Yarraville West Primary School | Primary School
Yarraville West Primary School
Phone: +61 3 9314 7714
Address: 30 Powell Street 3013
Website: http://www.ywps.vic.edu.au
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24.01.2022 'The One & Only Ivan' written by Katherine Applegate is a teacher favourite - a beautiful tale of friendship and resilience. I know many of us will be tuning in to watch this adaptation.
24.01.2022 MS Readathon starts soon. There's still time to sign up and join Cosmo and the MS Readathon heroes! Don't miss your chance to go on an epic adventure reading all you can for an incredible cause.
22.01.2022 During the last few weeks of remote schooling, Melissa Horne MP announced her 'Primary School Isolation Challenge'. Kids of Primary School age who live in the Williamstown district could submit photos or drawings of the activities that they have been getting up to while in isolation. We have just found out that our very own RIPLEY (3/4Jenny/Lauren) was chosen as a winner. Here is Ripley's wonderful entry. CONGRATULATIONS RIPLEY!
22.01.2022 Victoria has ramped up the covid testing so this video from the Royal Childrens Hospital could help explain the process to your kids.
22.01.2022 EDUCATION SUPPORT DAY To all our education support staff, Thank you so much for everything you do to help our school run smoothly and ensure that the students are so well looked after. You are such an integral part of the fabric that makes up our wonderful school and we couldn't do it without you!
21.01.2022 Day 1 Remote Learning 2.0 We hope it has been a relatively stress-free transition back into remote learning. Many of the kids have shared their learning spaces with their classroom teachers but they aren't the only ones who have set up new spaces at home - the teachers have also had to find new offices... Here's a sneak peek of a grade 3/4 teacher's new remote classroom!... We'd love to see your home classroom if you'd like to share a photo.
21.01.2022 She may be in lockdown once again but our lovely Grace celebrated her milestone birthday with flowers, cupcakes, gifts and over the fence visits. We hope it was a lovely day. Happy Birthday Grace!
20.01.2022 3/4 UNO Champion Crowned!! Since returning to school the 3/4s have been involved in a very intense, year level-wide UNO Challenge. Today saw the finals take place and after dozens of matches our finalists played off in the Grand Final. Jack from 3/4Clare put in a valiant effort right through the competition but was beaten at the final hurdle. Well done Jack. Our UNO champion for 2020, working her way through her classmates and then the finalists from each 3/4 class, is...... BONNIE (3/4Lauren & Ashlee) CONGRATULATIONS to a very deserving winner who showed wonderful sportsmanship throughout the gruelling competition. Thank you to all the competitors and to Rebecca for organising such a great event. See more
20.01.2022 Many of our kids are finding the news of a stage 4 extension worrying and are experiencing some anxiety around the continued lockdown. 'I'm Calm' is a book written to help younger kids overcome anxiety and stressful situations. The author, Jayneen Sanders is an experienced author, publisher, elementary school teacher, mother of three and has had published over 100 stories for children. We wanted to share the book with our YWPS community, read by Jenny, and provide some talking points which you will find in the comments.
19.01.2022 We had a Grade 6 Special Arts Group this term and the focus was to create a painted Christmas Tree for Maribyrnong Council to be displayed in the Footscray Mall! It was picked up this week and should be on display, with a forest of other trees in Footscray by next week
19.01.2022 Another awesome NAIDOC display by our visual artists
19.01.2022 Here is the second in our series of factsheets to help you understand the apps your kids may be using.
18.01.2022 There has been a change of dates - National NAIDOC Week 2020 celebrations will be held from the 8-15 November. The November dates follow the decision by the National NAIDOC Committee (NNC) to postpone NAIDOC Week from the original July dates due to the impacts and uncertainty from the escalating Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic across our communities and cities.
18.01.2022 Two more cyber-safety fact sheets for you...
16.01.2022 The newsletter came out today and it's packed with good stuff! If you haven't checked it out yet, please do. One of the focuses of this issue is CYBER SAFETY As schools move to online learning environments and parents look to relax screen time in order to cope with self- isolation measures, there has never been a better time to start a conversation about responsible internet use. In upcoming newsletters, we are going to include fact sheets on apps that children may be using... at increasing levels and a family online safety contract that families can use as a guide for how they will manage online time moving forward. We acknowledge that there is a lot of anxiety within the community, and that being online and connected is more important than ever. Let's start with one of the most widely used apps by our students... TIK TOK
16.01.2022 Dear Parents / Carers, This is to inform you that there is a live suicide by shotgun streaming on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok today. The clip is extremely graphic and disturbing. I strongly recommend keeping your children off social media and heavily supervise all social media interactions until this content is removed. Check with your children to determine if they have viewed this clip. They are likely to be extremely distressed.... There are also reports that trolls are using videos of puppies and kittens to lure kids into seeing the video. It is also being inserted into videos of kittens on Tik Tok. If the issues raised here cause you any other concerns, please make the most of the publicly available support on any of the following websites found in the comments. Take care, Karen Rush Principal
15.01.2022 Grades 4/5/6 Parents, Footscray High School is having a special event. As they cant meet you in their usual face to face sessions, they want to use this event as a way to say hello, tell you about their wellbeing and transitions work being done behind the scenes and answer any questions you might have regarding FHS.... Meet the Team and Q&A 5:30 pm 6:30 pm Thursday 20 August Click on the link below to register your interest
14.01.2022 Some budding journalists from our school have created their own newspaper. Good on you, Schofield girls! I can't wait to read the next edition. Karen
14.01.2022 This week we have been meeting some of our 2021 preps. Today I had the pleasure of spending some time with these four ‘monkeys’ and their mums. They spent some time in Prep Ellie reading, crafting and generally being awesome! It was been so lovely to meet all our future preps this week.
14.01.2022 Dear Families, I hope that you are all well and are spending some quality time with your family, in what can only be described as an unusual bonus holiday break. Further to my message last week, YWPS and all other affected Victorian schools are holding five Student-Free days this week. This means that the start of Term Three will be Monday 20th July for our students. The staff are working onsite to prepare for whatever the next stages of Term Three may be. In taking this ste...Continue reading
13.01.2022 So many gorgeous creations have appeared in the Magical Garden. Thank you so much to those who dropped off their artwork. Can't wait to see more on my next walk.
12.01.2022 A great competition for students to show their "arty" side! Prizes for winners AND the school Art Rooms!
12.01.2022 The Scholastic Book Fair is always a much-anticipated event on our school calendar. This year, due to Covid restrictions we will be doing it a bit differently, but we are thrilled we are still able to host this excellent Fair. The theme this year is Arctic Adventure, where we hope your kids will find snow much to read! It’s a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. There will be a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books... for every reading level. Book Fair dates: November 1st 4th Shopping hours: Your child will bring home a Wish List after visiting the Fair with their class. This will have details of how you can pay online. Book Collection: Return the wish list with the payment receipt number and your child will receive their books. We look forward to sharing lots of wonderful books at the Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school.
12.01.2022 Lots of our wonderful kids are celebrating their birthday this month. We'd love you to let us know in the comments with a name or even a photo so we can celebrate them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
11.01.2022 Hailey and Lachlan Cameron, who are now both in high school, did a lot of claymation with the fabulous Heather Britton when they were students at YWPS Recently they used claymation to submit an entry into the Lifesaving Victorias Youth Innovation Challenge. They have made it to the finals! The winner of the Innovation Challenge is decided by public vote on social media. ... So, we're wondering whether we might be able to call on the Yarraville West PS community to support Hailey and Lachy by asking the School community to vote for them... Team Woolamai Beach! Good Luck Hailey and Lachie!
11.01.2022 A big YWPS Congratulations to Emmy Wynn in 5/6 Donna who has been selected to play in the School Sport Vic State Hockey Team!! Using our School Value of Resilience, she powered through her trials. Congrats, Emmy!
10.01.2022 Helping others to feel good is often an effective way to improve our own feelings of wellbeing. Sharing messages of encouragement and support on our windows has made many of us smile as we walk around our suburbs. Here is one your kids might like to create.
10.01.2022 The next time you are walking down Powell St past the school, see if you can spot our new 'Magical Garden'. It is ready and waiting for you to add your creations.
09.01.2022 During our Respectful Relationships sessions we have been focussing on positive coping strategies and emotion regulation across the school. Some of the 3/4s have been discussing how words can hurt and have a lasting effect on people. ‘Mean comments can wrinkle your soul’ The teachers are so proud of the wonderful and often courageous conversations our kids are having in these sessions.
08.01.2022 The Book Fair is on its way.... stay tuned for details about our covid-safe fair just in time for Christmas gifts!!!
08.01.2022 The Grade 3/4s have been working on 'Transformations' in maths this week and on Thursday they reflected their names. I was onsite and they looked so awesome I wanted to share them with you. Big thanks to Amelie, Aggie, Richard, Maddy, Hugo, Freddy, Crystal, Ted and Patrick for letting me share their work.
07.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS Grade 3 and 5 students who completed the NAPLAN tests the past 3 days. You are all so resilient and did an amazing job! While the students were busy with the tests, some Grade 6 students came up with this faux test "What NAPLAN doesn't tell you"....a very creative exercise!
06.01.2022 The staff are manning the gates, if you can find them in the mist! Theyre ready to pass out your student supplies..come on down
06.01.2022 Yesterday our gorgeous Preps celebrated a massive milestone. 100 Days Of School!!! What a fabulous achievement. They may be remote learning but that doesn't mean they couldn't celebrate... CONGRATULATIONS PREPS!
06.01.2022 This Friday, we will be having a Casual Clothes Day and raising funds for Reaching Out in the Inner West, a local charity that provides for those who need it. Children who come in casual clothes need to bring a donation and hand it to their class teacher on Friday! (Also, school will end at 2:30pm Friday, but who's counting!)
06.01.2022 What a day! Handing out packs, supervising the onsite kids, preparing for Mondays transition to remote learning AND celebrating a birthday milestone for this legend! Happy birthday Emily xx
05.01.2022 SNAPCHAT is our featured App this week #cybersafety
05.01.2022 There were so many wonderful entries from YWPS kids.
04.01.2022 The 5/6 Students have created Paper Cities during their Visual Art Sessions. These are still being displayed in the middle area of the school if you would like a look before/after school.
04.01.2022 New staff t-shirts perhaps?
02.01.2022 Indigenous Literacy Day - Virtual YouTube Event 2:00pm Join the Indigenous Literacy Foundation this year for a virtual celebration of Indigenous Literacy Day. Click the link at 2:00pm - ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzUJ8ee_v7c&feature=youtu.be Watch an inspiring YouTube Live Premiere event that will take you to the heart of remote Australia to hear first hand the value of language and how having books in first language promotes literacy. On Indigenous Literacy Day you will hear a delightful story read in Kriol, meet children and adults in community, and enjoy a special version of a song by beloved Australian popstar, Jessica Mauboy. Set aside 45 minutes on Wednesday 2 September from 2.00pm. and buckle up for a joyous insight and celebration of language and literacy.
02.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, It has been a very unusual Term 2 holiday but I hope you and your family are well. We are all daily dealing with the effects that the continued spread of COVID-19 is having on our families and community. On Tuesday, the Premier, Mr Andrews, announced that due to the latest health advice, in order to reduce the additional spread of the coronavirus and in alignment with a metropolitan 'lockdown', school holidays would be extended for an additional week.... As a consequence school will not return as expected next week. Next week will be five pupil-free days for students enrolled at YWPS. We had scheduled Monday as a pupil-free day to undertake staff professional learning, but this will now occur at another time. All parents and carers who are able to work from home, or who are at home, are required to care for their children next week. For parents and carers where both partners are unable to care for their children at home, or due to the vulnerability of the child, care and supervision will be provided at school I anticipate that this will be the same as for the previous period of lockdown in April / May. Information regarding eligibility for access to the school will be provided to you once the Department of Education and Training has advised us. The following information provided to schools may provide some clarity: The new arrangements for schools in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire are as follows: 1. There will be five pupil-free days from Monday 13 to Friday 17 July for all students except for the following: Students enrolled in Years 11 and 12 Students in Year 10 enrolled in a VCE study, for VCE lessons Students enrolled in specialist schools These students will all attend on-site from Monday 13 July. 2. Teachers and staff not involved in on-site teaching from Monday 13 to Friday 17 July will attend on-site to: prepare for a possible move to remote and flexible learning from Monday 20 July; provide a program of care and supervision for those students whose parents/carers cannot work from home, and for vulnerable students. The new arrangements are designed to give our health experts additional time to assess the situation in these communities. As is our practice, we will continue to communicate information via Compass. Warm Regards, Karen Rush Principal
02.01.2022 VIRTUAL TRACK & FIELD This amazing opportunity is open to everyone from Prep-6. There are 11 different events to try. It would be great if we had more participants. The other schools in our District are giving it a go too. We can have some friendly competition with them. It is easy to enter. The link below takes you to the information page. Please use this email address when prompted - [email protected] Give it a go.... Re See more
02.01.2022 Dear Parents This is the latest information from the Department of Education regarding face coverings. Face coverings will be mandatory for people aged 12 and over. These measures will slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and help protect the community.... Parents/carers will be required to wear face coverings whenever they leave the house, including for school drop off and pick up. Students who attend primary school for on-site supervision will not be required to wear a face covering. Please use discretion and common sense when supporting staff and students with these matters. Students who are aged 12 by Year 6 will not be required to wear face coverings. The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that it is not practical to require some primary school students to wear face coverings while others are not required to. The Department of Health and Human Services website has advice about face coverings, including: different types that can be used how to make your own how to safely wear how to safely remove. All school-based staff must wear face coverings at school, and when travelling to and from school. Teachers and education support staff will not be required to wear face coverings while teaching, but those who wish to do so, can. Teachers should wear face coverings in other areas of the school when not teaching (for example, in the staffroom, on yard duty and when providing first aid or taking temperatures), and when travelling to and from school. Again, Thanks for your ongoing support with the new guidelines.
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