Amy Wynne Naturopathy & Yoga in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Local service
Amy Wynne Naturopathy & Yoga
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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24.01.2022 "It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become sh...rivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, remember the limitations of being human. It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, 'Yes.' It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children. It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments." #theinvitation #oriahmountaindreamer #oriahmountaindreamerquotes #dancingwithwildness #canyoufeelit #wyrdabundance #poetry #letsgodeep See more
23.01.2022 Beautiful FB mum friends, These past few months I've been hiding away a bit - introverting, flowing, healing, and feeling into ways I can birth my offerings into the world. I'm a naturopath, yoga teacher and soon-to-be natural fertility awareness educator, with a special interest in working with women and girls to create awareness and enhance connection within themselves and with eachother and the Earth. In addition to my in-person and online naturopathic & flower essence co...nsults, my offerings may involve: - workshops for mothers/fathers & daughters to educate and explore the menstrual cycle, the inner seasons & seasons of the Earth, yoga, self-care practices and simple herbal & nutritional guidelines for all phases of their cycle; - women's circles/celebrations for mothers & daughters to celebrate menarche (a maidens first period) as an important and necessary rite of passage; - workshops for women who want to learn about natural fertility awareness (for conception or contraception), menstrual cycle awareness, the inner & Earth seasons, yoga practices, with flower essence, herbal & nutritional education and suggested guidelines for a healthy life/cycle. - workshops/retreats focusing on mental wellbeing including yoga practices (asana, pranayama, yoga nidra), meditation, flower essences, deep rest and nourishment, with herbal and nutritional support. ***These offerings are feeling really beautiful to me at the moment, and I would love if you could let me know if any of them speak to you.*** For those interested, I'll add your names to my waitlist and keep you in the loop about when they will be birthed. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. - Emma Geary #brisbanenaturopath #naturopath #womensbusiness #herbalmedicine #camphillqld #carinaqld #floweressences #ritesofpassage #fertilityawareness #fertilityawarenessmethod #yogateacher #awarenessconnectionabundance #awareness #connection #abundance #wyrdabundance
23.01.2022 Good vibes this afternoon at Yoga in the park! #messyhairdontcare #goodvibes
21.01.2022 Yoga in the park is happening this Wednesday (and every Wednesday )! If the weather is #rainy well be moving the class to a private address, so let me know if youre interested in attending, and Ill let you know the address
19.01.2022 "In cultivating compassion we draw from the wholeness of our experience - our suffering, our empathy, as well as our cruelty and terror. . It has to be this way. . Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. ... . It's a relationship between equals. . Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. . Compassion becomes real when we recognise our shared humanity." . ~The Places That Scare You~ ~Pema Chodron~ . #theplacesthatscareyou #pemachodron #compassion #relationshipbetweenequals #knowourowndarknesswell #bepresentforothers #wereallhuman #wyrdabundance See more
18.01.2022 Hello lovely beings As you may be aware, there have been many changes to the ways we connect in public. This includes the new rule that public exercise classes are now limited to 2 people, which means one-on-one training/yoga sessions. As such, Im offering one-on-one sessions in the park (or other locations) - until things change again! (Which they will ). Please let me know if youd like a personalised yoga class! They all involve pranayama (breathing, asana (physical postures) and a short meditation to relax at the end of the class. Love to you all xo See more
15.01.2022 Most people who seek out support and education around fertility awareness, are wanting to become pregnant, and some have been unsuccessful in falling pregnant for a considerable amount of time. . How amazing/wonderful/great would it be if people who menstruate were taught about their menstrual cycles and their fertility before menarche (their first period)?!?! . It would be amazing! ... (In my humble opinion!) . Imagine if we knew how our bodies worked, we could identify when key events were going to happen (ovulation, menstruation) and could plan our lives around it with intention and awareness and connection. . Imagine if we knew all this and could choose a contraception method with all the information we need - including about our own bodies, potential side effects of pharmaceutical medications and long term effects. . I'm currently training to become a Fertility Awareness/Menstrual cycle awareness Educator, and this is my dream. To educate people who menstruate about their bodies and cycles. To empower them with the knowledge that - it's your body, it's your choice. . #fertilityawarenessmethod #fertilityawareness #menstrualcycle #menstrualcycleawareness #peoplewhomenstruate #menarche #fertilewindow #conception #contraception #ovulation #womenshealth #fertilityawarenesseducator #symptothermalmethod #empowering #yourbodyyourchoice #naturopath #brisbanenaturopath #camphillqld #carinaqld #intentionawarenessconnection #wyrdabundance See more
14.01.2022 Cranberry and rose chocolates . For those inner Winter feels . There is nothing but goodness in these babies and they taste soooooo gooood. ... . Thank you Lucia! @ambrosias.table . #cranberryandrose #chocolates #nothingbutgoodness #healthychocolate #rawcacao #tastesogood See more
13.01.2022 Happy Friday peeps!! . From this Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) qualified Naturopath! .... Its been a long, dramatic, difficult, worthwhile, amazing, beautiful ride over the past 8 years, and Im incredibly proud of myself for this achievement . Have a wonderful weekend! . #happyfriday #degree #healthscience #naturopathy #naturopath #proud #amazingachievement #wyrdabundance #lovelovelove See more
12.01.2022 Hi lovely peeps (beloved friends and family), Ive decided to do something completely out of my comfort zone - Ive started a blog! This is mostly as a way to inform you of what Im up to including courses Im completing, plans for opening my business as a Naturopath and as a way of sharing about myself/my life and my knowledge about all things holistic health related. If there is something you are curious about or would like more information on, please let me know. My primary interests are womens health and childrens health, although these topics are multi-faceted and involve many other body systems.
12.01.2022 Yoga in the park - every Wednesday at 4:45pm
10.01.2022 Sunset sky . #sunset #sunsetsky #sunsetcolours #winteriscoming
07.01.2022 Beloveds, Ive put together a flower essence blend that Im feeling will be of benefit to a lot of people right now. The collective is experiencing so much anxiety, fear and worry, as well as a sense of sadness and grief that I have felt rising within me over the past few days. Please look through these pictures and silently gaze at or meditate on the ones you feel most attracted to, or even the ones you really dont like the look of. That usually means there is some he...aling to be done within that space. Check in with yourself before you begin and then again after your meditation or moment of silent gazing. If you feel comfortable, please let me know how you feel. If you would like a bottle of the flower essence, send me a message. If you would like a more personal/individual reading, Id love to support you in gaining clarity and balancing your emotional health. Love you all, Sending love and nurturing and support during these intense times, and always. See more
07.01.2022 Yoga in the park is happening today at 4:45pm!! Its a beautiful day to practice yoga, focus on our breath and connect with our mind, body, spirit and the earth Id love to see you there xoxo
05.01.2022 Taking some photos for my website . #wyrdabundance
05.01.2022 Yule blessings, my loves, on this Winter Solstice, New Moon, Solar eclipse. . After this longest night of the year, we celebrate the return of the sun, the return of the light. . Rest, surrender to what IS. ... BE in the present moment. . As we swing, once again, into the upturn of the wheel of the year, take some time to think about what things you want to release and let go of. Only bring the things that are truly needed - what can you leave behind? What things have you outgrown? What do you want to release? (These can be thoughts, behaviors, patterns, cycles, that no longer serve your greatest/highest good). . What have you learnt during the past 6 months? How can you apply your new knowledge to your life in a real and tangible way? . Release, let go, and move forward & upward, with new hope towards Spring, ready for new growth, new beginnings. . Love to you all, lovelies. . #yule #yuleblessings #longestnight #rest #surrender #be #bepresent #wheeloftheyear #returnofthelight #welcomebackthesun #release #letgo #moveforward #newhope #newbeginnings #newgrowth #whathavewelearnt #wyrdabundance See more
04.01.2022 Mother of Millions . This gorgeous flower demanded my attention at a time I needed her the most (Thank you Mama Earth/Universe!). . As her name suggests, this flower essence is absolutley wonderful for all things female reproductive (it is beneficial for male reproductive issues as well, to help balance and harmonise). ... She originally hails from Madagascar and is a native ornamental plant in that region. Here, in South East Queensland, she is considered an invasive weed. Mother of Millions (M.O.M) propagates very quickly and flowers, in Queensland, between May and October. She spreads her seeds via floodwaters. The flowers bloom in a drooping cluster at the top of a long stem, and are a peachy, orange/pink colour. The flowers of M.O.M teach us the importance of realising that our true Mother is Mother Earth Gaia, and of mothering and nurturing ourselves. From the very top of one long stem, which reaches down into the Earth, we bloom like flowers, under her guidance, care and love. Mama Earth loves us unconditionally and will always encourage our growth and life, when we support and care for HER growth and life also. As she grows and propagates, the waters of life (floodwaters) sweep her seeds along waterways, spreading life and beauty as she flows. This essence is for healing and nurturing our inner mother. It also nurtures the yearning within women who wish to become mothers. The Mother of Millions essence was made with the support of Unakite, Red Jasper, Mookite and Tigers Eye. As a combined flower and crystal essence, this essence is indicated for: - women who want to become pregnant; - women or men who want to feel into or explore their sexuality, especially as it connects to creating new life; - healing our inner mother (healing our mother wound); - nurturing our inner mother the mother essence inside all of us who nurtures, supports, cares for and loves us (& our inner child) unconditionally; - leaning into and exploring the ways we can mother/nurture/care for ourselves; - connecting to Mother Earth Gaia. . #motherofmillions #floweressence #naturopath #mamaearth #mamagaia #innermother #motherwound #wyrdabundance
02.01.2022 Hi there lovelies Yoga in the park is on today! 4:45pm in Camp Hill. Comment on this post or message me to book, and Ill let you know the location. $15 per person.... Beginners welcome. It is an Ashtanga style yoga class - a dynamic, sweat-inducing workout that is wonderful for detoxifying and releasing any tension you may be holding in your body. The savasana (resting pose/meditation) at the end of the class is blissful Im looking forward to seeing you there See more
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