Yandina State School in Yandina, Queensland | Primary School
Yandina State School
Locality: Yandina, Queensland
Phone: 54729333
Address: 48 School Rd 4561 Yandina, QLD, Australia
Website: http://yandinass.eq.edu.au
Likes: 943
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25.01.2022 Last Thursday we also had our last surfing lesson with Merrick at Noosa. The weather was amazing, and the dolphins came to visit us again. Wonderful to see the progress the students have made.
25.01.2022 The Year 5&6 campers are having a great time. A group of keen runners greeted the staff for a morning run. The group grew quickly with over 50 campers heading off for a 2km run. Today is a very busy day on the water and high in the trees. Photos to follow (very bad phone coverage).
24.01.2022 One of our lucky students getting in some special reading time with Robyn and Polly from Story Dogs. When reading to a visiting Story Dog like Polly, children's focus improves, which in turn increases literacy skills and their confidence soars. Thank you Robyn and Polly for the time you spend at your school.
24.01.2022 September School Holidays are coming - 19 Sept - 5 Oct! And Helping Hands Vacation Care have a great program for your children while you are at work. Book now at helpinghandsnetwork.com.au or ring 0427 007 783 if you have any queries.
24.01.2022 Lunch time clubs are back! If your child/ren would like to participate in any of these activities, please remind them of where and when they need to attend.
23.01.2022 Another big day of robotics for team Sparks. They competed in the first ever ‘RoboRave Australia’ competition held at USC stadium. During the sumo rounds both teams had plenty of wins, draws and a few losses but missed out on the final rounds. They never gave up even after dropping their bot and having to quickly rebuild. They then moved on to A-Maze-ing, a new event that required teams to program their bot to complete a course they have never seen before. Both teams did a great job, finishing 3rd and 4th! The resilience, perseverance and teamwork they showed throughout the day was amazing. I am so proud of their efforts and the respect they gave to every other team they encountered. Well done Sparks! Well done to you Miss Ange ! You and the kids have made us proud Go Team Sparks
23.01.2022 Is your little one interested in joining Little Athletics?
23.01.2022 Are there any students who might be interested in participating in the 2021 Qld ten Pin Bowling Association Inter- School Ten Pin Bowling Challenge? Students will be able to participate in 2 separate championships, ‘Summer’ (Term 1 and 2) and ‘Winter’ (Term 3 and 4). The cost for entering each competition is $20. ... Competitors will then be able to access a reduced game rate of $7 at participating centres and during set times*. Students will be able to bowl as many games as they like within the dates of their chosen time period (summer/winter) and must submit a minimum of 5 games to be eligible. Any game of bowling that has not been used for a league/competition (social games/practice) can be submitted. Please open the link below for details and follow the prompts. http://www.tbaq.org.au/scho/interschool-challenge/isc-2021/
23.01.2022 Years 3, 4 & 5 Swimming Lessons are EVERY DAY this week! Please remember to send your child with swimmers, rashie (required), towel, water bottle, goggles (if required), waterproof swimming bag and sunscreen every day! Thank you.
23.01.2022 How does Santa make his reindeer fly? What you will need: - Balloons - A dry day (hard to arrange). How dry? Look for the days the car gives you a shock as you get out, or the day you shock people after walking around on the carpet with shoes on not deliberately of course!... - A range of materials cut into small squares. We used crepe paper, tissue paper, normal paper, cardboard and some material. What to do: - Blow up the balloon. - Rub the balloon on carpet, then hold it over the collection of material. If you have built up enough static electricity, you will be able to pick up some of the samples of material. - Avoid handling the balloon too much. Try to hold it in the same place each time. The balloon surface also needs to be dry. We found the more we held the balloon, the more our balloon became shiny from the oils on our hands. We couldn’t build up the static electricity very well once this happened. What is happening? (Scientist Jahva was able to explain this to the group.) This is all to do with positive and negative particles (electrons). When you rub a balloon against a surface, the balloon becomes negatively charged. In the same way the positive and negative ends of magnets will attract each other, the negative electrons in the balloon will be attracted to the positive electrons in other objects, causing the two objects to pull together, just like magnets. So perhaps Santa charges up his reindeer before Christmas Eve with a good back rub, causing them to be negatively charged. They are then attracted to the positive charge on the surface of the moon, just enough so they fly through the air. This would explain why you always see a picture of the moon in the same frame as Santa and his reindeer. Makes more sense than some other theories Like magic carrots! Pah!
21.01.2022 We would like to thank and acknowledge our hardworking and dedicated team of teacher aides at Yandina State School. Teacher aides play a vital and varied role in supporting both students and staff in our schools. We appreciate and acknowledge their professionalism, creativity, wide-ranging skills and dedication. During Teacher Aide Appreciation Week (31 August - 4 September), let’s all show our thanks to our YSS teacher aides.
20.01.2022 TEACHER FEATURE! PRESENTING MRS JULIE WASMUND OF 3W! If there is one thing that 3W has learnt this year, it is perseverance. It has been a year with many challenges. The one thing that it has shown is that the students in 3W are resilient and will persevere with new activities. The year started much like any other with the usual getting to know you tasks and revising the school expectations. Very quickly, we realised that this was not going to be the usual year at school.... The students were thrown into a new type of learning, using an online platform, Seesaw, that the teachers also had to learn how to use and make work. We went from working with our own class, to having a class of 10-12 students from Year 3 and 4, each one learning how to upload activities and working at their own pace. At home, students kept in touch through Seesaw again and once again the resilience of students was obvious in the way that they persevered with what has been at times a challenging way of working. Not forgetting those of course who decided to stick with the paper copies of tasks. We managed to make it through and it was fantastic for everyone, when students started returning to school with hand sanitiser bottles and repeated instructions to wash your hands Now after having been back for over a whole term, students have worked towards catching up what may have been unavoidably missed earlier in the year, along with getting ready for Camp. Football competitions, cross-country, Sports Days, reward days and swimming lessons. The growth in 3Ws perseverance and resilience has been something to observe. One place where we have managed to take some time out is in the Harmony Forest though probably not as much as we would like. We have spent time in the forest looking, listening and creating in Math, Science and English. A ‘happy place’ (thanks Ms Hazel) to go when things get a bit too much. Our artwork has also reflected that the forest is an important part of the school environment. Year 3W came up with a list of things they liked this year: Movie Day, Athletics, the classroom, the different furniture, swimming lessons, daily yoga, wellbeing lessons, the ‘Together we grow’ tree, art lessons, Mr Hatfield’s stories, writing, camp, maths and making new friends. Things they didn’t like: home-schooling, lock down at home, Seesaw, covid 19, cross country, school holidays (!), math and disagreements with friends. We look forward to a new term, where we will be able to continue with our work in the classroom (and the forest) and where we will be able to handle whatever may come our way. Thank you Mrs Wasmund for sharing 3W's journey so far throughout 2020, it is so important for children to be resilient, and this year has certainly been one to help resilience grow. See more
19.01.2022 Nothing like a friendly game of senior dodgeball on the last day of school!
19.01.2022 Crazy Colour Day Fun Run On 27 November we are holding our Crazy Colour Day as a major fundraising event! We’re holding it to raise much needed money for our growing school. Are you Fundraising? Letters and pamphlets were sent home with the students yesterday. Already some families have started fundraising. We’re still a long way from our goal, so we need everyone to pull together to help. The way to help your child raise money is through online fundraising, where students raise an average of $120. Go to schoolfunrun.com.au, create a student profile page and share your online fundraising link via SMS, Email and Social Media. If you are currently fundraising, THANK YOU! We hope you will continue to share your link and fundraising for the school.
18.01.2022 Happy Father’s DayHappy Father’s Day
18.01.2022 Last day of school water fight, and it was on for young and old! (Well, slightly older Park & Perren!! sorry guys!) What a great way to end the final year of primary school!? So much fun Bye bye year 6ers
16.01.2022 School vice captain already hard at work. Yes, we need a multipurpose hall.
15.01.2022 Today the school was presented with the poster from the 92.7 Mix FM Best School of the Sunshine Coast. Thank you to all our families that voted.
15.01.2022 Congratulations to this week's class Superstars and also our Kings and Queens who have reached 100 positive behaviour points!
15.01.2022 This week's Focus has remained the same - Whole Body Listening. The reward is a buddy class game.
15.01.2022 Our Teacher Aides support us!
14.01.2022 TOMORROW (Thursday) IS ATHLETICS CARNIVAL FOR AGES 9-12! Please encourage your child to wear his/her sports team colours. A-G = Coolum = Yellow H-M = Maroochy = Blue N-Z = Ninderry = Green
14.01.2022 Year 5&6 camp is in its final few hours, it has been wonderful to see the students working together and supporting each other as they are being challenged by the activities. A few tired children, ready for a day off tomorrow.
14.01.2022 Today our year 6 students displayed the art they've created for a class assessment piece. They had to create a mixed media sculpture that expresses a personal view about a social issue. A lot of amazing work with meaning
13.01.2022 Science Club make Friction Frogs! You will need: - A paper cut-out of a frog (any animal really, or Spiderman) - A straw cut in half... - Sticky tape - A long piece of wool Instructions - Sticky tape the two parts of the straw to the back of the frog in a sharp ‘V’ shape. Make sure there is a gap between the ends of the straws. Starting at the end with the widest gap between the straw ends, thread the wool up through one straw and down through the other. - Loop the end of the wool around a door knob. - Use the strings to make the frog walk up the wool by pulling on each end alternately. - Hold the wool farther apart to make the frog climb up, hold the wool together to make it climb back down. What is happening. Normally the frog would fall towards the floor due to the force of gravity, however the friction between the wool and the inside of the straw weaken this force. By widening the gap between the two ends of the string, the friction inside the straw is increased. The friction is enough to pull the frog up the string. Video's to follow! See more
13.01.2022 Learning letter formation is an important skill in early writing development. Here is Prep G working on their letters under the careful guidance of Mrs Geppert.
13.01.2022 This Friday our students will be having a film festival as a replacement for our usual term disco. The movies are 4,5 & 6 - Sonic, 2 & 3 - Toy Story 4 and Prep & 1 - Finding Nemo. They will run from 1pm to 3pm and the breaks will change into ‘lunch’ and then ‘intermission’ part way through the movie where they will have the chance to purchase from a selections of movie snacks that go towards our fundraising goal for the P&C. Thank you for your support and we are sure the students will have a blast!!
13.01.2022 Once again Majestic Cinemas Nambour have provided us with discounted movie tickets! Support our local cinema with these $9.95 entry prices. Thanks Majestic Team! Valid until 31/1/21.
12.01.2022 These students have all reached the milestone of 125 positive behaviour points. Well done to each and every one of you
12.01.2022 1/2H make learning maths fun by playing Friends of Ten and Greedy Pigs
12.01.2022 Don’t forget this Friday 4 September is a student free day.
12.01.2022 Annette Brander Cup & Billy Moore Shield Rugby League tournament on today - GO TEAM YANDINA !
11.01.2022 Isaac also reached his 125 positive behaviour points in October. He was the first student to do so! Well done Isaac, keep up the amazing work!
11.01.2022 Yesterday our 9-12 year olds had their Athletics Carnival! It was so wonderful to see so many students participating, wearing their house colours and giving everything their best shot. We had shot put, discuss, long jump, high jump, and sprints. The house scores were tight, with Coolum and Maroochy both sitting on 19.67 and Ninderry close behind on 18.26. Next week our juniors will have their Carnival, and we will see what the final scores are. A big thank you to the families who came to watch their children participate. Everyone followed the COVID guidelines, and it was such a pleasure to once again allow families on school grounds to support their children. Here are photos of our age champions. Well done!!
11.01.2022 We had a special little visitor down in Prep on Friday... Thank you Mrs Gilmore for bringing your little lady lamb in for a visit
10.01.2022 3W have been busy learning about our Solar System..
10.01.2022 Father's Day Stall this Monday for 2MR, 5R, 4A, 6L, 6P, 1/2H, 5M & 2G. 50c - $10!Father's Day Stall this Monday for 2MR, 5R, 4A, 6L, 6P, 1/2H, 5M & 2G. 50c - $10!
09.01.2022 Learn to Swim permission forms are required urgently for Yr 3,4&5. If you have not completed please click on link below. Students are not permitted to board the bus without a consent form, regardless of payment. Learn to swim - 14/9/20 https://yandinass.eq.edu.au//form/standard-permission-form
09.01.2022 This Friday 4 Sept is a STUDENT FREE DAY This Friday 4 Sept is a STUDENT FREE DAY
09.01.2022 Father's Day Stall this Thursday for Prep B, Prep G, Prep T, 3W, 3/4R and 1H 50c - $10Father's Day Stall this Thursday for Prep B, Prep G, Prep T, 3W, 3/4R and 1H 50c - $10
09.01.2022 Happy Teacher Aide Day! From 1/2H!Happy Teacher Aide Day! From 1/2H!
09.01.2022 TEACHER FEATURE PRESENTING MRS LAUREN PERREN, TEACHER OF 6LP AND LOVER OF LLAMAS! My teaching career started at Yandina (what seems a lifetime ago) straight out of university. I spent over 7 years teaching in Emerald in Central Queensland with some time at other schools between, before returning to Yandina. I’m a bit of a boomerang I feel . One of my favourite things to do as a teacher is going to camp. I have had the opportunity to take kids to Canberra, Carnarvon Gorge, ...Somerset, Rockhampton Caves, and many more. It is so good to work with kids outside of the classroom. Taking them to explore new places, challenge themselves and work and think with different mindsets. In my spare time I love to spend time with my family camping, swimming/surfing/walking Tess on the beach and travelling (when we can). My two other loves include food (Cooking and eating) and playing sport. I started playing at NYU when I was 15. It’s great to be a part of such an amazing sporting community and I love seeing the kids from our school in their red gear. If you ask any of the kids... I’m partial to Krispy Kremes. Thank you Lauren for sharing your story with us! See more
08.01.2022 Has your child lost his or her school jacket? Chances are it is here! Once again our Lost Property box is absolutely overflowing. There are jumpers.. jackets.. tracksuit bottoms.. clothing and bedding from yr 3/4 camp.. water bottles.. you name it, we have it. Please send your children to have a look for their lost articles. Parents please ensure your childs items are clearly named for ease of return. Thank you.
08.01.2022 We had our final skateboarding session this week. However we ventured a little further afield to Chiggys Skatepark in the Coolum Industrial Estate! The students all had such a fantastic time, and it was great to see them all putting their skills into action! Thank you so much Chiggy, we look forward to doing it all again next year!
07.01.2022 Somerset Camp Yr 5 & 6 new arrival time is 3.15pm today due to traffic. Apologies for inconvenience.Somerset Camp Yr 5 & 6 new arrival time is 3.15pm today due to traffic. Apologies for inconvenience.
07.01.2022 Teacher Feature Presenting Mrs Verity Phipps of 4A! My passion for teaching began in 2005 when I moved to Daejeon, South Korea to teach in a language school. I taught a range of ages from 5-13. It was the most amazing experience, being immersed in another culture, living and breathing such a different way of life. The kids were amazing and the people inspired me. I enjoyed travelling around the country, became addicted to Korean food, and learnt to read and write a new langua...ge. After I moved back to Australia, I was lucky to meet my husband, and we have since had 2 beautiful boys, who keep us very busy! I love teaching because I love inspiring young minds and ensuring my students have a positive school experience. Every child deserves a chance to unlock their potential. In my spare time I love travelling to the South Island of New Zealand (not this year!) and taking landscape photos. Verity thank you so much for sharing some of your favourite experiences with us! Korea must have been amazing, and you are quite a superstar with the camera! Stunning landscapes See more
06.01.2022 Here are our class Superstars for this week. Well done students, keep up the amazing work!Here are our class Superstars for this week. Well done students, keep up the amazing work!
06.01.2022 RoboRave is underway and the Sparks are ready to compete! It’s a full day with 47 rounds of Sumo against 94 other teams from all over Queensland. Both teams are also competing in A-Maze-ing which requires them to program their bot accordingly for a maze they haven’t seen before today. Good luck Sparks
06.01.2022 We love our Teacher Aides!We love our Teacher Aides!
05.01.2022 Today one of our School Captain's ran 71 laps during a beep test, which was a new record for PE Teacher Mr Jackson. Go Callum!
05.01.2022 This week's Teacher Feature starring Miss Kelly Blood! "My name is Kelly Blood and I am teaching the 4/5 class in the cacti themed classroom. I grew up here on the Sunshine Coast and studied teaching at CQ University in Noosa. At the end of my studies I was offered a position teaching at Doomadgee State School up in the Gulf, which was a very daunting idea at first as I had never lived away from the coast. However it wasn’t long before I was building relationships with the c...ommunity and loving my time. Over my time in Doomadgee I taught a range of classes as I was often moved to support different classes. This range was from Pre-Prep to a year 7/9 class with my favourite being teaching year 5 students and taking them into year 6. I was here for two years and had wanted to stay longer but a car accident in my first year had doctors suggesting I live somewhere with better medical facilities. This meant I had to say sad goodbye to a community that had become home. I loved Doomadgee despite losing the ‘first to catch a barramundi’ competition with my dad and facing many challenges. My next posting was Palmwoods which is where I had attended school for years 6 and 7. At the time I felt like I was coming home as there were staff members who had been working at the school when I had attended as a child. I spent the last 7 years, teaching year 4 for many years and doing a couple of years on grade 2, building many great relationships with the staff and families in the Palmwoods community. Last year however, I decided that it was time for a change, something new and was lucky enough to be offered a position over here at Yandina. When I am not teaching or preparing lessons, I am spending time with family and friends. I enjoy spending time with my sometimes crazy but cute dog Boss. I am also lucky enough to be teaching on the coast and seeing my little nephew grow up. During the AFL season I aim to watch every Collingwood game with my Dad, which can sometimes get a little loud. When there’s no AFL I can usually be found shopping with my Mum or finding country music festivals or concerts to attend. I became a teacher because I loved school and wanted to give back to a system that had given so much to me. It has continued to give me so much; a love for learning, opportunities to develop my practice and so many wonderful memories. I aim to be a teacher that inspires you to want to do well, to want to continue learning and to just enjoy all that school has to offer. Now I am lucky enough to be here at Yandina where I have been welcomed by many and enjoyed the first couple of weeks getting to know my class. I look forward to working with my wonderful 4/5 class in making learning gains and enjoying learning. I look forward to getting to know all families within the Yandina community."
04.01.2022 Welcome to all our new robotics members! On Monday some of our robotics club members attended an EV3 Immersion Day at Talara Primary Campus (thank you to parents who helped with transport). The students learned how to program using the new updated EV3 Classroom and put their skills and bots to the test with a Sumo challenge. The next challenge was back at school. These students have to pass on everything they learned to other members. They had a very successful first day explaining what they had learned. Our first competition will be RoboRave held in May at USC. Robotics club is on Wednesday 2nd break and Thursday 1st break.
03.01.2022 Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Basketball is recruiting! You don't need to use a wheelchair everyday to be eligible to play, and able bodied people are welcome to play as well. Wheelchair Basketball is a Reverse Inclusion Program, meaning able-bodied players can also participate in sporting activities that have traditionally been played by people with physical disabilities. Due to Covid, bookings are required. Go to www.suncoastspinners.com.au for more information.
03.01.2022 From the lucky staff that attended camp this week, we say a big thank you to the kids. You guys were awesome!
02.01.2022 Our Preppies appreciate our Aides!Our Preppies appreciate our Aides!
02.01.2022 To our wonderful teacher aides... From our wonderful students...
02.01.2022 Science Club make Friction Frogs Video 1
02.01.2022 Well done to this weeks Superstars! Keep up the wonderful work!
01.01.2022 The warmer weather has arrived and the kids jumpers have started their annual migration to the lost property bin. More than 50 jumpers have made the journey successfully and are waiting for their owners.
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