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Wynnum Plaza Medical Centre in Wynnum West | Medical centre

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Wynnum Plaza Medical Centre

Locality: Wynnum West

Phone: +61 7 3396 2768

Address: Shop 52 Wynnum Plaza, 2021 Wynnum Road 4178 Wynnum West, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Queensland, your health is important and should not be neglected. If and when you need us, our team of health professionals are here and ready to help you. Weve listed some important reminders below: Its important that you go to your usual, confirmed doctors appointments - your health care provider is expecting to see you. This can be via telehealth or a face-to-face consultation. Your health and safety is our highest priority. If you require emergency care, our hosp...itals and emergency departments are open, safe and well prepared to look after you. In an emergency situation call triple zero (000) immediately. If youre experiencing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), please contact your doctor immediately. Our facilities have strict COVID-19 infection prevention instructions and our wonderful health care professionals are there to help you.

24.01.2022 Great news! Telehealth is NOW AVAILABLE at Wynnum Plaza Medical Centre Book online at or call us on 3396 2768, and your doctor will phone you at the appointment time - simple!

23.01.2022 Have you seen your doctor recently? General. It’s important to stay up-to-date with your health care needs , so book a telehealth consultation (or face to face )with one of our .GP's today.

22.01.2022 Australians long term health status could be severely impacted if people dont maintain regular doctors visits, tests, investigations and immunisations during #covid19 Act now - Make a time to see your usual GP because #gpexertadvice matters.

22.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Bulk Billed telehealth (video and phone) consults are now available to all our patients. Either give us a CALL or BOOK ONLINE to organise your consultation. Now included services for telehealth are care plans for chronic disease management and mental health care plans. Psychologists are now able to offer therapy over video. If you need to discuss your mental health and are following advice to stay at home we can still help. D...ont go it alone #wearehereforyou #adaptandchange Call 3396 2768

21.01.2022 Did you know you should start cleaning in the cleanest areas first and finish in the dirtier areas? This decreases the risk of contaminating a clean room with germs from a dirty room. Whats your number 1 tip for cleaning?

20.01.2022 Why should I get vaccinated? Being World Immunization Week we want to shed a light on the importance of vaccines for everyone, all around the world. Take a moment to check that you are up to date with your vaccinations and if you would like more information or are unsure of your vaccination schedule, book an appointment with your GP. #WorldImmunizationWeek #VaccinesWork for All...

20.01.2022 Experienced any of the following symptoms? Fever (or history of fever) Acute respiratory symptoms Cough Sore throat ... Shortness of breath Contact your doctor and they will decide if you need to be tested for coronavirus COVID-19 Before your appointment, please call ahead and tell them about your symptoms so they can prepare for your visit. For more information about COVID-19 testing visit: In an emergency situation call Triple Zero (000).

18.01.2022 Free Flu Shots have now arrived.. 65+ Chronic Disease (Asthma, Diabetes, Gord, Cardiac Disease) Pregnant Woman... Children 6months to less than 5 years old Phone 33962768 to book your appointment.

16.01.2022 Wynnum Plaza Medical Centre is open; telehealth consultations are available. Call the medical centre reception on 3396 2768 or book online . #wynnumplaza #welovethebaysde #stayhealthy

16.01.2022 We still want to see you and look after you.. We are all learning new ways of getting life done without risking spread. Telehealth consults have started rolling out. Just like a normal appointment, scheduled in and we will contact you. Its a learning curve for us all but we can make this happen!!!!

15.01.2022 You can still book your appointment ..We have phone consults available and also you can still come into surgery ..If unsure please contact us on 3396 2768 for assistance

15.01.2022 How do I know if I qualify for a free government flu vaccine? If you belong to any of the categories below, you are eligible to receive a free flu shot each year. For more information or to book an appointment please call our friendly reception staff. 6 months and over with certain medical risk factors:... - heart disease - severe asthma (requiring frequent medical consultations or use of multiple medications) - chronic lung conditions - diseases of the nervous system which affect your breathing - impaired immunity - diabetes - kidney disease - haemoglobinopathies - children aged six months to 10 years on long-term aspirin therapy All children 6 months to less than 5 years All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 6 months and over 65 years and over Pregnant women (Any trimester during each pregnancy)

14.01.2022 UPDATED HEALTH ADVICE To help prevent any further spread of COVID-19, Queenslanders must minimise the number of people they come into contact with. O...nly leave your home if its absolutely necessary. You can do so with members of your household or with one other person who is not a member of your household. Permitted reasons to leave your home are listed below. For a residence or household, the number of people allowed to gather in that house is limited to the usual members of that household, plus two other visitors who are family or close friends. We strongly urge people aged over 70, anybody over 65 with a chronic disease, and Indigenous people over 50 to stay at home for their own protection. You are now only allowed to leave your home if absolutely necessary for the following permitted reasons. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a fine up to $1,330 for individuals and $6,670 for corporations. > To obtain essential goods and services > Receive medical treatment or health care services > Exercise > Do work or volunteering that is essential and cannot be done from home (this is any type of work that is not restricted under the latest non-essential business activity and undertaking closure direction) > Visit another persons home, as long as there are no more than 2 visitors who do not usually live there > Visit a terminally ill relative or attend a funeral > Assist, care for or support immediate family members > Attend a Court or tribunal or comply with a Court or tribunal order > Attend a childcare facility, school, university, or other educational institution to receive instruction that is not possible to receive at home > Assist with an investigation by police or other law enforcement authority > All shared custody arrangements of children under 18 years of age, whether informal or court-ordered, can continue as normal. You are allowed to leave home to take children from one parents home to the other parents home > To avoid illness, injury or the risk of harm > To comply with directions of a government agency.

14.01.2022 If you're pregnant or have recently welcomed a baby into the world, we're sure you've had plenty of questions about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could affect you and your baby From 'Will my birth plan need to change?' to 'What health risks does COVID-19 pose to myself and my family?', we've answered some of your most common questions and concerns in our blog

14.01.2022 Everyone who gets novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will experience it a little differently, with different levels of severity and symptoms. This chart shows you the symptoms and compares them with a common cold and the flu.

13.01.2022 Your GP is still available to look after your health during the #covid19 pandemic. Book an appointment today for #gpexpertadvice

13.01.2022 Practise simple and effective hygiene by washing your hands with soap for a least 20 seconds or for the time it takes to sing happy birthday twice.

13.01.2022 If youre pregnant or have recently welcomed a baby into the world, were sure youve had plenty of questions about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could affect you and your baby From Will my birth plan need to change? to What health risks does COVID-19 pose to myself and my family?, weve answered some of your most common questions and concerns in our blog

12.01.2022 The government-funded flu vaccine is now available! If you are: A child under 5 years of age, or an infant aged over 6 months An adult aged 65 years or older Pregnant An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (aged 6 months or older)... Have a medical condition which increases your risk of flu complications (aged 6 months or older) If you are eligible for a free vaccine you should always call ahead to your GP to ensure they have adequate supply. All Queenslanders are encouraged to get the flu vaccine as its the best protection against the flu.

11.01.2022 Some germs can survive in the environment, especially on frequently touched surfaces like bench tops, door handles, television remotes and toys Effective cleaning in your home is important in reducing the transmission of germs. Below weve outlined three simple steps for household cleaning Always remember to wash your hands thoroughly after you have finished cleaning.

11.01.2022 As today is World Health Day we are encouraging all our patients to take a moment and think about you and your health needs or concerns. We continue to service the community and these are some of the ways we may be able to help you at this time: Telehealth services (phone and video consults) as a new way of seeing your regular GP, especially for patients with chronic disease or physical disabilities Vaccines such as FLUVAX and PNEUMOVAX as an indirect defence against ...COVID-19, especially for elderly patients Mental health checks, acknowledging the increased stress that people have faced with bushfires, COVID-19 morbidity/mortality/social isolation and economic fall out Give us a call or book online so our doctors can help address your needs or concerns.

10.01.2022 According to recent studies we touch our mobile phones on average 2,600 times per day. Its easy to forget that we handle these devices so often and that they can be a main carrier of germs and bacteria. Try to sanitize your phone at least once a day, especially while we try to reduce the spread of COVID-19. #reducethespread #stayathome

09.01.2022 Your GP is still available for consultations during this challenging time. With the introduction of telehealth services, you can consult your preferred GP about any type of health concern with a telephone, or safe in-person appointment. Visit to learn more. #gpexpertadvice

08.01.2022 Have you seen your doctor recently? General. Its important to stay up-to-date with your health care needs , so book a telehealth consultation (or face to face )with one of our .GPs today.

07.01.2022 Coronavirus: social distancing saves lives. Even if you dont feel symptoms, you must exercise healthy social distancing to prevent the virus spreading to others and the more vulnerable. Every Australian MUST play their part to help stop the spread.... Australian Government Department of Health #COVID19 #coronavirusau

07.01.2022 Book in for your Flu Shot now if you are 65 or over. Phone us on 3396 2768 to book your appointment

07.01.2022 Ever wondered how the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) differ to the flu or a common cold? If youre feeling unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 i.e. fever or history of fever OR acute respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), you should contact your doctor and they will decide if you need to be tested. Before your appointment, please call ahead and tell them about your symptoms so they can prepare for your visit.

06.01.2022 A new convenient way to connect with your doctor by phone! Wynnum Plaza Family Medical Centre is now offering telehealth services to improve our patients access to health care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This will allow current patients to connect with their GP via telephone for a consultation. How it works:... Call us on 07 3396 2768 Note: For emergencies always call 000 Book your appointment Our reception staff will ask you some questions to make sure we can support your needs over the phone. In some instances, patients will be eligible to be bulk billed under a new Government initiative. With your approval, we will book a convenient appointment time and provide you with more information. You will be given a time window on the day of your appointment for our reception team to call your nominated number and arrange payment (if applicable) prior to transferring you to your GP. In some instances, the doctor may call you directly so it is important to have your phone on and be ready to receive a call. To book in a telehealth consultation or to find out more please call on us 3396 2768 BULK BILLING services are available to vulnerable or isolated patients where at least one of the following applies: People isolating themselves at home on the advice of a medical practitioner People isolating themselves in accordance with home isolation guidance issued by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC); If you think you have been in close contact with a person who has been confirmed with COVID-19 The person is considered more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus being a person who is: At least 70 years old At least 50 years old and is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent Pregnant A parent of a child under 12 months Is already under treatment for chronic health conditions or is immune-compromised If you do not meet the above criteria you may still be eligible for telehealth services, however, fees will apply.

06.01.2022 This pandemic brings different challenges for us all, whether youve lost your job, are worried about your family, working in the frontline, or are just feeling overwhelmed, remember were all in this together. Please reach out if you need mental health support, whether it be to me, another friend or family member, or a support service. This is a hard time and each of our personal challenges may look different but they are all important and we need to look after ourselves so we can look after each other. Its always darkest before the dawn but the sun will shine again!

05.01.2022 Did you know that the signs and symptoms of a heart attack differ for men and women? If you think you might be experiencing a heart attack, call triple zero (000) immediately. Our hospitals are safe and ready to respond

04.01.2022 Australians long term health status could be severely impacted if people don’t maintain regular doctors visits, tests, investigations and immunisations during #covid19 Act now - Make a time to see your usual GP because #gpexertadvice matters.

03.01.2022 Today on ANZAC Day, we remember the courage of our wartime medical personnel, past and present. From doctors, nurses, orderlies, sanitary teams and stretcher bearers, we reflect on the sacrifices of these #HealthHeroes. Lest we forget.

01.01.2022 Just a reminder around the easing of restrictions this weekend. Our friends at Queensland Police Service have put together a great summary of what you can do from midnight tonight. Its thanks to your hard work, Queensland, that we have been able to do this. Remember to practice social distancing at all times.

01.01.2022 Due to the latest developments, it is better to avoid going out unnecessarily. If you are feeling unwell it is easier than ever to see a doctor without leaving your home. Book a telephone consultation with your GP. Fully Bulk Billed,

01.01.2022 Wynnum Plaza Medical Centre will remain open throughout this and are seeing all patients but please phone ahead . All our Drs happy to do a consult on the phone or Video if needed ***You will ALWAYS be able to contact a GP... ***You will be able to ATTEND THE SURGERY***. The only changes are changes to reduce infection and implement social distancing***** Phone on 3396 2768

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