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Yarra Valley Dressage Club Inc. | Non-profit organisation

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Yarra Valley Dressage Club Inc.


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25.01.2022 2020 summed up in one video.. moaning about being stung by stinging nettles after already losing my wellie to the mud for it to only get worse Georgina Hunt Becci Dix Sue Irving

25.01.2022 Great words :) credits: Pinterest

24.01.2022 It has been confirmed that equestrian events at the Paris 2024 Olympics will be held at Versailles. The famous palace of Louis XIV will provide a fabulous backd...rop for Olympic and Paralympic horse sport, with organisers confirming that all equestrian events will take place at the UNESCO World Heritage Site.... Read more: Image: Paris 2024 #eqlifeaus

24.01.2022 There's nothing quite as breath taking as the sight of a horse galloping through a rest home in Taumarunui. Twiggy was abandoned at birth but saved by Rob and Sheree Horton who decided the best place to raise a minature horse would be at Avonlea Rest home!

23.01.2022 I was scared today. I was scared to get on, scared to walk out the yard because I had a bad ride the day before. One bad ride, and it made me scared. I didn’t... know why. I’ve had 1000 bad rides. I’ve had 1000 falls. I’ve broken bones and bruised my pride on countless occasions, but today I was scared. Why? Because confidence is fragile. It takes months and years to build and seconds to lose and yet we are so careless with it. When we get on a horse, we wear a hat to protect our head. We wear body protectors, gloves, boots... We pay so much attention to protecting ourselves physically, we forget that our minds are not invincible, and our confidence certainly is not. Your bank of confidence needs regular deposits, not just from others... but from you. Self confidence is the most valuable currency in life. When you go to get on, and you hesitate, you falter and you start to ask yourself can I do this?, chances are, your account is almost empty. Every time you laugh and say oh no, I’m no good or so and so is 10x better than me, you make a withdrawal from that account, and before you know it, your account is empty and you’re scared to get on. But every time you say I’m really pleased with how that went or I think I rode that really well, your balance increases. We need to learn to give ourselves a break, pat ourselves on the back and allow ourselves to feel proud of where we are - after all, most of the time we’ve worked bloody hard to get there! Recognising your strengths is just as important as recognising your weaknesses. Never allow yourself or anyone else to empty that account. Confidence is valuable, don’t bankrupt yourself.

23.01.2022 What can I say? The boots are comfortable. R.M.Williams #ad

19.01.2022 And the girl asked the horse "How long will it take? How long will it be, before I am returned? Back to what and who I was. Back, when I was a little younger now." Back, to Wise. Wild. Innocence. The Horse replied. "It is not how long. The question you want answered, is what. What will it take." The girl sighed. "Yes. What will it take?" The Horse looked her full in the eye. "It will take courage. Do you know what that means? "No" whispered the girl. "But, I think my heart does?". "It does. Your heart knows. And it will take your whole heart, and nothing less". "How will I know, when I get there? When I'm returned?" The Horse touched the girl's chest softly, with his warm, velvety muzzle. Her heart beat quickened. Its tempo, moving from a slow trot into a canter now. "You won't know, not in your mind. You will feel it. Right here. And I'll be with you. Riding through the night. Through the dreamland. Every step. I'll be with you".

17.01.2022 Ok - for those that attended the EA AGM tonight and were disappointed that we couldn't have the Meeting due to no quorum and for those that would have LIKED to ...attend but due to the various Time Zones across our land at the moment couldn't due to work, personal, family etc what IF we have a day meeting next Tuesday - Australia Day - Public Holiday across the land. What IF we could get it changed - would it suit any better? Thoughts?? See more

16.01.2022 What a great night at #EVAwards for the Yarra Valley Dressage Club! Congratulations everyone who was nominated! #EquestrianVictoria

14.01.2022 As expected, the latest easing of restrictions in Melbourne has not resulted in much change. However, those who keep their horse at home can now exercise it off... property as long as facilities are not used and you stay within 5km of home (trail riding). People who agist may still only ride their horse for welfare reasons as previously advised. If the number of new cases continues to remain low, it should only be a matter of weeks before we are able to join our friends in regional areas under stage 3 restrictions. This will see a return of competitions, rallies, riding and coaching - albeit with restrictions and subject to govt advice. Keep up the good work everyone. We know that it has been hard but we are nearly there. The latest release can be viewed on our Covid 19 information page.

13.01.2022 When I think of life-long learning, the famous quote of Pablo Casals, the world’s foremost cellist, comes to mind. After a lifetime of study, he was asked why h...e continued to practice four to five hours each day, though in his mid-eighties. With humility and humour, the master quipped, Because I think I am making progress. I take lessons because I eat, breathe and sleep horses. Whenever I’m not with them, I’m wishing that I was. Learning, to me, is the greatest act of self-care that I can fathom. Learning how to be a better horsewoman is almost as important to me as breathing clean air. While I’ve left a few of my lessons doing the ugly cry, most times, I’m leaving with a happy and grateful spirit. For someone who has lived with her share of depression, this slow and constant feed of euphoria is a positive step to wellness. I take lessons because I am interested in all sorts of methodology and disciplines. Only so much can be learned from books. I learn best from imagining, reading, seeing, hearing and then, by doing. Riding a new concept correctly the first time is key for me. I’m a bad one for changing poor habits. While it is never easy admitting, I may come off as all-knowing but I am not. I would like to pay you for your knowledge and experience if you will teach me, this lowering of defences is vital to my personal growth. I take lessons because I, myself, teach. I believe that every one of us who passes along his or her knowledge to others, should be an active student, ourselves. We learn how to rephrase a key concept so that it is met with understanding, rather than with confusion. We learn how to manage time. We learn how to deal with difficult situations with students and horses. We learn how to create healthy boundaries between teacher and pupils. Some days, we may even learn what not to do. Most importantly, when we sign up for lessons as an instructor, we learn about the huge vulnerabilitythe sheer courage!it takes just to show up and be critiqued by someone else. When we are teachersor heaven forfend, we have simply stopped learningit is all too easy to forget. Sherry Gray.

11.01.2022 Kender i det når man lader sine børn være alene med deres far i 5 min .? Det tydeligvis ikke kun vores heste der syntes Walkeren er helt fantastisk Ja, i kan bare sende jeres børn med hestene på ophold her klare vi det hele #livetpålandet

11.01.2022 Random thoughts horses have....

11.01.2022 Most have probably heard about the claims that Ivermectin can cure covid. Due to these claims there has been a lot of scientific testing going on with Ivermecti...n against many viruses. Turns out Ivermectin is also effective against Hendra! This is a lengthy and detailed trial document but if you scroll down, you can see the positive results against Hendra virus. I wish I had have read this years ago, maybe I could have just wormed my horse with Ivermectin when he was sick with Ross River Virus! Anything would have been worth a try! See more

10.01.2022 Sancho (Yan Dallo) & Calvo (Mano Christophe Munuera)

07.01.2022 Have you seen Princess in her brand-new fly mask?? Our partners at Horseware graciously designed and donated not one, not two, but FOUR brand new fly masks for ...Princess the rhino! As some of you know, Princess has eye allergies and is irritated easily by flies. The see-through material of the fly mask protects her eyes very similar to the way we use sunglasses! Thank you SO MUCH to Horseware for their donation and for helping Princess to be a comfortable, happy girl!

07.01.2022 Touch is connecting. Touch is bonding Touch is healing for horse & human. Touch your horse.... This year, consider learning basic bodywork. Photo Credit: @magda.senderowska The Classical Way Clinic in Wroclaw, Poland #horses, #dressage, #dressagehorse, #dressagetraining, #dressagerider, #pferdesport, #horsesofinstagram, #cheval, #horsemanship , #olderhorse, #horseofinstagramdaily, #passage, #ilovemyhorse, #chevaldressage, #dressagequeen, #dressagehorsesofinstagram, #dressagetrainer, #horsesforlife, #horsestagram, #horses_of_instagram, #caballos, #realescuelaandaluzadelarteecuestre

07.01.2022 So picture this. It’s 1932 and Australia is in the grip of the Great Depression. One in three workers are unemployed. Decrepit shanty towns hug the outskirts of... the big cities. A scrawny rabbit caught in a trap will feed a family for a week. Country roads are filled with broken men walking from one farmhouse to another seeking menial jobs and food. On the outskirts of the South Gippsland town of Leongatha, an injured farmer lies in bed unable to walk or work. World War I hero Captain Leo Tennyson Gwyther is in hospital with a broken leg and the family farm is in danger of falling into ruins. Up steps his son, nine-year-old Lennie. With the help of his pony Ginger Mick, Lennie ploughs the farm’s 24 paddocks and keeps the place running until his father can get back on his feet. How to reward him? Lennie has been obsessively following one of the biggest engineering feats of the era the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. He wants to attend its opening. With great reluctance, his parents agree he can go. So Lennie saddles up Ginger Mick, packs a toothbrush, pyjamas, spare clothes and a water bottle into a sack, and begins the 1000+ kilometre trek to Sydney. Alone. That’s right. A nine-year-old boy riding a pony from the deep south of Victoria to the biggest and roughest city in the nation. Told you it was a different era. No social media. No mobile phones. But even then it doesn’t take long before word begins to spread about a boy, his horse and their epic trek. The entire population of small country towns gather on their outskirts to welcome his arrival. He survives bushfires, is attacked by a vagabond and endures rain and cold, biting winds. When he reaches Canberra he is welcomed by Prime Minister Joseph Lyons, who invites him into Parliament House for tea. When he finally arrives in Sydney, more than 10,000 people line the streets to greet him. He is besieged by autograph hunters. He becomes a key part of the official parade at the bridge’s opening. He and Ginger Mick are invited to make a starring appearance at the Royal Show. Even Donald Bradman, the biggest celebrity of the Depression era, requests a meeting and gives him a signed cricket bat. A letter writer to The Sydney Morning Herald at the time gushes that just such an example as provided by a child of nine summers, Lennie Gwyther was, and is, needed to raise the spirit of our people and to fire our youth and others to do things not to talk only. The sturdy pioneer spirit is not dead let it be remembered that this little lad, when his father was in hospital, cultivated the farm a mere child. When Lennie leaves Sydney for home a month later, he has become one of the most famous figures in a country craving uplifting news. Large crowds wave handkerchiefs. Women weep and shout goodbye. According to The Sun newspaper, Lennie, being a casual Australian, swung into the saddle and called ‘Toodleloo!’. He finally arrives home to a tumultuous reaction in Leongatha. He returns to school and soon life for Lennie and the country returns to normal. These days you can find a bronze statue in Leongatha commemorating Lennie and Ginger Mick. But Australia has largely forgotten his remarkable feat and how he inspired a struggling nation. Never taught about him in school? Never heard of him before? Spread the word. We need to remember and celebrate Lennie Gwyther and his courageous journey. It's a great story. God knows we need these stories now, more than ever. Stolen from Garry Linnell's article in The New Daily

06.01.2022 h/t Ritter dressage folks

05.01.2022 I have hay envy.

04.01.2022 Banksy Washing Zebra Stripes (Timbuktu, Mali)

04.01.2022 People selling horse trailers be like, 3 horse stock trailer for sale. Solid floor, electrical needs work, 15 percent of tread on tires. Front tack room. Needs a little work. Solid trailer only selling because I need something bigger 10,000. Don't try to lowball me, I know what I've got.

04.01.2022 Weer eens wat andersvan rijden door de dressuurbaan naar rijden door de FEBO drive-through. Een lekkere Ijs-co hagelslag van FEBO en DeRuijter mogen halen! #ijscohagelslag #partnership FEBO De Ruijter

01.01.2022 Yep - that’s us Ever tried to order a gift for a horsey person and ended up resorting to wine and chocolate Horse people are hard to buy for, becaus...e they’re so damn practical - about horse stuff that is Well now you’ve got us @horsepeoplehampersaus providing you with all the goodies for any Equestrian’s special occasion - the best bit- we ONLY stock Australian Why? Because this little country of ours has some of the most amazing, innovative and creative products that we feel like are worth celebrating. Give us a follow and get ready for launch #australianhampers#horse#horsepeople#horsegirl#equestrianstyle#equestriansofinstagram#australianequestrian

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