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Yankalilla Regional News

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25.01.2022 The November issue has been circulating since Friday but if you haven't got a copy yet, go to the website to see the online version.

24.01.2022 REBEKHA SECURES $250,000 FOR YANKALILLA LIBRARY REVAMP Federal Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie has secured $250,000 to renovate the Yankalilla Library into a modern space for all ages. The funding was announced in the Federal Budget and is due to the advocacy of the local MP and her Centre Alliance colleague Senator Stirling Griff. The money will be used by the District Council of Yankalilla to fit out the new purpose-built library space. The new library will have improved mo...bility access, more engaging, multi-use spaces and will be fitted out with upgraded technology. The area being used for the temporary library will be returned to a youth space. Following the Budget announcement, Federal Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said: "The Australian Government is proud to provide nearly $6 million in funding for local infrastructure projects in Mayo that will support communities and rebuild the local economy. Rebekha Sharkie's advocacy has played a key role in securing funding for these projects. Rebekha has been a strong advocate for local infrastructure projects that boost the local economy and strengthen community and relationships." Rebekha said: Yankalilla is a small town on the Fleurieu coast but its size belies a strong, vibrant and inclusive community." Following the closure of the library at the local area school, much of the community-driven advocacy has taken place in a space known as 'the centre', but the centre is bursting at the seams, and the Yankalilla council has been keen to expand the community library to ensure that it's able to meet the needs of the growing community," she said. This funding will allow the council to create a Community Hub at the Centre and to ensure the library is able to ramp up its already successful programs and branch out into new additional programs. Upgrades to technology will enable the library to further develop basic IT support services which will offer residents, young and old, the opportunity to learn new skills as they connect with the world in a safe and responsible manner. Yankalilla Mayor Glen Rowlands said the funding was fantastic news for the district. "Rebekha and I have been talking about the major benefits an upgraded library would provide our community for a number of years and I thank her and Senator Stirling Griff for their continued advocacy to help make this happen. We are very grateful," Mayor Rowlands said. Pictured: The Centre where the current library is 'temporarily' situated. See more

22.01.2022 Bungala House is in THIRD place in the PEOPLES CHOICE poll for BEST HOME in SA ! We are so chuffed! ... Thank you for anyone who voted for us. I’m going for a glass of bubbly to celebrate.

20.01.2022 The November issue went online last night, you can see it here: The hard copy will start circulating Friday.

18.01.2022 PRESCRIBED BURN at Spring Mount Conservation Park A prescribed burn is planned at Spring Mount Conservation Park on Wednesday 14 October 2020, weather conditions permitting. The prescribed burn will start at 1pm and is likely to be completed by 7pm. The area to be burnt is 7 hectares in the north-western corner of the park near Inman Valley. The burn is planned to protect the landscape and reduce bushfire risk in the park.... Some smoke and fire activity may be observed in the days following the burn but the area will be patrolled until it is safe. Spring Mount Road might be affected by smoke during the burn. Walkers should avoid the northern half of the park. The burn will be conducted by the Department for Environment and Water as part of the Mt Lofty Ranges Fire Cooperative prescribed burn program. The objective of prescribed burning is to reduce fuel loads to mitigate the risk of bushfire. This burn is part of a statewide program of prescribed burning planned to protect communities and assets at risk. Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice. For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter. A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website. See more

17.01.2022 From midnight TONIGHT, sweeping changes to South Australia's COVID-19 restrictions will come into effect. Residents are also being advised to work from home, a...void unnecessary travel and wear a mask where it's not possible to physically distance. Full breakdown: The latest on the outbreak, 5.00pm and 6.00pm on #9News

16.01.2022 Well done to one of our local businesses...

14.01.2022 The hard copy will be back from the press on Monday - only a slight delay caused by the brief State lockdown - in time for the new month. But you don't need to wait as the online version is available from the website

14.01.2022 Wave generator update

13.01.2022 The six-day lockdown looks likely to end early.

12.01.2022 Hay stack fires increasing as temperatures rise 17/11/2020 The SA Country Fire Service (CFS) is responding to an increasing number of hay stack fires due to bales being stored with higher levels of moisture. State Duty Commander Brenton Hastie said the late winter rain had increased the risk of hay being baled wet. "Increased moisture levels cause a bacterial chain reaction in hay bales when external temperatures rise," Mr Hastie said.... "The result of the chain reaction is a building of heat, which can result in spontaneous combustion of the bales. "If the bales are stored within a large stack, the fire will quickly spread through the stack and may destroy any surrounding building and equipment," Mr Hastie said. Mr Hastie said hay stack fires were problematic for the Country Fire Service, as they are events that take days to fully extinguish and may require volunteer crews to remain on site for lengthy periods. "Primary producers storing hay can help the CFS by monitoring the temperatures of hay bales that are stored, and immediately remove any bales that begin to produce steam or smoke or are showing signs of heat build-up. "Hay fires are heart-breaking for farmers, as they generally destroy large amounts of feed and nearby machinery, so the best outcome we can have is to limit the chance of the fires starting to begin with by regularly monitoring the stores and lowering the risk of a fire starting," Mr Hastie said. See more

10.01.2022 Festival Cancelled

08.01.2022 FIRE BAN & FIRE DANGER RATING ADVICE FOR 27 November 2020 Issued at: 16:41 on 26 November 2020 TOTAL FIRE BANS Media and the public are advised that TOTAL FIRE BANS have been declared for 27 November 2020 in the following Fire Ban Districts: West Coast - Severe... Eastern Eyre Peninsula - Severe Lower Eyre Peninsula - Severe Mid North - Severe Mount Lofty Ranges - Extreme Yorke Peninsula - Severe Lower South East - Severe Where Total Fire Bans have been declared, very hazardous fire weather conditions are predicted. The Total Fire Ban will apply for 24 hours from midnight tonight to midnight tomorrow. The CFS recommends that you implement your Bushfire Survival Plan. See more

05.01.2022 This afternoon, CFS HAZMAT responded to a possible chemical spill in the Bungala River at the Normanville Jetty Caravan Park where an oily film with white fibres was covering 600m of the surface. Water samples have also been taken for analysis. UPDATE from Yankalilla Council Unidentified Material Found on The Bungala River. Quick action from the Council team has seen the appropriate authorities attend the Bungala River to investigate an unidentified substance in the Bungala R...iver and prior to their arrival stop the substance from reaching the estuary. Council received an initial notification from a resident today, that he had observed a thick white film on the Bungala River. Council’s Environmental Health Officer (EHO) and General Inspector immediately attended the scene where they could see the material on top of the water west of the Williss Drive Bridge and spread for approximately 500m. Thankfully the material did not contain a smell and had not reached the estuary. Council’s EHO called the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to report the incident. The EPA mobilised the MFS, CFS and Hazmat Team to come down to contain the unidentified material. While waiting for these services to arrive our quick-thinking staff called in assistance from our Operational Works Manager, Damien Cross who promptly built a temporary floating boom from material at our depot and installed it to prevent the material moving towards the estuary. The EPA will contain the unidentified material, test samples and investigate where it came from. Protecting and caring for our pristine environment is a priority for Council and our Community, we will endeavour to keep you informed and provide an update when we receive information from the EPA. See more

01.01.2022 RAA's Road Safety team will be visiting the Fleurieu Peninsula in early 2021 to complete a regional assessment, which involves detailed site investigations. The...y are seeking the communities help to identify the key road and transport issues and locations in the Fleurieu Peninsula. Please participate in their survey to let them know what they need to focus on.

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