ford Rd closed The water levels are currently above 40cm. Never drive through flooded roads - Use an alternate route.
18.01.2022 In memory of fallen firefighters. Every year on the Sunday closest to St Florian's Day (4th of May) we would have paused to remember the fallen firefighters who died in the line of duty at the CFA Memorial Service. COVID-19 has made it impossible this year, however, we would like to pay a special tribute in any way we can. 79 CFA firefighters have lost their lives in the line of duty (this includes 11 from pre-1944 who died prior to the formation of CFA under the Country Fire... Brigades Board). We would like to also pay special tribute to our colleagues from DELWP, NSW RFS and the United States who tragically lost their lives battling this summer’s bushfires. We remember them. 2019/2020 fire season: Victorian firefighters Bill Slade, Mat Kavanagh and David Moresi. New South Wales firefighters Geoffrey Keaton, Andrew O’Dwyer and Samuel McPaul. North American firefighters Ian McBeth (Montana), Paul Hudson (Arizona) and Rick DeMorgan Jr (Florida) who travelled from the United States of America to help Australia in its time of need. We are forever grateful and thank you for your sacrifice keeping us safe
17.01.2022 A day of TOTAL FIRE BAN has been declared for today, Monday 25 January 2021, in the Mallee, Wimmera, Northern Country, North Central, North East and East Gippsl...and districts. No fire can be lit in the open air or be allowed to remain alight in between 00:01 and 23:59 on Monday 25 January 2021. Know what you can and can’t do on a day of Total Fire Ban: www.cfa.vic.gov.au/can
17.01.2022 COMMUNITY INFORMATION Today, Wednesday 29 April, at 5:40pm the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade will sound our sirens 4 times. Each siren cycle is to honour the 4 Victoria Police Officers who lost their lives in the line of duty on Wednesday 22nd April 2020, at approximately that time.... When the sirens sound, please take a moment to reflect and remember Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor 27417, Senior Constable Kevin King 40942, Constable Josh Prestney 45438 and Constable Glen Humphris 45688. The Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade send our thoughts & condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of each officer, and to the wider Victoria Police family. Police Ode As the sun surely sets dawn will see it arise. For service, above self demands its own prize. You have fought the good fight life’s race has been run and peace, your reward for eternity begun. And we that are left shall never forget. Rest in peace friend and colleague for the sun has now set. We will remember. Hasten the dawn. PLEASE **DO NOT** ATTEND THE FIRE STATION
15.01.2022 Thank you everyone for your support this year in the purchase of Christmas trees. We still have a few available, mainly 5'. If anyone is interested in purchasing one through the week, you can call 0438723133 to arrange a time to come have a look. Thank you again and merry Christmas.
14.01.2022 Hands up who doesn't want to go outside to hang their washing in this cold weather Remember if you are drying your laundry inside to always keep it at least 1 metre from the heater.
13.01.2022 Did you know you can't smell smoke when you're asleep? Interconnected smoke alarms will sound no matter where a fire starts in your home and form the best pos...sible detection and chance of an early escape for you and your household. Find out how to protect your family at www.cfa.vic.gov.au/smokealarms
13.01.2022 I was 24 then, I could only describe the scene as something I'd seen in a war movie." 50 yrs ago today the West Gate Bridge collapsed. 35 men lost their lives.... Today we honour them. Peter Dent shares his recollections from the event: https://www.ambulance.vic.gov.au/west-gate-bridge-tragedy-/
13.01.2022 We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and New Year. Just a reminder our crews will be picking up Christmas trees tomorrow morning from 0900 so if can please leave them out tonight that would be great, if you no longer require pick up please let us know. Thanks again for your support in our annual fundraiser and throughout the year.
11.01.2022 In recent months we have seen an increase in house fires in CFA areas and sadly across the state, six lives have been lost. CFA and Fire Rescue Victoria are asking all Victorians to know their risks and be prepared when it comes to fire safety around the home.
11.01.2022 Today, Tuesday 29th of September, is National Police Remembrance Day. National Police Remembrance Day gives us an opportunity to formally recognise the bravery and sacrifice Police across the nation have made, and continue to make, in order to protect our communities.
11.01.2022 Cobbledicks Ford Road is currently closed due to high water levels Please follow the road closed signs (of which there are many there) and find an alternate ...route. With the significant rain today, water levels are high and rising. The flow rate is fairly fast as well. Attempting to drive through a flooded road not only risks your life but also that of our volunteers and other emergency service personnel who undertake the rescue. Our emergency service volunteers work hard to keep you safe - please play your part. Please find an alternate route - remember it takes only 15cm for a car to float.
11.01.2022 Important update for our community on brigade training for this fire season.
10.01.2022 VERY HIGH FIRE DANGER TODAY Today, Monday 25 January 2021, is a day of VERY HIGH fire danger in the Central District. It is also a day of Total Fire Ban in the Wimmera, Mallee, North Central, Northern Country, East Gippsland and North East districts: www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-res/total-fire-bans-and-ratings.... PREPARE ACT SURVIVE
10.01.2022 Heavy rain is on the way for parts of Victoria today and tomorrow, with an increased chance of flash flooding. If your home is being threatened by flood, follow... our ‘Bag it, Block it, Lift it and Leave’ steps to help protect your household or business, and stay safe. www.ses.vic.gov.au/get-ready See more
10.01.2022 WARNING - Cobbledick's Ford is now closed due to flooding. Do not attempt to cross. If you require flood or storm assistance call 132 500 If an emergency call 000
08.01.2022 We are here till 4pm unless sell out before!
07.01.2022 Fantastic team work from all agencies involved in the search of William Callaghan, and for the support of the local communities that saw him reunited with his family today. Victoria Police Ambulance Victoria Victoria State Emergency Service
06.01.2022 NEWS HOT OFF THE PRESS.. Santa will be doing the Christmas run in Wyndham Vale on predetermined streets between 3.00pm and 5.30pm on Christmas Eve. Please find below the groups of predetermined routes and the approximate times.... JUBILEE 3.10pm-3.30pm Welcome Parade Anniversary Avenue Stanmore Cresent Hounslow Drive Pascolo Way Anniversary Avenue PRESIDENTS PARK 3.10pm-3.30pm McGrath Road Halladale Ave Juliana Ave Lady Penrhyn Drive Federal Drive Macquarie Drive Ballan Road McGRATH CROSSOVER 3.40pm-4.00pm Windsor Ave Burgundy Drive Winston Way McGrath Road Camden Way Torquay Way Rosedale Place WYNBROOK ESTATE 3.40-4.00pm Paramount Bvd Stream Road Principle Drive Junonia Way Brightvale Bvd Bursa Drive HARPLEY RESERVE 4.10pm-4.40pm Terama Chase Shipwright Parade Fairhall Ave Taworri Cresent Illabundra Drive Yallaroo Chase Treeve Pkwy Charlwood Prom Armstrong Road Blackforest Road Grandvista Blvd Watford Strret Cressy Street Colchester Drive MANOR LAKES 4.10pm-4.40pm Academy Way Eureka Drv Kinglake Drv Ballan Rd Spearmint Blvd Holyoake Pde Manor Lakes Blvd WYNDHAM VALE 4.50pm-5.30pm McGrath Rd Cambridge Cres Valewood Drv Honour Ave Blackforest Rd Olive Way Yando Place Ribblesdale Ave Haines Drv Armstrong Rd Greens Rd Feathertop Drv LOLLIPOP CREEK RESERVE 4.50pm-5.30pm Parawong Pde Tussock Lnk Cullen Drv Greens Rd Greengables Drv Hydefield Drv Evergreen Drv Castlerock Drv Buloke Ave Eppalock Drv Armstrong Rd Manor Lakes Blvd These times could change in the case of an emergency where the brigade needs to respond. Please be aware that due to Covid restrictions, social distancing should be maintained at all times and we ask the community to wear face masks if a distance of 1.5m cannot be maintained. Please remember that all the people organising the Santa run are volunteers and are giving their time to help you celebrate Christmas with your family, so please be kind and understanding both online and in person. We look forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve.
04.01.2022 NEVER drive in floodwater The rain is set to continue over the next 24 hours, with the Bureau of Meteorology issuing a warning We can expect to get ...up to 20mm of rain and water levels can rise quite quickly. Call 000 for life threatening emergencies. Call 132 500 for Flood and Storm damage
04.01.2022 Our condolences and thoughts are with our friends at Werribee Fire Brigade on the sad loss of Ken. A true gentleman who will be greatly missed. The Captain, Officers and Members of the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade
04.01.2022 We just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our community members and brigade supporters for your interest in this years Christmas Tree sales. This is an activity that all brigade members very much look forward to each and every year as it is a great way for us to meet and engage with you, our community. Unfortunately this year we are delayed with announcing what we will be doing in this space as we work with the CFA around guidelines to be able to undertake this... activity in the setting of COVID-19. We hope to have this finalised in the next week or so and will let everyone know ASAP. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Trevor Weston Captain Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade
03.01.2022 Never leave kids, adults or pets in hot cars. The temperature within a parked car can double within minutes. For more tips on how to #SurviveTheHeat visit: betterhealth.vic.gov.au/heat
02.01.2022 Well done and good work to all crews involved including our own members from Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade
01.01.2022 It only takes a moment for a kitchen fire to start. Most kitchen fires are caused by unattended cooking - Never leave your cooking unattended. Find out more at www.cfa.vic.gov.au/homefire
01.01.2022 Severe Weather Warning for DAMAGING WINDS For people in Central, South West and parts of East Gippsland, North Central, North East and West and South Gippsland ...Forecast Districts. Issued at 8:26 am Saturday, 29 August 2020. DAMAGING WINDS ABOUT SOUTHERN AND MOUNTAIN AREAS ON SUNDAY Stay informed: http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/warnings/ Weather Situation: Strong north to northwesterly winds developing early Sunday morning ahead of a front that will move swiftly across the state during the day. DAMAGING WINDS, averaging 60 to 70 km/h with peak gusts of around 100 km/h are likely to develop about Alpine areas in the east (above 1200m), the Grampians and parts of the southwest district early Sunday morning. Damaging winds are then expected to extend across elevated areas (above 600m) and into the central district by late Sunday morning and then into southwest Gippsland by the afternoon. Damaging winds are expected to contract to Alpine regions and the south Gippsland coast by early Sunday evening, easing below warning threshold by late Sunday night or early Monday morning. Locations which may be affected include Warrnambool, Ballarat, Geelong, Melbourne, Wonthaggi and Bacchus Marsh. The State Emergency Service advises that people should: * Be aware that trees that have been damaged by heat or fire may be unstable and more likely to fall when it is windy or wet. * Check that loose items such as outdoor settings, umbrellas and trampolines are safely secured and move vehicles under cover or away from trees. * Stay indoors and away from windows. * If outdoors, move to a safe place indoors. Stay away from trees, drains, gutters, creeks and waterways. * If driving conditions are dangerous, safely pull over away from trees, drains, low-lying areas and floodwater. Avoid travel if possible. * Stay safe by avoiding dangerous hazards, such as floodwater, mud, debris, damaged roads and fallen trees. * Stay away from fallen powerlines always assume they are live. * Stay informed monitor weather warnings, forecasts and river levels at the Bureau of Meteorology website, and warnings through VicEmergency. The next Severe Weather Warning will be issued by 5:00 pm AEST Saturday.
01.01.2022 Today is an historic day for fire services in Victoria. Today we welcome Fire Rescue Victoria as our new fire and emergency service partner. And today, CFA beco...mes a proudly volunteer fire service. We are skilled, determined and here to serve Victorians now and into the future. We are from the community and for the community. We are CFA. #CFAVic #OurCommunityOurCFA
01.01.2022 With many Victorians working from home and spending more time inside as temperatures drop, a reminder that Winter is the peak time for house fires. There are s...imple steps you can take to ensure that your home (and office space) is safe, including checking all electrical appliances, cooking equipment and heaters are in good working order. See more
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