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Yarrambat Junior Football Club | Sports league

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Yarrambat Junior Football Club


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24.01.2022 Many of our teams have begun pre season & its been great to see. But we've waited so long to get together as a community so we are super pumped to see you all on Tuesday 22 December! Please head over to Team App to confirm your attendance - it would really help us plan effectively. Team App (free download from the App Store) search Yarrambat JFC Events 22/12 Free Christmas Event RSVP... Whilst there, please request access to your child's 2021 team (click on settings cog in the top right corner and then Access Groups). Be sure to note your child's name so admin can approve your membership. Team App is our preferred method of communication.

17.01.2022 MERCHANDISE STORE OPEN - Tuesday 22nd December @ Club Room, 5 8pm Looking for the last minute Christmas gift or stocking stuffer??? As we are celebrating our community with our free Christmas event on Tuesday, the committee have decided to open our Merchandise Store as well.... The YJFC Merch will certainly be appreciated for your player or supporter base and beats the drama of trying to purchase next year before pre season starts up again!!! Eftpos or cash available No Pre- orders Remember, whilst anyone is welcome on the night, by RSVPing in our events tab you help ensure we can adequately stock the canteen and bar to meet demand. Team App > Yarrambat JFC > Events > 22/12/2020 Whilst you’re in a team App, please ensure you select access to your 2021 team via the settings button (you must include your child’s full name). Only parents or players are granted access to teams. This is the clubs chosen method of communication and all Team Managers will using it in 2021. Go Bats!

11.01.2022 Due to the bad weather tonight we are moving everything inside. So please come up and say hi and have a Christmas drink. Canteen will be open plus our merchandise store is open now until 8pm. Hope to see you all #yarrambatjfc #gobats

05.01.2022 Remember next Tuesday 22nd December is our free community Christmas event. A chance to sit back, on the glorious YJFC oval (its in spectacular condition) , enjoy company of your friends and enjoy the ever popular JOEL QUINN performing live! for food and drink.purchases the bar is stocked and ready for full service our liquor licence allows for alcohol purchased from the bar to be taken back to your picnic blanket or chair on the oval... strictly NO BYO ALCOHOL pack a picnic or purchase food from the canteen No doubt the kids will want to kick a footy ... please bring a ball clearly named (or frisbee, cricket set, etc) strictly NO DOGS permitted bring your blanket, chairs, bean bags or blow up couches Pssssstttt .... we even think the big jolly man might pay us a visit at the Cave... he knows we've all been very good!!! Come one! Come all! We've stuck fat in 2020 ... now lets reconnect and enjoy a fuss free evening together! #gobats #yarrambatjfc #joelquinnmusic #community

03.01.2022 U12 GIRLS FOOTBALL We have positions available for girls born in 2009 - 2011 in our U12 Girls team for season 2021. Pre Requisites:... - determination to.learn new skills - enthusiasm & spark - be ready for teammates to become best mates - prepare to build your strength & fitness - a desire to join the best junior footy community - a smile Is this you? Someone you know? Please contact our dedicated Girls coordinator Rachael at [email protected] now We are also looking for a coach for this beautiful group ... an opportunity to build resilient, respectful, happy, powerful young ladies ready take on the AFLW ... or the world! Training & support provided for the right candidate. Please reach out to Rachael to find out more

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